Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

News on Youtube Apr 28 2018

Relationships must be nurtured and require a clean slate.

No matter what type of experiences you may have had with past relationships, when beginning

a new journey, you must be able to wipe the slate clean, and begin again.

If you allow yourself to be consumed by fears, it will kill your relationship.

Here are 7 fears that kill a relationship, and at the end of this video, we'll show you

What you can do to silence your fears.

welcome to lifestyle therapy channel, stay tuned.

No.1, I'm just know I'm going to get hurt.

If you grew up in an environment in which you felt unsafe, didn't trust the people close

to you, or were abused, you are likely to identify with this perpetual fear of getting

deeply hurt.

Your circuitous thought patterns, may include ones like these: I always get hurt by the

people close to me.

People will take advantage of me if I don't protect myself.

People I trust abuse me.

So as a result of your doom-and-gloom attitude: You are constantly on guard for any sign of

betrayal or abuse.

You suspect an ulterior motive, when you are on the receiving end of a kind gesture.

You find it difficult, if not impossible, to be vulnerable.

You are accommodating and compliant as a way to prevent others from getting angry.

You lash out at others, as a way to protect yourself from the abuse you expect.

You avoid getting close to others because you fear they will hurt you.

You avoid relationships because you can't trust anyone.

No.2, I'm not good enough for him or her.

A continuous loop feeds through your head: "I'm not pretty enough, sexy enough, smart

enough, organized enough...", Because you feel like a failure, you find yourself "needing

your partner to continually validate your worth, in order to feel good," and that puts

stress on your relationship.

No.3, Cheating.

If you allow yourself, to be consumed by the possibility that your significant other will

cheat, you will drive yourself crazy.

When entering into a relationship, both parties must put themselves out there and take a chance.

Wondering if the other person will cheat, will give you anxiety and unneeded stress.

Checking if the other person is cheating, will cause that person to believe that you

don't trust them.

No.4, He or she is going to leave me.

Do you sense that the people you need for support and connection, are unstable or unreliable?

Maybe they are, and it's important to trust your gut, if you feel like you're not being

properly supported by your friends and family members, or by your partner.

But ask yourself if you are truly feeling unsupported, or if you are reacting to a deep

fear of abandonment.

If you fear abandonment, you likely have such thoughts as these: People who love me will

leave me or die.

No one has ever been there for me.

The people I've been closest to are unpredictable.

In the end I will be alone.

You have a tendency to over-generalize, and read into the behaviors of those around you.

As a result of your victim mindset: You may become clingy.

You may start arguments consciously or unconsciously, to test the relationship.

This can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy — you push others away, so often that they

do leave you.

You get involved with people who are unavailable, (e.g., they live in a different location,

they are in another relationship, you have incompatible schedules, and so on).

You avoid relationships, so you can't be abandoned.

No.5, He or she won't be there for me, when I need him or her.

When you lack emotional support, attention, affection, guidance or understanding as you're

growing up, you probably also anticipate emotional deprivation in your adult life.

With this fear come such thoughts as: I don't get the love that I need.

I don't have anyone in my life who really cares about me, or meets my emotional needs.

I don't feel emotionally connected to anyone.

As a result of feeling like you're always going to be lonely:

You become angry and demanding, when you don't get what you need.

You are drawn to people who don't express their emotions, as they reinforce your isolation.

You don't open up to others in anticipation of being disappointed by their response (e.g.,

lack of validation or interest).

You resent others automatically, because you aren't getting the love and understanding

that you need.

No.6, time limit.

Never put a time limit or time table on your relationship.

Some people set themselves up to fear that they're not getting married "on time", or

that they're not starting a family "on time".

Placing constraints on your relationship, will cause each party to feel stressed, and

place unnecessary pressures.

Your relationship will progress like it's suppose to, and things will happen when it's


No.7, I'm a failure.

The final major fear that can capsize your relationships, stems from the belief that

failure is inevitable, or that you don't measure up to your peers, because you aren't

as smart, talented or successful.

In this case, you may have thoughts that include: Most of my peers are more successful than

I am.

I am not as smart as other people in my life.

I feel ashamed that I don't measure up to others.

