Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2018

News on Youtube Sep 28 2018

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For more infomation >> c++ code for five function calculator || simple and easy || DKU - Duration: 12:41.


Use these 2 Simple "Weak Knee" Moves to HELP Strengthen Them While Burning More Calories - Duration: 8:47.

Hey, everybody out there.

Coach Dan Long with Get Lean in 12.

And today I have the answer to helping

you strengthen your knees.

If you have weak knees, this video is for you, OK?

Specifically for you, because I know a lot of people out

there have weak knees.

Now let me tell you, in over 20 years,

OK, I have been training over all kinds of moms, dads, kids,

Olympians, NFL, UFC, military.

And one of the things that I've always noticed

is some people, which is probably about eight

out of 10 people, forget to train

one of the most important muscle groups

in your body to help strengthen the knee.

Now we all know when you run, obviously, it

injuries the knee.

If you run on a treadmill, you need

to stop right now, especially if you have bad knees,

especially if you had a bad back.

You need to stop right now and do these two movements that I'm

going to show you today.

Now before I get started, OK, up at this link right here--

don't click it, don't look at it, don't touch it,

don't do anything, because I've got

to give you these exercises.

But at the end of this, stick with me,

this short little video, because I have something for you.

If you're like me--

I'm 45 years old.

And if you're over the age of 35 and you're

looking to get the dream body that you desire, guess what?

I have something for you, so stick with me.

But let me show you the secret to strengthening

your knees at least 20%, 40%, some people

60% by doing just two movements that are going to help you,

because you're over the age of 35.

Now the thing is, people forget to train

the most important part of the leg muscle,

especially you women out there, because right here, this

is your hamstrings.

Your hamstrings are a huge percentage

of being able to strengthen the muscle around the kneecap.

Now if no one's ever told you that, here's the thing.

Women especially are very susceptible to ACL tears

and meniscus tears, because they don't

strengthen the entire leg.

A lot of women only worry about their glutes

because they want that booty, and they

worry about their thighs because they

want it to look a certain shape and a certain way.

And of course, you don't want your thighs to rub.

So here's the thing.

You forget to train the most important muscle on your body,

which is your hamstring.

Now hamstrings, because it's two.

It is major muscle groups that are in the back of the leg

that you have to do.

And I'm going to show you how to do it

very simply in your own home.

You can use a chair.

You can use a couch.

You can use a stability ball like I am, which

is a little more challenging.

And all you need today is a set of dumbbells.

Now your first exercise that I'm going

to show you right here, very simple,

you're going to get down on the ground.

Now here's what I want to show you.


When you put your foot up here, it's

your foot on top of this ball.

This could be, again, a chair.

This could also be the couch.

It could be any of that.

But the trick to this is the height.

So you want to make sure that it's comfortable for you.

So I'm going to be on my hands so I can show you this.


Now I'm going to put my foot up here, right?

Here the thing.

See this?

There's a lot balancing going on, OK?

One of the most major things that it's engaging

is my hamstring right now.

So I'm going to roll the ball out

like this with this leg off the ground,

and I'm going to roll it back in.

I'm going to roll it back out.

I'm going to roll it in.

Now if I want to assist, I put that leg,

my opposite leg on the ground.

I roll out.

I roll back in.

And as I'm doing this, I'm engaging

a ton of my hamstrings, OK?

When you start to get advanced, you

can lift this leg off the ground.

But for now, roll in and out because you have a ball.

Now let's say this is stationary,

and you can't move because you're using the couch

or you're using a chair.

That's fine.

Here's what you're going to do.

You're going to lay on the ground just like so.

Put your hands down by your side.

I know you can see me, OK?

Put your hands down by your side.

Bring this in, because my ball obviously is my chair.

And then I'm going to look just like this.

Lift my butt off the ground and bring it back down.

You can assist with this leg on the ground

and push up and push back down.

Push up and then push back down.

Now keep this foot flat as much as possible.

And again, if you're advanced, you

can pull this up, bring it up, bring it back down.


Right there.

My hamstring is on fire.

That's your first move if you're over the age of 35.

