Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?Nursery Rhymes/ Song for kids | Simple kids songs TV
Chew Toy Training - 7 Simple Ways To Train Your Dog To Like Chew Toys! - Duration: 4:44.there are lots of uses for chew toys in your training as well as in your adult
dog's life whether you're redirecting that puppy away from something that you
don't want them to chew and replacing it with a chew toy that you do want them to
chew or you're giving your dog a safe toy that they can have when you aren't
able to supervise them today we're going to talk about chew toy training for
those dogs who don't naturally love to chew I'm Ken Steepe and welcome back to
McCann dogs teaching your dog to enjoy chewing a can have all kinds of benefits
for some of the reasons that we mentioned earlier but if you have a dog
who doesn't enjoy chewing the first thing I want you to do is make sure that
you've got an appropriately sized chew toy now I went and picked up one of
these Nylabone essentials chew toys at our local pet store and this would be
for one of our bigger dogs you know Deegan our black lab or you know some of
our border collie would probably enjoy chewing on this it's also going to be a
little bit safer for them the worst thing you can do is buy a chew toy
that's too small for your dog dogs have such great bite pressure that they can
really damage their teeth if you get them too small of a chew toy but this
might be a little bit big for like hippy shake if you shake doesn't naturally
like to chew very much and it's something that we've worked with her on
and this toy wouldn't be if I were introducing this to a small dog this
wouldn't be the size of toy that I would choose now as I mentioned there are
different flavors that you can get this one's actually chicken flavored and I
know I've seen all kinds of different flavors out there in fact there's
actually a pizza nylon Bone chew toy that I saw for dogs that look pretty
cool and if I were a dog I think that's the one I would choose now something
else you can try if you have a dog who doesn't really like to enjoy chewing is
to get a different density of to bone now this one's a little bit softer it's
a wag where you know I'll post a link in the description below if you guys want
to check this one out specifically but you can see it's just a little bit it's
not quite as hard and this will allow that dog who doesn't really isn't
gratified by the chewing chewing our harder bone to start to get the Flex off
of something like this and it may entice them to chew a little bit more now we
all know somebody who has a dog who chewed up their shoes or who ate a
soccer who got into the dirty laundry hamper and there's a good reason for
that we all know the dogs have a very heightened sense of smell and when
they're investigating these things those items that smell like you are of
particular importance to them so you can actually take advantage of that and you
can make that chew toy smell like you and there's a couple of options I
mean not like this but all joking aside if you were to you know put that chew
toy under your armpit after you went to the yoga studio or you or just came back
from the gym or maybe if you're Canadian you can toss it in your hockey bag I
couldn't find my hockey helmet now I'm gonna escape though having these new and
interesting smells on the chew toy may be the thing that entices your dog to
engage with it now when you first bring these toys home they're actually really
smooth and your dog's goal is going to be to take tiny little flecks off of the
two toys so what you can do to you know help make it a little bit easier for
your dog if they don't necessarily like to chew is roughen the surface any rough
surface will do but that's going to make it a little bit easier for your dog to
be gratified by the chewing on the bone if you've jump-started the process just
a little bit for those of you in a multi dog household giving that chew toy
initially to one of the other dogs is often a good way to create some interest
you know the dog your dog really understands at that point that it's a
resource that they probably want so take advantage of that and give the toy to
one of your other dogs who likes to chew before giving it to your dog who isn't
necessarily interested in it treat that chew toy like something of value if this
is left out on the ground all the time so that my dog always has access to it
it becomes much less interesting but if I only bring it out when we're hanging
out on the couch watching a movie or when you know he he or she wants to
engage with it then it becomes a little bit more interesting and it could really
help you to entice your dog to engage with something like this if they think
they've got limited time access to it from puppies all the way up to senior
dogs chewing is a really natural behavior and whether you're using it as
a pastime to alleviate boredom or you're using it for training maybe you're
redirecting them away from something that you don't want your dog to chew and
