Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

News on Youtube Feb 26 2018

Salut youtube welcome back to part two of my Q&A for February I had to split

this monthly Q&A into two parts because I had so many questions coming in using

the ask me anything form that I put down below I hope everyone's doing well it's

all good for me over here Paris is getting sunny there's blue

skies out and I'm just like bring on the summer it's almost summer okay it's

gonna be summer in like five months but still

but anyways we've got loads of questions to get into so let's jump

into it first question is from Paul and Paul's asking me what my current level

of French is and how long it took me to become fluent and French so I've

actually got a video of me speaking French which I'll link up here because

this video kind of explains all the things that I did wrong which means that

I'm only at a level you know between b1 and b2 if you're familiar with this

referencing system so upper intermediate after four years in France my main

problem is that I studied in English I wrote my master's thesis in English I

always worked in English and I kept my personal life largely in English even

with my French boyfriend and I have a lot of Expat friends so it's really all

the things you shouldn't do in your learning French I think if you really

come here wanting to learn the language and you make the time to practice it

won't take you any longer than one year to become what we call fluent

oh and I just saw a second part to Paul's question he asks if I find

communication difficult with my french partner and sometimes it's like we're

not on the same page um not really because we speak in English together and

his level of English is perfect after being with me for six years so lucky him

he has a live-in English tutor so he doesn't even speak with an accent

anymore we didn't really have any communication

issues due to the language alone. The next question I have coming in is from

Ana who's currently in a long-distance relationship with a French boy and wants

to know what my strategies were with the communication side of things to keep the

long distance love alive so yes I know what it feels

like to be in a long-distance relationship and I do empathize with you

we survived long-distance for 18 months which was already painful enough I know

there's people out there who do it for even longer so to answer your questions

about the communication side of things what things kind of help it's really

important to schedule at least once per week a date night and you can do

absolutely anything you can watch a Netflix

episode together at the same time you can just chat whatever you want to do

but the important thing is is that it's a fixed time that you can rely on

because there's something that's really frustrating and long-distance

relationships is when you keep kind of missing each other and you send a message

they don't read it kind of thing and you always feel that you're constantly

missing each other so this time that you know that you can unite it gives you a

bit of security you know that you're gonna have that time with them and

you're not constantly checking you know are they online just in case that you

could possibly grab them for a call or whatever because you know that you've

got your Saturday call fixed in stone so it's less stressful for the rest of

the time I would say that if you use whatsapp you can send little messages

you can send voice messages which is really nice that's a bit more intimate

because the biggest side of your relationship that you're missing is

physical photos videos that kind of thing where they can they can see you is

really important as well and one of the most important things to

do in my opinion is to have an end game so what do I mean I mean whether it's

just a fantasy or whether it's a reality to be able to visualize and talk about

the future and that you'll be together again even if you're just saying things

like wouldn't it be funny if I move to France what would that look like where

would we live where would we what would our apartment

be like what could I do as a job and even if it's just fantasy or if it

really comes to be I think it's important for you guys to imagine a life

where the long distance ends and you come together again. The next question is

from Noob love the name Noob and Noob has asked what French music

I listen to and I'm actually going to put a playlist in the description box below of

my favorite French tunes at the moment the next question is from Flavia from

Brazil who's going to be coming to Paris this summer and wants to know about the

non touristy things to do in Paris and I've actually got a very exciting

collaboration coming up we will be doing a video on that exact topic so the non

touristy things to do in Paris so watch the space in the next few months there'll

definitely be a full video dedicated to that topic the next question is from

Léa and she is asking me why New Zealanders are called Kiwis and for me

this is so obvious that I didn't even realize that people didn't know why

basically the reason is because we've got a native bird called the Kiwi which

is a very funny little bird he has very tiny wings so he can't fly he's blind

and he's deaf so he's a funny little bird who relies only on the sense of

smell to be able to survive so anyway this bird for whatever reason is one of

our native birds and it's our national emblem so this is why we're called Kiwis

The next question is from Marie and she asked me if I am like the flight of the

Conchords who are a New Zealand comedy duo who sing funny songs and they've

actually got a TV series and everything and yes I find them hilarious

I'll put some links down in the description box below for those who are

interested in checking them out are some funny Kiwi talent right there

The next question is another New Zealand one coming from Pauline and she asks me

is it easy to find work in New Zealand if you're French

it depends what kind of work you do but in general yes it's easy to find work in

New Zealand because there's a strong growing economy so that helps the

unemployment rate is down at 5% there are huge opportunities in the tourism

industry especially if you're French that definitely plays in your favor so

you can imagine maybe restaurants hotels even sort of tourist experience

it's like helicopter flights jet boating all of this kind of thing if you're

French and you walk into any French restaurant or cafeteria over there

you're almost guaranteed the job because for us it looks super classic if you can

