Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

News on Youtube Nov 30 2018

Ryerson University in Toronto is bordered by Yonge Street and its campus and students play an active role in the life of the street.

The city will soon have a golden opportunity to rethink downtown Yonge Street's public realm as the infrastructure beneath

the street is in need of upgrading.

Seeking to understand the benefits of a redesigned Yonge to Ryerson, and support the university's

participation in the process, the Ryerson City Building Institute partnered with Dr. Zhixi Zhuang to produce a case study analysis.

Ryerson is located in the heart of downtown Toronto. Its students, staff and faculty

are woven into the urban fabric. It makes for a great place to take our studies out onto the street.

Its placement right downtown without borders around the campus means it has a real impact on the public realm.

Yonge Street is a central spine through downtown Toronto, as well as Ryerson University. Redesigning Yonge Street

into a people-friendly space reflects

how most people are choosing to access the area: by foot, transit, and bicycle. We found that [street redesigns] offer

universities many benefits, for example: improved safety and street life,

healthier environments, better mobility options, increased opportunities for inclusion

deepened campus and city integration, and stronger institutional identities.

Our study demonstrated that the redesign of Yonge Street

offers Ryerson an incredible opportunity to shape the city and shape the campus.

For more infomation >> On Universities and Public Realm Improvement Projects - Duration: 1:54.


Difference/Distinguish between Private Limited and Public Limited (Private Ltd v/s Public Ltd) - Duration: 2:28.

Difference between Private Limited and Public Limited Company - A Private Limited Company

is a form of Joint Stock Company which has restrictions on transfer of shares.

Public Limited Company is a joint stock company which is not a private company or a private

limited company.

Public limited company has been defined as a joint stock company which is not

private limited.


case of private limited company, the shares are


freely transferable.

In case of public limited company, the shares are freely transferable.

A private limited company requires minimum two directors whereas a public limited company requires

minimum 3 directors.

In case of private limited company, the minimum number of members required are two and the

maximum number of the owners or the members that a private limited company can have is


However, in case of public limited company the minimum number of members required is

seven and there is no upper limit on number of members that a public limited can have.

A private limited company cannot invite general public to subscribe to its shares and debentures

whereas public limited company can invite public.

They can invite public to invest in the shares and debentures of the company.

A public limited company can openly advertise and invite the general public to subscribe

to its shares or debentures.

A private limited company cannot do any such kind of advertisement through which it can

invite general public to invest in the shares of the private limited company or the debentures

of private limited company.

In case of private limited it is compulsory for the company to use the words "private limited"

after the name of the company.

In case of public limited company, it is compulsory to use the word "limited" after the name of

the company.

To start a private limited company, you need to have a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1,00,000/-.

In other words, the owners should invest minimum one lakh to start a private limited company.

The one lakh should be invested from the pocket of the owners or the shareholders.

In case of public limited company, the minimum paid up capital required is rupees five lakhs.

For more infomation >> Difference/Distinguish between Private Limited and Public Limited (Private Ltd v/s Public Ltd) - Duration: 2:28.


Plano Police To Hold Active Shooter Training That's Open To Public - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Plano Police To Hold Active Shooter Training That's Open To Public - Duration: 2:01.


Hurricane Creek Public Access Project - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Creek Public Access Project - Duration: 1:24.


State Public Safety agency denies WPRI appeal requesting names of sheriffs collecting IOD - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> State Public Safety agency denies WPRI appeal requesting names of sheriffs collecting IOD - Duration: 2:34.


Vanessa Demouy : Le soutien du public est rassurant - Duration: 6:02.

Vanessa Demouy : Le soutien du public est rassurant

Vanessa Demouy est de retour dans Demain nous appartient. La comédienne y reprend son rôle de Rose Latour. Confidences.

C'est en juillet dernier que Vanessa Demouy est apparue pour la première fois dans Demain nous appartient dans la peau de Rose Latour, une amie d'enfance de Chloé (Ingrid Chauvin).

Enceinte, elle a échoué en prison pour avoir tué Raphaël (Bruno Madinier). Mais Rose est aujourd'hui de retour à Sète.

Quelles sont les raisons de son retour ? Et son avenir dans le feuilleton de TF1 ? Vanessa Demouy nous répond…

Pourquoi Rose débarque-t-elle à l'hôpital ?

Vanessa Demouy : Rose est enceinte de son amour de jeunesse. Cette femme est très angoissée et la grossesse accentue ses angoisses.

Elle sort de prison pour se rendre à l'hôpital car elle ne se sent pas bien. Elle est bipolaire mais a arrêté son traitement pour ne pas nuire à son bébé. Avec elle, rien n'est jamais très simple.