you're replacing it with something that you do want to chew or you're just
trying to maintain good dental health for your dog these two toys can be a
really really useful tool so make sure you take advantage of what you learn
today in in the training now if this is your first time on the channel make sure
you hit that subscribe button we publish new videos every single week to help you
to have a well-behaved four-legged family member that video beside me is
actually a video about teaching your dog to love playing with toys and you talk
turn on the channel about how that's a really nice way to engage with them on
that note I'm Ken thanks for watching happy training
Simple DIY Bikini top - Duration: 4:07.hi guys so in this video I'm going to show you how to make this lovely
halterneck bikini top from a bikini bottom. In the shops I always see so
many bikini bottoms but never any tops so this is why I designed this. First
of all you want a pair of good scissors that can cut well. Next is optional so
you can have padding. Now when you get cold with swimwear your nipples will
show so you might as well just put some in. You'll also need a roll of thread. I
chose black and obviously with thread you also need a needle. Now here are some
bikinis that I bought, bikini bottoms from Primark and they were only one
pound, size 6 and size 8, so I'm using size 8 flat the top and size 6 to wear
on the bottoms and they're matching. So you want some string so you are able to
make a halter neck or something now the bottom doesn't matter piece you're just
wearing on your bottom so first of all you want to work on the other side, the
smaller side and cut off the string. Now you want to sew the string together so
you have a longer piece of string. Now put the thread through the needle do a
double knot and chop off the excess. Sew up the piece of string as well as you can and
then chop it off when you're all ready make sure you've got your double knot
and you can just pull it a little bit just to make sure it's definitely gonna
stay on. If it seems a little bit loose just sew up a bit more but it should be
fine now. Grab your bikini bottom and use the
bigger side measure up towards your body like this and this cover up your
cleavage and bring it up just to see how high you want the halter neck to go.
Now this seems like a good height which is just above the seam. You want
to make sure you can fold it over to put the string inside to make the halter
neck so make sure you leave enough space then chop it off now put your
string in the middle and you would basically fold it over and sew up that
section here. I will recommend double sewing it like I normally do just do
ensure its security on there. So now this is what it looks like. I sewed from
one side to the other and back so that's very tight and with definitely not come
off and usually there's some excess you can now chop that little bit off. It doesn't
really matter too much because it's on the inside. Now you want to add the padding
hich is very simple so these bikinis have two linings in it so you just cut a
little bit on both sides of the black section with your scissors and you'll
have two little gaps like this doesn't really matter if it's messy or whatever
because it's on the inside. Now hold the pad like this and insert it inside. Do it on
both sides now. It's on both sides now. Now've you got the padding on both sides and
you don't have to worry about your nipples showing through. Now you've got a
lovely halter neck. I have a little bow on my back and a double knot on my neck
which matches my bikini bottoms. Now I have a whole set so now you don't have
to worry about not being able to find a bikini because you could just make one
yourself out of bottoms which are cheap. Thanks for watching please like, comment
and subscribe
Crazy Yummy with simple products! - Duration: 2:54. For more infomation >> Crazy Yummy with simple products! - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Ultra Simple Using Noodle Soup!! Japanese Style Mentai Pasta [6124kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I made a super easy to make Japanese style mentaiko egg spaghetti with noodle sauce
Today's mentaiko spaghetti is so EZ to make The last time around I made some creamy pasta
This time around we're going with a japanese style flavoring
In place of the cream we have noodles sauce instead
alrighty let's see how it's made
These are the ingredients Spaghetti mentaiko egg noodle sauce mayonnaise
Salted butter shredded seaweed
Add plenty of salt to the spaghetti water
Boil the pasta according to directions
remove the fish eggs from the membrane
blend the mentaiko egg with noodle sauce in a large bowl
Add mayo Butter and mix
then dump in the boiled pasta
The butter will melt from the Heat
You could also add some of the pasta water
I will Also add some kelp tea for extra depth
It's a shame to let this mentaiko sauce go to waste that came with the fish eggs so I'll add it
Transfer to a bowl
Once you add the seaweed.....