I don't possess any special talents.

As a result of your extreme self-doubt: You avoid discussions or situations, where

comparisons to others would be made.

You allow others to criticize you or minimize your accomplishments.

You minimize your talents or potential.

You hide your true self, for fear of being found a failure.

You judge and criticize others.

What you can do to silence your fears: If you recognize any of these thoughts, that's

the first step to change, Simply be aware that you're feeling this way, and then you

can mentally wriggle your way out of that negative place.

"Stop yourself and bring yourself to the present moment," "As soon as you have that thought

and feeling, you are immediately transported back to a past experience, that has you viewing

the present through a distorted lens.

Don't react immediately.

Allow yourself time to get control over your thoughts and feelings.

Once that emotional storm has passed, and you can recognize that this is a present-day

situation, that has nothing to do with your past, then you can respond in a way that is

helpful, not harmful to your current relationship."

Further, put in work to create a secure, intimate and loving relationship with yourself, and

that will best set you up to give and receive love from other people.

"Name three very specific actions that facilitate a feeling of safety, trust and love.

For example: 'I need more loving attention, appreciation and affection in my life.'


Do it!

Give yourself a megadose of the three A's daily.

By understanding ourselves, and becoming emotionally responsive to our needs, our fears diminish,

and our ability to give and receive love grows."

For more infomation >> 7 Major Fears That Kill Relationships & how to silence them !! animated - Duration: 12:03.


Self Destructive Behavior In Relationships - Duration: 13:46.

It's probably pretty important to figure out what is that self-destructive

behavior that gets into our relationships. Let's take that on today.

What we do in a relationship matters. Some of our behaviors are productive and

helpful and others not so much. I remember attending a seminar by Dr. John

Gottman. He is one of the leading researchers in the nation on

relationships particularly marriage. But relationships in general. And as I

attended this seminar, it's kind of funny because I was up there for two days. I

had paid whatever the fees were to attend the seminar. This was early in my

career. I came home after two days. I was sharing with Vicki some of the things

that I had learned. She summed it up beautifully. In just a couple of words.

She says, "oh so do more of what works and less of what does it? Is that what you

learned in two days Paul?" Was like, "yeah that's kind of pretty much it." You do

more of what works and less of what doesn't. What doesn't work in a

relationship? Dr. Gottman nailed it. In his research he found that there was a

predictable four-part pattern that led to the destruction of a relationship. So

as we're talking about self-destructive behavior in relationships, we probably

ought to draw on some of that amazing research that's been done by people who

have reasons to know. The number one thing that he identified is criticism.

Now criticism doesn't have to be real or intended as long as it's

perceived. It works. Think about it. aren't there times when people feel criticized

by you, when you didn't intend any kind of criticism at all? Yeah. It has to do

with their perceptions and the way they're seeing things.

Criticism is one of those most destructive elements and Gottman pointed

out that it leads to the next steps in that four part negative cascade.

Criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling.

Which means turning away from each other instead of turning toward each other.

Criticism probably the number one thing that can destroy a relationship. The

second one that I came up with. And maybe this one should be number one, because

it's one of my favorite topics. Negativity. Negativity that's tied to the

criticism, right? Because criticism is usually focusing on something negative

and then feeling compelled to bring that to someone's attention, right? Something

that you don't like. Well that's a form of negativity but it's not just in the

criticism. Negativity creeps into relationships and and drives behaviors

within a relationship that are completely self destructive. I say

self-destructive because it hurts you to be negative but it's very destructive to

a relationship because of the effect that it has. Not only criticism but check

this out, what if I'm constantly negative about myself or my circumstances. "Oh my

life is so hard. Oh this stinks. I hate this." Between complaining and criticism,

I'm not much fun to be around at that point. It's a very destructive behavior

within a relationship to be negative. Okay how about another one, selfishness.

Oh yeah this is where it's all about me. It's all about me. I talk about me. I'm

concerned about how I feel. How I feel about you, how I feel about myself. I

might be concerned about how you feel about me see. It's all about me. This

selfishness tends to destroy relationships. You know what for all of

these, just check in with how you feel, if other people are doing these destructive

behavior. Yeah it's just repulsive. You just

want to stay away from that and avoid that relationship. It doesn't draw you in.

