Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 3, 2018

News on Youtube Mar 28 2018

Recommended Tutorials ..

We will measure electricity consumption

Using a PZEM-004 meter and an ESP8266 module "NodeMCU"

The meter uses a "CT" current transformer to measure in one phase

We will use a heater resistance for water as our AC load

For the visualization of data we will use the Blynk platform

It is an App available for "Android" and "iOs"

We install the application on our device, in my case I will open it

a look at the arduino IDE code

an "Auth Token" is required, generated by the project in Blynk

Communication with meter "PZEM"

Sending data to Blynk, from virtual variables

We will create a new project

add "widgets" to "dashboard"

blynk has "energy" units, they give us $ 2000 units of energy, each "widget" has a cost

Select device "ESP8266"

Automatically the "Auth Token" will be sent to our registration email

we will use the "Value Display" widget $ 200

We will select the "Virtual" and the variable voltage assigned to V0

We add the following current variable V2

Sorry Voltage is the virtual variable V1

We add the following variable Power V3

We add the following variable Accumulated Power V4

We have 1200 "energy" units available

We added the latest display variable scan of the esp8266 V5

Add widget "SuperChart" trend graph $ 900

Allows to graph several widgets in Simultaneous

graph active power = Watts and Current

Ready our Dashboard

Connect our AC load

Display running ...

890 Watts, there was an error in the display of the current, it was in the Arduino IDE code already corrected

Well this is an initial test, in next tutorials we will integrate more things, temperature and control via relay or PWM / AC

Documentation, Downloads and more tests in and ... greetings

For more infomation >> Simple Test Meter PZEM-004 & ESP8266 Platform IoT Blynk App (Complete): PDAControl - Duration: 8:17.


Recette simple au Safran et Poivre sauvage - Duration: 2:05.

Hello, Today i will present you an easy receipt

quick, efficient with noble products

So here, we will start on a base of Mozzarella di Bufala

my saffron oil macerated during one month

so i put a full saffron box which is avalaible


in a colza oil. Why? Because a colza oil is rich

in omega 3 and 6 and she is pretty neutral

you can see it's really magnifique

with the saffron pistils on visual

we will add

a little touch of saffron homemade oil

on the little mozza'

like this

and then

just a pinch of maggi aroma

a little bit of noirmoutier salt (french island)

red wild pepper from Madagascar, a peppercorn

in full maturity which arrived two weeks ago

it's really my Crush

my most beautiful discovery since the timut pepper from Nepal

with intense notes : resineuses, woody

i will add

like this

all around

and you will see, it will be rehydrated with

the mozzarella. It will offer a bright red. just "magnifique"

I will add a little "touch"

of saffron, some pistils

on the top

and my receipt is finish

it's really easy

so you can find, of course,

my receipt on my website

and also, enjoy my current discount

with the 3 boxs of Iran Saffron from the last harvest November

December 2017.

With the 4th Iran saffron boxs FREE. Thanks again

See you soon, Aurevoir ;-)

For more infomation >> Recette simple au Safran et Poivre sauvage - Duration: 2:05.


3 Simple Tools For a Successful Presentation - Duration: 1:56.

Hi I'm Andrea Beaulieu. Have you ever noticed that sometimes it's the simplest things

that could have the greatest impact? It's the same way in speaking. Here are three

tools you can use that can really make a huge difference in your presentation.

Pause. I know you've heard of this, pause. We all need time to take in information

and think about how does this matter to me. That pause communicates your own

comfort with the material and with your audience and it can calm us both calm us

all down. Take a moment to breathe. A lot of times I'll take one of those breaths

when I'm in the middle of a presentation to give myself time and the audience

time and you know they think it's pretty funny. So take a deep breath from time to

time allow yourself the comfort and the relaxation that comes from breathing. And

last, slow down. Speeches have a rhythm and a pace to them. We might want to

speak very quickly we want we want to get across something and have that sense

of energy or urgency, but other times we want to slow down. That also conveys your

comfort, your confidence at all three of these tools pausing, breathing, and

slowing down will communicate to your audience that they can trust you. You're

not trying to rush them through something, you're giving them time to

think about things so pause, breathe, slow down, and remember this all the world's a

stage and all the men and women merely players, so make sure your play is

authentically yours. See you next time.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Tools For a Successful Presentation - Duration: 1:56.



