Welcome to the 2015 NASA Ames summer series
Throughout history we have looked around us both here on earth and out in the universe to start understanding
Where we are where we came from and where we're going
The more we've explored the more we have learned about ourselves
Today's seminar entitled a cosmic end from the earth to the universe
Will be presented by father dr. Jose fewness
He is the director of the Vatican Observatory
Received degrees both a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of del Salvador in Argentina
followed by a bachelor's degree in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome
He has also received a degrees in a master's degree in astronomy from the
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba in Argentina and a doctorate from the University of Bordeaux and in Italy
He joined the Vatican Observatory in
2000 and in
2006 became the director of the observatory
He has led
conducted and worked with numerous
conferences and research meetings he has
many scientific publications
And is continuously working both on research and leading the Vatican Observatory
Please join me in welcoming father dr. Jose Eunice
Good morning everyone
thank you doctor going for this very nice presentation and
Thank you for inviting me to be here. It's a real pleasure to be with you this morning and
I also would like to thank Monica ever for our engine all the details for the for the talk
First of all I I would like to tell you
One thing before telling a story you already realize that
this is what I used to tell my students when I used to teach and
interact with course in astronomy at the University of Arizona the
Greatest challenge you will face in my class
It is not math nor physics. It is my accent so I
Call it a strong Spanish Argentinian accent. I will try to do my best so
But this is what is important I wanted to say when I was a
kid about
12 years old in Argentina in Cordova
That's the time when kids start to think about becoming astronomer archaeologists
geologists etc so I was a
inspire by NASA I was
holdin edge of the exploration of space and
A class may pass to me at least with the addresses of all NASA centers
so with my very rough English I have made much progress, but I
Wrote the letter and I asked my father to tie that letter and I sent it to one of the NASA centers
asking for material
So they sent me materials about the Pala mission
NASA missions and at the end it says if you want to receive more material send this money to this address or
Poor in Argentina. I still we are poor
I didn't have the money the dollars to send it to masa to NASA so I try a different center
You know
When you are you don't have many resources you have to be creative so at the end
I got a lot of material from NASA and I remember
looking forward the the postman to
Bring the mail to my house, and I remember these
brown packages coming from NASA so I
Am inspired by your work
And I hope this is my wish for NASA and people working in an answer that
You continue to inspire next generations
Let's see what inspired me for this talk
Say director of the Vatican Observatory
I'm a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and I more or less represented this talk in that meeting and
There was something that caught my attention in the booklet
And it said human curiosity is the driving force
For a scientific development in which we live systems on philosophy still have their valid place
So curiosity is the driving force for our research for this dog and also for curiosity. I couldn't
nothing in
Curiosity and of course, this is a selfie
Also in the other is Pope Francis gave
to the
academicians he said to the scientists and especially to a grecian side scientist
corresponds the attitude exam in the future of humanity and the earth and I would add and the universe and
We have seen these days this concern of the Pope for the future the earth with the recent
document by paper document and cyclical
So before entering into this subject. I would like to if I gone the
the 1 million dollar answer
question sorry this is
You can give me later $1 million - for the answer so what about the gun is interested in astronomy?
The short answer is who knows
But I need to tell you story otherwise is difficult to explain why the Vatican is interested in astronomy
Here we have
These Pope's this is Pope Gregory 13 who reformed the calendar that we used today
This is a pope leo
Xiii hood in 1891 founded the Vatican Observatory
This is pope pius xi with him the observatory moved from the Vatican to
Gaza Gandolfo, this is the
papal residence for the summer
in 2009 we move
From the palace of the Pope that used to be my office
We've had a wonderful
Residence now on headquarters here it is you see the gardens and
Because the history of the earth the Vatican Observatory is similar to the history of other observatories around the world
We escaped to Arizona looking for dark skies
So in the eighties the the Vatican a group of Jesuits from the Vatican Observatory
Aright to Tucson and we have a very good collaboration with the University of Arizona
This is the Department of astronomy store observatory, and this is the the vertical and telescope on Mangrum
This is a Pope Benedict
holding a meteorite from Mars and the
Asura Dora Romano the Vatican newspaper
published this picture on the first page of the
newspaper with this headline Mars in the hands of the Pope
This is my desk the desk of the director and here this
Benedict sign and I explained to him that here
Triss the signatures, maybe this is a unique document the signatures of
all popes since pius xi
- john paul ii and I am telling him that with a his signature and with the blessing of the new facilities the Vatican Observatory
Is starting a new?
