hey guys Rex overdrive' here with our spoiler review for Avengers infinity war
now this movie was so big I could not do this thing alone so I have with me here
purple boy how's it going man oh man it is great I cannot freakin wait
to talk about this I've done a regular review but I've been just itching to do
a spoiler review and get into the gritty details yeah so I've been really just
wanting to talk about this movie there's so many things that happen in this film
now you had a little bit of a I watched your review you're kind of on the
opposite side of the spectrum with me which is a good thing it makes for a
good conversation but I guess just give us some of your overall thoughts of what
you thought about this movie so okay so yeah like you said you watch my review
and you know I'm I am I guess you can't say I'm a little opposite because you
know after after I came down off the high of watching the film because you
know so many awesome things happen so many of these characters interacting
with each other a lot of hilarious moments a lot of great standout moments
and you know after processing all of that and just coming down off the high I
just kind of started thinking about some of the things that went on in the film
and it just kind of you know the the some of the the high just kind of went
down just a little bit and I started really thinking critically about the
film and just thinking about things I didn't really like so I mean that's I
kind of that's why I decided to sort of go somewhat in a negative direction with
my review because I wanted to give you know I wanted to tell people like you
know this is a great film this is an awesome film and I don't think anybody's
gonna argue with that I mean we already know you know I'm saying there's a lot
of other people out there telling you how awesome this movie and then it is
awesome but I wanted to bring to life some of the things that kind of bothered
me and that's with the pacing the black
order and just some of the emotional beats that didn't resonate well with me
but I mean even with those issues overall this movie was great it was it's
a great film you know I wouldn't consider it amazing and I definitely
wouldn't put it in my top 5 definitely in my top 10 but yeah man I had a good
time regardless of the issues that I've had with it yeah there's also like the
question of like this has been sort of 10 years in the making and I mean Thanos
his first appearance was at that the post-credits scene of the first Avengers
movie in 2012 so in in actuality it's like what six years where we've sort of
seeing it sort of kinda in this direction of where it's going towards
and you can also throw in the question does this movie live up to what all of
our expectations does it deserve this kind of position of sort of the this
massive climactic event and I definitely agree with a lot of the stuff you're
saying there and my big concern with this movie was just the amount of
characters and obviously I wanted to see all these characters on the screen but
you're not gonna get all of those those awesome moments that you get in a
smaller film like Captain America the Winter Soldier or you know a lot of
those standalone movies are my favorites you know the guardians of the galaxy the
first one is an ensemble piece but that movie just has all of those character
beats and that movies just so fresh to me but like this one is just there's so
many characters in so many storylines bouncing back and forth at times it did
feel a little bit convoluted and there's just so much to cover so much ground to
kind of you know cover with EF Thanos his storyline you have Thor and the
guardians of the galaxy and then you also throw in like Tony Stark Doctor
Strange spider-man then you have Wakanda and then at the beginning of the movie
you also have like Wanda and the vision often like Scotland or wherever the hell
they were yeah it was it's somewhere in Europe I I'm not I'm not sure but you
say Europe somewhere yeah but let's get into the beginning of this
movie so the beginning of the movie pretty much just picks right up from
thor ragnarok you know at the end of that post-credit scene we saw fan owes
his ship hovering over the as guardianship and pretty much fan oats in
the black order have annihilated everyone on this ship except for for
Heimdall and the incredible hulks lurking somewhere in a corner he just
comes out of nowhere because so that loki can deliver that one life yeah
sound yeah it was there's a definite call back to the first Avengers where
Tony's like well we have a halt when he's talking to Loki exactly but yeah so
we see we see fan oohs pretty much you know he's he's plucked up the well he
already has the the power stone you know he's already you know ravaged Xander he
got the power stone already and then he's pretty much you know going to kill
for and Loki's kind of being Loki the mysterious one and kind of toying with
Thanos and that's when he says pretty much giving Thanos was giving Loki the
ultimatum of either give me the tesseract or I'm gonna kill your brother
and the Loki throws in that line well we have a Hulk and then we get into this
awesome fight scene now like what did you think of this whole sequence on the
ship I thought okay so the the because usually Marvel films tend to open with
something a little serious you know but you know just to kind of get of idea of
what the threat is going to be in that particular film and this they they set
this up very well in the beginning because oh my goodness when Thanos on
the Hulk when he freakin he completely destroyed the Hawkman and it was it was
just awesome and like you said about the the Loki line I thought it was funny but
I also think it's kind of ironic that when Hulk comes out he just gets
completely destroyed and seeing him like late waste us into
this entire place and I did kind of shed a tear for I'm Dale I'm not gonna like
ya position I'm Dale but seeing him lay waste to this entire place and just how
he was just taunting door right off the bat man you know that Thanos was going
to be a beast of a character man that he was just going to be just one evil sob
man really really like what they did with this beginning and they really set
up you know this sort of arc for Thor and it kind of feud you know the crazy
beast Thor that we're gonna see towards the end of the fence oh yeah I really
like this yeah but there's also the fact that like where was Valkyrie what do you
think would happen with Valkyrie exactly that's that's a fantastic question where
um you know what I assume they're gonna probably oh no maybe they won't address
it at all maybe they won't even say you know I just assume that maybe she got
killed with everybody else he's lying on the floor with all the other aspects but
not so that's just what I assumed I didn't even think about that Wow yeah
but there's also Korg the the rock alien I mean I could at least just showed it
showed a pile of rocks on the ground
somewhere if the camera just kind of swept by it and you're like oh oh yeah
yeah go ahead I was gonna say though when he mentions what it was candor oh
yeah when he mentions that they said he destroyed it I'm like man I kind of
wanted to see that you know and I'm and I'm thinking are we gonna get that in
the Captain Marvel film yeah we could I heard character deals a lot with candor
and the Nova Corps and all that other stuff so I'm like man I wonder what
we're gonna see that you know I sort of eat into infinity war but I guess we'll
talk about that right course and because that one
see so yeah for sure yeah this this whole like scene on Thanos his ship was
just it was just a great showcase just like introducing you to this badass and
him killing Loki and making the Incredible Hulk his bitch who it's just
a great showcase of just how powerful this guy truly was in like that's one of
the big like the the big things I wanted to know about this movie is like
actually how like how big is thin I was compared to like the Hulk and they're
like pretty the Hulk might be a little bit bigger the panel's might be a little