For more infomation >> SUPER JUNIOR 'MR SIMPLE' VIXX VER - Duration: 3:54.


PARKOUR Photography - 5 simple Tips - Duration: 6:50.

welcome to a new video

something special today

the weather is beautiful again it is slowly spring

That's why I'm outside to shoot some parkourpictures today

and I show you today my five basic rules to get the good pictures

if you want to take parkour photos

you should make your first thoughts about the location

important is that we have a clear structure in your photo and a free space where you can make your move

of course the spot were you want to jump should be good for your parkour moves

but for pictures the background is even more important

for example it always looks good if your jumping pose is in a blue sky

or a clean wall like this over here

if I perform my jump in front of the wall you can see the moment very clear

if you have a mixed up backgound like a tree it can be hard to see your jump clearly

if you have found a cool location my second important point is that you choose the right trick

it is important that you can perform the trick a lot of times so you should be very safe with it

often you need a while to get the right angle and timing with the photographer

so better choose an easy trick that you can perform safe and nice than a hard one

if you make simpler tricks you can also perform better at your expression and the clean execution

for good pictures that is more important than a high difficulty of the move

Let us now come to the third important point

that is the right perspective

depending on the perspective your move looks pretty different

if I for example shoot a wall flip from behind, you can not see very much of the movement

so it is better to shoot it from the side

also if you shoot a jump from wall to wall

it is often good to shoot it from underneath and from the side

if you use a wide angle lens it also looks higher and more impressive

I will now do a simple jump here but you will see that it will look good from that position

Tipp number 4 is the light

good light is very important for pictures of fast sport movements

yo need a short exposure time to get a clear picture

and for that you need good light

you should als do not shoot against the sun

you can see a big difference when the sun lightens up the motive

wehn you shoot with the sun you will have more contrast and a nicer picture

fifth and final point for today

Often one does not know exactly how the move looks in the air before a shooting

so often it makes sense to use the slow-motion video tool of your camera to film your move in slomotion before you start taking pictures

and watch it frame for frame to analyze the movement

than you can concentrate on the part of the move you want to have for your picture

if it is a fast move you can also use the burst mode of your camera

especially if u try to do something new that helps a lot to get the right part of your movement

so you can shoot first and decide later wich part of it you like the most

if you are alone on the road you can also use the burst mode to shoot yourself with a remote shutter like this

you just have to push the butte when you start your jump and the camera will do pictures of your whole jump

and than you can take the picture out of the move you wanted to shoot

my shooting today was a lot of fun

and we got some cool shots

you can find the edited pictures on my instagram channel

thanks to Nikon for the sponsoring

I hope you enjoyed the video

if you have questions please write them down to the comments

have fun with your training and foto shootings

see you next time

For more infomation >> PARKOUR Photography - 5 simple Tips - Duration: 6:50.


DIY ROOM DECOR 2018! Top 20 Simple Crafts Life Hacks 🔥 5 Minutes Crafts Ideas at Home - Duration: 10:39.

DIY ROOM DECOR 2018! Top 20 Simple Crafts Life Hacks

For more infomation >> DIY ROOM DECOR 2018! Top 20 Simple Crafts Life Hacks 🔥 5 Minutes Crafts Ideas at Home - Duration: 10:39.


Simple Beds For My Tree Dollhouse - Duration: 15:38.

hi guys welcome back today I want to show you how I am putting together these

little wooden beds well they look like wooden beds but they're actually made

out of cardboard this one is made out of foam board and this one is made out of

regular cardboard and they feel just like wood so I want to show you how I'm

doing that just simple little beds there's nothing

fancy about these at all and if you want to see how I put them together then stay