Stage in the history of the observatory
Just a clarification
This is not a Vatican check. I'm not asking the Pope to sign a check for me
So this is our place as you see, it's very nice. Do you just read used to say?
C or tomb come biblioteca babies Neil the Edit if you have a garden with a library
there is nothing you will lock so we have a wonderful garden and a wonderful library with antique books -
So yes Pope Benedict said to the participants of a colloquium we organized for the International Year of astronomy
he said that as you know the history of the observatories in every is a
very real way linked to the figure of Galileo the
Controversies, which surrounded Hillary search and the church to attempt to attain a correct unfruitful
Understand you know the relationship between science and religion
In few words, thanks to Galileo, I'm here and thanks to very Leo the Vatican Observatory
Contributes a little bit to the research in the world
Among our precious things our little treasure we have this astrolabe from the 16th century
We have also, this is one example of the antique books
this is a
From father he was a judge with Giovanni, but this territory
His this book is from 1651 and see
To system are weighted
this is the Copernican the
Copernican system and the Tycho Brahe system and the picture show at the time for the Jesuits at least for this desert
the Tycho Brahe was
It had better foundation
Just a curious curiosity
What is our mission
our colleagues our deepest desires to be on the frontier of astronomical research
And we try to address these questions as you do too
Are we alone in the universe are there other earth?
How do stars and planets form and evolve how do galaxies form and evolve with this dark matter and dark energy?
What do we do? What do we know about the universe in its first sentence are there many universes?
So these are some of the questions that
inspires us
We also have a lab of meteorite we have about 1000 pieces, and this is the
Martian meteorite that the Pope was holding in his hands
The reefs also in the Vatican the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and in
2009 we organized a meeting on astrobiology that they had a good impact
This is a I liked very much this cogitation. I'm not going to read it all but Cardinal Yolo
He was the head of the Vatican State at the time. He said that about astrobiology
This task the task of searching life and intelligent life
demands scientific integrity and an intense and indispensable case of the bust multidisciplinary
For those of you, you know better than me the astrobiology requires
To be an expert in many fields with this transition, but is varied she cult
He continues in research design this months
Also be allowed the possibility to work paths which do not always lead to the positive
sometimes our research
With we don't arrive to results and
the community
Our countries should allowed us the possibility even to fail
in our research in our projects
not always we may have a
Result I
Remember when I was doing my PhD in astronomy in Padua in my community. I was living with other Jesuits
I was the only astronomer the only one doing research and
Almost every day. They would ask me
What did you discover today, and it's not always easy to answer that question
This meeting has had a lot of impact in the in the media at the time
You see the Washington Post time new ABC News
USA Today a deform Rome, but again looks for signs of alien life. What is important al dila?
beyond these
Headlines is that the Vatican is
Encouraging a
Cutting-edge research because astral astrobiology already we have that this discipline for 20 years or so
It's an important
science and important research and the Vatican
Organizing and hosting this kind of meeting is considering this an important part of science
One important very important activity we have at the Vatican Observatory are our summer schools
We have every two years students grad students coming from all over the world literally in the last summer school
We have 25 students from 22 countries
There you see the audience with with Pope Benedict, and the next summer school
Will be next year on water in the solar system and beyond so if you're a student
or you know students of course I
Encourage them to apply for the school. It's a great experience
With John Paul the second the observatory had a great impulse in
Studies that he not only involved science, but also philosophy and theology
So let's go to the dead talk and let
The universe let's quote the universe
In the beginning is my end
In fact is not the universe it is
TS Eliot
All or better is the universe talking through TS Iliad
in the initial cost conditions of the universe there and
Somehow is a German the end
So these are the question that humanity
Have has posed alone centuries. Where are we where do did we come from? Where are we one?
scientists are not the only ones to
Raise those questions, this is another an expert in
Arts and fine arts but this is a painting by Paul Gauguin and with this title
Where are we where did we come from where we were in?