bit smaller but I think he's probably like the same size of Court yeah yeah
but like him killing Loki and just destroying the Hulk in that scene just
really shows you like how powerful this dude actually is and like like for me
personally he's just like one of the best villain he's like I mean kill
monger to me is still in second place no doubt about that both a nose is just
he's he's just on this whole nother level like really is yeah I was so so
happy with what they did now after this we sort of see them kind of we see a fan
house and the black order invading Earth and that's when we sort of see like Iron
Man Doctor Strange and Spider Man and that whole sequence where I don't know
what was it like this alien like Ferris wheel how do we know what that thing was
trying to do was train like it was like a vacuum trying to suck up stuff it was
it was a very weird design for spaceship and I'm just thinking because once it
goes back to like the mothership or whatever it's sort of like a ring and it
just kind of yeah we just kind of connect to the ship but I'm not exactly
sure what function that has you know when coming down the earth you know
wanting to get over like what function this is being a huge like hula-hoop I
mean it's like what in the world is that and I don't know I I would like to see
some sort of uh you know behind-the-scenes commentary on what
went into designing that ship and wydad made it the way they made it because it
was was kind of it was kind of weird but we
got mats this whole New York that whole New York scene was it was hilarious
and it was pretty awesome a lot of standout moments I'd say this
is probably my second favorite group in the film yeah I definitely loved just
the chemistry between Tony and dr. strange I thought that stuff was really
good cuz these guys are like two two dicks like there are two assholes you
know and I thought they had some really good banter like back and forth and then
you also throw in like Peter and Bruce Banner was kind of in this this whole
like sequence but I really loved evany ma I mean without question this
guy is easily the standout of the Black Order the rest of them are pretty
forgettable but what did you think of ebony ma every Mar was everything bob
was awesome he kind of reminded me sort of like a like a British villain Tiger
he shows up announces everybody that dennis is coming to whip everybody's ass
so you know just prepare for it and actually bandos Whoopi yo ass yeah you
should be grateful that Thanos is here to kill all of you it was it was it was
hilarious and it was haunting at the same time
yeah everybody mine and this team play have anymore was like I want to say he
was kind of daddy's boy you know I'm sandy he was like you know out of all
the black order he was probably the biggest ass kisser and you can kind of
tell that because even back on the ship you know when Hulk came out and attacked
a nose and he stopped everybody else he's like no no let's father have his
fun and yes okay in he kind of sort of meals you know as he's given him the
stone or the tesseract or something like that so I think he's like you know the
ass-kisser man well definitely I really liked his character a lot the only thing
I had an issue with is how easily he was taken out
oh yeah I completely agree he was just kind of like thrown out the side of the
the spaceship and just frozen space to death that that what that was a little
bit disappointing since like this guy was was easily the best out of all the
the black order characters it was just kind of like oh man this guy's already
he was the first one to go out - right yeah actually he was the first one to go
I'm like what what is going on he's the first one to go out I mean and
I actually like I thought it was funny you know how he went out yeah of the the
references that Peter is constantly making it's it's hilarious but but man I
was just like wow that was that really that's kind of I guess okay yeah I guess
I didn't have much more for that guy to do I guess after all these characters
sort of they hijack that a ferris wheel spaceship that I have any moss taking
back to tighten with the the time stone on there with Doctor Strange I guess we
sort of see cutting back and forth between I guess we see the guardians of
the galaxy meeting Thor for the first time after he's been sort of like thrown
out into space and he doesn't freeze to death in space for whatever reason which
is kind of weird even a Titan guy though yeah that's true
yep but some of the some of the comedy between star-lord and Thor like III was
losing it in the theater over this stuff where you have these two like these two
guys that are pretty like ego they they think they're kind of like like super
like masculine dudes and just seeing these guys like interacting for their
first time it just some of the humor I just thought was so awesome yeah yeah I
definitely agree one of the things that you know I'm sure all of us was thinking
about when you know Marvel started this journey and we started to see how well
they've come together after Avengers then we got guardians of the galaxy and
then you know that's when we started to think like man I cannot wait until we
get a film we're all you're interacting and man that like you said that
seeing was awesome and the Guardians acted how Guardians usually would act
yet I'm saying and I thought Dora was a perfect sort of
character to introduce uh or to kind of you know to group up with the Guardians
because of you know Ragnarok and the tone of that film and how you know all
of a sudden Chris Hemsworth has found his like stride with Thor now and you
know now he's given us the best store performance he's you know he has since I
want to say the first store I guess and so and now with you know with how that
has changed it makes sense to put him together with with the gardens of the
galaxy and they just like little they mesh so well so well to the fact that I
mean it'll be awesome they just kind of did like a garden of the galaxy and Thor
movie that'd be pretty awesome it'll be hilarious just seeing those
interactions between him and star-lord I like the thing where Drax picks him up
and throws him on a table oh yeah that was just hilarious me yeah I love that
in the whole showdown between him and star-lord he starts talking in his voice
and I like the fact that they actually mentioned that he looked like he was
gaining weight cuz it kind of did yeah I guess he wasn't as ripped as that first
guardians of the galaxy movie yeah alright yeah he kept his jacking off for
this but I was a little bit disappointed when you know Thor sort of went off with
you he went off with rocket and Groot and for the side mission to get
Stormbreaker pretty much the the God well it wasn't the god killer that's
from Wonder Woman but they sort of Thanos killer I guess that's what they
sort of labelled it as this weapon that has the potential to to kill thanos
and that kind of shows you like what if Odin was still
lived like do you think like I don't think fan ups would have had much of a
chance if Odin was still alive so maybe that's why he's sort of started his his
journey here right after thor ragnarok because maybe he knew Odin died but yeah
we see we see these characters go to I don't even remember the planet here I
have it written down here shoot what was it called
Nadav Alire I think just to forge Stormbreaker with yeah I might I can't
remember the name of it either yeah and then uh it was Peter Dinklage's
character I think it's his name was Eitri and they they find this guy it's
pretty much abandoned like dwarf kind of like foundry and they forged this sort
of this double-sided X which has the the potential to to kill thanos this whole
sequence was kind of weird in terms of like they just have to go off on this
side mission to just Forge this weapon I like I get that it had to be in the
movie but it just felt a little bit weird here like it's just kind of an odd
side mission I don't know that's just kind of how I felt about that whole
sequence on this like dwarf kind of foundry or whatever it was I actually