tuned so each bed frame is made out of

cardboard or foam board whichever one you prefer two popsicle sticks some wood

filler and some tacky glue just your regular white tacky glue alright you're

also going to need some sandpaper and some paint of course whatever colors you

choose it's up to you age look - all of my bed's if you wanted to do the same

sort of thing then you'll need a dark brown and what I used was a burnt umber

and the base coat will be a dark brown and then whatever top coat that you

choose if you do want to do a crackle look I used crackle medium if you've

been around and following me for a while you'll know that most of everything I

make is kind of wonky I don't have any straight lines

I find charm and wonky things all I cared about this bed was as long as if I

set it down on something flat like a flat surface

it didn't wobble okay so what I did to get the headboard in the footboard

started was I just eyed up a shape on a piece of cardboard and I cut it out and

then I used that piece that I cut out as a template to cut out the next pieces

because depending on what you're using you're gonna cut two or three pieces for

each headboard in each footboard so this was foam board and you can see I've cut

two pieces and glued them together okay and so forth foam board I found two

pieces was the perfect width this is a McDonald's coffee box and it's pretty

thin so for this one I used three pieces so each piece once I finished assembling

them had three pieces cut and glued together I found with this

regular cardboard that two pieces was thick enough because if you do three and

I've done three here just to show you your see that's a bit thick this is two

pieces here see how much thicker that would be so it's up to you how you do it

so you need a headboard a footboard and a bed board so like I said I cut out a

headboard and footboard and I'm gonna use these as templates and I will

measure them in a second here for you let us put them on there and trace

around them I haven't done my bed board yet because I am going to use a ruler

for that that's just a little over three inches so a little over three inches for

the highest point of the headboard and about three inches wide about three and

a quarter inches wide and this one is two and a quarter these have to be the

same way so use them as template so I'm just going to cut out these two pieces

okay I'm just using my scissors I'm not worried too much about how the edges

look because I'm gonna be covering that up anyway you do want a flat edge on the

bottom so try to get that as far as you can the part that will sit on the floor

okay now I'm going to cut my bed boards and for that I did measure all right I

have to pop in with an edit because I've lost the clip and have no idea where it

went the size of beds is completely up to you the height of the headboard the

height of the footboard totally up to you and of course the length of the bed

but I will measure mine of course just in case you want to know this one is

just about four and a quarter inches and of course the width will be the same

width as your headboard and footboard this one's a little bit longer this one

is five inches if you're doing (a twelve) a 1/12 scale then every inch equals a

foot I don't follow a scale like this I every

if you were following a scale a 1/12 scale then every inch equals a foot all

right and this one is four and a half inches so once your bed board is cut out

then just use it as a template as well all right next step is to glue these

pieces together and if you are using a commercial box like I did here that food

came in or coffee came in you can see how glossy that is paint has a problem

sticking to that and also glue so just give it a light sand okay I don't have

to worry about that on these or the foam boards they glued together nicely and

what I'm using is a syringe I bought off Amazon I normally use a paintbrush

because I buy bulk glue and a great big jug so I can't really pour it and it

doesn't have a a nice top up pour-able top on the top so I normally use a

paintbrush with glue and then somebody commented when I was making my stairs on

film one day I was having troubles getting glue into little spots she said

get a syringe and I didn't even know they existed for glue okay so what I'm

doing now is I'm I glued it together and I'm just standing it up on the table

top to make sure that the bottom edges are even I'm gonna stick these under

books but I want to let the glue set just for for a couple minutes otherwise

when you put books on top it'll just slide the pieces will slide apart so

give your glue a chance to set a little bit okay just try your pieces that

they're sticking and they're not sliding then you can stick some books on top you

know my pieces are nice and dry and let them sit for about 20 minutes you can see

my edges aren't very straight or you know I didn't pay any attention to how

they look and that's totally fine because we're gonna be covering that up

so don't worry about that the next step we need to do is add our

popsicle stick so our bed board has something to sit on

okay and these are my mice bed so I don't need them very tall so I found one

width of these it's the perfect height for my mice I'm

just gonna cut off that round end and now I'm just going to measure okay I

want to make two pieces for each bed so we need two popsicle sticks cut for each

bed that you make so when you glue these pieces on these little popsicle sticks

just make sure that you put it down on the tabletop that you're working on and

you push it down so that it's flush with the tabletop like I said in the

beginning you don't want it wobbling so you want to make sure that the

everything is flush and now you want to leave the glue set for a few minutes

before we move on to the next step and do use wax paper or parchment paper

because that glue could dribble out at the bottom and get stuck to your table

I'm just gonna set those aside and I'll just leave them for a few minutes before

I move on to the next step just so things aren't signing around so I'll

give it about three or four minutes and then we'll attach our bed board and I

get the glue right on top of that craft stick okay so I'm gonna use a block of

wood here now I'm just gonna lean that there

okay once your piece is set in place I'm just gonna add a little bit more glue you can use

a paintbrush like I said alright so the next thing I do I look so professional hey