So there are different
Approaches to the beginning and to the end of the universe science is just one of them
So as scientists our certain point is a
obser universe
We can only think the past on the future of the universe from its present and from the data. We have collected and interpreted
We test our ideas with a reality check I won't discuss in this
presentation any
biological evolution or technical development because it exists my
my knowledge
So I would like to say that
We are a species with long eyes on Galileo Galilei he is our forefather
We use telescopes to reach where our eyes can
Do not allow us to to see
In, Arizona
For you of course, no kid peek the National Observatory
there was a treat between the US government and the UNA autumn tribe and
The Orinoco Nolan trial they don't have a word for astronomers, so they use these words
the people with long eyes we are people with long eyes and
telescopes our part somehow of ourselves and with a
Data that we collect from the telescope we can try to understand the beginning and the end of the universe
So what we know is that?
There are there is experimental data confirming the Big Bang briefly
we know this function of the universe the Hubble's law the comic cosmic background radiation and
We know also that the Big Bang Theory correct correctly predicts the cosmic abundance of hydrogen helium and other light
We also know that this universe is a seller rating in the in its passion and
the Nobel Prize was given in 2009 for this discovery
to Saul Perlmutter Brian Smith and Adam riess
So we know that
The after the data from plank that the edge of the universe is
about thirty point eight million years and
That the universe is made of base Dark Matter
Burning mother normal mother just to say about 5% and dark energy about 68%
We know that the universe is expanding and it's accelerating and
This is if we know that this is the present of the universe this is what we can observe
These are there are different possibilities for the past and for the future of the universe
From the data we have collected we know that
We live in an accelerating universe and in the oldest
possibilities scenario
according to the data we know
I'd like to
The age of the universe with other timescales for the for the rest of the of the dark
one cosmic year
Is equal for the sake of this presentation to 14 billion solar years?
What we can say about our future
of course the
Predictions will depend on the time scale that we use
Let's talk about a little bit of Earth even it's not my field
It is well. It is very challenging to make any prediction for the future and
Particularly to regarding to the earth. There are 4 July legal process that the Durman the shape of the surface of the earth
they impact the
crater in the volcanism tectonics and erosion
we need also to take into consideration the into account the change in the atmosphere and the oceans and the
dynamical evolution of the earth-moon system so things are complex
Justin in one slide I am resuming
14 billion years of story on more in 50 minutes, so
You will forgive me if I miss something
I don't give enough details
But sometimes it's good to have a whole picture a big picture
The image of the earth in three billion years about 0.20 cosmic years is of a declining world
in a billion years
Points a cosmic year the Sangh will become a red giant
expanding to the present knowledge of the earth the Sun will span the
Spans will spell a considerable part of its mass into space
And when the Sun expands to the current orbit of the earth?
The earth itself we have moved to almost twice its current distance from the Sun
Another thing that we need to take into account is a
threat of near-earth objects and that my hit the earth and
this is just a
Plot where you have the the frequency for
impact on the size of
the impacter the craters are ten times larger and you
How often we may get this event on earth?