tadaa it's all done
Doesn't it look so yummy
mentaiko is the 'bestest' stuff around itadakimasu
This Japanese style one is lower in calories than the other
Perfect for those who are dieting
It's covered in plenty of the seaweed and looks yummy
The yummy sweetness from the noodle sauce taste so yummy with everything in here
The seaweed goes perfectly with this stuff
The kelp tea that I added gives it plenty of extra flavor
With so much of the sauce covering the noodles its all so yummy
Rich butter and the eggs that pop in the mouth are so good
oh yeah that's right I added a bit of mayo to this
the mayo gives it extra flavor
It's so covered in sauce
And since there's so much butter and mentaiko in here its very satisfying
The Mayo serves to help mellow the flavors
Time to add some more seaweed
The crispy dry ones are yummy but the soggy wilted bits of seaweed are also very yummy
One good thing about eating large portions in the summer is that you can get a lot of you liquids at the same time
please stay hydrated during the crazy hot summer Y'all
I'm all out of seaweed
It just doesn't look that good if you put too much on at the beginning
Seaweed and mentaiko fish eggs go so nicely together
Some perilla Leaf would be awesome in here as well
It can sometimes overpower a dish so it would be best to add it mid way though
I think it would be for the best if you start off this dish with seaweed then make the switch to perilla
Last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita The Japanese style mentaiko egg spaghetti with sauce
was so yummy how is it that these mentaiko can make everything taste so good
The creamy pasta was yummy but this japanese style pasta was yummy as well
I liked both styles of mentaiko pasta but I usually lean towards creamy carbonaras
the kelp tea did make this taste really good as well kelp is full of umami
and the seaweed was a lovely topping as well I didn't even need to cut anything up today
it was so EZ to make won't you all please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you Wants me to do or each please tell me in a comment section
If you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
A SIMPLE FIBONACCI TRADING STRATEGY FOR FX - Duration: 13:00. For more infomation >> A SIMPLE FIBONACCI TRADING STRATEGY FOR FX - Duration: 13:00.-------------------------------------------
English Speaking Practice / Learn English Simple Questions and Answers - Duration: 56:26.🇺🇸 Don't foget Subcribe now !
blouse designs for sarees | simple maggam work blouse designs,blouse back neck designs,TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 6:46.
hand embroidery designs
Simple Tips to Fight Cellulite - Duration: 6:39.Simple Tips to Fight Cellulite
Cellulite may occur when blood doesn't flow properly through the blood vessels, which makes it difficult to send oxygen to the tissues and remove toxins.
It generally appears on the knees, legs, ankles, arms, abdomen, hips and buttocks.
Find out how to fight cellulite in this article! There are three types of cellulite:.
Hard, which is superficial and can be easily treated and prevented.
Soft, which is a little harder to remove.
Edematous, the most serious because it causes pain and swelling and should be treated medically.
Causes of cellulite. Genetics.
Circulatory problems.
Kidney or lung problems. Anxiety.
Depression. Stress. Sedentary lifestyle.
Change your habits to combat cellulite.
When you are eating.
You need to eliminate bad fats and increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as cut out alcohol and soda.
When you are getting dressed.
You may not think it, but the clothes you wear could be causing cellulite – we recommend throwing away any clothes that are too tight or restrictive, which prevent good blood circulation and can cause cellulite to appear.
Keep in mind that tight pants, tight belts and tight underwear can all prevent good circulation.
Do some exercise.
Do some aerobic exercise at least three times a week, such as running, swimming, or cycling.
Exercise is not only beneficial to prevent cellulite but it also guarantees the healthy functioning of every organ in the body.
Massage the affected areas.
This is done in order to promote the smooth passage of blood through the blood vessels.
Massage in circular motions with light tapping, as if you were kneading dough.
Watch your weight.
Cellulite occurs thanks to fat and poor circulation, so if you gain a lot of weight, you will likely see its marks.
If you lose weight, it is easier to combat cellulite with exercise, creams, and a good diet.
Remember that excess weight is the cause of many health problems, which is why you should always follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Cut out salt.
Salt makes the body retain fluid, causing the toxins to stay for longer in the body, producing problems like cellulite, constipation, among others.
Home remedies for cellulite.
Oatmeal soap and seaweed soap.
You can easily find these products at health food stores.
Simply bathe the affected areas with the oatmeal soap, rinse, and use the seaweed soap.
Massage using circular motions to simulate blood flow.
Make a puree out of half a papaya and add a few spoonfuls of brown sugar, which is essential to hydrate and exfoliate your skin.
Mix well until it forms a paste and apply to the areas where you find cellulite.
The papaya will eliminate dead cells and you'll get firmer skin.
Green tea.
Among the many benefits of green tea, this remedy is essential for getting rid of cellulite as it is both an antioxidant and diruretic.
