Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 11, 2017

News on Youtube Nov 1 2017

So extraordinary what we have the potential to discover, the potential to live.

Our next three meetings will be really centered around relationship, which is a perfect extension

of this of course, because it is...when I say relationship I'm speaking of what you perceive as yourself

and what you perceive as other.

And that of course includes the whole world, the whole internal world,

the whole external world.

So in preparation for our examining closely relationship this next month I would just

invite you to suspend all of your judgement about relationships and just be curious.

To recognize, how do you relate?

How do you relate to friends, how do you relate to enemies, how do you relate to yourself,

how do you relate to the world?

Not, how should you relate, but simply, how do you relate?

Just as a way, a vehicle for entering in the deepening of our conversation,

the deepening of this conversation, how do you live?

Because how do you relate is the essential part of how do you live?

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Gangaji: Who Are You In Relationship? - Duration: 1:54.


Relationship Is the Difference with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-1-17) - Duration: 21:45.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way

for me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of

Victory with Gloria and Kellie Copeland, discover

how the love the Father is a growth process that

enables you to learn more and more about Jesus

and what His life and sacrifice have provided.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory broadcast. We're hearing some

good Word from Kellie today, and you're going to like it. Kellie,

keep talking. KELLIE: Okay. Well, we've--(Laughing)--it's

taken us three days to get through Mark 11. GLORIA: Well--

KELLIE: It took you 50 years, I guess it can-- GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: --take us a few days. GLORIA: Take your time.

KELLIE: Well, we've just talked about where God--where you

started in your relationship with the Lord was, "Seek ye

first the kingdom," and then you-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm. That was a

good Word. KELLIE: --then you spent a few years growing on

that revelation and then began to learn that the--that you

could have what you say, that you could--that God--but you

found that out. The whole thing that became your-- GLORIA: Yeah.

KELLIE: --life's message, you found out in His Word. GLORIA:

Believe it in your heart. KELLIE: You knew that about

Jesus and about the Father by knowing His Word. GLORIA: Say it

with your mouth. KELLIE: Say it with your mouth and believe.

GLORIA: You'll have it. KELLIE: So I'm trying to get

through--all the way through Mark 11:24, but I'm going to do

it right now. GLORIA: Let's keep going. KELLIE: And then we're

going to move-- GLORIA: Just keep going. KELLIE: --we're

going to move into the next thing. "Have faith in God,"

Jesus said to His disciples. GLORIA: Yes, He did. KELLIE: "I

tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be

lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen."

GLORIA: That's a big statement. KELLIE: It is. You know, as we

begin to know Jesus more, that's enough to fix your whole life.

He--they said, "How did you do that?" In essence, they were

saying, "Hey, look, that--what--you dried up a fig

tree with your words. How'd you do that?" And Jesus says, "Have

faith in God." And whatever you say--you can say, "Be--to

the--removed," to the mountain, and it would be--and it would

happen. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: And it says, "But you

must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your

heart." You can't be looking at the circumstances. You can't be

looking at other things. You have to be hooked in on Jesus.

You have to be hooked in on His Word and what He says to you,

and you have to receive that. And when you do, it's--you begin

to open up that part of your life, whatever He's talking

about. You begin to know Him in that way. You guys began to know

Him as-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --the freedom from debt.

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: You began to know Him, then,

with freedom-- GLORIA: Took us 11 months, and we were out of

debt. KELLIE: And all--and the open door was right here in the

Word. GLORIA: Yeah, it was. KELLIE: And then you began to

know Him about your healing. GLORIA: But--and, you know, we

saw that, so we began to believe that. But now, at the same time,

we quit borrowing money. KELLIE: Well, if you hadn't--if you

hadn't, it would have been doubt in your heart. GLORIA: Yeah.

KELLIE: Like, you can't-- GLORIA: Well, you wouldn't have

been acting on it. KELLIE: --say, "God meets my needs," and

then borrow money without having the doubt that He-- GLORIA:

That's right. KELLIE: So that's where that--that's why that

doesn't work, is because if you believe that-- GLORIA: Yeah, so

it work--everything works with obedience. KELLIE: That's right.