Second one, I have eight-pound dumbbells right here.

You can use anything you want.

Five pound, 15 pound, whatever you want.

Just be careful with your lower back, OK?

First move's going to be-- it'll be just like this.

Here's how you use-- man, I'm out of my breath already.

Separate your feet.

Point your toes out, all right?

Now when you do this, I want you to put a little bend

in the knee.

You're going to put the weights right out

in front of you, your dumbbells.

And then keep your chest up, your chin up.

Look up.

Pull straight down.

And focus your brain on working those hamstring muscles.

Now I'm going to do it to the side, OK?

Same thing.

Little bit of bend in the knee.

Take the pressure off the kneecap,

because we don't want your knees to hurt.

Dumbbells out front, chest up, chin up.

Down and then bring it back up.

Now you will do a total of 12 reps

minimal on this for your left leg and your right leg.

So that's 24 reps for one set.

I want you to do three or four sets.

If you do this at least once a week,

you will start to strengthen your knees, OK?

Now I'm not telling you after you

do that you can go out and start running marathons.

That's not what I'm telling you to do.

I'm trying to help you alleviate some of the pain

without surgery on those knees.

So again, this move is just like so.

You're going to go down, a little bend in the knee,

and bring it back up.

Squeeze the glutes.

Get another 10% of that blood pump right into your glutes.

That's a bonus.

And then back down and back up, just like so.

And you're going to use that exercise along

with that exercise that I showed you

that you can start implementing right now to get your knee

strengthening and feel better, because I know how it feels

to have a runner's knee.

I ran for many, many years, and unfortunately, I

have an injury I've never, ever repaired from surgery.

But I've been able to cope with it

and get around it by doing simple movements just

like this.

Now here's the thing, OK?

If you're like me and you're over the age of 35--

I'm 45 years old, all right?

You need specific movements like these and more protocols

to go exactly with that if you're

looking to shed belly fat.

Now I'm just showing you how to strengthen your knees.

If you want to get rid of belly fat

and you want that body that you desire, well, guess what?

Today I have the exact system that

is specifically designed only if you're over the age of 35.

Because if you're not, this is not for you, OK?

At this link-- in a minute.

Don't click it yet, OK?

You're going to see the Over 40 Ab and Flat Belly Solution.

This system has taken years to specifically design

and tons of labs, going through and making sure

this works on all of our clients so

that we can create the system that you're

going to see at this link in a second, OK?

It's the Over 40 Ab and Flat Belly Solution

that is specifically designed for hormonal changes in people

if you're over the age of 35.

Now when you click that link--

and before you do, all right--

I want to tell you, you're going to see me.

Yeah, you'll see my wife.

She's 41 years old, living with her dream body.

Three kids.

You're going to see my best friend and also

partner, Shaun Hadsall.

He's a grandpa.

He's ripped at 46 years old.

And his wife Karen, 57 years old,

living with her dream body.

But not only that.

She has shocked doctors around the world,

beating out colon cancer using this exact system.

Now if you love these moves-- and I don't want to keep

continuing to do these and get out of breath if you don't like


do me a favor.

Down in the comments below, if you want more,

say, I want more, two exclamation marks, down below

in the comments.

Hit a Like.

Hit a heart.

Hit a Share.

And when you share, tag a friend,

because we want to get this out to the world.

Our Over 40 Ab nation now is over 275,000.

That's over a quarter million people

that are using this exact system at this link that's

going to help you get the dream body that you desire.

So if you're ready, and only if you're ready,

it's time for you start by clicking this link right now.

And it's going to take you to the exact system that's

going to help you with more moves, exact protocols,

and give you everything you need all

in one simple place with a click of a button.

Click this link right now.

Thanks for stopping on this feed, and keep going strong.

For more infomation >> Use these 2 Simple "Weak Knee" Moves to HELP Strengthen Them While Burning More Calories - Duration: 8:47.


Wonderful Home Full Of Light With A Simple Design By Residential Attitudes Architect - Duration: 1:59.

Wonderful Home Full Of Light With A Simple Design By Residential Attitudes Architect

For more infomation >> Wonderful Home Full Of Light With A Simple Design By Residential Attitudes Architect - Duration: 1:59.


