Hey guys Spencer Coffman here we've got a request on how to remove your information
from white pages premium that's another variation of white pages so today that's what we're
going to tackle to get started just go to premium white pages dot-com and you'll want
to go to the Terms of Service so you can either find that way down at the bottom of the page
in the footer and click on their link or you can simply click on the link down in the item
description of this video so you can check out that link and it'll take you right here
this is what it's going to look like you're gonna scroll down to number eight so it's
just all the way down here okay number eight and you'll see here it says opt-out policy
you can read all this or you can simply click on the nice blue this link now this link will
also be in the video description below so you could go directly there and not have to
go through this first step if you like now this link will open up and it says how can
we help you over here on the left you're gonna click how do I remove my information again
this link will also be in the video description so you could skip the previous two steps and
click on this alone you will be taken to yet another page so they don't make this easy
for you when you're here you can read all about how to remove your information and what
to submit and then you can go here to the support request page now this link will also
be in there so the bottom line is to remove your information from the premium white pages
or white pages premium just click on the final link in the video description and it will
take you right here to the spot where you can remove your listing and what you will
do is leave this as I need to edit or remove a listing if you had any other trouble you
can select from here otherwise leave it like that enter in your email address the subject
so remove my listing or please remove my listing enter in a description so just type out a
little message to them saying why you want your listing removed then as in with regular
white pages and all of the other opt-out requests that we have done you need to put in the URL
of your personal information now the very important aspect is you need to provide the
URL from the regular white pages because white pages and white pages premium is different
now it says this in their Terms of Service and in all those other pages the one prior
on how to remove your listing to submit the regular URL however to be safe what I would
do is provide both URLs even though they are linked because a lot of times if you remove
it from white pages regular it will still show up on white pages premium which tells
me that they aren't linked like they say they are so what I would do is submit this once
with the white pages regular URL and then do it again with the premium URL a couple
days later that way if you send them right away they might think it's kind of like a
spam deal and then they just still ignore you so send it in with both URLs click Submit
and you'll be good to go and that is how you can remove it from white pages premium now
again if there are any other requests any other sites you guys find with public records
on them or information and you want to figure out how to remove them go ahead and drop it
in the comments below I'll take a look and find a tutorial make a video for you until
next time you
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