kind of liked it um I thought it was pretty cool it was first like first off
it showed us how B story is like how that's true and how much they have
really like they have not really showed or in this light and in in the first two
films you know and did they like he really displayed like how strong he
really is and I and another reason why I liked it because it this whole movie as
a whole just kind of reminded me of Lord of the Rings you know how we return oh
yeah everybody's kind of split up everyone their own thing to stop this
one evil person yeah you know it flips back and forth from these two from this
dude and you know it kind of goes back and forth when everybody has their own
mission they're doing their own thing you know trying to you know stop the end
of the world or whatever and is kind of one of those you know well we
have to go you know forge this weapon to stop this evil person it just kind of
reminded me of like playing an RPG or something yeah yeah frantic and and it
was pretty cool and first of all before I go any further
freaking Peter Dinklage that took me why
of course
yeah I knew he was in the movie but I had no idea who he was playing like I
thought at first he could be like voicing one of the black order guys um
but like when he when they said there was like a dwarf character on this like
this planet or whatever it was it was like this like dead was it a dead star
or something like that mm-hmm that they had to kind of like
re-energize to get the foundry going so they could forward to that weapon I was
like oh my god it's Peter Dinklage I like before I can even see his face I
could just see that those uh those legs and arms in that head oh yeah that's him
that's Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones everybody's it was and so I'm
like oh man I mean this guy me it you know he was okay it was pretty funny
yeah yeah yeah and his role in this but uh yeah man I like this you know like I
said I like this hose you know I thought it was pretty good as showed how strong
tor is to be able to start that entire Forge by his self was pretty cool
and in groots putting the finishing touches on the ax it was it was this
yeah now let's get into let's get into the Thanos and Gamora stuff so we see
the the other Guardians with like Peter quill star-lord Gamora who else was with
them Oh Drax Drax was with them yeah and they go to nowhere in the they think
they're going to get was it they eat the ether the reality stone yes from Thor -
yeah cuz the collector has it and they get there and
trying to remember what's the status of nowhere when they get there they see fan
knows he's sort of like talking to the collector right and the collectors like
I don't have it I pretty much sold it away and Trax is being Drax and he's
he's mouthing whatever like fan OHS killed my family
ya know what I'm like Drex really dude come on
I said you saw what happened you know to Thor why would you want to go up against
this guy you know I don't know guess he's just
kind of overcome and I mean his rage is kind of over yeah you know overtook him
or something like that he did that with Ronan - in the first Guardians movie
like though you just you're just being completely reckless now yeah yeah you
need you need rocket to come back and tell you how big of a dick that you're
being right now it's like dude we get it you know I'm saying don't stupid stuff
yeah I am I think that when they arrive on nowhere it is pretty much destroyed
yeah and because of the reality stone you know he made everybody think of that
you know it looked it looked abandoned but it was probably just everything was
just probably on fire and exactly yeah everything I'm not gonna lie that was a
pretty nice surprise though yeah and then you have Gamora who's who's one on
one with Thanos and then she what she stabbed him and like the throat or
something like that like she does it hurt a little correcting and like stabs
him right in the throw and he starts bleeding now and I'm just thinking to
myself on my way there's no way again you know he's that easily but it does
bring up the question could Gamora you know take him out by herself
if you know if she I guess you know she really yeah right yes I don't know it
cuz she really take him out because if you remember later in the movie he
mentions nebula yeah happen almost taken him out
because she snuck up on the ship because at the end of guardians of the galaxy
vol 2 she told Gamora that I'm gonna go try to kill thanos yeah and so that's
how she ends up getting caught but yeah I wonder if Gamora could actually take
him on one and one yeah that's that's possible man I I would and we'll get to
a little bit more Gamora in a second here but we see we see fan else pretty
much he's about to kill Gamora right and Peter was right there and there no
Thanos was gonna take him more I think and yeah they had a previous
conversation that if it gets to this point Gamora wants Peter to kill her
yeah cuz she knows the the map to the soul stone and if you know if Gamora is
dead there's no way for fanouts to get the soul stone we later find out that
that's not the case but um yeah we see we see Peter actually shoot he shot at
Gamora and bubbles came out so that was kind of funny I liked the bubbles
popping out of that his blaster or whatever but then then we see fanouts
actually taking Gamora and then they go to I don't know if it was his ship it
must have been his ship where nebula was and she was sort of being tortured like
she was being stretched out and then this is what this is one of my sort of
negatives about the film is that Thanos just pulls a rabbit out of a hat with a
nebulous memory of them talking about where the where the soul stone actually
is I just thought that was a little too convenient it was like a magician
pulling a rabbit out of a hat it was super convenient cuz you're just
like wait a minute at what point did they have this
conversation yeah yeah if I don't think like okay Gamora
I can understand never never be an emulator sister you know ain't no way in
hell I'm gonna tell her something that important I'm not gonna even allude to
that idea that you know we can I have you know the secret location of
soul stone or whatever so I'm kind of with you there I just thought it was
kind of weird and very convenient because I think in the little video you
know she kind of did her little r2d2 thing and you know the more talking to
it I thought oh you don't have to worry about it he's not gonna get all the
stones blah blah blah and I'm like why she was kind of alluding to she knew
where the soul stone was and I just fear her you know why would you have that
sort of conversation with nebula I guess I don't know yeah it was it was weird
like it is just too convenient I mean I get you had to I just wish they would
have thrown something like that it what was it it was it could have been like a
10-second conversation and maybe just planted that in like guardians of the
galaxy vol 2 if I mean I don't know maybe that was a deleted scene or
something that we never saw but I just thought if they could have alluded to
that in a previous film I thought it would have been a better payoff oh it
was just too convenient in this film since we've never seen anything like
that before it and it just it kind of came out of nowhere you're just like
wait you know the location of a soul stone what like you said if there was in
a previous movie that I think the payoff that one would have been off yeah so I
guess bouncing back to the Tony dr. strange and spider-man they're now on
what the planet Titan right yeah Tony's like you know what forget it let's just
take the fight to him I kind of to be heisman I'm like you guys way out early
oh yeah it's like three of you trying to take on a Titan who has all like who
already has like what who's he I think he had like two or three stalls at that
point you know I believe I'm gonna get way out of it I will give respect to
Tony though because this guy has seen visions like in the previous Avengers
movie and he was almost was it like the PSD or whatever yeah PTSD yeah an Iron