Restera-t-elle longtemps à Sète ?

Rose est de retour pour quelques épisodes, sur la période avant Noël. A cette date, elle sera enceinte de six mois environ.

Peux-t-on espérer la revoir ensuite ?

Quand la production m'a demandé de revenir, j'ai accepté avec enthousiasme. Cela signifiait en effet que mon personnage avait plu, que le public avait adhéré à mon travail, tout comme la chaîne et la production.

C'est très gratifiant. Après, Il faut trouver un bel écrin à ce personnage merveilleux qui, pour revenir, doit s'intégrer à une histoire, une intrigue qui s'y prête.

Je fais confiance aux scénaristes. Une chose est sûre : on m'a fait un beau cadeau avec Rose Latour.

Le public était ravi de vous retrouver. Votre rapport avec lui est très privilégié…

C'est vrai. J'ai commencé très jeune ce métier.

Une grande partie du public a grandi avec moi. Il y a un attachement particulier et réciproque entre nous. Je fais partie de ce que l'on appelle ces "artistes populaires".

Nous n'avons pas toujours la ferveur du métier mais on a la ferveur du public. C'est très agréable de sentir que, malgré le temps qui passe et les aléas de la vie, ils sont là, fidèles au rendez-vous.

Vous avez pourtant été relativement absente de la scène médiatique …

Pendant de longues années, j'ai arrêté les tournages et fait du théâtre. J'avais très peur : je me demandais si le public allait suivre.

Il l'a fait. Pareil quand j'ai décidé de reprendre le chemin des plateaux. Pourtant, il y a une telle concurrence… Son soutien est rassurant dans un métier qui l'est tellement peu.

Comment s'est passé votre retour sur le plateau de Demain nous appartient ?

Très bien ! J'étais ravie de retrouver l'équipe.

Il y a une telle bienveillance sur ce tournage. C'est assez exceptionnel. Plus je vieillis, plus j'ai besoin de bienveillance autour de moi pour m'épanouir.

Sur le plateau, vous avez côtoyé Clément Rémiens, qui participe aujourd'hui à Danse avec les Stars. Le soutenez-vous ?

Bien sûr ! Ma fille est totalement fan de Danse avec les Stars. Clément est son chouchou. Et le mien. Je retrouve tellement Clément ! Il est tellement mature pour son âge.

Il a une sagesse et un recul incroyable. C'est un bosseur acharné, il a les pieds sur terre et une humilité folle. Et, surtout, c'est un garçon tellement gentil !

Un mot sur vos projets ?

Je n'ai repris les tournages que depuis un an et demi. Je reçois de plus en plus de propositions. J'ai fait une petite apparition dans la comédie Daddy Cool (sortie au cinéma en 2017, ndlr).

Je crois que cela a donné des envies à des gens qui ne me voyaient pas dans ce registre-là. C'est un métier qui est très fragile et j'ai appris à vivre au présent.

J'évite donc de parler des projets car ils peuvent s'arrêter au dernier moment. Mais je suis une comédienne heureuse.

Le désir du public est intact et je découvre le désir du métier qui est nouveau pour moi. Et ce n'est pas désagréable!

Vous êtes une comédienne heureuse. Mais êtes-vous aussi une femme heureuse ?

Oui, bien sûr. Il le faut. On a tous des accidents de parcours, des blessures, des hauts et des bas. Mais oui, je suis une femme heureuse.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Demouy : Le soutien du public est rassurant - Duration: 6:02.


Public transportation - Duration: 6:43.

Good morning everybody. Today I'm gonna be talking about public transportation

But mainly the 6 things I really don't appriciate

in public transportation

So 1st, there are some people,

you probable already had this experience, who love to

Stare at you, when you're in the Subway

in the train, the bus or where ever

So you're sitting in front of someone and this person is like that

So of course when I see someone staring at me like that

I'm usually like...

Because, I mean

I don't really get it

So then what I normally do

Because this kind of situation pisses me of, a lot!

I mean why are you looking at me You don't have the right to stare at me

if I'm not willing!

So what I usually do, is that I leave them 3 chances

I look

First look means, I have identified you

you better stop that real soon

because this situation is really awkward. Second look

This one means : I want to check if you understood the first look

If it still goes on, I found a way to solve that problem

So that's what I mainly do

And that always works

I have to admit, after it, I always feel like

So who won B****

So second thing that I really don't like in Subways, busses...etc

You know, you always got those rods to hold yourself and

not fall and die

There are people who tend to,

So all this beautiful rod is empty, your hand is here

that person chose to put his hand here

so of course I look at that person

to see what's the intention of that move

at least if I see something like...