Just a recall of what happened recently in Russia
So this is we have record that these things really happen, and this is a simulation from ISA
For you may remember
What happened when the
Levy shoemaker comet in different fragments hit the
So I'm sure you know all these images are very well known to you so
What what we can say about the solar neighborhood a
Nearby star could pass by about three light-years from the Sun
This event could happen every
100,000 years
The Sun also another possibilities that likely is going to encounter a molecular cloud
maybe once or twice in 1 billion years and
The rotational pool would cause a shower of comments a good result may well
Increase the impact rate for these comets
Supernovae a threat
Also may suffer if we are still here that
the supernova
occurs within 100 200 light-years from the Sun
every hundred or 200
Million years this is likely to have a notable effect on the solar system
Our galaxy
We know that galaxies are composed by gas dust stars and dark matter
in galaxies
We have the rotation
One gallic we can say that one galactic year is about point zero one cosmic year, and we have this
cycling of stars
gas and dust
That occurs within the our galaxy
We know that galaxies
also from cluster of galaxies and they deform and evolve and
We know that from galaxy
Illusion that there are two time scales in the evolution of galaxies
galaxies are tracer of the cosmic evolution in the last 13 billion years and
There are like two clocks shape in
we have time or
Rush trash shift here, and the looking time looking back time here
This is the time of the cosmic the clock of cosmic evolution for the whole universe and then we have
The time that is the clock
that is given us the the stellar time related to the evolution of stars for a
Star with a one solar mass like our Sun this is the span life for the stars
When the stars become more massive they they live shorter lives
This diagram from harmony and Kennecott
Show us different factors that intervene in the formation and evolution of galaxies do you have
Here internal processes on this side and on the right side you have external processes so
inside the galaxy you have star formation gas recycling and the
production and then on the
Here you have also interaction
with other galaxies through mergers for example
On the top you have fast processes and on the bottom you have
lower process low processes
You have the collapse of gas that will form the the galaxy, and then you have very long-term
Would we call a secular revolution that is driven by bars
That matter and other things in in the galaxy
So in this video it shows in the time
Of a cosmic year about 14 billion years the evolution and formation and transformation of
Of galaxies so this is what happened in about one
Cosmic year
And you know the stories well the other thing that we know
Is a star formation history of the universe
Here again
You had the star formation right in the universe versus time. This is the present of the universe
so in the future the
the universe will form less and less stars
the universe was very much effective in forming stars between 1 and 3
Billion years from the present
With a
Robert conic at some years ago in a team we
Studied try to study. Del the star formation the local universe because at the time this wasn't a very
Well-known part of the diagram we tried to add some points here so a
What is going to happen with galaxies in about 10
200 years or 10 to 90 cosmic years
galaxies will fade into the darkness
Cluster of galaxies will become cluster of black holes finally black holes will evaporate
In the very distant future the universe eventually will be will be shredded
what is called the big rip the universe could not have a single final and but a multiple and
The universe is going to tour a final step of cold and darkness
Thermal death which says that the universe will go to what a stay of maximum entropy. What is called the big freeze
The long term scenario with every with everything in the universe
Dying gradually will be all obviously hostile to life
This is not a very promising future for us, I guess
Using again the words of the poet this is the way of the the world ends
This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends not
With a bang, but a whimper
TS Eliot
So at this point this is until here more or less
What we can say about from the scientific point of view you can correct me many things
It's very difficult to say what is going to be the earth the the Sun our galaxy and the universe as a whole
The beginning of this seminar was like
Going into a fly with all these indications
And I hope we are going to have a safe landing after this talk but
this has been a
scientific voyage to the end of the universe
but it is also on a spiritual journal a journey to the final frontier of our a
substantial frontier I
Am final frontier 'im I'm sure you already had the background Star Trek. No. It's I
will start drift fan and
So a
Emptiness and questions at this point of
My talk when I prepare this talk I would say
That it was also a spiritual experience to prepare the start because
Somehow I think the freed niche here summarized quite. Well. What was my
my feelings
When you look long into the Arby's could be this empty universe
There is the obvious looks into you or
putting in the words of the Bible a
Vast emptiness coalesce s an immense void everything is empty
So is this the last word I
Don't know and
as we are use, maybe we have some kind of
second episode I
Would like to say what may happen
perhaps with life
Life is Reese Island
We have many proofs of that
We have proved. You know better than me
In the extremal files that are able to live in very hard conditions for life
We see sometimes flowers in places that we don't expect to see them and this is
The gardens in the papal summer
Gardens in Castel Gandolfo
They used to be the house of the emperor Domitian who willed his villa there
And you know
Not many years ago only about 2,000 years ago
People used to live here now
With these they're living right there
But there are so many trees there
Are living in in these stones I?