I just want to weigh down the top so these are full bottles of paint

I just weigh it down make sure everything's straight up and down before

you walk away like you don't want it to dry um with the bed boards

pushed in or out or anything just make sure that they're straight up and down

put your weights on top and now you just leave it for about 20 minutes or so

maybe 30 minutes even I would set a fan on it if you could as well and that will

help you just want to make sure this is nice and dry before we move on to the

next step

if the pieces are dry they are still a little bit flimsy that's gonna get

better look that one eh okay so what we're gonna add now is this wood filler

and I just use my finger and I'm going to fill in all the cracks with it okay

and as you're adding it don't put too much pressure on the end boards as

you're working cuz I hang on to the middle usually what I'm working and when

I get here just hang on to the part where it's attached just kind of hold it

together while you're pushing it's not going to fall apart on you if you just

touch it or just push on it but if you keep repeatedly putting this stuff on

and working it into all the creases and stuff you could cause it to get weak you

know what I mean like so you want to just make sure that you're not putting

too much pressure on these in boards as you're working okay I set that aside to

dry actually put the fans on it and let it dry some before I finish with the

wood filler because I was finding it too difficult to put the or keep the wood

filler where I needed it to stay as I was working because it was wet it was

pulling out of the spots that I wanted to put on there but now I can feel it's

quite a bit more sturdy than it was but it's gonna get even more so after this

part is done and once this is dry this wood filler in here this board and this

board here the end boards become like one solid piece so that's what makes it

feel like like a wooden piece I just love these little beds I think they're

so easy to make I hope you think so too I really do I hope this you know helps

you get your little house filled up with furniture great we're in the next day

and they sat all night and drive and they're pretty sturdy now pretty good

what I did before I went to bed as well I do this with all my pieces that I

glued together with tacky when things are sitting for a while or

finally leave them overnight I always add another little layer of glue you can

use a paintbrush - you don't need to use a syringe like I said it's just easier

for me get those little cracks and I do this on all parts that are joined

together and I did it in here as well the tacky glue dries really strong and

you'll never be disappointed by adding a little bit of extra tacky glue and I

just leave those sit let them dry and then we can move on to the next step so

that's what I did with all my pieces look at these ones eye and eye wood

filler so I went to the Walmart got some last night and it's purple I've never

seen that before but it dries white so it went on purple

and dried completely white it's not gonna take my sandpaper and I'm just

using what I had on hand it doesn't have to be the same one this is like a fine

grit probably a little coarser grit would be better but that's all I have

anyway just sand down the edges and any parts that are like this here I would

sand that down when you get to this part these parts here

make sure you sand those down so that will show up in the paint I've done one

here so you can see see that that has to be sanded down we're gonna bring go

straight down to the cardboard all right I've sanded down this bit here

and there was a few little areas that can use a little extra so I'm gonna do

that now and let it dry all right time for the paint you can do this any color

you want I mean this is where your creative process is gonna take off like

I said I like that shabby look with the cracks in the paint so I'm gonna do a

dark brown first over all my beds all right so I normally put on about four

coats of that Brown I just feel like that

it's the perfect number it covers up everything I need to be covered any

pictures underneath like this is a coffee box you'll cover that I just like

the I just like the looks of the four coats I'm just

putting this on like I said so I can get that color underneath when I put the top

