as you can clearly see I am NOT a woman but I am somebody who struggles with a
generalized anxiety disorder so I can't help it empathize for women who struggle
with fear as well as anxiety based on things that happen to women on a regular
basis so in this video we're going to talk about these issues to increase
awareness but then we're also going to talk about some solutions so stay tuned
what's up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the
problem but focus on the solution so what is anxiety anxiety is a reaction to
fear to stress it is a natural part of our body that we needed way back in
prehistoric times to make sure that we weren't getting beaten by a
saber-toothed tiger or something like that this is our alarm system that tells
us that something's going on so struggling with an anxiety disorder
myself I was constantly afraid of just people and places situations social
anxiety going on in public and I have a lot of female friends and the stories
they tell me I I try to put myself in their shoes and I personally don't even
know how I could handle these situations like I have the utmost respect for women
who are dealing with a lot of these struggles that they deal with I was
inspired to make this video based on a video I saw on Facebook where it was
women sharing about these different preventive methods that they have to
have when they're walking out to their car alone at night or they're going for
a jog by themselves or they're going to a bar or whatever the case is and I'm
just like yeah I get that I get why that makes sense and especially with all
these me two stories coming out I have just seen so many of my female friends
are talking about the situations that they've had and experience and it breaks
my heart it breaks my heart knowing that you know this world is a scary enough
place as it and knowing that just based on your
gender you have to be a little bit more afraid than everybody else because of
all the things that happen in our society so just to put this in
perspective real quick in 2006 a study was taken on the National Crime
Victimization survey they found that two hundred and thirty two thousand nine
hundred and sixty women were victims of sexual violence that means that is over
600 women per day okay so when we're talking about why women are so afraid
this is a clear example why so before making this video when
this idea to make this video came up I asked a bunch of my female friends I
know a bunch of a lot of women from different backgrounds and different
scenarios and and I was asking them like what do you do to deal with this anxiety
of just being a woman right out in the world and what's interesting is I was
talking to one of my friends and I met her a few years ago and one thing I
learned about her not only does she like you know do a lot of fitness and she
teaches spin classes but she also got certified in combat training and I'm
sitting there asking I'm like yo so like does your combat training like knowing
that you have that you know those skills like does that help reduce your anxiety
and she told me like to be honest not really and this is a reality of the
situation because women are naturally smaller than men and they develop
muscles in different ways my friend you know she's buff she could probably kick
my butt right but like if the wrong dude came around like she would have a
struggle so combat training isn't something that
you know is able to reduce that anxiety um one commonality that I've seen from a
lot of my women friends who I've talked to about this is that they all carry
some kind of defensive protection and this is anything from pepper spray in
some areas I know women who own guns that can fit in their purse me
personally I am a fan of this little guy that is a cute little
key chain stabbing device that looks like a kitty
cat so do try some rolled up you gouge them in the eye but anyways so a lot of
the women I know take these preventative measures and now we're gonna start
talking about solutions because what this goes off of is what I have talked
about in a couple of my last videos which is the locus of control knowing
what is in your realm of control having that internal locus of control it helps
reduce the anxiety knowing that if something were to happen you have some
sort of escape or defense against this potential threat while in no way is this
a 100% guarantee what I encourage women out there to do is find the things that
you can control and when talking to my best friend about this too
she brought up mindfulness she's one of my only friends who actually practices
mindfulness and we were talking about this and practicing mindfulness is
another way to increase your locus of control because mindfulness in a
nutshell is paying attention on purpose in the present moment without judgment
so when you are regularly being mindful you are always paying attention to your
surroundings so some people just for example you might go out to a certain
scenario and you notice that something's off but you can't really put your finger
on it people who regularly practice mindfulness that internal alarm goes off
a lot sooner and they acknowledge what it is they are better at pointing how
the exact reason why this scenario is maybe not okay so I highly recommend
aside from preventative type of defense but also picking up a mindfulness
practice I will link in the description as well as in the info card my video
about that my three favorite free mindfulness apps you can practice for as
little as five minutes a day and what it's doing it's increasing your overall
awareness as well as your sensory clarity on my channel we talked about
a problem but we focus on the solution so please if you are a woman watching
this or if you know a woman please share this with them to maybe give them
solutions but for the question of the day my female audience or even men out
there who know women who do something to help reduce their anxiety in this crazy
world leave it down in the comments below because maybe we can offer advice
and suggestion to others who are looking for it so if you like this video please
give it a thumbs up and if you haven't yet quit right below here I'm always
doing videos about mental health mental illness and addiction so hit that little
round subscribe button but anyways I appreciate you watching you want to
check out more videos click the top right there but I'll see you next time
thanks again
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