Would like to say a word about the astrobiology from a different point of view
I think for you a hub is going to be new and this is
Frontages with father Angelus Agia. I want to say in a second who he was
He wrote this in
the light I
think hundred
What to think of this start without any doubt similar to our son I would say that astrophysics
This time like the Sun to keep alive an enormous quantity of creatures of every kind biology
Those immense regions might be must be inhabited by intelligent beings and though with riesen
Capable to know love and honor the creator and perhaps
This inheritance of the stars are more faithful than asked to the duties of
Acknowledgement the words who draw them from nothing
We want to hope that among them there were not those unlucky
That in their pride denied the existence of the creator
And I would say that ecology fiction because his speculating we don't know that we need
first improved
So who was father Sachi he was an Italian astronomer
Adjusted he was a director of the observatory of the Roman College with today is
Regarding University he was one of the pioneers in astronomical spectroscopy and was one of the first scientists to stay
That the Sun was a star he collected four thousand stellar stellar respect programs
Developed the first system of Telugu
classification and the goddess cover
carbon stars
And I also would like to quote Martin Rees
About our positioning in the in the cosmos today
The wider cosmos has a potential feature that could even be infinite
but will this vast sponses of time be filled with life or
Assembly at the earth first sterile sees the choice may depend on us this century
The most crucial location in a space and time apart from the Big Bang itself
could be here, and now I
Have some questions
If our location in the universe is crucial for life all
Life will end with art
Is life a common phenomenon?
What will happen with the life in trillions and trillions of years when the universe fate?
Easier other universes will I survive in those places?
Is there an other questions?
Incomplete thought
I'm quoting here
Pope Francis
giving an address to the
professor of theology and philosophy at the Gregorian University
The telogen who is satisfied with this with his complete and conclusive thought is mediocre
the good theologian and philosopher
has an open that this an
Incomplete thought always open to the Myers of God and of the truth always in development
And I would change a little bit the wording, and I would say
The scientist who is satisfied with a his or her complete and conclusive thought is mediocre
The good scientist has an open that is an incomplete thought always
Open to the my use of the truth always in development
To conclude I would like to end with
Incomplete matters, and then we can talk about this
with another area about the origin and the definition of life an
Intelligent life. We do not know how to define a civilization
We don't we don't know about dark matter and dark energy
We are still missing a theory of everything
That may combine general relativity and quantum mechanics, and the standard model and of course the list
is incomplete and
This presentation is incomplete. Thank you very much
We have time for a few questions
If you have a question, please stand up go to the middle aisle
There's a microphone stand there be succinct with your question and move away from the microphone
So let me ask a question till someone gets the energy to move up and ask
I actually think and I concur with the point of looking out there for learning more about ourselves
Is there any parts of the Vatican Observatory that looks at
Life in terms of us going and exploring other planets, and how that's it within that arena
That is a good question and I
would like to say that the servitor a small group with employees and
Scientists religious personal we are no more than around 20 people so
If we play for a moment I don't know the
passing from the cosmic years of NASA to the
Few numbers at the Vatican Observatory there the difference is huge
However the Vatican Observatory
Considers that the search of life in the universe is an important thing
In 2005 the observatory organized for a coin at the time was a director
summer school on astrobiology in
2007 we organized a meeting on a
school again on
extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs in
2009 we organized this
Workshop, sorry we cast this call at the
Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the next
School as I said will be on water in the solar system and beyond so
This is to say that though we are not
Involved in the search of life in universe we don't have allowed for that. Oh the resources
Would collaborate and we bring together?
Scientists students that
Are expert in the field and that they can help us when there's some better the search of life in the universe?
It's a what I?
had to say that my training scientific training was in galaxies nearby galaxies, but
becoming director of this oratories you realize that there is
something else out there than rather than galaxies and
You pay attention to other important topics?
this is I think one important topic not only for science, but also from foreign a
philosophical and religious approach
We can learn a lot even from from the search itself even we don't arrive to positive results
Thank you so much for the talk
one of the things I wanted about there was you have probably a time allocation committee for the time on your telescopes and
You'll have some priority for what observations are made with that telescope
Could you tell us what programs you emphasize with your observations and how that?
Addresses some of the questions you've brought up
We have our telescope
75% is Vatican telescope on 25% in
It belongs to the University of Arizona the programs we have I would say quite a strong group on
Solar system I consider them
Brother Bob Mackie and brother guy Consolmagno that you may know him
Doing research with meteorites
And also we have father
kikaha from Congo who is using our telescope and other telescopes and other cameras for the
the search of near-earth object
We also study the near
Near nearby stars that are similar to our Sun and this is
related to the search of somehow the the
Search of life in the universe for golly does this kind of research
I've been using the telescope for formation star formation in nearby galaxies
We have this is for the use of the telescope of
Course you need the other telescope to address
those question but from the theoretical point of view also we have
Father John D an Italian who is studying?