Ok, then I get it and I find my way out of that situation

But the problem is that usually

those people don't give a damn about you

They just want a manual contact

without specially wanting to go further

So what I usually do is

I move my hand away, like if nothing happend

but check this,

this dude

put his hand back

I mean, I say "this dude" but it can also be a girl,

no judgment here

So what I do in that case is

I sacrifice myself...

Even if

I mean, we don't know eachother

Don't touch me!

This is my body and my property, I am not willing to share that with you

You know, when you get in a super crowded subway or bus

so you got a find a small spot

one square millimetre to park your body

So some people, usually the ones

that get in last minute, choose

that the best place to stand is exactly

right here

Right here!

there is a direct eye contact

so I end up like that

this is super awkward

We don't know eachother

There is a safety distance you gotta respect

It's in the ''humanism code''

He actually had the choice to give me his profile,

His back.... but no

those people have a confidence

excessive, which give them the power to have no struggle

being that close to you

even looks you in the eye

You also have the ''selfish'' category

so there is one rod in that space

and this person decides that this rode which has been made

to be manualy grabed


their property

they even stand like that

even if there's a hand there

they don't give a damn

they would break your fingers just to have

100% of stability

While you're risking your life beside them

It's not your mom's rod

also not your mom's subway

So the rest of us find ourselves like that

While you're there looking fine

other situation, you're holding the rob

and that person leans on your hand

so you try to play it tough and not let go

and you get out like that

there's also the ''shameless'' category

So those are usually the same ones

that stand right in front of your face, or here, here

but most important they need to have a panoramic view of your face

and those ones usually choose, either to be sick

or to have something stuck in their throat

but they cough

open mouth on every face

so you're here

they are here

Are even, the tall ones

no problem with tall people, I mean, it's even hot

so the talls ones

tend to sneeze without their hands

awesome! All the small people like me

find ourselves with your bacterias and boogers on our head

and last, this is something I hate but can't forbid people

But people please

don't eat your kebab in the subway

or the bus... or the train

or any close space without windows

because your force us all to smell your

Your shitty meat, onions

So we get in with nothing in our hand and go out smelling like kebab

I mean just wait a little and eat it outside


Really please

That's it for me

I hope you enjoyed this video

And if so, don't forget to put a thomb's up!

Up, and not down if possible even tho I respect it

You can share this video with your friends

Family, neighbours, pets...


And I hope this video makes you feel less lonely

when you have to face those situations


Pssst... don't forget to subscribe...

For more infomation >> Public transportation - Duration: 6:43.


Solrathuku Onnum Illa - 2.O | Day -2 Public Review | Rajinikanth | Akshay Kumar | Shankar | Chennai - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Solrathuku Onnum Illa - 2.O | Day -2 Public Review | Rajinikanth | Akshay Kumar | Shankar | Chennai - Duration: 2:57.


Bob Goodlatte: Comey's need for a public hearing a 'farce' - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Bob Goodlatte: Comey's need for a public hearing a 'farce' - Duration: 6:03.


Syrian schoolboy at centre of bullying row thanks public for support - Duration: 5:50.

 The Syrian schoolboy at the centre of a bullying row has thanked the public for their support as police faced questions about the speed of their investigation

 Footage showing the 15-year-old apparently being assaulted at Almondbury Community School in Huddersfield, West Yorks, has led to criminal charges against one boy

 It is alleged the refugee and his younger sister, who fled their home in the conflict-shattered city of Homs, have been targeted by bullies since settling in the UK in 2016

 The Daily Telegraph this week revealed that the boy's family are prepared to sue the school and Kirklees Council for compensation if evidence of safeguarding failures are found

   It also emerged on Thursday night that the family's lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, is preparing legal action against far-right activist Tommy Robinson over allegations he made in a social media video

 The former English Defence League leader alleged the teenager was targeted in retaliation for an attack on a schoolgirl, in which he claimed the 15-year-old was involved

   Mr Akunjee said the activist, real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon, had defamed the schoolboy with his claims

   Protesters gathered outside the school in a show of support for the refugee, who made a brief appearance

   Arriving with his father, the teenager told supporters: "Thanks for everything

"  Outside the school, concern was raised that the police investigation only seemed to gather momentum once the clip, filmed on October 25, went viral several days ago

 West Yorkshire Police said they received a complaint about the incident on October 26, leading the 16-year-old suspect to be reported for summons this week