So "I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe you

have received it, it will be yours." Or the King James says--

GLORIA: Take it. KELLIE: -- "You will have it." GLORIA: Take it

when you pray. KELLIE: "But when you're praying--" so He gives us

this, too. This is important. GLORIA: Yeah, it is. KELLIE:

"First forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so

that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too." So

Jesus just gave us a whole view of the Father-- GLORIA: Oh, my,

it changes everything. KELLIE: --and about His desire to

forgive us and how you make that happen. GLORIA: Where? KELLIE:

Just right here. And you guys began to grow. GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: And, really, the reason--I really didn't think it

would take me three days to get to the end of that, but one

reason I wanted to start there was because what that process

did--and of course, then it was healing and then--I mean, He

just took you into layer upon layer upon layer of not just

knowing the Word, Mom. You almost have to look back. At the

time, you're not really realizing you're being

introducing--you're being introduced to all the different

layers of Jesus. You're not really realizing that when

you're growing. You're just thinking, "Oh, man, I'm healed.

Oh, my needs are met." GLORIA: I take it, I take it, I take it.

KELLIE: "Oh, I take it, I take it, I take it, I take it."

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: So what I'm doing here today is

stopping to look back and say what you were doing was meeting

Jesus. One layer at a time, He was saving you. GLORIA: The

truth. KELLIE: The truth one layer at a time. Jesus-- GLORIA:

Making us free. KELLIE: --was becoming more and more and more

your Savior. I mean, it all belonged to you the day you got

saved. GLORIA: Sure. KELLIE: But it was growth, layer upon layer.

And I read in your--the book--we're actually giving

away, "Walk With God." I read this yesterday that, you know,

God doesn't expect you to start anywhere else but right where

you are today. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: That's what

happened with you when you got saved. So look at

Matthew--Matthew 5. I'm going to--I love the Beatitudes. You

know, I think sometimes people just kind of skip over that

quickly because they think they know what it's saying. But I

love the Beatitudes. And some years ago, God started talking

to me about that this was a growth--a growth chart.

Beatitudes is a growth chart. GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: And it

says--and I Peter 2:2 talks about growing to a full

experience of salvation. You know, and by the time you grow

to a full experience of salvation, it's not just--

GLORIA: I'm still growing. KELLIE: Me, too, and that's what

this is about, too, because part of the--part of what happened to

me, which we'll talk about more next week--I've talked to you

guys on the broadcast about part of what happened to me was my

faith and my--and the Word that I knew began to take me deeper

into things of worship that I didn't know. What you know will

take you deeper into what you don't know. You know, you may go

to a church and what they minister on and what they teach

is mostly worship, or mostly, they focus on the gifts of the

Spirit or the presence of God. Well, where will that take you?

Eventually, it'll take you to knowing these deeper things

about the Word, having faith in the Word. So all these things do

work together in what you know will take you deeper into what

you need to know. But for all of us, any of us, we're not just

finding out things to know. We are meeting Jesus. And all the

while, Mom, as you begin to grow, Jesus--you know, the Bible

talks about "a glass darkly." Right now, we're looking at a

glass darkly. GLORIA: Through a glass. KELLIE: Through a glass

darkly, but the more--as you meet all these things of Jesus,

you meet Him in His Word. And as you worship Him, the darkness--

GLORIA: Light enough. KELLIE: --starts clearing up. And it

just--the--what are we going to--what's it clearing up to

see? It's clearing up to see Jesus. And that glass is not

really like the kind of glass like a window. The glass darkly

is a mirror because it also talks about that we look at Him,

we look in His Word like a mirror. And as Jesus becomes

unveiled to us a piece at a time, you look at Him and you

know so much more than you did 50 years ago. He's clearer now

than He was 50 years ago. And as He's unveiled, not only will we

begin to see Him more clearly as we learn of Him, but we begin to

look in that mirror and it begins to be--it begins to be

what we see reflected back at us, like we begin to look like

what we're looking at in the mirror. Does that make--I just

think-- GLORIA: I'm working on it. KELLIE: --it's so exciting.

Well, He's unveiling Himself-- GLORIA: Yeah, He is. KELLIE:

--to put it simply, which, you're better at that than I am.

Putting it simply, He's unveiling Himself. And as we see

Him unveil Himself and we begin to see all about Him and learn

more about Him-- GLORIA: And believe it. KELLIE: --and

believe it, we become that. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: We

start looking like that, too. So the Beatitudes is just layer

upon layer upon layer of growth. And I'm going to read them real

quick in the New Living. But then I want to tell--I want to

read to you what the Passion Translation says about some of

these things. "God blesses those who are poor and realize their

need for Him." Let me tell you something. I don't care how much

money you have. If you don't have Jesus, you're poor. You are

dirt poor of everything that matters without Jesus. So that

word "poor" doesn't just mean money poor. It just means--

GLORIA: No. And He also blessed those who are rich. He blesses

anybody that'll let Him bless. KELLIE: Right. GLORIA: Take it.