Selfishness is the third. The fourth one that I've identified here is - disrespect.

Okay disrespect comes in a lot of different forms. And I picked that word

because I think it summarizes a whole lot of different elements. I've talked in

other videos for example about the love choice. The love choice is that every

interaction we have in a relationship is going to fall on one side or the other.

Either the love side or the hate side. Either a little or a lot.

Disrespect is a hate choice. Let's be clear about that. I think any level of

disrespect is a hate choice. You know I had a an experience back in my training

years. I was running a group for juvenile delinquents

okay, these are teenagers who were referred by the court in to my group. As

I was interacting with these kids there was this one in particular sitting

clear over on the side of the class and he had his hat on backwards and he's

chewing on a toothpick and he's got a bolt through his nose. You know he's got

this attitude. And we're talking about respect and he says, "well I respect

people who respect me." I'm like, "wow that is impressive." That's not hard to do. It's

not hard to respect people who respect you, is it? No. What's challenging is for

you to be respectful no matter what. Disrespect destroys relationships. Now

that kind of leads us into what I wanted to wrap this video up with because we've

just identified four things that can destroy a relationship. Four things that

are self-destructive behaviors within a relationship.

The first one was criticism. The second one - negativity. The third one -

selfishness and the fourth one was disrespect. Okay, so if we're not going to do

those things, what should we replace him with. Let's go

into some opposites and see where we go with that.

Instead of criticism, what if we replace that with appreciation and gratitude.

Appreciation and gratitude, is that the opposite of criticism? Well I don't know,

but it's a pretty good replacement for the criticism. So instead of looking for

what you don't like. Instead of looking for what you don't approve of in this

relationship, what if you were to seek and find, what it is that you're grateful

for? What it is that you appreciate? You shift the direction of your mind to the

appreciation or the gratitude and that's going to change some things isn't it?

Gratitude, appreciation, okay what about for the negativity? Oh that one's obvious.

We're going to replace it with positivity. You know what, go to the main page of

this channel, the intro video is all about how to stay positive. No matter

what. Just go visit that look at it again. I've explained there psychologically how

and why positivity is always a choice. And it doesn't matter what's going on

around you. It's always a choice. I know that's a bold statement but go look at

that video and you'll see exactly what I mean. Can we replace our negativity? Our

noxious negativity, with a little bit of pathological positivity? Pathological, I

get a little bit of flack for that that word. That's it actually the title of my

book, "Pathological Positivity" And I take some flak for that

from a psychological standpoint, the word pathological, means disordered.

Disconnected from reality. Crazy and it sounds a little crazy to

some people. When I make the assertion that I just shared with you, it's

possible to be positive no matter what. That's a challenge because you look at

your own circumstances and it's easy to say, "oh well how can I be positive in the

middle of all this?" Yeah it's a pretty good question, but usually it's not a

question, it's a statement. Disguised is a question. How can I be positive? Hear the

exclamation point? It's not a question. Turn it back into a question and it's a

pretty good question. How can I be positive in the middle of all this? Yeah,

good question. Watch the video I'll share that with you.

Now let's go to the next one - selfishness. Okay,

that one's pretty obvious we're going to replace selfishness with selflessness.

Now this doesn't mean that you don't matter. It means that you change your

focus. You change your focus is not about me. It's about this greater context of we

and all of the people around me. It's not us and them, it's just us. When we change

our focus off of ourselves. Now let me make a little disclaimer here because

there is a benevolent power in self-interest. I'm not talking

selfishness. I'm talking self-interest. An example is, driving on the freeway. The

only reason I can do that safely is because every other driver out there on

the freeway, is concerned about me, no. They're concerned about themselves.

