Attack on Titan chapter 101 the Warhammer Titan fight begins. So What's up
guys Foxen here and oh my god what a juicy juicy chapter! This really was the
perfect gift. Eren was just frakking savage. So lo and behold Willy was not
the Warhammer Titan. Of course Eren had no way of knowing and wasted no time in
eating Willy's body. I do freakin love how Eren wastes no time at all.
This is a frickin war why would you wait until your opponent fully transforms into
their Titan. Although it didn't really seem to make a difference. Anyway briefly
during the battle you saw Eren get hard. It looked like Eren was able to harden
his hands a little bit further. It looked really similar to what the Armored Titan
had. Could this just be Eren mastering the ability further? But anyway for the
actual battle the attack Titan did have this strong start but Eren just ended
up getting rekted badly. I'm actually pretty surprised about it especially
combined with the fact that overall he really didn't do that well versus the
Warhammer Titan. Eren got his ass kicked. And about the Warhammer Titan it
finally got really revealed this time it turns out that the popular theories were
right. It's not like there were a lot of choices anyway. The Warhammer Titan
really could have only been between Willy, the maid, or that giant guard and
I know it wasn't a maid but his sister. It seems like Isayama was
really just messing with us again. He really wanted to get everyone's
attention on that massive guard. It doesn't really matter this chapter
though because he's dead. Is this the most overpowered Titan yet? Let's just go
down it's abilities. This thing was fully able to regenerate itself after taking a
full beating from the attack Titan. The head even looks fully super smashed. I
think this is the first time we see one of these things heal this quickly.
You thought Annie and Eren could heal quickly ah! They got nothing on the
Warhammer Titan. And let's not forget before it was even fully healed it was
able to summon that massive spike drill to counter-attack. And just a quick side
note about this did anyone else look at this and think of Gurren Lagann? I
wonder if Isayama is secretly a fan. But anyway the Warhammer Titan actually
did stay true to its name. It did have an actual hammer although to be perfectly
honest this wasn't what I was expecting to see. Although seeing what this thing is
capable of the Warhammer Titan should be
able to make practically anything. Just imagine the Warhammer Titan
getting a bat and then Eren getting Negan-ed.
Although worst combination for this fight would have been the Warhammer
Titan Plus that beast Titan. That would be a deadly combo. Either way it's not
like that hammer was a joke anyway. It was able to completely smashed through
Eren's defense no problem and that was after Eren got super hard. That hammer
easily penetrated Eren's Titan body just like a hot knife through butter. And like
I was saying forget about hammers what else is this Titan able to make? This
thing isn't the frickin Warhammer Tainan it should be called The Alchemist Titan.
And just think back in the day whichever Titan teamed up with this Warhammer
Titan got free Titan weapons. Body-wise the Warhammer Titan looks very similar
to the Attack Titan. Really the only unique feature is the head I don't
think it looks armor at all but who knows the mass that it has covering
itself could be skin or hardened crystal also notice and now all nine tenant
shifters have been revealed this really only leaves the female Titan has the
only specific female body one hmm let the theories begin let's also not forget
that this Tiber Titan was also able to speak wall in Warhammer Titan form
having he only seen Zeke do this in the past just how I advanced is this tight
in any way it looks like the only drawback to this one was just a user I
don't think she was completely without any combat experience but I think
obviously she wasn't actively fighting compared to someone like Zeke a sign
note about this Titan - didn't anyone else think they look like a mini
colossal Titan may transformation now the big question about this is whether
the Warhammer Titan is dead Mikasa just came in and totally took it out
seriously Aaron you guys got a double tap this thing right now
I bet you $10 that she did the whole reiner thing and she's still alive
there's no way the Warhammer Titan died not after one chapter. And speaking of
which the scouts Mikasa! Finally the scouts are here and it's a
freaking awesome way to end the year too. What they're reveal besides Eren this
does mean Mikasa is first one you're getting a look at. The new and improved
older hot asian sister. I can't wait to find out her new height and weight but
really the only real difference is her hair.
Mikasa's hair just keeps on getting shorter and shorter. Maybe she's playing
for the other team now. Eren on the other hand got her previous hairstyle. It
makes me wonder what does Armin look like right now? Watch the next chapter
Armin is gonna appear with a hipster beard and he's gonna be like seven feet tall.
But back to Mikasa she's really the only one you see here. Besides her hair being
a little bit shorter she now has this all black suit. She does
have this chest plate with the wings of freedom on there but the most exciting
thing here is that new 3d maneuver gear. This one looks very similar to the one
that Kenny used in the past. It must be a new upgraded version. All of the scouts
have guns now with it. Notice on her legs it looks like she has some compact
blades too. I bet that's what they are. All right and I will mention horse boy too.