KELLIE: But if you don't have Jesus, you're poor. GLORIA:

Absolutely. KELLIE: Let's just--let's just say that.

GLORIA: You're morbidly poor. KELLIE: You're morbidly, deathly

poor. GLORIA: No resources. KELLIE: But He says He blesses

those who realize their need for Him. So it really doesn't matter

how much money you have. GLORIA: That's true. KELLIE: You're not

poor if you realize your need for Him. You realize you need

Him, you got Him. GLORIA: You open the door to His presence.

KELLIE: You open the door, and you got Him, and you're blessed.

Because this has always struck me, too, Mom. Every time I read

this, I think about you. We told--you told your salvation

story on Monday. But every time I read this, I think about you,

because that day sitting amongst your nothingness in your

apartment-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --or house, you had

nothing, and you read one Word, "Seek ye first the kingdom of

God, and all these things will be added unto you." And you

realized, that day, you had need of God. And it opened the door

to everything. GLORIA: Well, if I thought about it, I probably

would have realized I had needed God, but I didn't have a clue

what the cure was-- KELLIE: No, but-- GLORIA: --because I didn't

know anything about the Word. KELLIE: But here's what

happened, though. You didn't have to know anything. You

didn't have to know one thing other than, "I need You, God."

GLORIA: Turn to Him. KELLIE: "I realize I need You, God." So

that is the door. Jesus is the door to the Father. GLORIA:

That's right. KELLIE: And when you realize, "Okay, well, take

my life and something with it," that was your door to everything

that surrounds us now-- GLORIA: That's true. KELLIE: --and

everything that God has in our future for us. GLORIA: That I'll

ever need. KELLIE: That you'll ever need, you received it all

that day. Now, you didn't--it was a growth process. You had to

grow to it, but this says-- GLORIA: Thank God. KELLIE:

--"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for

Him for the kingdom of heaven is theirs." It was yours, every bit

of it. GLORIA: Sure. KELLIE: Even the things that you see

today were yours that day. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE:

But I want to read this, Mom, what it says here about that.

This is The Message--I'm sorry, this is The Passion Translation

in Matthew. It says--the--and, of course, this is the sermon on

the Mount, which we probably won't read it all. GLORIA: Where

are you? And I'll look mine up. KELLIE: Look yours up. It's page

23. It's Matthew 5, page 23. GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: Looks like

that. GLORIA: I got it. KELLIE: It says, "Jesus begins with

giving His followers a superior way to live than the Ten

Commandments." The Ten Commandments were just--they

were really rules. The people had no--nothing on the inside of

them to be intimately connected with God to be able to live

those out. GLORIA: They had the law. KELLIE: They just had the

law. "It is a superior version of all that God expects and

provides for those who yield to Him. He doesn't just expect

these things out of us. He provides for us to be able to

walk this way. Jesus gives us more than laws. He gives us

promises of power to fulfill all that He asks for us." So what

you have to realize is that, really, the difference between

the law and the beatitudes, the law and the things that Jesus

commanded us to do, it's all relationship, Mom. Think about

that. That's the difference, is that now we have a relationship

with Jesus. It's not just words. We have a relationship with the

Father. This says, "The emphasis is not on outward duty, but on

the inside transformation of our hearts by grace. God's kingdom

is offered to those who will learn the ways of Christ and

offer themselves in full surrender." So by us

surrendering and yielding to Jesus to come inside, we begin

to operate in these things. Now, this is what I loved, Mom, where

it says, "Blessed are they who are poor. Blessed are they

who realize their need for Him." Here's what it says, "The word

'blessed' means to have the capacity to enjoy union and

communion with God." You know, people didn't have union and

communion with God. GLORIA: No. KELLIE: I mean, to a limited

degree, Moses had conversation with God. And it does--God did

let him come face to face with Him, which is--this also says

that there's no Hebrew word for His presence, God's presence,

other than "face." So "face to face" means that Abraham was in

His presence. Adam and Eve walked with God. They messed

that up. Enoch walked with God. So there we were limited people

in the Old Testament that had that kind of-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm,

relationship. KELLIE: --communion and relationship

with them. But even so, it was not an inside--inside

relationship. But all of the Beatitudes, Mom, they are--Jesus

began--this--I really want to get to some things in John 1

because it talks about how He came. But once--and so we're

going to get to that. But once He came--I just wanted to

connect what Jesus did here on the earth with what He did for

you. You saw a Word, He began right there, and He began

connecting you to the next piece and the next piece. Why? Because

He was on the inside of you. He could take you from A to Z in

relationship. You began to know Him. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: You began to know what He was--His love for you, and

you began to love Him back. And you began a relationship that

day that went deeper. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. I saw that He cared for

the birds. That gave me much comfort and strength. KELLIE:

Yeah. And really-- GLORIA: I thought, "If He cares for the

birds, if He feeds the birds--" KELLIE: You found out He loves

you. GLORIA: "--He cares for me." KELLIE: Yes. GLORIA: Glory

to God. KELLIE: And one of the things in this, it says, is that

the word, "poor in spirit--blessed are the poor in

spirit," that means to be humble and totally dependent on Him.

GLORIA: Open. KELLIE: Yeah. GLORIA: Open to His change, open

to His Word. That's right. KELLIE: The longer you are with

Him, the more dependent on Him you become, in other words, the

less you want to do things your own way. GLORIA: The more you

know how to walk with Him, yeah. KELLIE: And He--the more--I

think He's--He walks with you all through your experiments of,

"I think I'll just do this my way," you know? The Word says,

you know, to hold onto every Word that He speaks and let the

Word of God guide you. Why? Because He's guiding you into

life. GLORIA: Yeah, knowing the truth-- KELLIE: He's guiding you

in deeper with Him. GLORIA: --that sets you free, makes you

free. KELLIE: And, really, you have to stop and think for a

second, that to go deeper into Jesus is to head deeper into the

Father. You can't go into the lap of the Father without going

through Jesus. GLORIA: He is the door. KELLIE: He is the door.

GLORIA: The way-- KELLIE: The truth. GLORIA: The way, the

truth, and the life. KELLIE: And the life comes from following

the way and the truth. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: He's so good. So

the word "comfort" means--it says, "He'll comfort those who

mourn." That word means to see the face of what or who you long

for. Isn't that good? GLORIA: That is good. KELLIE: So this

Matthew 5, the reason I say it's a growth thing is because at the

very--Verse 3 says, "The kingdom of heaven is yours," like it was

the day you got saved. But then you go through all these things,

man, you begin to grow in humility, and you become even

more hungry and thirsty. GLORIA: Grow up. KELLIE: And then you

become more merciful, and you begin to walk in love. Your

hearts are purified. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: "Blessed are those

whose hearts are pure." You know, when your soul--when Jesus

begins, like, pulling stuff out of your heart, your--as in not

your--you know, your heart--if you're born-again, your spirit

is renewed. It's new. It's brand-new. But our mind, will,

and emotions have to be renewed. Those have to grow. And so when

your mind, will, and emotion--Jesus is pulling stuff

out of those that don't belong, your heart becomes pure. And

what does it say? "You begin to see God." You begin to get

deeper and deeper and deeper into God as this purifies us.

GLORIA: It's called the renewing of your mind. KELLIE: Renewing

of your mind. "God blesses those who work for peace, for they

will be called the children of God. God blesses those who are

persecuted for doing right." When did they start persecuting

you? When they start seeing a difference between you and

somebody else. When they start--when you start looking

like a child of God, people start persecuting you over that.

GLORIA: They talk about you. KELLIE: They do. But it says--

GLORIA: They say, "He's gone overboard. He's off the deep

end." KELLIE: How do you know? You've experienced all that.

GLORIA: Ask me. KELLIE: "For the kingdom of heaven is theirs." So

you walk all the way through this from the promise of the day

you got born-again, all the kingdom of heaven was yours in

the form of a promise, really-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --because

you hadn't grown to that place. GLORIA: It's available. KELLIE:

But then today, people persecute--as you begin to

become a child of God in the outer circumstances, if people

persecute you, you just don't care. Why? Because the kingdom

of heaven is yours. Why would you go back? GLORIA: You know

what you know. KELLIE: There's nothing that you would go back

to. GLORIA: I think the thing-- KELLIE: Amen? GLORIA: --that

brings persecution in that situation is, if you and I are

friends, and you begin to walk closer to God than I am--than I

do and you become a fanatic about, "I'm going to say the

right words. I'm going to believe the right thing. I'm

going to do the right thing," then people around someone like

that--they get under conviction and they want to do the right

thing. You know what I mean? KELLIE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: And so

that separates the one that's really after God and those that

are just going to church on Sunday just to look good. So we

get--all of us should be walking on the Word and in the Word,

obeying the Word. And if you don't know what it says, you

can't obey it. So that's why we're supposed to put the Word

of God first place in our lives so we can understand what God

says. Go to a church that teaches you the Word of God. If

you want to grow up and become stronger and more full of faith,

then you need to hear the Gospel preached from the Word of God,

and you need to put it in your eyes yourself and believe what

you read there. Now, when you do that, you become stronger. Your

heart gets full of the Word of God and you learn how to believe

God for whatever; healing, for natural needs. Whatever you

need, it's in there. KELLIE: You learn to look to Him for

everything. GLORIA: That's exactly right. And you're happy

about that because now I have an answer. The answer is, "What

does the Word say about this situation in my life?" KELLIE:

And, you know, I just want to encourage you, too. When those

friends do that, don't let it bother you. GLORIA: Oh, no,

just-- KELLIE: It's just part of the story. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: You know, just love. That's why love works. You can't

let what they say bother you, or you won't be able to walk in

love. So just walk in love-- GLORIA: Love them anyway.

KELLIE: And what will happen? They will see the fruit of the

love of God and the fruit of Jesus in your life. You just

cling tightly to Jesus, and that'll bring your friends

along, and they'll not only get hungry--they're not going to get

hungry for rules and regulations, but they'll gut

hungry for the type of love and relationship with Jesus--

GLORIA: And results. KELLIE: --that they see in you. GLORIA:

They'll see the results in your life-- KELLIE: Amen. GLORIA:

--results that they want. Glory to God.

That's good, Kellie. I receive that. KELLIE: Amen.

GLORIA: Kellie and I'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Relationship Is the Difference with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-1-17) - Duration: 21:45.


22 Stages of Relationship Between An Empath and A Narcissist - Duration: 10:47.

22 Stages of Relationship Between An Empath and A Narcissist


The empath gets attracted to a narcissist.

Their relationship starts.

Empath loves deeply and unconditionally.

They feel emotionally fulfilled even though the narcissist plays no role to develop a stronger bond.

The empath feels satisfied and thinks their love is reciprocated just by being around the narcissist.


The empath gets the false notion that they have finally met the kind of love that people don't find even once.

Narcissist affirms this by creating an illusion that leads the empath to believe that what they have is special.

The empath feels a deep bond that is almost impossible to break free.


Sometimes it appears that the narcissist wants this relationship as much as the empath.

Actually, what they want is someone who invests their time, energy and love and is in their complete control.


As the time will pass, the narcissist will make the empath feel weak, unconfined,

and bereft of the abilities to do even the simple things.

The narcissist will never launch an open attack, but use statements like "don't want to hurt you but…" to point out

some shortcoming.

They will try to take over anything which symbolizes control such as handling bills or making decisions about purchases.

The empathy will be looked down upon for their interests and many such things that form their identity.

Gradually, the empath starts to believe that they are less capable and they "need" someone like the person in their


They get the notion no one would want them.


For an empath, this relationship will be everything as they are the ones who are in love.

Out of love, they would always want to soothe and cheer the narcissist, talk to them,

help them and do whatever it makes them feel good.

The narcissists project themselves as the victim of their past, their relationships, and the circumstances.

The empaths are givers; they try to make up for all the unfortunate things that have ever happened to the narcissist.


The empath has a good and a clear heart and cannot imagine the deep and unresolved wounds of the narcissist are not the

same as their own.

Healing those wounds is different from their own.


The relationship is all about the narcissist.

The empath realizes this slowly, and a time comes when they feel afraid to talk or fight for their needs and desires.

In their attempt to please they don't want to voice their true needs.

They would rather be likable than give any reason to be disliked.

But, secretly they are not too happy.


The more devotion, love, care, affection, and effort the empath puts into the relationship,

the narcissist feels completely in control over the relationship.

The empath literally dances to the tune of the narcissist.

As long as the empath continues to appease the narcissist, it's impossible to detect any problem in the relationship.

The problem occurs when the empath finally reaches the breaking point.


Finally, the empath raises a voice because they can no longer keep up with the suppressing ways of the narcissist.

Day after day their emotional needs remain unfulfilled.

This happens because from the beginning of the relationship they have believed their partner's emotional needs are all

that matters.

When they finally understand their well-being also matters, and speak out, they seem selfish.

The narcissist does not like it.