Man 3 so I like I understand this guy like he does not want to let his planet
like you know just be annihilated by this alien threat so I like I give
respect to the guy for being brave and you know it's kind of
funny that Peter he gave him the iron spider suit so that he could flow back
to float back to earth kinda sort of addressed this because Peter pops up and
he's like I what are you doing here I told you to stay back and he was like
well you gave me yeah yeah yeah but like we see I was a dr. strange he he's going
into the future in viewing all these different possibilities and it was like
over 14 million and there was just one outcome were these guys one knew when
Tony asked how many do we win we knew that he was gonna say one it's like oh
wow of course you mean telling me had a 14 something million possibilities there
was one where we I know I should but I thought it was pretty cool neat trick
though because it makes sense yes I use the time stone to like okay we need to
figure out you know what's gonna happen how we're gonna win this yeah I don't
know what I mean I guess we'll get into it later on but that conversation kind
of fuels my sort of theory about the ending but well I guess we'll talk about
it later yeah so we see these characters and
later on while they're on this planet they try to fight fanouts themselves
right mm-hmm at that point other guardians are Peter well I guess it's
not until this point Thanos has already taken Gamora to that
planet where that soul stone was or yes and he yeah we meet red skull now not
played by Hugo Weaving that was a little bit weird I don't
think that was Hugo Weaving no I'm not sure who that it was it was a guy from
The Walking Dead Ross Marquand I'd have no idea who he is but I read
online yesterday yeah check that out because I freaking lost my crap biggest
mind blown yeah the entire mood for me because I'm like well what risk because
every since Captain America I mentioned in one of my reviews because I really
watched I reviewed Captain America and I mentioned that I didn't like the what
they did with cabinet with red skull at the end of that movie and I was so I
mean I wanted to see him again so bad and the fact that he's in this movie
even though it's a really small role I but I'll take it
it was awesome it was freaking awesome I lost my mind I saw red scarf yeah it'd
be sort of like a missed opportunity if they didn't put Red Skull in this movie
like especially like he was involved in one of the you know the first infinity
stone we ever saw so like it would be like a complete mystery opportunity did
not put Red Skull in some point you know it sucks that wasn't Hugo Weaving but
yes yeah that guy was so good in that first uh that Captain America the First
Avenger but we see Thea knows you know he approaches Red Skull and Red Skull
like pretty much tells him what he has to do and it's you know you have to
sacrifice a loved one ink amorous like you've come all this way but you love
nobody you know but yeah I guess he does love Gamora you know even though he's
been an asshole dad and you know he's like tortured his kids like but yeah he
pretty much takes Gamora by like her hurt her uh her hair or her her jacket
and just tosses her off the cliff like a rag doll yeah when she starts doing that
I'm just like what are you doing because it's you decide now to start trolling
your father you know to me like you were gonna get all the stones and and and you
know yeah my I think is how could you not tell that
this guy like loved you and I mean he I'm pretty sure he's always called her
his favorite you know I mean right so I would assume that you would already know
that danos like actually really do love you
and I mean that just adds another layer of complexity to Daniels character
because you know there are people who are as crazy as he is who do have human
feelings and love people you know and if they are evil you know love is for
everybody I guess but yeah man this was for me I like Gamora and this was an
emotional sequence for me because sure I was just hoping I was like oh please
Nakamura Nakamura yeah I recycle more a lot man and and that hold her hold and
my dynamic with Thanos and stuff like that that flashback scene we got to see
with her as a little kid man I really really like this seen a lot bathing when
he just tosses her man I was like wow and and what's even what's even kind of
poetic is that you know when it's all said and done he's the last face you
know she's the I mean she's the last face that he sees yeah it was it was
great I love that yeah like I never would have thought Gamora what would it
be one of the characters that we see actually die in this movie and like you
said it felt very poetic and I loved those sort of like flashback moments
where we saw Thanos and was at the Chitauri in the Black Order invading her
home planet you know we saw her mother and Thanos
pretty much he takes Gamora this little girl and you know he pretty much tells
her everything's okay and he takes her in and I absolutely love just everything
about that sequence and for me personally like the death of Gamora was
probably the most I've like felt out of any other character
you know we'll get to the ones at the end of the movie but this one it felt
real even more so than like low-key like I actually felt like a lot of emotion in
this scene and just seeing him throw her off the cliff too
you know he's doing he's sacrificing everything for these Infinity stones and
completing this Infinity Gauntlet and I just loved everything about this scene I
thought they nailed it like just like it was like a gut punch in the middle of
the movie yeah it really it really it really was man and I think there was
probably one other death that kind of got to me but I think it's I think that
particularly that was more so than actors ability then the actual death but
I guess we'll get to that because that oh my goodness man oh I choked up not
gonna lie yeah yeah a little tear scroll down my face not really but I felt it
man I felt it in the right in the chest here so I guess after that we see the
characters on Titan and then Thanos sort of comes back and we get this massive
action sequence where these these other Avengers kind of after after Doctor
Strange has sort of gone into the future to see all these outcomes there's sort
of a plan in place here and we see these characters kind of kind of try and come
up with something to defeat this guy now I loved this action sequence now this is
I'm sorry I mean I was just gonna say like this is something that like I've
wanted to see in like x-men movies where we see all these characters like using
their powers together we got a little bit of that and x-men apocalypse towards
the end of that but yeah but I just loved everything about this sequence and
they get Thanos to a point where mantis is like on his shoulders
with like her antennas and she's like I don't know what it was like hypnotizing
the guy in like this trance and then yeah because he does something with the
Maya where she can like ease your mind or something
like that yeah in this yeah and dr. strange is using his powers to pretty
much like constrained Thanos and you know Peter and Iron Man are using their
powers to try and get this gauntlet off his off his hands and then um I don't
remember we are we we're hearing Thanos kind of mouth stuff and mantis is sort
of like interpreting it what he's saying and she's saying like he's experienced
like great great pain or yeah great grief and he sir I don't know
he's saying something like he might have mouth like Gamora or something like that
and Peter hears that and this is sort of a scene that we've seen in the previous
guardians of the galaxy movie where Peter finds out that ego actually killed
his mom just is just like he there just loses it and he actually ruins this this
this sequence where the gauntlet is actually like off it's like hanging off
thanasis fingertips mmm and Peter's just about to get this thing off of of Thanos
his hand in Peter you know he realizes that Thanos killed Gamora to get the