This infusion is one of the best ways to improve blood circulation and help eliminate liquids and waste from your body.
It purifies your kidneys.
For this reason, it is recomended for fluid retention and urinary infections; it also works as a mild laxative to alleviate constipation and gastric disorders.
You can also make a simple infusion with lemon to lose weight and get rid of cellulite.
It helps to purify the body and eliminate fats and toxins.
We hope you've enjoyed these simple tips to fight cellulite!.
Simple Yogurt Cake Recipe 🎂 | Harry Potter ⚡ Edition | Cinereplicas - Duration: 2:08.Hi witches wizards and muggles
Today, we're gonna make a Harry Potter yogurt cake
Don't they look delicious?
and they taste just as great
here are all the ingredients you'll need
You can use a Gryffindor or Hogwarts one according to your preference
For this recipe, the only measurement cup that we used is a yogurt cup
In a big mixing bowl, pour 2 cups of flour, baking soda and mix them well
now pour the sugar and vanilla extract, then mix again
In a separate bowl, beat three eggs until fully blended
Now you can pour in your molten butter and mix again
Before going to the next step, pour in one cup of yogurt and mix well
pour the egg mixture into the big bowl with dry ingredients
Mix well until your mixture becomes nice and smooth
Be patient and take your time
This might take a while
Now we're gonna butter the cake mold
Once you are done, you can pour the cake mixture evenly
don't be afraid to do it slowly
so that the cake mixture will not split
Here comes the final step of the recipe
In an oven preheated to 235 Celsius
bake your yogurt cake for 30 to 35 minutes
Let the cake cool down for 10 minutes before unmolding
and... there you go an amazing Hogwarts yogurt cake
I hope that your creation is as good as mine, if not better
If you went for a Gryffindor cake
This is how you cake should look like
I wonder if the refilling charm applies also to cakes, cause I can eat it all day!
Find more cakes recipes here !
If you are baking for a birthday party
decorate the cake with these Harry Potter candles to make the occasion even more magical
Just be careful if you are using Incendio spell instead of muggle lighter
Thanks for watching. Stay tuned for more magical recipes
The Red Wheelbarrow – Simple Solution / Meaning - Duration: 3:50.I would like to dedicate this video to my grandfather. He was an amazing man
when we were kids he often used to tell us jokes,
stories, legends and frequently tease our brains with impressive number of riddles
he knew of the top of his head. A year ago he passed away.
So, I made this video in his memory.
"The Red Wheelbarrow" a poem by William Carlos Williams.
So much depends upon,
a red wheel barrow,
glazed with the rain water,
beside the white chickens.
So, what does it mean?
If you search on YouTube or just google it,
you will get quite impressive number of solutions and analysis that
are pretty much misleading and to a great extent
simply wrong.
the author's own story about: seeing the wheelbarrow through a window while he
was visiting a patient one day is there just to lead you away from the real solution.
You have to understand that William Carlos Williams was a
genius, illusionist, magician, a real master of deception
and I will tell you more about it in a deeper analysis some other time.
In order to solve this poem the first thing you need to do isto stop calling it a poem
just for a while call it a riddle.
Okay, then so what is the solution of this riddle?
The solution is:
There are words all over the poem?! Dude, WTF?!
No, no, no, I mean literally the answer is:
Ok,ok, calm down, wait, listen!
Red wheelbarrow glazed with the rain water represents
tongue and ...
white chickens represent your teeth.
Your tongue and teeth produce sounds
therefore the answer is: WORDS.
In order to cement this statement
let me remind you about the first paragraph of the poem that says:
"so much depends upon"
Those two words at the beginning "so much"
are saying that there is a deeper meaning
beyond simple picture of just wheelbarrow and chickens
you may be heard or read the saying:
"The word is mightier than the sword" written by a
Assyrian sage 500 years before Christ or you heard something similar through
history this quote has different shapes and forms
you can check few of them in video description down below.
Now, think about this quote in the context of the poem.
Message is very simple through history "words" were determining outcome of
words were behind every failed or successful project
and fates of many human beings were often
hanging on very thin thread of what is said and how it's been said
So, the next time be careful what you say / write / communicate and how you
say it as so much depends on it!
I hope you enjoyed watching this video, please SUBSCRIBE, share and thank you for watching!
And, yes, one more thing... Thank you grandpa ...
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