How to treat simple acne wrap - Duration: 4:25.

How to treat simple acne wrap Welcome back to the NBC folk experience channel

Today I would like to share with you how to treat the acne wrap that you have applied

a lot of times and very effective self-consuming acne does not have to be unpainless.

The pharmacy can buy a bottle of affordable salt water bottles of only 8 or 9000 ₫ and

a cotton vase for daily hygiene instead of facial cleaning on the toilet-to-face pillow.

2 and a half by 5 bottles of green tea don't count both the broth or the freshwater that

you used in the day avoid eating hot spicy fried tomatoes in tobacco... do not touch

your facial acne without applying your simple ways Your acne wrap will be self-inflicted

and will not cause a swelling of your pain and you are successful thank

you for watching the video if you

see or you please like and register your channel, see you again in the following clips.

For more infomation >> How to treat simple acne wrap - Duration: 4:25.


Paneer and cheese Paratha - simple and easy recipe - Duration: 2:23.

today we are going to make Paneer and cheese Paratha - simple and easy recipe

ingredients required are atta dough

oil, 100 gm paneer

some cheese, 1 spoon cumin seeds

half spoon red chili powder, half spoon salt

finely chopped green coriander leaves

For more infomation >> Paneer and cheese Paratha - simple and easy recipe - Duration: 2:23.


Opening an Apple Mac USED to be Simple - Evolution of Easy-Open - Duration: 6:04.

- Greetings internet, Ken here from the Computer Clan

and today, we're gonna talk about, opening Macs.

You really don't see this nowadays, do ya?

Nowadays we kinda make fun of Apple for making their Macs

very hard to open, which results in low repair-ability

and low upgrade-ability.

But, it didn't always use to be that way.

Doors, sliding panels, covers, you name it.

Apple had unique, and sometimes fun ways for users

to open up their Macs without using tools.

Now I don't have every single computer, so bear with me,

but I will show the stuff I do have.

The original Macintosh, really didn't start with this whole

easy open design, but a little while later

with the Macintosh SE, the SE stood for "System Expansion",

there was at least some kind of upgrade

ability, functionality in it.

Now it didn't really have an easy open feature,

but the computer wasn't inherently too hard to open.

Yes, you still had to use tools, but you could remove

the whole case and get to all the components rather easily.

Technically the system expansion features would be serviced

by professionals not by the typical end user.

So let's rewind a little bit to March of 1985

with the Apple IIe Enhanced, this computer could be opened

easily without tools, you just take

the tabs on the back and flip the cover off.

Boom, you had all the components on the inside,

and all the expansion slots easily accessible.

Jump to September of 1989, the Macintosh IIci

had a similar feature to the Apple IIe Enhanced,

there were just some tabs on the back, you lift 'em up,

and you could throw the cover off.

You have the inside completely accessible,

again, no tools necessary.

So let's go to February of 1993

with the Macintosh Color Classic.

So, this was an all-in-one, kinda like the Macintosh SE,

so it wasn't that easy to open up all together,

but there was still an easy open feature on the back.

No tools needed, you could pop the panel off

and the motherboard would literally slide out like a drawer

and you can get to the components on the motherboard.

And we actually do show this feature and other parts

of the Macintosh Color Classic, on Vintage Apple Vault,

if you want to get a more in-depth look at that computer.

So now we come to a fun one, the iconic door feature

of the Power Mac G3 blue and white, introduced January 1999.

You could just lift the handle, and pull the door down

and all the components would be easily accessible,

and the computer could even run while the door is open.

So a few months later, introduced in July of 1999,

we have the iBook G3 clamshell,

there was some other PowerBook computers from Apple

that had a similar feature but the iBook G3

did it in a new, elegant way.

You could flip down these little tabs

on the keyboard and remove the keyboard

giving you access to some components

and there was even a little panel on the back

where you could get to the battery easily

without having to use a tool, you could just use your

fingernails or a coin or something

to undue the little hatch.