We definitely got a good look of this guy too. It wasn that scene where you
could see several other Scouts in the background. Come on Isayama which one
of these is Levi and where is Annie? As for the Marley commander of Magath
do we now know what Willy and his plan actually was? It looks like they were
expecting Eren and the Scouts to launch their attack now. Willy was super
nervous during the speech he likely thought that he was gonna die or
seriously get hurt. In exchange the Warhammer Titan was supposed to use this
opportunity to take out Eren or capture him really. Just depending on the
situation meanwhile while all this was going on they would head over to
Paradise Island. I really don't know about that last part but the first part
definitely didn't go as planned. Even with their new anti Titan guns you
really didn't do them any good when it really mattered. Let's just see if this
new commander has a plan B. As for the aftermath of this whole Eren's attack
it was pretty shocking in the good and bad way seeing the start of this. Eren just
killed I don't know hundreds of people with his initial attack. He really leveled
the whole festival area and this was before even the battle started. I have
seen some complaints from people about Eren killing innocent people but really
the scouts in Paradise Island just had a war declared on them. Innocent people are
gonna die on both sides there's really no way around this. Unfortunately I do
wonder what the total kill counter is gonna be at the very end. Is there gonna
be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands? Will it possibly be a
million-plus? It really depends whether those millions of
Colossal Titans ever come into play. Anyway with the beginning of this attack
there are some notable casualties. These are really from the new warrior trainee
group. Sophia got totally crushed. Are you okay are you okay? Seriously I mean
really I get that the kid was totally in shock but people constantly making fun
of this line just made me laugh out loud. Then you got the other kid Udon
that got trampled by the Stampede. This really just made me think back to that
Lion King moment. So so far two casualties meanwhile one of the other
kids got knocked out and then we have Gabbi. She seems totally traumatized she
definitely reminds me of a new Eren and Armin back from episode 1. The only other
kid we don't see his Falco. Did Eren crush him too hmm
As for Pieck and Porco freaking awesome. My prediction at the time was right.
Pieck was hugging that guys only to pass him along some information. That Pieck she
is a clever girl. But come on damn it was a Connie or the
horse boy you guys couldn't get someone to guard these two? I don't think it's
been that long but these guys are already getting out!
I bet money they're gonna go into Titan form next chapter. Ask for Zeke or the
lack thereof unless I was blind I don't think I saw him in this chapter. The last
I saw was just him walking away from the festival. Is Zeke working the scouts to stop
these guys from heading to the island or who knows maybe he just got scared of
the two Ackerman. He's like oh no Levi Mikasa
I'm out! And I know I seen some people questioning as to why he would be
working with Eren. I really don't think it's hard to see why there would be at least a
temporary truce. Zeke clearly has his own agenda. I could easily see this guy
helping Eren just to backstab him later on. This is why I think Zeke might be
helping Eren by leaving the festival. Right now this guys gonna stop the
Marley army from heading to Paradise Island and I know it could be wrong but
that's my theory on Zeke right now. Perfectly fine if you disagree but do
let me know your theory if you do. As for Annie and her father still nothing
specifically on Annie on this chapter. Isayama is really just making us wait
for the status of Annie. Although in this chapter you do see any father running
within the crowd but I don't know. Was this guy running in a different direction?
Could be, I think Annie's father might have been tipped off at some point or
then again that could be wishful thinking. I give it a 30% shot. Naturally
after every attack on Titan chapter we got a lot more questions than answers.
First off what is the scouts ultimate endgame? After seeing this you could
forget about that Code Geass idea. It really feels like they now have to take down
the entire world just to make sure that no one goes after them. After how many
people died here there's really no going back but honestly it really doesn't
matter what their plan is. This is a manga series after all things never go
according to plan, not perfectly anyway. Right now there is
a question about what is immediately next. They got two Titan shifters running
over there right now. Well Eren be able to get his Titan up
again? Seriously the cart Titan is coming with some anti titan guns and I'm sure
the new Jaws could rekt him badly too and let's not forget about a
certain someone. Whatever happened to Reiner and Falco? I could pretty much
guarantee you that Reiner survived. Falco on the other hand I think that guy died.
From the warrior training group so far two of them are dead, one of them is
knocked out and I really thought that both of these two Gabby and Falco had
death flags on them. I really think either Gabby or falco are gonna need to die
just to really push Reiner to that next level.
This would be what will push Reiner fight against ever in for round three so
calling it right now next chapter is gonna be the armored Titan, the Cart
Titan, the Jaws Titan versus Eren. Thankfully Eren's not alone. He's got
Mikasa and the other Scouts there. They still got their backup pieces left with Levi
and Armin somewhere. Hopefully they got a back-up plan ready. Things have been
going their way for two chapters. I think that'll change the next chapter.
As for the next chapter here's a quick prediction, do I smell a whole lot of
flashbacks coming? Next chapter we're definitely gonna see more of the scouts
I think a good chunk of that is gonna be spent looking back over the four years
just seeing what these guys were planning. Maybe even Hange working on the
new 3d maneuver gear. By the way this chapter was a perfect way to end this
year! I think there goes any chance of that zero Requiem plan or does it? But
anyway I want to hear your thoughts! Did this chapter live up to the hype? Was it better than
chapter 100? And what did you think about Mikasa
and new gear? Is the Warhammer Titan really dead? Do you think we're getting a
massive Titan showdown in the next chapter? And what was the best part of
this chapter for you! Make sure that gives us a colossal thumbs up if you
enjoyed and to subscribe especially if you love my attack on Titan videos.
Recently there's been a lot of comparisons to attack on Titan and Code
Geass I made a whole video about that so check it out and I'll see you guys later
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