soul stone and he I think he shoots him right and that sort of like gets Thanos
out of this whole like trance or hypnotism and then pretty much like it's
just that it's just the end of the he just destroys these characters on tight
in here yeah that man I've mentioned in my review that there was a scene like
out of all the actions in there was one that I really was on the edge of my seat
and it was this scene for sure cuz I thought like you know like I said
before you know I'm thinking like man Iron Man Doctor Strange you guys are way
out of your league trying to go up against then I was trying to face him on
his homeworld I'm like how you guys gonna pull this off and then they run
into the other guardians of the galaxy I'm like okay boy I guess they might
have a chance but still I'm trying to figure out how are they gonna do it and
the way they put this together I thought was
it was brilliant it was clever I will I loved it every single character
had something to do every character like put forth their own powers or whatever
and you know and was able to subdue they knows enough for them to get that
frickin glove off his hand there was even time enough to throw in a
you know a few jokes because the whole Peter quill you know he throws up the
middle finger but he was hilarious I love that but yeah man it that this
scene was I was on the edge of my seat because I'm like oh my goodness man
they're actually given that I was a run for his money they could possibly pull
this freakin thing off his off his hand and like you said with Peter quill you
know just losing it and I'm glad that you mentioned what happened in volume 2
because he snaps out of that trance ego half man and he's like wait a minute
what you get and just says and he just goes to town on him just blasting the
hell out of him and so I guess this is kind of in quit you know in character
for Peter Quill's just kind of lose it I wish he kind of did not you know my god
dude what what are you thinking about you know cuz you can see Iron Man like
Peter no stop we've almost got it we've almost pulled it off yeah what are you
doing do not screw this up and of course he screws it up he screws it all up and
he completely wrecks everybody and he takes like I don't know I think he was
taking like chunks of that moan oh yeah it didn't look like the full thing well
thingy like he do was he was taking chunks off yeah and he just like tosses
it and one of the another cool thing about this scene is spider-man his iron
suit that thing was cool as hell yeah it was the freaking legs coming out yeah
and he goes through and like saves like I don't know three or four Peter just
flying in the air one of the things I really love about
this movie is that they really take these here
rose and show and like they take these hero's powers and just dialed them up to
ten and show us what they actually can do for sure spider-man was freaking
amazing yeah he was and we I guess do we is is at this point or more towards the
end of the movie where we see it's probably at this point where we see Tony
is that this point we see Tony gets stabbed by Thanos or is that later on
ah no that's this part is it okay and then we I guess Thanos sort of he leaves
right and then he heads to earth because he already has the time stone yeah cuz
will we see Doctor Strange give Thanos the time stone otherwise he was gonna
kill Tony exactly and by the way that else is a very gracious ruler I guess
because it was sparing people left dude for for somebody who just destroys
everything you sure are sparing a lot of folks but but but no man yeah when he
gives him that time stone this is the scene where I was like okay because dr.
strange tells Tony he's like look this was is that I think it's this thing that
he tells them yes it's like this is the only way yeah like oh I said jump
whatever only way he's talking about it must be the one yeah you know the the
one future he saw where they actually went so that man I've that right there
alone just hasn't he pumped for the next oh yeah man and we also see nebula
coming she just pretty much comes out of nowhere and she does he does I think I
think she was following danelle's to try to finish probably yeah so depending on
how she got there in my in my head she's the she's gonna be the way that these
characters get back to earth and sort of meet up with the other the Avengers now
we haven't really talked about these these other characters in Wakanda
now while all this stuff is like happening in space these other
characters are you know on earth you know fighting the black order you have a
Proxima midnight the female character of the Black Order black dwarf is the the
big dude who was kind of just a throwaway character like that guy didn't
really do much in the movie got us his arm cut off in that portal and then he
exploded in the air but you have I was at Corvus glaive the guy with the hood
he had a staff I thought that guy was pretty cool looking but I wanted more
anima but we're seeing all these these other Avengers on earth fighting the
Black Order and then there this sort of leads to this big moment on Wakanda and
we see these characters bringing vision to Wakanda so Shuri can detach the mind
stone from his head to to not only protect this stone but also save vision
now like a lot of these characters on earth these sort of got the short end of
the stick in my opinion a lot of them they got this is it gets to this point
where I have a lot of like a quite a few negatives and issues yeah because it
seemed like everything dealing with these characters just it almost just
seemed unnecessary or it just almost did not amount to anything because my god I
just felt like cap we he had almost nothing to do in this movie he didn't I
mean yeah he when he had that one moment where he shows up to save vision and
Scarlet Witch and I felt like that was even that moment was kind of robbed from
him for by Black Widow and the Falcon because I felt like again like I was
saying about this movie and how it was showing the strengths and the powers of
everybody and out you know and how you know strong they really are I think this
could have been a moment for Captain America to truly shine honestly I think
he could have taken on I think he could have taken on Twitter was black order
members by himself I think that's how I think Captain America is that strong
where he could have done that and I kind of felt like oh my god they kind of
robbed the moment from them I mean it was still a pretty cool moment but I
mean I don't know he's like one of the big three your enemy if Tony can you
know take on Danno somewhat hold this on Captain America's surely yeah I know two
of the black order you know I'm saying so yeah this is this is this this part
of the movie where it kind of just kind of went down for me even the whole thing
with Wakanda the whole thing with vision I didn't I couldn't really buy into
vision and scarlet witch's relationship they don't really a job of setting it up
in previous films for us to really care about it in this movie and so that whole
drama about him about them not wanting to kill him but still want to take the
stone down and destroy it and all these other things and I'm like you know
vision vision says like look we don't have time to debate this Thanos is
coming you know he's got a few stones already we need to destroy this thing
just kill me already and then caps like oh no we don't know we don't want to do
that you know we're not gonna sacrifice your life and he's like well what's
different from me sacrifice of my life and you sacrificing your own yeah I
don't know I just thought I feel like it was kind of a way for them to initiate
this entire Wakanda war scene and honestly I there was I don't know if
you've heard the fan theory about the soul stone being in Wakanda hmm well
there was a theory out there that the soul stone was in Wakanda like I might
have yeah because in black panther when they do that ritual may it go like that
astral plane you know there's a theory that the soul song was you know kind of