Doing research on string theory and quantum gravity just to show you that there is the other side of our research
Again, we do not cover
all the the fields we try to
Be as much as we can
involve in the research with our
colleagues and we have several collaborations and
The scientific meetings that we have organized on the schools is
Always a way to learn from our
colleagues we learned a lot from organizing the things and
their research interest I
I see that your talk shows that the Vatican Observatory
Has potentially a very long planning horizon in terms of thinking about the future and I wonder if the Vatican Observatory
Considered a time in the future when you would move into space telescopes for observation
and if you have given any thought possibility to
Promoting or or or sponsoring in some form of space telescope, thank you
Before I forget
we have a website that is in progress and we have
Renewed about the website
But if you were to the home page you can download if you have some pride
I don't think so, but if you need some kind of
Sleeping aid to come download. I'm kidding
It's very interesting I should say
You have the annual report of the Vatican Observatory is very simple vertical
observatory dot VI or you do Google Vatican Observatory and
There we have a document for the with the scientific priorities
For the ten years next ten years of the observatory of course
We are small
We are not trying to compete with
NASA with the European agency
but we try to in within our possibilities to be
involving in science regarding the question about
how to move to the next step of telescopes I
Have addressed these questions with our staff when we prepare also that document
and at the moment it looks like it's very difficult to how the
For us 20 meter telescope at thirty meter telescope
Though through the universe with a good collaboration with the University of Arizona
we may have access to those telescopes if we need them for the research what we are doing now and
This is in progress
There is a plan for a network of
Small telescope two meter telescope in southern, Arizona, and this network is going to be robot eyes
And we are doing this our telescope is being robot eyes
Hopefully in about a year will be done, and we are doing this in collaboration with the University of Arizona
So this is according to all possibilities the way to keep the telescope
updated and to address questions that may require
space telescopes on
Other big telescope I win collaborating with a team with lead by Rob Kennecott, and we use Hubble
Garlic's and Spitzer so we have access somehow to the data that this telescope provide
Hi, I'm thank you so much for making the trip in
making the time for the presentation
I was wondering and I I don't know if this is beyond the scope of the talk I was wondering what you think the
theological implications of discovering life would be I
Don't know how else to phrase the question does it does it broaden it does it make it more
Magical I would just if you could spend just a couple of minutes talking about your personal view that would be great
Once I sometimes I I
Give interviews to journalists and when once one journalist asked me the following question
Who would be the first people per per person that you communicate if you find that there is a
life in the universe
To the Pope he said and I said to my mom
Being serious now I
Was at first we need we need to make sure that we have discovered life and
That this life, I think I'm talking
And someone that is not working in the field, but I think we need to be very careful that
the life if we
Find life that this life has not been been imported by us before
That would be a in any case a great discovery to find life in even a very primitive form of life
there is intelligent life I
Would like to say that it is already difficult to find intelligent life on earth
We can imagine to find a little life in the universe just a joke - don't take me too serious
But I is a very interesting question, and I think we I'm working on that I have some thoughts
We need to
approach the
possibility of discovering life
from different point of view
The science point of view of course is important
But also from a philosophical or theological point of view in my slides I said
something like
We don't know we don't I think you can correct me. We don't agreeing with this life
how to define life you will find life
What what are we searching for and the other point is?
This could be the debate for I don't want to enter in this debate now, but what is a civilization?
What do we call a?
What criteria we use to?
Say, this is a civilized world
I don't think that we can agree even on that today and
in the search of life itself
We can learn many things about our
ourselves and our origins and
Think there is life
Maybe in the universe and even intelligent life, but for me in my opinion. I think is good
It won't be very it will be very difficult to find life and it may be intelligent
Maybe we arrived to find life, but to find intelligent life, or that some kind of intelligent beings it is
Would contact us
But in my opinion
Hi, thanks for coming and talking to us
So kind of similar to the last person touching on it at least I'm interested to hear the
Way that religion is unique in how it makes truth claims both about the nature of the universe itself
As well as how we ought to live
the relationship of those two things and how for example
Galileo you know his
discoveries affected
You know there were truth claims about the universe that affected
Also, what religion had to say about how we ought to live
So aside from you know whether or not there exists life on other planets
The different things that you're studying the questions that you're pursuing
What are some areas that you see?