coat on on it it gives me a nice comment underneath that cracking now we don't

need it on this part here I was just a little bit carried away there all I need

the cracking for is the headboard in the footboard and anywhere that's gonna be

seen I don't need any on the back all right guys we're gonna end the video

here the mattresses that I made I did show that on video and that will pop up

on your screen at the end of this video the painting part like I said is totally

up to you if you wanted to see somebody who knows exactly what you're doing with

crackle medium it's not me I just kind of you know I did follow the

instructions and I put my crackle medium over top my four coats of brown paint

and then I added my paint over that and I just get crackle and stuff but this

might not be exactly the look that you're looking for there is a better way

of doing crackle medium and I know somebody here on YouTube that does a

great job with that her name is Ara and she has Bentley

House Minis I will put her link in the description box below I highly suggest

going to check her out if you like that aged look on your furniture I'll put

that link directly to her aged furniture video in the description box below and

yeah she's got awesome video she's and she does wonderful miniatures so check

her out for sure and there will be a second part to this video I'm just not

sure when and some of these might change color I'm gonna keep this color I love

this this one is actually called vintage and it's a chalk paint I know a lot of

you will love that color as well okay oh and this chippy look here I decided to

just forget about the crackles and I went with chippy instead and I just used

this little tool here and I just scraped off the paint to expose the brown

underneath yeah so we'll just end it there and I'll get this up for you guys

and hopefully that will be helpful and you'll get yourself some little beds

made for your tree house or your dollhouse thanks much for watching and

we'll see you super soon

For more infomation >> Simple Beds For My Tree Dollhouse - Duration: 15:38.


Débarrassez-vous de l'herpès en utilisant une astuce simple - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Débarrassez-vous de l'herpès en utilisant une astuce simple - Duration: 2:27.


#244 latest peacock rangoli with colors|Beautiful easy kolam designs|simple muggulu art with 9 dots - Duration: 4:07.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #244 latest peacock rangoli with colors|Beautiful easy kolam designs|simple muggulu art with 9 dots - Duration: 4:07.


4 Steps: Make Money Online Selling Simple Household Items - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> 4 Steps: Make Money Online Selling Simple Household Items - Duration: 7:24.


How to Plant in a Basket | Simple Basket Planter | Basket Plants Arrangement //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:46.

welcome to my Channel

I'll be creating the beautiful


simple basket plants arrangement

first we need to have some baskets

i'm using two types Palmyra flower basket here

but you can choose whatever you like

these Palmyra flower baskets are very beautiful


It gives rich


beautiful looks

in your indoor planting

here this basket

there are many holes


place a piece of polyethylene inside the basket]

and then

this is small white stones


i will add a layer of small white stones


you can use aquarium gravels or pebbles

and also

you can use charcoal with stones


polyethylene is inside of the basket


the excess water can't escape out


it is recommended to use

a layer of stones and charcoal

and then

add the potting soil


add the plant in the soil

use more soil if you want

press it gently with fingers


add more soil

need to provide enough space

for the roots to grow

i have decided to grow

two or three plants in one basket

Celosia plant , Spider plant and Lemon Ball succulent

these plants grow in small places


won't take up much space to grow


you can grow succulents in the basket


cut the excess polyethylene


on the top of the soil

i just put some color stones


this will protect


helps to keep the soil moisture

and also

it gives a nice look

and then

decorate with garden miniatures


color stones

Pour water

do not pour too much water

pour water once

every two days

keep this in the shaded and sunny windows place

this is the another type Palmyra flower basket

this is petunia plant

in this basket

i just plant

grass Burning Bush and lemon Ball succulent

if you want to know the material and plants name for the basket planter

see the description box

For more infomation >> How to Plant in a Basket | Simple Basket Planter | Basket Plants Arrangement //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:46.


simple rangoli designs for beginners | rangavallikalu designs with dots | creative rangoli designs - Duration: 1:20.

creative rangoli

For more infomation >> simple rangoli designs for beginners | rangavallikalu designs with dots | creative rangoli designs - Duration: 1:20.


#11 A simple way to use Radio Button in React Native - Duration: 12:11.

Hello everyone, nice to meet you again :)

Today, my new video is about Radio Button.