allowed that to happen okay I was like man that would have been
you know a really a pretty good reason for panic and you know an invade Wakanda
but the whole being with vision it just it just fell flat for me yeah I think if
if there was another way to get vision into space it may be like my only my
only kind of gripe with with that theory is like how many Infinity stones have to
be on earth like that yeah that's really my only
gripe with it but yeah the whole what kind of sequence it's an incredible
action set-pieces it's just like it's not as like I still think the the
airport sequence in civil wars that's probably my favorite
that's more like choreographed in terms of like it just feels like it feels like
a comic book sequence where the stuff in Wakanda it just feels like all-out war
and I love that too like those are each cool things that we've seen action
action wise in these these Marvel movies but like this is just on a whole nother
scale and you know we're seeing I don't even know what those uh those creatures
are called to have like four limbs or something like that Wow he has a whole
new race of creepy yeah hurry Oh New York I'm done with you yeah Tony Stark
blue blue mall the hill yeah they seemed pretty like I don't know what the word
like like like creatures that have like rabies or something just like just like
ravaged animals so you know yeah like they're not but they're not they're not
intelligent they're just like these these ravaging beasts that he just
unleashes on like planets and things like that but I thought some of this
stuff was just so awesome like and then back to to vision like I thought vision
really I mean not that he's a top-tier like Marvel character or anything like
that but he's one of like my personal favorites and just like throughout the
whole movie you know he was just he was just kind of a whining guy yeah
he wasn't capacitated for the entire film yeah yeah and I'm like do vision
his strongest hello Eric we should have seen him unleash
some of that power I would have loved to see him go up against a nose because I
think he would have done it freakin Scarlet Witch they showed how
powerful she was young she was awesome and I'm like dude why visions shouldn't
have that same treatment I hope I'm hoping that they do that in the next
movie yeah and I thought it was cool that they were they used scarlet witch's
power to to destroy the mine stone because her powers came from that mine
stone so the hydro is using Loki's scepter to kind of like alter or enhance
I think they kind of used that term with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch but then
Thanos already has the reality stone so all of that doesn't even matter we also
see them we also see yeah we also see Captain America standing up to fan else
we see that shot in the trailer where he's using his two hands up you know
pretty much pretty much doing that to Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet
I loved that that was pretty awesome see that house face when he's doing that
like because when when at that America threw his hands up there to stop him you
know that was kind of looked like oh damn you're stronger than I thought and
then you know that was yeah and then uh I guess at that point we see Thor's show
up right he pretty much comes and saves the day because all these other
characters are being overrun by all these like alien creatures like Bruce
banners in the Hulkbuster suit and he's getting like overtaken by these
creatures and Edel is he looked kind of weird as he did especially at the end
you see his just like heads sitting in there it kind of reminded me of men in
black with a tawny shoe who's the guy he had that show monk oh he it kind of
looked like that guy any man in black Will Smith blows his head off like three
times in that first movie I kind of just reminded me of that it looked really
weird and awkward but um yeah we see Thor he has Stormbreaker he comes to
save the day and he saves all these characters
and then we see him like he like flies up in the air in the throws Stormbreaker
and it hits Thanos like right in the chest
anything else is just like shot and I'm just like crapping my pants at this
moment I'm filling my drawers got like I don't know maybe that half hour left in
the movie so I guess I gotta sit in shit
that that was awesome I'm like how effin strong is Thor when
he shows up with that Stormbreaker he had nyle AIDS nearly the entire army and
then he like he freakin shuns off whatever Daniels was about to do with
his frickin gun with he makes the gun and look like a freakin a winter glove
or something he blows through the frickin glove I mean the gauntlet and he
just buries that freakin axe in his chest and I love our Lord kind of grabs
him he's like you know I told you that I would kill you know business boy oh yeah
and he came back and he looked like rejuvenated at the beginning of the
movie he looked like hell and when he comes back to what Conda he looks like
this like new like this new man he has like all these new powers and like this
guy is just he's he's he's reached Odin level in terms of power yes so that is
that is a great yes I completely completely agree cuz old and is old and
was strong as hell and like you said he has reached Odin yeah he can even summon
the Bifrost with his a Stormbreaker weapon so it's that powerful he oh my
goodness he's Opie yeah and then unfortunately Thanos says you should
have aimed for the head that was perfect oh yeah
that was perfect and then he's like wait what
and it just went like silent exactly and then we see fanouts in this like
other plane of reality it's like it was like a pink or orange kind of like
setting and he's just like standing there and it's just like complete
silence and then we sort of see him he's what he was like in a cave right or like
a little Hut it was something it was it was at this
it was it was the spot I believe where he first meets Gamora okay and said a
little arch or whatever it was that they were talking under and he goes to her
and lo and she's like oh you know you've you've done what you've set out to do
you know what did they cry it's like everything yes and I thought it was I
thought that was a really great it was like I said it was really poetic you
know from how you know their relationship wasn't a movie I really
like them saying mm-hmm and then earlier he somebody somebody asks him I don't
remember if it was Gamora or nebula or who but they asked him what are you
gonna do when you fulfill your destiny I guess with completing the Infinity
Gauntlet and wiping out half of the universe and he says something like
relax and we see that at the end of the movie he's at this this he's like in
this I don't know as a house or what and it's like these like mountains kind of
like a hilly valley and he's like overlooking this like sunset or sunrise
and he did it like that's you know what this is man that's I don't know cuz like
when he says that I'm just like so you're just gonna go somewhere chill do
you know drink a few Mountain Dew play some Xbox
now that you've destroyed half of the universe yeah
and I'm and I'm just curious as to what he's going to be doing in the next film
wipe what man like what direction they're gonna take it because because
I've heard rumors of the crawl oh yeah coming into the picture so I'm like man
what what else candles really do cuz at this
point man you've just really pissed off the Avengers and they're just gonna be
coming for you at this point so yeah it's chilling you might want to be
running the universe or something man because they're coming for your head
yep and I guess so it sort of cuts back to what Conda and we start seeing all
these other characters sort of like turn to ash or dust I think we see Bucky's
sort of walking towards cap and you know he just sort of like disintegrates and I
have a list here of all those characters that sort of like turn to dust you know
it starts cutting back and forth between Wakanda and Titan you know we have like
dr. strange all right yeah dr. strange Peter Parker directs all those other
