Athens Games Festival A review...kind of....
Hi! I'm Vaggelis from vktoons.
The schedule of the channel will be regular from tomorrow,
but today you'll watch a presentation and a review - peronal more or less -
of the "Athens Games Festival" event
which took place at Helexpo in Maroussi district
on Octrober 28th and 29th.
I was there with other colleagues at the asifa kiosk.
It was organized by the Secretariat General for Media and Communication
and the Ministry of digital policy, telecommunications and media.
Up to know, everything is ok.
Now, where did the event aimed?
It is a good thing to make a distinction;
What we, the most, the mass from that exhibition
and what did the organizers as well as the "big" participants waited to get.
So, we'll start from the really negative facts.
So we, the "smalls" expected to meet each other and see if we can "fit" to each other.
I'll be more specific for animation.
We wanted to see if we can talk to the gaming companies
and each one to support the others' work, to see if there was such an intention.
That intention exists. But...
But, here comes the main aim of the event, whaich - according to what the General Secretary
of Media and Cmmunications said on camera -
was to come in contact the big foreing companies with Greek gaming.
And now we enter the core of the issue which has economic and political character.
Knowing the economic situation of Greece and its positions in the world political scene
- what is said; Greece is a dependent country -
what the GS said in its substance was tha we open a new way to the big foreign companies
to "eat" the Greek small gaming companies
and perhaps taking some parts of what they created.
I'll read you indicatively some of the big companies that participated;
Amazon, google, unity, facebook,
In a global climax and carrying the animation expirience
the big, multinational companies carefully destroy the national production
and in some cases they do it targeted.
And that is even easier to happen in a country where the institutional and economic framework
for a small or middle audiovisual enterprise is suffocating.
If I must pay for taxes 60% in all
how can I go, as an animator, to give an animated series to a gaming company
to create a game supporting the series and also that company
should also pay 60% to taxes.
The possibilites are two; or someone won't open an enterprise
- or if he opens it, soon he'll have to close it -
or he'll move the headquarters abroad,
where there is lighter taxation and that way the Greek state
will lose a possible income that could earn to support the public education, health etc.
Nobody says that there should be no taxation, but... 60%?....
And that leads where? To a vicious circle of absence of potentiality of collab
between the small and medium enterprises of one branch with the other.
It is supposed that with the recent legal framework there are more opportunities
for someone to invest to the audiovisual branch in Greece.
That is true. But what exacly is that framework?
ANd about what investments?
Law n.4487 perdicts tax return of 25% if the amount of the investment in Greece
is at least 100.000 euros.
You can understand that today, this amount can have it only the big ones.
Mst probably, foreign companies.
So, the overall framework works in favour of them and in the same framework
I must include - as I understand that it happens - the exhibition in Athens.
There is also a second part in the festival which concerns directly gaming.
In my opinion, it is nightmarish.
So, I watched one of the speeches of the festival, which was supposed to have
a "progressive" or "alternative" sign.
So, the speech was about how indie gaming companies could make it
in the competition with the big companies.
The proposed solution was anything but progressive.
The speaker proposed the companies to expand to the free time of the gamer,
and by "free time" I mean sleeping time, when he's/she's haveing sec with his/her partner
and in other activities that theoretically have no space for gaming.
So, the speaker proposed the expansion of the gaming in that time.
He also refered to researches not necessarily in the gaming field
but - let's say - in relative fields,
about how can someone be active even when he sleeps, having sex, or doing something else.
I sense that trying to steal the free time of a human
is not progressive.
I'd say that what you should do is to tak advantage of the time the gamer gives to play,
in order to learn some things or to entertain himself,
but not stealing his time.
Personally, at least, I believe that gaming cannot be a way of living.
If you get to such a point, we talk basically for a drug addict.
Gaming can be something to help you pass some time, to relax, to have fun with friends,
and in any case, if you use it to restrain your social life, your real life, there's a issue.
You try to escape reallity.
So, I believe that the only way gaming can have a - so to say - progressive sign
and to give something essential to the gamer,
is to give through the game some knowledge to the user, which probably he wouldn't
try to get if he didn't play the game, perhaps to develop some pottentialites (attention etc),
and perhaps it could lead him to seek solutions for the game - riddles etc -
by openning i.e. a certain book which he must read to continue the game.
Perhaps a game could promote some principles like solidarity, team work, acceptance etc,
An example I have in mind; The solution to a puzzle to a question, whatever,
could be found in a literature book, of a history book or any other book,
which the user must read and find the solution in order to be able to continue playing.
The only positive I found in the event is exactly that in deed we met and discussed
we, the animators, and the game creators
and I guess the game creators among them.
We discussed how and if we can collaborate, what we do, what they do,
It was obvious that Greek small enterprises have greate stuff,
they are enthousiastic, tremendous creativety, and they fortunatelly invest
mainly in games favouring knowledge.
Not only knowledge, but I see that mostly they invest on hat.
If they had institutional and economic support from the state, perhaps they would create miracles.
As for the asifa kiosk, I found out - I think I'm not the only one - that we had some
orginising problems. I hope that in a next exhibition they'll be corrected.
I think that, if we better organized the place, the time and our material,
we could attract in our kiosk much more people than we finally attracked.
"The Treasure at he roots of the Tree of Earth" as a gaming proposal was discussed with
a couple of companies and enough people who were passing by the asifa kiosk
asked questions on it, so it didn't go unnoticed.
Next steps will be discussed this Sunday,
at 1 p.m. (local time) at "Enastron" on Solonos street.
So, if you wish...
I hope you found that video useful.
Personally I think it's important enough.
If you feel the same, I expect your "like" and a "share"!
Also, think the possibility of subscribing to our channel!
From tomorrow then, we'll be back in our schedule.
Take care!
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