   Mother of three Shahelah Ali, 38, said: "It shouldn't have got to social media before they acted

"  Mirban Aslam, 41, who organised the protest, added: "Charging him yesterday morning, they think nobody is going to say anything but we want it to be investigated

 "What are the issues? Why has it taken so long?"  In response, the force issued a detailed statement setting out action taken between the initial police report and this week's developments

   The schoolboy first contacted police about a separate incident in the playground on October 7, which resulted in him suffering a wrist injury

Three pupils were interviewed by police, but no charges followed.   Officers first interviewed the suspect for the the October 25 attack on November 6, after which the case was reviewed by the youth offending team, who recommended further action, the statement said

 It was also confirmed that detectives were investigating a "public order offence" involving the schoolboy's 14-year-old sister, after a separate video emerged of her being assaulted at school

 "This incident has been treated very seriously by all those involved and has been swiftly investigated," the force said

   Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman, who raised the boy's case with authorities after receiving an email from him last month, defended the police's work

 He said last night: "I would say the police have acted well, the local council have been darn good, the school has responded positively in an age where a video suddenly transforms the perception of everything

"  An online appeal set up to help the family of the refugee topped £130,000 in 24 hours

For more infomation >> Syrian schoolboy at centre of bullying row thanks public for support - Duration: 5:50.


Sex work - Providers in public - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Sex work - Providers in public - Duration: 1:56.


Amarillo Public Library Hosts Holiday Skits - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Amarillo Public Library Hosts Holiday Skits - Duration: 2:54.


Jacques Chirac : cette blague d'Arnaud Ducret qui a choqué le public de TPMP - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Jacques Chirac : cette blague d'Arnaud Ducret qui a choqué le public de TPMP - Duration: 2:30.


Agreement reached to make Opal Cliffs Park public - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Agreement reached to make Opal Cliffs Park public - Duration: 2:44.


Vietsub 2014 World Championship of Public Speaking I see something Dananjaya Hettiarachchi - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Vietsub 2014 World Championship of Public Speaking I see something Dananjaya Hettiarachchi - Duration: 7:56.


Tyler TX - Truckload Clearance Sale - Open to the Public! - Duration: 0:36.

We're bringing a whole truckload of meat to TYLER TX and selling it all at extreme discount.

It's open to the public, November 28 through December 2nd in Tyler in the parking lot of

Pep Boys off S. Broadway.

We're talking about BLACK ANGUS BEEF, seafood, GOURMET CHICKEN, and pork.

Get wholesale buys right off the truck in the parking lot of PEP BOYS on S. BROADWAY

at 3616 S. Broadway Ave in Tyler between 10:00 in the morning and 7:00 pm.

Come early to get a good selection because the truck will SELL OUT fast!

For more infomation >> Tyler TX - Truckload Clearance Sale - Open to the Public! - Duration: 0:36.


Plano Police To Hold Active Shooter Training That's Open To Public - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Plano Police To Hold Active Shooter Training That's Open To Public - Duration: 2:01.


True or False: Public Health Stats at the 2018 Bloomberg American Health Summit - Duration: 2:41.

Interviewer: Here we go...

Interviewer: True or false?

Last year 72,000 Americans died from drug overdose.



Almost 20 percent of American children are obese.


Only 11 percent of all U.S. energy

comes from renewable sources.



5 million 16 to 24 year-olds

are neither in school nor working.

I think false maybe.

More than 40 children and teenagers

are shot every day in America.

Interviewer: That's actually true.




I just didn't know how big,

but I knew that it would be a big number.

Yeah that's high.

It seems crazy that so many people

would be living like that.

It feels so real because it's not happening like on the

other side of the world.

It's happening in America.

The gun availability's just way too high.

Kids shouldn't worry about getting shot

while they're in school, while they're in class.

I don't think if you're obese it's 100% your fault.

I think they should sell healthier foods in the cafeteria.

Things like renewable energy,

can impact many, many people's lives.

We could use hydroelectricity.

Electric cars.

I know cows actually also contribute to pollution,

their farts.

Well I'm actually not surprised,

I'm more shocked and disappointed.

It's very unfortunate

that we'd have to have this conversation.

Because I see all of this stuff on the news,

and I'm like, "Well when's it gonna stop? What's next?"

A lot of the times parents they're arguing over politics,

and like which side is better, but they don't

really see sometimes what is actually happening,

and how much it can affect certain people.

I think that's something my generation is doing right.

When we have problems, we're not afraid

to communicate them and share them.

Even if you do one thing it can make a big change.

The world can be such a better place if we want it to be.

It pretty much comes down to us.

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