And that's a feature you don't see anymore

in Apple products, actually Michael MJD summed it up

pretty well in Vintage Apple Vault.

- [Michael] And this is so unlike Apple,

at least today, by the way.

- So when the iMac was introduced it didn't feature

any kind of easy open functionality, to open it up

you would need tools and little more of advanced knowledge.

But the updated versions that came out in October 1999,

had some easy open features, there was a simple hatch

on the bottom, very similar to that iBook,

you can just put a coin in there or even your fingernail,

and undue the little screw on the hatch

and you can get to the RAM

and the AirPort card rather easily.

And now we come to another fun one, oh my gosh,

this is probably my favorite.

The Power Mac G4 Cube, so this was introduced

in July of 2000 and on the bottom of the computer

there was this little push handle,

you would push it and it would retract out,

and then you could grip on that handle and literally lift

the whole core of the computer out of the chassis.

And all the components were accessible.

I'm not saying everything could be upgraded or easily

switched out, but the components were still accessible

and that's the only point I'm trying to get across.

Again a tool-less easy open design,

that was a cool feature of the short-lived,

Power Mac G4 cube, which we also do explore more

in Vintage Apple Vault, if you'd like to check that out.

And the funny thing is, this computer was introduced

way back in 2000 and kinda has a similar feature

to a newer Mac, this is the same but different,

it's like the opposite, I'll show you that in a sec.

From the 2000s on, Apple started phasing out

more of the easy open features.

There was still some basic functionalities,

where you could undue a little screw on a panel

to get to the RAM on an iMac, or something like that.

But mainly, you would only have the easy open features

on the Mac Pro, the other computers that started getting

phased out, yes you could still open up the computers

with tools but as time went on, the computers started

getting a little more sealed off,

and if you look on iFixit, you'll even see some

downward spiraling of the repair-ability scores.

So even though Apple was moving away from that

for most of their computers,

the Mac Pro still had an easy open side panel.

I mean heck, even the Mac Mini had an easy open hatch

on the bottom, the first generation Mac Minis didn't,

those were a little more tricky to open

but later they introduced this nice little twist

cover feature on the Mac Mini and that was cool

and then they of course sealed the bottom

when they updated it later, but you know that's

kind of what Apple does now, they seal stuff off.

The latest Mac as of 2018 to feature an easy open design

is the late 2013 Mac Pro, this is kind of the opposite

of that G4 Cube, with the G4 Cube you extracted the core

from the case, but with the Mac Pro,

you kind of extract the case from the core.

It has an easy open design with a simple little

locking switch and you can get access to the components.

It's pretty cool design, but that's really the only

remaining Mac, modern Mac, with any kind

of easy open tool-less functionality.

Apple miniaturizes a lot now, to make high-performing

thin computers, they have to seal stuff off.

Even the $13,000 iMac Pro is like a fully sealed machine.

What do you think though, is it worth it?

Should Apple continue sealing these computers more

or should they maybe go back to some

more easy open functionality.

I'm a little indifferent but I wanna know what you think,

and I wanna know what your favorite easy open feature

from the past computers was, so feel free

to drop a comment down below,

and if you want to look more at these other vintage apple

products, feel free to check out Vintage Apple Vault too.

So there you have it, thanks for watching guys,

and I'll see you in the not too distant future.

For more infomation >> Opening an Apple Mac USED to be Simple - Evolution of Easy-Open - Duration: 6:04.


Just 4 Ingredients Can Help You Grow Hair Like Rapunzel - Hair Care Tips & Secrets to Grow Hair - Duration: 2:36.

