I need the rain to stop
the sun to come
and that everything goes as we have imagined
This dog is drunken
You have no idea
No, it is not going to rain
The sun is coming
Oh, dude, I still have a hope that it will stop raining
Kel, look at the sun
Don't say it, oh God, what a joy
Hey, come on! I am getting married
wake up, guys
Know that every moment I have lived by your side
has always been very meaningful to me
Thank you for "us"
thank you for carrying out this dream of ours
Thank you for always being by my side
You are my safe harbor
And I hope to make you very, very happy, for the rest of our lives
I love you so much
I promise to make you the happiest woman in this world
I promise to fill our wall of moments around the world
I promise that, when we remember everything we've been through together
that it was on May, the 19th, 2018
that we chose to get married
and that it was the best choice of our lives
I love you, Mrs. Schmidhausler
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