Discover how to use your camera's ISO
to take great baby pictures
In this video I will explain what ISO is
and how you can use it with digital baby photography
Back in the day before digital cameras were used
ASA film was used
When we wanted to take great baby pictures in the light of day
we would usually use an ASA 100 photo film
When the Sun went down
We would have to change it to the ASA 400 photo film
Nowadays everything is digital and so is your photo camera
That is why in digital photography ASA
has been replaced by ISO
When you're in a dark bedroom at night
you won't see much because there is hardly any light
If you stay in that room for a while
your eyes will adjust to the dark
and you'll find it easier to clearly see your surroundings
How does that work?
The little light that does enter the bedroom enters through your eyes
Your brain notices the lack of light
and will amplify the small amount of light that is available
so you can see something in the dark
Your camera works in the same way
In a photo camera the light will enter through the lens
If there's little light the camera can amplify the light
so that you can still clearly see the subject
You are now shown two pictures
The left baby picture is taken without the camera amplifying the available light
You can see that the picture is dark
The baby picture on the right on the other hand
has been taken when the camera has amplified the light
Do you notice the difference?
Your brain amplifies the light
This doesn't happen consciously it happens automatically
If there is too little your brain automatically amplifies the light
In a photo camera a computer inside your camera amplifies the light
If there is too little light
the computer in your camera will automatically amplify the light
The computer in your photo camera is not nearly as advanced as your brain
A photo camera doesn't know how exactly you want to take a picture
That's why your camera is equipped with a setting
so you can manually tell your camera
how much you want the light to be amplified
The setting in your camera to set this information with is called ISO
ISO is expressed in a value
For example: ISO 100
ISO 200
ISO 400
ISO 800, etcetera, etcetera
The higher the ISO the more your camera will amplify the light
This is not an exact science but you can usually say that with
ISO 100: the light does not get amplified
ISO 200: the light gets amplified 2 times
ISO 400: the light gets amplified 4 times
So the higher your ISO the more the light gets amplified
You now see an example of a baby picture in a dark bedroom
that has been taken with an ISO 100
The light in this picture is not amplified by the camera
which makes the picture look dark
In this example the same baby picture is taken with ISO 200
So in this picture the camera has amplified the light 2 times
Did you notice that this picture already looks somewhat lighter?
In this example the same baby picture is taken again
This time with ISO 400
So in this picture the camera has amplified the light 4 times
Do you notice how well exposed this picture is despite the lack of light
On a beautiful day
there will be enough light outside to take a great baby picture
If the camera is set to ISO 100
you will get a well exposed baby picture
This baby picture was taken outside on a sunny day
with ISO 100
You now see the same baby picture
taken outside on a sunny day with two different ISO values
The first baby picture is taken with ISO 100
and the second baby picture is taken with ISO 400
In the second picture the light was amplified
and the picture is clearly overexposed
On a cloudy day there won't be enough natural light
to take a great baby picture
To be able to still take a well exposed baby picture
you could set the camera to ISO 400
The image sensor now gets exposed to light that is amplified 4 times
so you still get a well exposed baby picture
You are now looking at a picture taken outside on a cloudy day
using two different ISO values
The first baby picture is taken with ISO 100
and the second baby picture is taken with ISO 400
In the first picture the light did not get amplified
and this picture is clearly underexposed
If you use the flash your flash will provide the necessary light
to take a well exposed baby picture
When using the flash enough light is provided
so it is not necessary to increase the ISO in a normal situation
You are now looking at a baby picture that is taken with a flash on
and with ISO 100
The downsides to using the flash for your pictures is that it lacks warmth
and the colors are often hard
Now you see the same baby picture taken without a flash
and with ISO 400
Do you notice the difference in comparison to the previous picture?
To be able to take a well colored and natural baby picture
you can turn off the flash and increase the ISO to 400
to ensure a well exposed baby picture
There is always something called picture noise in a photo
Noise in photos looks like grains or spots
At ISO 100 this noise is usually invisible to the human eye
You are now shown baby pictures taken with ISO 100
ISO 200
and ISO 400
Do you notice the difference between ISO 100 and ISO 400?
In the ISO 100 part the noise is invisible
because the light is not amplified
At ISO 400 the light gets amplified 4 times
The normally invisible noise also gets amplified 4 times
Because the noise gets amplified 4 times
it might be visible in your picture
Every camera treats noise in a different way
Whether or not the noise will be visible in your baby pictures
depends on the type of camera you have
The only way to figure out at which ISO you will see noise in your pictures
is by experimentation
If there is too little light
your camera is able to amplify the available light
The setting which allows you to set
how much you want the light to be amplified is called ISO
ISO is expressed in a value
The ISO value
It is not exact science
but general rule of thumb in regards to light amplication of the ISO
is as follows:
ISO 100: the light does not get amplified
ISO 200: the light gets amplified 2 times
ISO 400: the light gets amplified 4 times
There is always noise present in a photo
which is usually invisible to the human eye
When you increase the ISO
you don't just amplify the light
you also amplify the noise
The higher the setting of the ISO
the higher your chances of having visible noise in your photo
Now you know what ISO is
and how you can use it when taking beautiful baby photos
Before you set the ISO while taking baby pictures
It is a good idea to first practice with it
1. Find out how to set the ISO on your camera
2. Grab a doll or a teddy bear
3. Take pictures of the doll or teddy bear indoors with different ISO's
4. Take pictures of the same situation with ISO 100
ISO 200
ISO 400
and if relevant ISO 800
5. Look at the pictures on your computer
and pay special attention to the difference in exposure and noise
6. Repeat this exercise with the doll or teddy bear outside
7. Take pictures of the doll or teddy bear with varying ISO's outdoors
8. Take pictures of the same situation with ISO 100
ISO 200
ISO 400
and if relevant ISO 800
9. Look at the pictures on your computer
and pay special attention to the difference in exposure and noise
10. Make sure to practice
so that you know how the ISO influences your pictures in each situation
Once you are totally familiar with it
you can use the ISO setting with confidence
while taking your own baby pictures
Important: don't forget to check your ISO before each photo session
You won't be the first person to find out
afterwards that you have a lot of noise in your pictures
because the ISO was still too high
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