hi friends welcome to my simple remedies today I'll share a new remedy that makes

your hair healthier and longer in a very short time it strengthens your hair

moisturizes it and stimulates hair follicles to increase hair growth it

also treats other issues that may be affecting your scalp and preventing hair

growth this remedy is the definite solution for all your hair problems

whether you have dandruff balding or split ends the ingredients in this

remedy provide a comprehensive treatment to make this remedy you'll need date

seed powder castor oil rosemary preferably powdered and baby shampoo you

can use a normal shampoo but I recommend the baby shampoo it contains fewer

potentially harmful chemicals and it's gentler on your scalp please take a

moment to like this video and subscribe to our Channel ok let's get started to

this shampoo add one teaspoon of rosemary rosemary is very helpful that

moisturizes your hair and it softens it too it's great for fighting hormonal

imbalances gray hair and balding next add two full teaspoons of castor oil

normally hair grows about one centimeter a month however some studies have shown

that castor oil used twice a month can increase hair growth from three to five

times the normal rate it promotes blood circulation to your scalp and helps it

heal from minor cuts and bacterial or fungal infections it also nourishes hair

follicles moisturizes hair and protects it from dehydration breakage and

premature greying these qualities of castor oil can help your eyebrows and

lashes to use just the oil on these areas though you don't want to get soap

in your eyes you'll notice the soil mixes well with shampoo

finally add one tablespoon of date seed powder if you can't find this ingredient

at your local health food store you can order it online date seed nourishes your

hair follicles helping hair grow in thicker strengthens the hair shaft and

also adds moisture these effects are long-lasting wash your hair with this

remedy twice a week for even better results massage your scalp with coconut

oil at night and wash it with this mix in the morning if your scalp tends to be

oily use jojoba oil instead of the castor oil it'll give you the same

results but it's less greasy now I'm sure you understand why I said this

remedy is your in its solution for hair problems this

remedy smooth removes dandruff stimulates follicles and provides

keratin like action share this recipe with your friends and loved ones

remember to like this video and subscribe to my simple remedies if you

click the button with a bell you'll get notified when there's news from our

Channel see you in my next video till then bye

For more infomation >> Just 4 Ingredients Can Help You Grow Hair Like Rapunzel - Hair Care Tips & Secrets to Grow Hair - Duration: 2:36.


4 simple exercise to increase height in one week - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 4 simple exercise to increase height in one week - Duration: 4:23.


नेपाली भेज थाली || Dashain Special Veg Thali || Simple Nepali Style Khana Thali - Duration: 6:40.

namaste, welcome to my channel

today, i am preparing vegetarian Dish

i will start with mushroom and capcicum

i will add some oil in the pan

i will temper some cumin seeds

then add onion and green chilies

saute this for one minute

add capsicum and saute for another 30 seconds

add mushroom as well

add 1 tsp turmeric powder

salt as per the taste

mix it well

cover and cook in a medium flame for 2 minutes

let's check

now add 1 tsp cumin and coriander powder

1/2 tsp red chili powder

I am also adding 1/2 tsp garam masala

then add crushed ginger and garlic

mix it well

add tomato too

cover and cook until tomato gets soft

let's check

tomato has cooked well

add cilantro

stir it

now our mushroom and capsicum gravy is ready to be served

I will fry okra

in a pan add 1 tbsp oil

add 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds

fenugreek seeds had turned into a brown color now add the onion and green chilies

saute for 30 seconds

next add okra and stir it

cook for around 2 minutes

now add 1 tsp turmeric powder,

salt as per the taste

add masala powder as well

give it a good mix

cook everything for a minute

now okra also ready to be served

now I am gonna cook small mustard leaves

in a pan add 1/2 tbsp oil

add fenugreek seeds

add dried chilies too

now add mustard leaves

I have already washed this

stir it

cook mustard leaves like this

add salt

now the mustard leaves also ready

now I will prepare paneer

first of all fry the paneer till it get golden brown

paneer is fried

again I have heated the another pan

I am gonna use the leftover oil from paneer fried

it add good flavors

temper with cumin seeds

then add bay leaves and green cardamom as well

add onion and saute for 30 seconds

now add boiled potato

next add boiled green peas

I have soaked the green peas for overnight and boiled until it gives 2 whistles

add 1 tsp turmeric powder

salt as per the taste

mix it well

add 1 medium sized chopped tomato

mix it again

cover and cook till tomato gets soft

tomato has cooked now add cumin and coriander powder

1/2 tsp garam masala

1/2 tsp red chili powder

and crushed ginger and garlic

mix it well

cook this for 1 minute

add 1/2 cup water for gravy

add paneer

give it a good mix

add cilantro

mix it again

now our matar, paneer and potato gravy is ready

now everything is ready to be served

I have served the thali like this

I have taken rice

black lentil soup I have shared this recipe in a description box


potato pickle I have also shared this recipe in a description box

I also have fried okra, mustard leaves, mushroom gravy and matar paneer

Hope you guys loved the vegetarian thali recipe

please enjoy

please don't forget to subscribe my channel

and press the bell icon too.