characters on Titan Peter Parker dr. strange
T'Challa that was a big one that got the theater sort of like gasp what yeah that
was a big one too to surprise a lot of people obviously Bucky mantis Groot
Drax star-lord Wanda Falcon and then there's the two for that post-credit
scene that we'll get into a little later but Nick Fury and agent Maria Hill all
those sort of turned into dust now I don't know how many of these characters
are gonna stay dead we can get into sort of dr. Strange's plan that we were
talking about earlier it's all part of the plan with Doctor Strange here and
when we see him turn to dust he says to Tony this is the endgame it's all part
of what he saw in you know looking forward into the future so he had to
give that time stone I feel like he knew all this sort of had to happen for for
these characters to get the upper hand and finally defeat Thanos but we won't
see that into until this next this movie next year yeah and like to some of this
entire movie actually Peter Quillin delivers a
perfect line when Ben Thanos gets away and then their plan failed or is it or
is it when Drax disappears because he looked at Tony he's like did we just
lose uh yeah you lost big time but yeah man um yeah when Doctor Strange says
that and because you could kind of tell that Tony and dr. strange like it wasn't
I don't know you can kind of tell their emotions I guess what kind of reserved
because they I think they had something like you said in play or you know they
kind of just knew that okay at some point or you know we're we're gonna come
back we're gonna regroup and then we're gonna win this thing we just don't know
how but this has to happen in order for us to win and while I'm thinking about
it out of all the people who turned into space dust Peter Parker got Peter Parker
got me when he as he as he was dissolving I'm not gonna lie I got a
little choked up I got a little choked up watching him dissolve it was uh it
was it was definitely heartbreaking yeah that was that was definitely I mean that
was probably for me on terms of like Gamora level like what seeing that
because they've done such a fantastic job with just the relationship between
Tony and Peter Parker my brother told me that there was a like a 14 year old girl
sitting next to him and his friend and they actually heard this girl like
crying when Peter just turned to dust like a lot of people love this character
and just they've developed the relationship between these characters so
good I never would have thought that like Peter Parker would have died in
this movie but yes what I'm saying like I don't think anybody had Peter Parker
or black Panther dying because you know I
franchises to finish we got seagulls coming you know I would have I was Peter
I'm like uh Marlo what the hell why am i disappearing I've got two movies left so
he fall through yeah but I mean like when he's like starts clenching on to
Tony it's like I don't want to go I don't want to god I was like oh my
goodness man don't do this to me Peter no pride man but now you you've got to
force them tears out of me man but you know yeah I leave me yeah but seeing all
of those guys disappear you know like I said it and that you
know and said only seeing all this stuff happens just kind of brings me back to
something else like it so like another one of my issues with the film is that
you know like throughout the entire movie there was a sense of urgency you
know the stakes were high and then you know of course stano's ends up winning
winning and he ends up you know destroying half the universe you know I
just kind of feel like I don't know if the the actual death depths are going to
stick maybe they will but I just kind of feel like I'm like man you know even
though we have all this death and all this stuff going on I think one of the
things that kept me from really truly investing in it is the fact that I know
that it's somehow someway it's just gonna be reversed yeah I was thinking
like you know I don't know maybe it could have done something you know to
sort of I don't know to kind of make it feel like something was gonna stick or
something was gonna be permanent but now that we have Doctor Strange and Tony
coming up with this plan now we know that some way all this is going to get
reversed I don't know if you've ever seen that that leaked photo with Tony
Stark and Doctor Strange it's in New York I don't think so you know you
didn't see it okay well I don't know if I really want to spoil it but because it
has something to do with the next Avengers film and
I saw that fleek photo on my clone that's kind of peculiar so now I have
them watch this movie I'm like oh so it's gonna have something to do with
that and I don't know like I said one of my biggest issues the MCU is that I have
a hard time and investing in a lot of the UH I have a hard time investment
into the story because I just feel like there wasn't any a real sense of danger
it was just a lot of Awesomeness a lot of laughter a lot of spectacle yeah and
finally an infinity world we get to see the danger we get to see the stakes we
get we get in very amazing villain you know I mean and I just kind of feel like
you know with the next film all that is possibly all that could possibly be you
know undone and I don't know it's it kind of lived leaves a bit of a bitter
taste in my mouth yeah but you know I was talking with somebody on Twitter
yesterday and it's kind of got me thinking that you know maybe the next
Avengers film would be like you know the the true finale and you know it wouldn't
and then infinity war would make a lot more sense you know yeah it's it's like
with all these characters turning to dust it does it does give you that
feeling like it's just gonna be reversed in the next movie which we don't know I
mean odds are they're probably just gonna do that but like I feel like it
would have had more of an impact if fewer characters would have turned to
dust the thing is like so many characters turned to dust that's like Oh
him oh him like it just started to get a little bit repetitive like there's like
10 characters that turn to dust you turn to dust you turn to dust um but but uh
it's sort of one thing I realized is that all these characters that either
turn to dust or I guess we can talk about these the other characters that
died or if they're gonna stay dead but it's sort of it's sort of gotten rid of
these other avenger characters brought it back to the original lineup
which is kind of interesting so we're gonna see Iron Man and who else was out
there with him because it's because you have Iron Man is still alive cap Thor
scar a black widow yeah war machine is still alive Bruce Banner
and honk yeah Bruce Banner yeah so it's like the original lineup where is
Hawkeye yeah Hawkeye was completely absent from
the film as well as a Ant Man so you know I think ant-man in the wasp takes
place before infinity war so I guess that's that's kind of what I've heard I
mean I can't imagine they're gonna have a movie take place afterwards I think
they're really gonna try and give us blue balls with this movie you know what
if this happened it would be pretty cool to see you know so it would be cool to
see ant-man in their sort of post-apocalyptic world that a true yeah
and it would have been a cool idea to have a mentor wasp lay out after these
events but I wonder but I wonder though you know if it is before I wonder if
they're gonna you know do this thing where before the movie starts they're
gonna be like before infinity yeah I'm saying
just so everybody know like hey this is a you know sort of a prequel or whatever
yeah yeah so there's also like I want I want to get your take on this though
like obviously we think that the characters that turn to dust they have
the potential to easily come back but what about those characters earlier on
in the movie like we saw a vision he was actually killed he had that mine stone
plucked from his forehead with Thanos Gamora was killed straight up the
collector I guess he wasn't really in the movie much but Thanos must have