There's a benevolent interest in self-interest or a benevolent make it

possible for other people to live peaceably with us. In fact suicide

bombers, we don't even know how to deal with that. That terrorists used this

tactic because it goes against the human psyche - to put yourself in danger. Okay, so

we count on other people having self-interest and that makes us more

safe. So when I say selflessness, I don't mean you abandon self-interest. I mean

that you get the focus off of yourself. It's not about you. How you feel is only

secondary. There's a greater common shared interest that I think we need to

pay attention to. And so when our focus goes there, it actually serves us

personally better as well. We replace the selfishness with selflessness. Focus on

service and enriching and creating value for other people. There's a lot of other

reasons why that works. And the last one disrespect, we're going to replace that

with respect. Respect is where we value and honor other people as co-inhabitants

of the planet. Other people are more like us than they are different. I know that

there's differences and those differences are important and we honor

and celebrate those differences. It's differences that make us relevant

and interesting to each other. It gives us a reason to have a relationship in

the first place. If we were exactly the same, one of us would be unnecessary and

we won't get into which one. But it doesn't matter anyway because we're

exactly the same right? No, it's our differences that make us relevant and

interesting to each other. We will celebrate those differences and respect

also means that we're more alike than we are different. We all have a heart that

gets filled sometimes with love and other times with fear. We're all like

that. We all struggle to know what is the

right thing to do in this moment. We all ask ourselves similar questions about

our existence. We are more alike than we are different.

I think respect is a manifestation of that acknowledgement. We

celebrate our differences and accept that we are all part of the same family.

I am so glad you're here that we get to have these conversations every day. I

hope you're finding it beneficial.

For more infomation >> Self Destructive Behavior In Relationships - Duration: 13:46.



hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to another video so I've been

wanting to make this video for a really long time but it took me a while to

build up the courage to finally sit down and talk about it with you guys I'm

finally at that point where I feel a lot more comfortable with sharing some of my

personal life and it's gonna be a little bit more personal a little less like

uplifting but I still want to share my story and maybe inspire some of you guys

basically I'm just gonna make a storytime about something that I went

through a few years ago as many of you may know on my Twitter I frequently post

about this it's something that I'm very open about on Twitter and I finally want

to be open about it on you here my cat

and I was always worried about what people would think about me but right

now I'm at the point where I don't really care what people think about me

the worst that can happen is maybe I get a few like hate comments but that's

nothing I've never seen before I first want to start by saying that I'm not

looking for attention I'm just trying to share my story with you guys and maybe

help someone in a similar situation or if you know of anyone that's in a

similar situation maybe this will give you some tips on how to help them so let

me get straight to the point this whole video is about my past abusive

relationship about a few years ago way before I met Thomas I was in a very

physically and mentally abusive relationship and I've tried to open up

to loved ones and friends about this before and a lot of times they just

brushed it off or act like they don't want to hear it her act like it's not

important but a few of you did listen so thank you to anyone who did listen to my

story and let me vent to you maybe they thought I was stupid for staying or

maybe they thought I was being a little bit dramatic of the situation I'm

probably wondering why don't you just leave but it's not as easy as that you

really don't know what it's like until you're in the situation for yourself a

lot of it has to do with the fear and the threats of what would happen if you

did actually leave and I'm not making this video to bash this person or to get

revenge on so I am gonna change his name for the

sake of this video and we're just gonna call him Mikey in this video so I'm

referring to him when I say Mikey so let me jump right to the beginning I met him

when I was about 19 and things started out very well obviously if things

started out bad then I wouldn't have continued with it these are things that

like built up over time things did seem pretty great but there were a few red

flags and warning signs which I ignored and mistaken for genuine romantic

interest it all started with things like false accusations and too frequent calls