For more infomation >> नेपाली भेज थाली || Dashain Special Veg Thali || Simple Nepali Style Khana Thali - Duration: 6:40.


How to Design a simple Cartoon Scene using Adobe Premiere Pro - Duration: 8:31.

hello and thanks for watching this tutorial please hit like and subscribe

button if you like what you see also I want to let you know that I'm using

text-to-speech service let us jump into our tutorial first let us create our sky

new color matte let us call this sky go to effects ramp this is to make gradient

blue color

the first color will be blue and the second will be white

I think we need to have lighter blue color now let us make our grass layer

new color mat let us call this grass add it to our timeline go to effects ramp

this is to make gradient green color

we'll use dark green and light green I

think it is better if I switch between the two colors let us add some scatter

effect use the pen tool and start drawing your mask which will make our

grass start this by adding one point click and drag to create your second

point and begin curving your line again click and drag to curve your line I will

speed up so you do not keep waiting

select and add some feather now let us create our path again new color matte

let us call this path you can always double click your color matte and change

the color reduce the opacity amount to see what is underneath again use the pen

tool and start drawing your mask which will make our path it's always better to

zoom in for accurate drawing start this by adding one point note that when you

click and drag you create curved line

again we'll speed this up let us now create our clouds

again use pen tool to draw your mask

select the cloud layer pulled out and drag to duplicate the cloud layer we

will make some clouds bigger than the others now let's make new color mat to

draw our windmill let us reduce the opacity to see what's underneath zoom in

and use the pen tool and start drawing

now let's make unfilled circle and this will be our spindle go to effects circle

add it to our circle layer to unfill our circle let's choose edge radius as you

can see you can change the radius amount and the edge radius let us change its

color make sure to Center it on the top of our windmill

now let us draw wings

let us add small-arm to our wings

now highlight the blade end the arm and nest them together change the wing

position and let it touch the spindle

perfect now it out and drag to duplicate our wings let us change position and

position it against our first wing I

will repeat this process four times till I get four wings

now let's nest them together in one layer

and maybe we need to make our wings look smaller zoom in to accurately attach the

wings to the spindle now it is time to rotate our windmill as you see when I

try to rotate it it does not rotate around the axis so what we need to do is

to move this nice anchor point and put it on our spindle always zoom in for

accurate result yes that's it now let's add two keyframes for rotation let us

make our Sun new color Matt go to effects add circle effect change color

and that's it

if you like this smile hit like button share with friends and subscribe stay

tuned for more

For more infomation >> How to Design a simple Cartoon Scene using Adobe Premiere Pro - Duration: 8:31.


The Bees Go Buzzing | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 4:43.


(playful music)

♪ The bees go buzzing one by one, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing one by one, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing one by one ♪

♪ The little one stops to have some fun ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing two by two, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing two by two, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing two by two ♪

♪ The little one stops to sing a tune ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing three by three, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing three by three, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing three by three ♪

♪ The little one stops to scratch her knee ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing four by four, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing four by four, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing four by four ♪

♪ The little one stops to sing once more ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing five by five, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing five by five, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing five by five ♪

♪ The little one stops to exercise ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing six by six, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing six by six, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing six by six ♪

♪ The little one stops to make a wish ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing seven by seven ♪

♪ The little one stops to ask directions ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing eight by eight ♪

♪ The little one stops to pollinate ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing nine by nine ♪

♪ The little one starts to fall behind ♪

♪ And they all go flying high ♪

♪ In the sky to go back to their hive ♪

♪ Buzz, buzz, buzz ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing 10 by 10, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing 10 by 10, hurrah, hurrah ♪

♪ The bees go buzzing 10 by 10 ♪

♪ The little one stops to shout the end ♪

For more infomation >> The Bees Go Buzzing | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 4:43.