That these unanswered questions could possibly have the greatest change in what the Catholic Church says about how we ought to live
Thank you
Well one second
Intention of my dog was just to address this kind of concerns or questions or thoughts
How good science and religion could they interact?
I'm learning and I think it's
Galileo was a very important event for the history of
the Catholic Church of course, but for the
worst Western
culture the way
we understand the relationship between science and religion and religion I
Don't think that
This again, this is my personal opinion
The discovery of life of intelligent life we would have a great impact in
the Catholic faith or a Christian faith
Think we have
Started to do some kind of advertising, but I'm still reading it this
Because it was published last week, and I was traveling I started to read the encyclical by
Pope Francis and
I'm really needed in Spanish so when the concern. I I will say of the common house or common home
he used that terms those terms I
Think it's new in the approach. He has to the this problem because he's not he consider the
results coming from science
But also he consider other perspectives from the economic point of view
from ethical point of view
from a religious point of view but is quite universal known he he's trying to reach not only Catholics, but
Everyone on on the third I think there we have a good
example a good model in the way that the
Philosophers or even people working how in culture with anthropologists for example and
Religious from differing
confession Christians Jewish
Muslims, I think we need to move in that way for me
one kind of
Thing that I am learning in this last year is that?
It's important the dialogue between science and religion
But not only in the context of the Catholic Church in the context of Galileo
but also in the context
With the in the dialogue with other religions
Don't know but in Europe. This is my impression. I don't know much here in the US but
Inter-religious dialogue is urgent he sergeant
and maybe science
could be a
helpful language to how to understand people from different religions, so that's my hope I
Guess I guess I'm the final question
It's obvious when we talk you have a great command of
Astronomical data, and I know from your background you believe the Bible and the stories that are obtained there
And I guess what I want to know was in the book of Revelation
The end of the earth is predicted and also the creation of a new earth
And I was hoping coming to this talk that you would you would speak to that being?
Well footed in both those. Do you have any comments on that that you could share briefly?
Okay, yes, I have to confess that uh I had one
Extra slide I listened to a question
but because I didn't want to make a
Direct reference to the Bible regarding this
This is a question that requires a long answer. I'm going to try to be short. I am short
The Bible
This is for Catholics so mainstream Catholics um
I will say for the church for the authority of the church
The Bible is not a book of science
I repeat the Bible is not a book of science
if we have
Scientific questions, we shouldn't search the answers in the Bible
What is the Bible
The Bible is a book that we believe I believe in God. I am a scientist, but I am believe the God
Bible is a book
inspired by God
by men and
Women, I don't know
Was written with a language that we was used sometimes 3,000 years ago
They the sacred authors they didn't know anything about the
theory of the relativity of
quantum physics
They didn't they wanted to answer the big questions that we have those questions that I put it in in the past
Would say this I would use this image now
people don't
write any more love letters the same emails, maybe all people maybe or
SMS or a message or iMessage, what's up?
Maybe today got good speaker using whatsapp or Twitter. I don't know but in I would say
The Bible is the
Love the letter of love that he or she
Has sent
To his people
Was with the language that this language of 3,000 2,000 years ago
How listen that the book of Revelation the?
Meaning this is my understanding
It's not about the end how the universe will end in the sense of
the what would happen two galaxies two stars, but this
It gives us the sense the meaning of human history
Where are we going?
It was written in a time
Maybe similar to our time
in which Christians were persecuted
So st. John the
he's trying to give hope a
Message of hope to this community
That is suffering from persecution and will sign is that God is
Conducting this human history with all difficulties and with all problems we see and that
fundaments of this history human history and why not
History of the universe are in the hands of God
This is very difficult to explain and to say using scientific language
Because it's different. We need to read the Bible
with a different language
So I would say that for the book of Revelation of course
it's a very complicated book with many symbols, but in a
Shorter answer that would be my reply to you
So please join me in thanking father dr. Or cyclist
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