have real French waiters and waitresses and people working there who are

actually legitimately French another thing you could do is to try with the

aliens Frances to see if they have any jobs going as French teachers and if not

you can go private and worked as a freelance French teacher for example

because our population is so small we've only got 4.5 million people we have a

lot of skills shortages so if you're an engineer you'll get a visa

honestly like that if you're a doctor like that if you're an IT like that

nursing is another one so it depends what you do but we do have a lot of skill

shortages so overall I think the chances of getting a job is quite high in New

Zealand it really helps to activate any networks to post in groups like for

example there's a lot of groups for French people living in New Zealand so

this kind of thing to pick up on those job offers that aren't necessarily

advertised. The next question is coming in from Seda who's asked me what my

opinion is on minimalism after seeing my apartment to a video I wouldn't call

myself a pure minimalist at all like I don't have a wardrobe with only 12 items

and there and I know the philosophy of minimalism as only having things that

bring you joy and I do like the idea in theory but at the same time you know I

mean look behind me we've got a lot of books here a lot of these books but

gifts and maybe I never touch them and they don't really bring me joy as such

but they would get from people and they make me think a bit person I don't know

I'm really not on the extreme end of the philosophy but in general I think we

should all try to be at least consumerist I think we should all try

and purchase lists fast fashion because we all know that it's really young

underage children working 24 hours a day in hot factories

so that we can have this fast cheap fashion that we keep buying and buying

and buying so in general I definitely think the philosophy of minimalism is

awesome I'm not fully there as a person but I try and be a lot more conscious

and I think we should all try and be a lot more conscious of how much stuff we

buy and wherever possible cut it down my next mission is coming from Pierre and

Pierre's asking me if I can see myself going to different regions and France

and doing videos so that I can present other areas of France to my audience yes

I definitely plan on doing more vlogging and more travel vlogs on my channel in

general so whenever I do travel to another region in France you can count

on me for putting a video out on it and showing off these beautiful areas of

from the next question is from Lili and Lili wants to know how New Zealand works

for international students when it comes to going to university there and I think

the short answer is that it's really expensive to go to university there

unless your university that you're going to currently has an exchange program

with an equivalent university in New Zealand but if not the fees are very

high for international people I think from memory we're talking about 12,000

euros per year or something like that so definitely look into it it's differently

a different system than studying in France the next question I have is from

Olga who's bought a ticket to Auckland New Zealand and has two weeks to look

around the country and she wants to know how to split their time between the

North and the South Island so firstly enjoy New Zealand I'm so jealous it's

gonna be awesome secondly if you're gonna split your time

I would definitely recommend during 10 days in the South Island and four days

in the North Island you can do the North Island on your second trip so focus on

Queenstown Wanaka Arrowtown milford sounds this kind of area you may want to

go to the french joseph glacier which is really nice head to the top of the South

Island and definitely check out the Abel Tasman National Park

it's so beautiful then you might want to do two days in Wellington

Two days in Auckland and then you'll be on your way home from Katarina and

she's asking me if it's difficult to move to France with a child for the

parents that I know and I have to be honest I don't know a lot of parents

that have moved here with a child but I do know in France that they do try and

make things easier for families and for children you know if you look at the

principles of the country and you see that they offer very affordable

childcare they invest a lot into schooling and education is very

important here and for example when the child goes to school their lunches are

provided and they get to eat proper filling meals you know for a very very

small price and the when I look at France in the way they tend to protect

children and the family unit you know trying to for example offer tax breaks

to bigger families and things like this my general feeling is that you'll be

fine and also when you've but a child you

instantly connect with so many other people so I'm sure there's going to be

groups like expat mums and Paris, expat mums in France whatever city you're

staying in and and this kind of thing. So the next question I have from FrenchFancies