Simple and Easy Hot Coffee Recipe in Hindi || Froth(foam) coffee - Duration: 2:13.

How to Make Simple Homemade Hot Coffee

milk, coffee, sugar

Add 1 cup of milk to a saucepan

Add sugar and coffee to boiling milk

Boil the mix for about 1-2 minutes

The coffee is now ready!

Pour the hot coffee into a cup

To make it frothy, transfer the coffee from one vessel to another as shown

That's it, your hot frothy coffee is now ready!

Add a pinch of coffee powder for garnishing

Enjoy your coffee!!

For more infomation >> Simple and Easy Hot Coffee Recipe in Hindi || Froth(foam) coffee - Duration: 2:13.


How to use & download legend app | how to make simple intros 3D | ADD VOICE EFFECT ON YOUTUBE INTRO - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> How to use & download legend app | how to make simple intros 3D | ADD VOICE EFFECT ON YOUTUBE INTRO - Duration: 7:03.


Connect with your customers using one simple trick | Video Confidence Coach - Duration: 6:44.

it's Zoe the video confidence coach here.

And welcome to quick fix is true and even if it's not a Friday for you it's going to be some time.

So today we're going to be doing a nice quick win for you to help you engage one on one and more

personally with our customers when doing video for online and even on TV and even in real life.

So what I want to give you guys today and something that you can implement right now with

your phone with your laptop has a webcam or anything that has a camera on it is ready for it

always looked down the lens of the camera when speaking to the camera.

Now for some of you that may seem a bit like nerd though.

But not everyone utilizes is.

Not everyone utilizes this when creating videos.

So what I can highly recommend is surf for example when I talk to you in a setting like this where I

have a nice this is what is known as a closed mid shot?

So I've got something a little bit about the chest.

You can see my face you can see my shoulder and I'm talking directly to the lens.

Now for your viewers I will not be talking directly into the lens do you because you're a

little bit lower in orbit at the.

But for everyone else we're looking down lens at this does a couple of things for both me and you.

One it helps me connect with you on a more personal level.

So as humans and as we're going to evolve we've grown to trust people that deliver eye contact.

So say for example when you're watching a film when you're younger you could always tell who the

villain was because obviously the way they dress and the way they acted but if they're acting

shifty or if they were acting untrustworthy they could never keep their eye contact to you or the

audience for that matter.

That's the same thing when representing a business you want to be trustworthy and seen as human seen

as approachable and are seen as someone that they can trust ultimately.

So for situations like this when you're doing a video like this of either your premises or behind

the scenes or are there any video even if you're not in front of the camera yourself get your worst

news ever in front of the camera to make sure to treat the camera like a person so you don't stare

down the barrel like this without blinking and scaring the crap out of yourself and everyone


But when you're having a nice relaxed conversation with your friends your family or anyone or even

customers for that matter you make sure that you have regular eye contact about I think believe

like 2 2 seconds out of every three every three seconds you should be having the most eye contact

with them and even if you are in a multicamera setup so say for example your on a podcast you're

on TV or you're or in a situation where there's multiple different cameras and multiple different

people eyes looking at you.

Make sure that you give enough attention to both.

Or in my case I can give enough attention to both my TV audience and their regular audience cutting

between the two obviously not too fast but I can say focus on TV.

Make sure that it's clear cut back to you guys.

So the reason that we use eye contact as a way of being a trust someone is because you can

understand their intentions and their feelings and their motivations.

So if I was telling a lie like I know one lady who.

So for example if I was telling a lie that what's what's a lie is a lie that makes me actually look


I can't think of a right now and I'm really sorry.

But let's just pretend so pretending I'm telling a lie.

You can see that I'm trying to look you in the eye and trying to be nice but even if a woman I am

looking you in the eye you can tell that I'm not right.

You can tell that I'm not happy or content with the situation but when you're speaking to your

audience you need to be trustworthy.

You need to be content and you need to be confident in your actions and what you're showing

people because this is your business.