and eventually escalated into threat he'd call me every 30 minutes to an hour

Adam and wake me up out of my sleep to send him a 360 snapchat of my

surroundings to make sure that I wasn't cheating on him he had this very big

insecurity issue where he always thought I was cheating on him for some reason

like if I wouldn't answer his calls he would force me to send those snapchats

just to see that I'm not lying to him and I'm actually where I say I am he

would always take my phone from me and make me show him my DMS or my text

messages and if I told him I was in a situation where I couldn't answer his

calls or text him back or send him a snapchat then he would threaten me with

things such as like hurting me or sending personal photos or videos to my

family my friends my job and he actually did it once sending photos to my mother

and calling my job telling them very personal things to try to get me fired

and they had to sit down and have a conversation with me about it but it

actually backfired because they recommended that I get out of the

relationship and I seek help and get a restraining order eventually I started

to isolate myself for my friends my family and all the things that I used to

enjoy doing to get me away from my previous life I was by nature a very

happy and kind person but quickly fell into this depressed scared person all

the time the fear escalated when the physical

violence started I can't even count all of the times that the physical violence

happen I but I can remember the first time when he dragged me across the floor

by my hair and blocked me from leaving he basically barricaded the door so that

I couldn't leave punching pushing restricting my movements and destroying

my personal stuff we're all things that would happen when simply threatening

or humiliating me in public was simply not enough and it finally occurred to me

after a year brainwashing and manipulation that I was in an abusive

relationship I finally confined in someone to get

help after the last time that I saw him when he basically held me hostage by

taking my phone and blocking the doorway and when I finally got a hold of my

phone I sent my mother my location and he flipped out he ran outside he threw

my phone in the street and he completely shattered it and then things started to

get very physical and he started smashing the phone in my head

luckily his cousin was there because his cousin came out and told him to let me

leave now so I dropped him off at his friend's house and then I never saw him

again and during that time I really felt like

I did something wrong I would ask myself like what is wrong with me what did I do

to deserve this do I not have something that these other people have did I do

something to deserve this and like I said you really have to be in the

situation to know why people stay with their abuser at the time I wasn't

thinking and you know maybe it's a little bit like you probably think it's

like a little bit pathetic of me to stay with him you know like why don't I just

leave but it's really not that easy you have to go through the situation to know

yourself why I would stay stalking and harassment that included a range of

threats from I'll make your life so miserable that you'll kill yourself or

your mother is not going to be around for much longer followed after starting

the process of getting a restraining order and moving on with my life it's

taking me a while to feel confident again in still to this day the thought

of getting close to someone new is a little bit shaky I still feel wounded

but I've learned some very valuable lessons in this situation and the

difference between control and love and it was when I was reaching out for help

that I realized that there's not enough help for Mel domestic violence victims I

had met this lady outside of the courthouse when I was getting my

restraining order and she had gave me a number to call and she said that they

may be able to help me so I did call them and they said that they do only

help women and children and I was basically alone I had nowhere to go I

had no like counseling or help to seek out but I did find some outlets after

this situation and I wish I had known of them earlier because if someone was able

to help me a while ago back when I was going

through this then I probably would have saved me a lot of trouble and I will

leave those linked in the description if you were going through something similar

or you know of someone who is then there will be ways to get help down below in

the description but there is a happy ending to the story today I am with the

most wonderful man ever Thomas my boyfriend who takes really good care of

me and shows me so much love and affection he's never laid his hands on

me and I really trust him and I've actually shared this story with

him before and he's been there for me and he's like supported me and loved me

and told me that everything is fine I finally forgiven Mikey for my own

well-being it does not excuse his actions but I have forgiven him for

myself I've forgiven him so I can move on from the situation and not dwell on

it anymore and I'm finally happy again and in love

with the most wonderful man ever I guess I just wanted to share my story with you

guys and maybe help someone who's going through something similar or know

someone who is I'd like to thank those of you who have listened to me in the

past or those of you who watch this video throughout and allowed me to vent

to you my advice to anyone in a similar situation my advice to anyone in a

similar situation is to not blame yourself get out and get help there is

ways you could get help out there there's help for you out there that I

didn't know about at the time like I said I wish I did and I will share them

with you guys in the description I encourage you to check out the help

options for you and here's a great place to start this is the national domestic

violence hotline you guys can call it and talk to them event to them or get

some counseling over the phone this is just my story and if you guys take

anything from this video I just want it to be that you realize I'm in could be

victims too whether in a gay or straight relationship it can happen to anybody

and there needs to be more sources of getting help out there and more of a

support system for everybody and don't you dare say this is some kind of

madness movement because this is not about anything other than just being

treated fairly in the fact that there should be help options for us out there

and there's this kind of like stigma around men and abusive relationships

that they could just fight back or they need to man up or they just need to like

deal with it but I do know that when I was trying to seek help there were not

very many options for me and I would like to see more out there

anyways that's all I have to say for this video I'm sorry if this video was

like a little bit depressing the next video will be a lot more uplifting and I

just really wanted to share my story with you guys and open up a little bit

get you guys to know me a little bit and I wanted to get this weight off my chest