The narcissist is an attention seeker.

They get satisfaction when people fuss around them.

Their needs can never be met, they can never be satisfied.

They may move to other partners, open a new business, travel around the world, get involved in new creative pursuits,

and so on and so forth, but they will never be happy.

The empath isn't aware of this fact.


When the empath finally bursts out something like "My feelings also matter",

the narcissist is quick to call the empath "crazy".

They call them over-dramatic and their concerns unfounded.

This kind of dismissive behavior is the tactics used by them to gain control over the empath's mind.


The empath gets confused.

Why they have meted out such behavior, is beyond their understanding.

They start blaming themselves and wonder if they are at all worthy of being loved by anyone at all.


At this point, the empath is not able to understand that they are just being manipulated.

Their partner has bent everything around them to create a twisted view of the circumstances.

There can be anything around them to let them know the truth that they are the one who is "right" and it's their

partner who is tremendously "wrong" and wicked.


The empath will try to communicate with the narcissist in all truthfulness.

The narcissist will, however, justify their behavior and pass the blame.


It is normal to feel lost, confused and hurt.

But despite all the heart-break, the empath will need to be calm and do some self-evaluation to figure out how they

became so defenseless.

This is how they will start transforming.


The empath will know that they are by nature healers.

They have the inner strength to help others in the right ways, sometimes as a duty and sometimes when life brings them

to such situations.


The empath has to realize the bitter truth that not everyone deserves their love, care, and affection.

Not everyone who seems distressed and unhappy is revealing their true self.

There are some people who have sinister motives and have a very different outlook towards relationships and people than

they do.

Not everyone they fall in love with can be trusted so quickly.


In this situation, the empath must realize that they too are in a very bad situation something of which the narcissist

in their life always spoke of.

But, in their case, it would be different.

They would make positive efforts and heal themselves.

The narcissist will not.


For empath this will be a painful awakening.

They will learn from the experience to move ahead.


The narcissist will continue as if nothing happened and they are completely innocent.

They won't remember for a moment that someone loved them so deeply and intensely.

They won't remember the powerful bond they once had with someone and just move on to find it somewhere else.

A time will come when they will know they can neither connect with themselves nor with other people.


The narcissist will move on.

In time they will find another victim.


The empath will be stronger, wiser and be more cautious about who they time, affection and love.

For more infomation >> 22 Stages of Relationship Between An Empath and A Narcissist - Duration: 10:47.


Sex Advice and Relationship Help from Coach Caitlin V - Duration: 2:57.

Hey, i'm sex and relationship coach Caitlin V and i'm here to help you have the best sex of your life

I mean that I'm here for you

to help show you exactly how to create a sex life that is beyond your wildest dreams. That is so

incredible that you wake up every morning feeling

desirable and fall asleep every night feeling totally satisfied

So that you have the confidence to be an amazing lover and create

relationships that are exactly as you want them.

On this channel we're gonna burst your beliefs about sexuality that hold you back

Beliefs like I'll never be able to please my partner or I can never have an orgasm or learn how to last longer in bed

That's nonsense i'm gonna show you exactly how to do all of that and so much more

we're also going to fill in the gaps, I'm gonna help fix everything that you learned in sex ed 101 that either

wasn't true or is based in myth we're gonna go fill in all of that. I'm gonna bring you the best in scientific and evidence-based

information so that you can understand exactly how your body works and how your partner's body works and

how your bodies and brains work together in order to create your relationships and your sexual chemistry

I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to know so that you can utilize all of that information

To create the kind of sex life that you want to have.

I'm also going to teach you how to be in relationships

Actually how to relate to another person, how to build and nurture and

create relationships that are exactly as you want them

And I'm gonna teach you how to be an amazing lover so that when you walk into the bedroom you are

confident and secure and you know exactly what you're doing and

Finally I'm gonna answer your questions. I want to know what are the things that you've been dealing with, that have been your

challenges what are the things that you can't talk to anybody else about and you just need some help with

So I'll be taking your questions on this channel and helping you to solve all of your sexual challenges and problems

And I'm gonna do for you what I do for everyone

That is love and support you and believe in you because you deserve to have an amazing sex life, you deserve to feel

yotally fulfilled and satisfied and that's what i'm here for. That's what I do, that's my mission in life

So please subscribe

subscribe right now... go ahead... I will wait

Because I don't want you to miss a single tip, a single tactic, a single video

that could be the difference between where you are right now and

having the sex life of your dreams

because better sex better life

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