This is your service.

This is your product.

This is your both of them and you need to be able to do it in a way that helps connect the audience

as to where you are.

So for example right now my office it's nice and chilled you can see back there as the sign to our

work and I put it in there for them.

Collette variety but you have an idea of where I'm coming from and how I'm instantly connecting with


You can do the same if you're in a chaotic event or even if you're just by yourself in your living


People still connect with that person and one thing that I always point out to people even when

I'm doing professional shoots is before you start a video.

Always make sure you locate the lens that you're looking at or the locator the lens that you're

immediately going to be talking to because this helps ground yourself.

This helps configure yourself of where to position yourself when you're standing and also helps you

feel a little bit more confident of okay hopefully by this point you already come up with a script or

at least a message you have an idea of okay this is what I want to talk about.

This is how I'm going to talk about it and my customer Avatar my ideal customer is just right

behind that camera I'm looking directly at them directly eye because that's what your camera

should be it should be eye level or a little bit above because we're equals and I'm looking

directly into your eye and telling you the truth about how my business can help you can serve you

and can help you fix your problem.

Nathan I don't I'm not concerned about people who essentially were or are in business for so so the

only way I can ask you to do truthfully is come join the videoconference crew.

Well we have a support network of other small business owners.

They can help you build up your confidence in creating video content.

We hold regular regular challenges and you get to see and make your comments known and ask me

questions on a regular basis.

You can find me on Instagram Facebook and YouTube under the video confidence coach and I'm going to

sign off with that.

For more infomation >> Connect with your customers using one simple trick | Video Confidence Coach - Duration: 6:44.


Red Lobster Simple Shrimp Recipes - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Red Lobster Simple Shrimp Recipes - Duration: 3:32.


Simple Cardboard House - How to make house with cardboard - Duration: 3:15.

Simple Cardboard House - How to make house with cardboard

For more infomation >> Simple Cardboard House - How to make house with cardboard - Duration: 3:15.


Milkshakes: TOP-6 SIMPLE RECIPES🍹 - Duration: 5:26.

6 recipes for milkshakes

Milkshake with watermelon

Ingredients: watermelon -150 g; milk - 250 ml; sugar - 2 tablespoons; mint - 1 sprig

Cut the watermelon, remove seeds

Pour the milk into the blender

Add watermelon

Add mint

Add sugar


Pour into a glass


Milkshake with banana

Ingredients: banana - 1 piece; milk - 250 ml; sugar - 2 tablespoons

Pour the milk into the blender

Slice the banana

Add to Milk


Pour into a glass


Milkshake with melon

Inheridents: melon - 150 g; raspberry - 50 g; sugar - 2-3 tablespoons; milk - 250 ml; cinnamon - 1 pinch (optional)

Pour the milk into the blender

Cut the melon

Add a melon

Add raspberries

Add sugar


Pour into a glass

Decorate the cocktail

Milkshake with strawberries

Ingredients: Strawberry - 250 g; sugar - 2-3 tablespoons; milk - 250 ml

Pour the milk into the blender

Add the strawberries

Add sugar


Pour into a glass


Milkshake with raspberries

Ingredients: raspberries - 50 g; sugar - 2-3 tablespoons; milk - 250 ml; cottage cheese - 30 g

Pour the milk into the blender

Add raspberries

Add the cottage cheese

Add sugar


Pour into a glass

Decorate the cocktail

Milkshake with ice cream

Ingredients: grapes - 1 bunch; sugar - 2-3 tablespoons; milk - 250 ml; ice cream - 3 tablespoons

Pour the milk into the blender

Add ice cream

Add sugar

Prepare the grapes

Add the grapes to the milk


Pour into a glass

Decorate the cocktail

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Milkshakes: TOP-6 SIMPLE RECIPES🍹 - Duration: 5:26.


A Simple Favour: Book vs Movie | #BookBreak - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> A Simple Favour: Book vs Movie | #BookBreak - Duration: 4:07.


simple arabic mehandi | bridal mehndi designs for hands | full | back | henna front hand | easy cone - Duration: 1:55.


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