I've liked holding this in and I really hope this helped someone or inspired

someone to get the help or get out of a situation that's not very good for them

or toxic anyways that's all I have to say for this video and if you guys ever

need anyone to talk to you can always DM me on Twitter or Instagram and I am

always here for you you're never alone I will leave my links to my social media

in the description and until next time I will see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> STORY TIME: MY ABUSIVE GAY RELATIONSHIP | DEATH THREATS & RESTRAINING ORDER | Kevin Rupard - Duration: 10:05.


"I FINALLY Improved My Relationship With My Wife Applying What Dan Taught Me." l HTC Testimonial - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> "I FINALLY Improved My Relationship With My Wife Applying What Dan Taught Me." l HTC Testimonial - Duration: 8:40.


Trump: We need a reciprocal trade relationship - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Trump: We need a reciprocal trade relationship - Duration: 2:30.


Blackstone CEO on changing U.S.-China trade relationship - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Blackstone CEO on changing U.S.-China trade relationship - Duration: 2:44.


Jersey Shore Romance Rewind: A Timeline of Ronnie and Sammi's Rocky Relationship - Duration: 3:57.

Jersey Shore Romance Rewind: A Timeline of Ronnie and Sammi's Rocky Relationship

Sometimes reality TV feels a little too real.

And Ronnie Ortiz-Magro admitting he was still in love with Sammi Sweetheart Giancola on last nights Jersey Shore Family Vacation, even though he was about to welcome his first child with girlfriend Jen Harley, felt like watching a car wreck, where you just cant look away despite knowing you totally should.

Ronnie and Sammis relationship drama dominated the MTV reality hit during its original six-season run from 2009-2012.and is still the main topic of conversation in the Family Vacation Miami house, despite Sammi choosing not to return.

Arguably one of reality TVs rockiest romances, we decided to take a stroll down memory lane.but you might want to fasten your seat belts before we take off because this one gets very bumpy.

Summer 2009: Sammi and Ronnie first start dating during the first season of Jersey Shore, after she had a brief flirtation with Mike The Situation Sorrentino.

January 2010: Though they end filming as a couple, Ronnie and Sammi break up by the end of the live season one reunion special after never-before-seen footage of a conversation she had with The Situation is aired and Ronnie feels betrayed.

Its done, Sammi says. April 2010: Season two kicks off and the couple has not spoken since the reunion, and single Ronnie goes all out in the premiere…only to eventually want to get back together with Sammi.

S—t hits the fan after Jenni JWoww Farley and Nicole Snooki Polizzi decide to write the infamous anonymous letter, detailing all of Ronnies bad behavior.but it backfires when Sammi chooses Ronnie and it leads to a massive feud between her and the other two guidettes.

Season 3, 2011: After many volatile arguments, including a blow-out fight that included Ronnie destroying Sammis belongings and throwing a bed while she was standing on it, the couple breaks up, with Sammi then choosing to leave the house.

She returns two episodes later and though they almost reconcile, they end the season still broken up after Sammi admits to once hooking up with Mikes friend, Arvin (before she was with Ronnie).

March 2011: Their costar Paul Pauly D Delvecchio tells E! News that the couple just needs to call it quits. They need to move on! Spoiler alert: they do not move on!.

Season 4, 2011: Soon after the cast heads to Italy, the couple gets back together. only to break up again. and then get back together again. Sammi Giancola, Ronnie MagroCourtesy: Lester Cohen/Getty Images.

December 2012: Jersey Shore ends its six-season run on MTV with Ronnie and Sammi ending the series as a couple during the live reunion special, despite their ongoing fighting and their parents not being thrilled over their decision to move in together.

August 2014: The couple announces their split, with Sammi telling E! News, I wish him nothing but the best. Right now, Im focused on myself. Ronnie blamed their schedules for the breakup.

We were drifting apart and not really spending any time together, he said at the time. I still care about her. Shes a great girl, but we were growing distant. It was for the best..