killed him or did something with him and then he also got Loki and Heimdall so I
guess what do you think those characters have the potential to
come back um or do you think they're gonna stay dead I think those characters
have the potential to come back I don't think we can we can't I don't think we
should really rule out then come right back I think we should really rule out
them stand-in so honestly with those particular characters I think it could
go either way for Gomorrah I'm leaning more towards
coming back just because we still I mean we have yet to get a third guardians of
the galaxy movie and I just don't see how that I I don't honestly don't see
that working without Gomorrah if it was like if they had already come out with
volume three then I would have liked a good morose she's probably most likely
dead but because they have yet to release a third film for them I don't
see her I really don't see her staying dead unless they do something cool where
I don't know the Guardians figure out a way to bring her back and then that
could be sort of the MacGuffin in third film that that'd be a pretty neat idea
them trying to bring Gamora back to life I think that'll be that'll make for an
interesting film actually vision I'm leaning more towards dead but I kind of
feel like I don't know I kind of feel like they're gonna bring him back just
to have that relationship between heavens Scott that's what I think as far
as the collector he's done and who else it was oh hi I'm Dale I think Heimdall
is done - yeah me too and I think that could be I think that's like a
contractual thing with uh mr. Silva Idris Elba where you know maybe he was
like contracted to do this one film and just move on and Loki I hope he stays
dead yeah I mean it's been it's been too many times where we've been you know
we've been teased with Loki's death I think he went out in a great way at the
beginning of the movie I think they just need to leave him dead
like the guy's been a great character in the MCU I think it's just leave this
character dead he went out like you know he went out on a high note just yeah
dead man yes please leave him dead yeah I mean I'd love to see more low-key but
like it's just like it would just be ridiculous if they brought this guy back
it would be and they would ruin the the impact that scene for sure yeah yeah so
hopefully he definitely he definitely stays dead yeah okay so we've pretty
much talked about the majority of this movie but let's talk about that post
that post credit scene with Nick Fury and I was an agent
Mariah right hell I think yeah yeah what do you think of that post-credits
scene and we just had we just had that one yeah we just had that one I'm not
sure I don't think it was another one but yeah man that as soon as because the
thing about these post-credit scenes that they pull stuff out of the ass like
I don't know well oh why didn't you know that existed like when things were
happening it's almost as if frickin is almost as if theory know exactly who to
call yeah and I'm like do you even know what's going on stones you know people
are disappearing like what do you know what's going on he doesn't I mean cuz he
sees Maria disappeared and he's like oh okay was what's happening and for some
reason he just brings out his little things there's like a beeper from like
1996 exactly you know does something to contact
Captain Marvel yeah so I'm like how did you know the contact Captain Marvel well
and how long is he I mean I captain marvel I think's taking place in the 90s
yes taking place in the nineties so flashback type deal because I think 80
and caution is gonna be back I think Nick fear is going
being groanin the marvel Ronan's gonna be back so I mean yeah I'm looking
forward to it but yeah it definitely takes place before these events I wonder
if they're gonna do like a thing where they kind of you know it takes place in
the 90s and then fast-forward to the present yeah but like why would it Nick
Fury had contacted Captain Marvel when Loki invaded earth with a Chitauri
like that I mean there's just some things that like I have a lot of
questions with I wasn't really a fan of that post-credit scene I like that
alluded to Captain Marvel it just showed her like logo on the pager be per but
like I'm excited for that movie but I just I wanted and it alludes to that
Captain Marvel is gonna be in Avengers 4 but it also alludes that yeah we're
getting a Captain Marvel movie and like eight months or something like that but
I don't know I just wish I would have gotten something with a little bit more
of a punch yeah I didn't I agree with you I didn't really like that scene
myself either it was I mean as far as post-credit scenes go that's probably
one of the worst just like this tacked on and like just really convenient like
hey you know we got to do something to show people that Captain Marvel is
coming so I I guess yeah all right well I think we've talked about this movie
for for a long enough time we're over like an hour here but uh yeah I loved I
loved this movie I definitely have flaws with it a lot of the you know characters
don't get enough screen time or they're not used to their full potential I wish
you know some of the other characters in the Black Order were used as well as
ebony maw but just the action in this movie is seeing these other characters
like interacting with other characters in the MCU for the first time I
absolutely love that stuff I thought they they ended it I I wish
that we would have had an ending with a little bit more punch instead of just it
kind of like the endings sort of like fizzled out for me yeah it almost ended
gruffly actually I bought you know the movie kind of went so fast and I didn't
even realize two hours and 40 minutes have already passed I'm like oh damn
it's over already and when that scene happened I'm thinking we're gonna get
something else but it just ended abruptly and I'm like uh sure like it's
that's the hand as well go home now but yeah III agree with you I think it
definitely should've ended with a little more with a little more punch yeah all
right well uh purple boy where can people follow you and man you can come
to definitely follow me on instagram and twitter at purple film 88 i'm mostly
active on both of those two sites but I'm also on zero I also have a Stardust
account I'm always trying to throw reactions up on that account you know
especially for certain things I can't really make an entire video for so
Stardust really helps out a lot so yeah it started us Instagram Twitter nobody
uses Facebook yeah I deleted my personal Facebook it's it's not active anymore so
yeah I'm gonna do the same thing it's it's freakin dead in the water man dead
in the water you know yep and those are the social media sites you guys can
follow me on and uh but more importantly you know subscribe to my channel purple
film I'm probably gonna do my own little no spoiler review or whatever or just
come out with more videos talking about this movie because I'm definitely gonna
go see it again probably Monday cuz I'm off yeah I can't wait yeah I definitely
need to see it again but guys check out purple boys YouTube channel he covers a
wide variety pretty much everything in movies right like whether it's a drama
animated action movie sci-fi you pretty much cover it all so yeah go check out
his channel subscribe to it follow me on all social media but guys that's it for
this this over an hour long spoiler review and discussion this was awesome
man so I will have to do this this more going forward yeah this was pretty dope
man I really appreciate I appreciate you approaching me and asked me to you know
come on here and do this this was fun you know oh yeah pretty cool experience
this was really fun you know we had to talk about you know things that were
passionate about and have fun with it definitely looking forward to more of
these in the future yeah yeah it was a good time but guys thank you so much for
watching please make sure to subscribe for more videos going forward I'm Rex
overdrive I'll see you next time
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