is quite interesting and it has two parts the first part is do I think it's

easy for New Zealanders and Australians to meet long-term partners

in France and the second part of the question FrenchFancies says that she's

a bit chubbier and she worries about the stereotype that French men like kind of

stick thin a French woman and will it be difficult for her to find someone over

here in France so to answer your question I definitely think that New

Zealanders and Australians are quite attractive profiles to French men these

are the kinds of countries that make them dreams I think it automatically

sparks a curiosity and it signals a kind of sense of an adventure that's very

exciting for them so I think it's automatically you're interesting to

French men so I think that's already you know a good step one ball on tome

obviously it does become a bit tough because you're dating someone who's

literally from the other side of the world so if you're both very very close

to your family and need to be able to live near your

families long-term I'm not sure that it will work so it depends on the person

you know if you've got someone that's more open-minded and although they love

their family they don't mind you know living away from them for five years

and then you can swap and do the same if you're the kind of people that are more

flexible and open-minded and well-traveled and this kind of thing I

think it can work really well and you're always learning from each other and

these kinds of bicultural relationships. To answer the second part of your

question at the end of the day French men are men and men have a variety of

tastes a variety of interests I'm not gonna lie it's popular for French woman

and especially Parisian woman to be very thin does that mean that they're doing

it for the men because the men really like it that way I'm not sure maybe some

Frenchmen do prefer a thin woman but a lot of them like a lot of men also like

boobs and bums and curves and that's their flavor you know I'm a strong

believer that there's a passenger for every train don't worry yourself be

yourself be confident be smiling that's what's going to attract a French man

when you've got that positive and thues est attitude that's what's most

attractive at least that's what a lot of the French partners of my expat friends

say they say we love that you laugh all the time you're positive you're

optimistic you're funny this kind of thing this is what excites

them about dating foreign girls so be confident wear a big smile and you won't

have any problems. The next question comes from Audee and she asks me what are

the big differences between dating French boys and Kiwi boys I'm gonna link

for you a video up here which I did with my friend Kate on the things we love

about dating French boys so you can go and check that out because I make a lot

of references about what French boys do better than the New Zealand boys and

then if you want to look at my dating kind of culture shocks I've also got two

other videos on this topic so I'll link them in the description box below the

Last question from Laura again on the bicultural relationship

thing and I'm definitely sensing a theme here so I'm gonna bring out more

detailed in-depth videos on navigating bicultural relationships for sure but

one of the questions that Lara asked is do I think through being in a bicultural

relationship we have certain strengths as a couple and then certain weaknesses

as a couple as well definitely on the strengths you could never get bored

you're always learning from each other your world opens twice because you've

got two cultures and you see everything with two different eyes which is really

exciting for the weaknesses you've got to be super explicit because the things

that you assume are normal and you don't even need to talk about them need to be

talked about basically you can never assume again you have to make everything

explicit and communicate and repeat several times to make sure that you're

on the same page and the other weaknesses is that you're likely to have

really different values on things like for example the way children should be

disciplined and so again I think there's an added layer of compromise that you

have to consider when you have a bicultural relationship the next part of

your question asked me if it was difficult getting to know his family and

and him getting to know my family for example and I think you just have to

accept that it's not gonna be the way you always imagined with your in-laws

drinking together and laughing and getting along with best friends and that

kind of thing my family and yours this family can't communicate they all have

something in common which is that they all love us and that's enough and they

smile and we translate for them and it's fine but they're never going to be best

friends calling each other up you know outside of our relationship you have to

kind of just accept that there's some things that aren't gonna work out as you

imagined but it's okay you know it works anyways I've noted that the bicultural

relationship thing is a really big topic and it's something that I know quite a

lot of that and I feel quite passionate about so I'm absolutely gonna put up

some videos on this topic so that we can go a bit deeper than what I'm

to go and these Q&A videos but anyways that's all from me for this time guys

I hope you enjoyed it if you're still here watching at this point thank you so

much if you have any questions, use my ask me anything form down below and

until the next video see you next time à bientôt !

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