But in the Jersey Shore Family Vacation premiere, Ronnie admitted to cheating on Sammi. Once we left the shore house, me and Sam decided we were going to take the next step, he said.

And we were getting towards that stage where it was like, I either have to s— or get off the pot.

She gave me a timeline. She was like, I want to get married in six months—and Im still trying to figure my life out, he explained.

I got cold feet. I wanted to do the right thing, but there was a part of me that was like, Im not going to do the right thing. So I didnt do it. I ended up cheating, she found out.

March 2016: A source tells E! News the couple were on again after she posted a photo from her 29th birthday celebration. They are seeing each other again, [but] taking it slower this time around, the insider said.

They were just in Mexico together as well. They have a lot of history. However, their relationship is never confirmed by either party. Malika Haqq, Ronnie MagroRonnie Magro/Malika Haqq.

December 2016: Ronnie begins dating Malika Haqq after meeting while filming E!s Famously Single.

We had a lot in common from the start and it was an instant friendship. The attraction quickly became a mutual romance, Malika and Ronnie told E! News exclusively.

Our support for one another through this challenging experience made us strong in a very short period of time. We had an opportunity to really get to know each other living in such close quarter..

February 2017: Ronnie and Malika break up, with Khloe Kardashians BFF explaining, I think Ronnie and I were odds from the very beginning, she explained. I think that we define opposites attract..

For more infomation >> Jersey Shore Romance Rewind: A Timeline of Ronnie and Sammi's Rocky Relationship - Duration: 3:57.


Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert: Why Their Past Relationship Drama is Resurfacing - Duration: 0:58.

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert: Why Their Past Relationship Drama is Resurfacing

Moving on is hard to do!. Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert were country musics hottest couple before their divorce in 2015. Now, thanks to Mirandas new relationship, and a seemingly covert tweet from Blake, their past relationship drama is being revisited.

Been taking the high road for a long time. I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! Its karma!! Blake tweeted earlier this week.

Which fans think is in reference to Mirandas new relationship with musician Evan Felker, who is still married to his wife Staci Felker. Although Evan filed for divorce earlier this year, it hasnt been finalized.

What does his soon-to-be ex-wife Staci have to say about it all?.

For more infomation >> Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert: Why Their Past Relationship Drama is Resurfacing - Duration: 0:58.


What MS related things have put a strain on your relationship? - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> What MS related things have put a strain on your relationship? - Duration: 1:09.


Broken Live-in Relationship - Duration: 5:36.

Turn on the *SUBTITLES* and use earphones for a better experience!

We're in April. Six months since we last fought...

No, six months since we last did a 'break-up.'

So, it's almost time..

That's why, you're doing this...

You thought, I'll do something fancy...

Sayesha, what's wrong with you? We got a holiday after such a long time...


I thought, I'll do something good for you and you'll like it.

And you're just going back to what I did six months ago...

And what's this thing in your hair?

What do you mean 'what's in my hair?' Really?

Who fights about these things?

Except you, the great Arjun.

You know, I have to tell you something

Where are we really going with this?

With this whole live-in thing. We've been living together for 6 years.

And this is where we're coming to...

This is the bed that we use...

It's a really nice bed

No, what do we use it for? Is all that we use it for. Great!

If I want to do something nice and different, then you've a problem.

And you remind me of what I did six months ago...

See how you're reacting? You can't even take one sentence of criticism...

I made tea. And you've to criticise how it contains too much sugar!

Why did you make tea?

Wanted to write something? You've problem with that as well..

I don't understand

I don't get time to do anything after office

So let me, atleast wake up...

Come back and bloddy have sex, and that's all...

Oh, you've a problem with sex, now? Fantastic...

I don't have problem with anything.

So then, we should leave...

Sayesha, I'm just trying to tell you

I'm done. You give your own rent, I'll do mine.

I'm just trying to tell you that why are we living like this?

Can you please listen?

I was just trying to do something

And, I was just trying to sleep...

I'm done staying with you

And, I'm done listening to you.

Please, don't say that

You want to sleep, no? Please, sleep

I won't write. Nor make tea.

Don't leave me...

Please. I can't live without you.

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