I will show you how to use a simple Radio Button in React Native

First of all, open the file 'step.txt' in my demo project or you can find those steps below the video

STEP 1: Install module 'react-native-simple-radio-button'

Copy command: npm install --save react-native-simple-radio-button

Open command line and paste this command in it->Press Enter

Go to folder 'node_modules' and you'll see a new folder named 'react-native-simple-button-icon'


STEP 2: Import component from module 'react-native-simple-radio-button'

Copy this code and paste it in file 'App.js'


STEP 3: Add an array contains label-texts

I declare an array about animals hobbies (cat, dog, buffalo) :>

NOTE: Every item of the array must has 2 attributes: label (context of radio button), value (index of radio button)

attribute 'radio_props' is our array 'hobbies' (it must has 2 attributes label and value, this is required)

Now, I add a simple component RadioForm (contains radio buttons)

'onPress' event when user chooses one of radio buttons. Temporary, I leave this event empty

Let's build the app :D

Work perfectly :>

STEP 4: Custom radio button

Firstly, I want to change selected button. What will I do?

I use 'value' (index) to choose button I want. If I set attribute 'initial' to -1, I don't choose any of radio buttons

If I set attribute 'initial' to 2, I will choose radio button 'Soaking in the mud'

Now, how do I know which button I selected? (this is used to check your answer)

We have an attribute 'value' in every item of array 'hobbies', so just use it :)

We just pass a parameter name 'value' (or whatever you want) in 'onPress' function

And show it to screen every time we choose a button

Rebuild the app

Very nice :D

So, I want to change button size

I set attribute 'buttonSize' to 40 and rebuild the app

To change button outer size, set attribute 'buttonOuterSize' to 60 and see what happens

It is bigger

Next, to change selected button color, I use attribute 'selectedButtonColor'

Similar, I use attribute 'selectedLabelColor' to change selected label color

We also can change label style by using attribute 'labelStyle', in this demo I change fontSize

To disable or enable all radio button, we use attribute 'disabled'

Now, we can't choose any of radio buttons

As you see, radio form is now center both vertical and horizontal.

I want to set alignment to right

Go to module 'react-native-simple-radio-button' in folder 'node_modules'

Open file 'lib/Style.js' and modify 'radioWrap'

Rebuild the app

Nice :)

Finally, I want to set form direction, I use 'formHorizontal'



For more infomation >> #11 A simple way to use Radio Button in React Native - Duration: 12:11.


Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Exercise Song for Children Family fun | simple kids songs TV - Duration: 1:43.

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Exercise Song for Children Family fun | simple kids songs TV

For more infomation >> Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Exercise Song for Children Family fun | simple kids songs TV - Duration: 1:43.


How to make paper hat | DIY Origami Hat Making Simple and Easy | paper cap instruction for kids - Duration: 4:14.

Welcome to my channel. Today i show you how to make

paper hat easy for kids. Paper cap make very easy.

If you learn how to make paper hat please follow

my instruction step by step.

Don't forget to Subscribe, like, comment and share if you like this video.

Thank you very much for watching this video.

For more infomation >> How to make paper hat | DIY Origami Hat Making Simple and Easy | paper cap instruction for kids - Duration: 4:14.


How to Use Simple Beautiful Borders Free Photoshop Actions - Duration: 2:31.

Hi guys, in this tutorial I will explain to you how to use Photoshop actions Simple Beautiful


The first step is to run Photoshop and to open the image with any dimensions and any


You should have only one layer in your document.

The next step is to display Actions panel from Window > Actions.

Click on Actions panel menu then select Load Actions.

Double click on Simple Beautiful Borders All.atn file.

Once you have Simple Beautiful Borders All actions set loaded click on Generate All Simple

Beautiful Borders then click on Play selection button.

When action finishes playing display History panel from Window > History.

Scroll up and start clicking on saved snapshots.

Once you find a border that you like you can customize border color.

Click on Layer 1 to select it then double click on the right side.

That will open Layer Style dialog.

Click on Color Overlay, set Blend Mode to Normal then pick any color that you want for

border color.

If you want to customize extra space around image and border then select Layer 2.

Double click on the right side to open Layer Style dialog then use Color Overlay, Gradient

Overlay or Pattern Overlay.

The last step is to go to File > Save, Save As or Export to save or export image with


Thanks for watching and cheers!

If you like my videos please subscribe to my channel and share my videos with your friends.

If you need download link please look in description section on YouTube.

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