Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

News on Youtube Jun 30 2018

wait, how do I unlock- ?

the lil flower is the most important thing

Camerawoman: they're going to fall xd

I think I can sit down!

wet floor


motherf***** :D


*its over*

The camera is getting wet :D

And Kumo is going to kill me :DDD

*drama lyrics*

Its so low, isnt it?

wat is going on ???

Where did you pull me??

I did wrong the leg ;;


Well, it wasnt so bad, I think we did nice the 'line' *sugas part*

For more infomation >> [KPOP IN PUBLIC BLOOPERS IV] FAKE LOVE, LATATA & SHINE VERSION - Duration: 6:13.


Trump's public threats against Maxine Waters just took a terrifying turn - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Trump's public threats against Maxine Waters just took a terrifying turn - Duration: 4:26.


Public Safety Dept.: 'Zero Tolerance' Policy In Effect For Luke Bryan Concert - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Public Safety Dept.: 'Zero Tolerance' Policy In Effect For Luke Bryan Concert - Duration: 2:20.


Father pleads for public's help in son's Trotwood shooting death - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Father pleads for public's help in son's Trotwood shooting death - Duration: 2:13.


Public Safety Dept.: 'Zero Tolerance Policy' In Effect For Luke Bryan Concert - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Public Safety Dept.: 'Zero Tolerance Policy' In Effect For Luke Bryan Concert - Duration: 1:48.


Asuravadham movie review - asuravadham movie public review | அசுரவதம் #asuravadham | FDFS - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Asuravadham movie review - asuravadham movie public review | அசுரவதம் #asuravadham | FDFS - Duration: 2:05.


2 Beloved Coastside Beaches to Be Made Public - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 2 Beloved Coastside Beaches to Be Made Public - Duration: 2:04.


[ KPOP IN PUBLIC CHALLENGE ] SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) - THANKS (고맙다) Dance Cover [ F&P Dance Studio ] - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> [ KPOP IN PUBLIC CHALLENGE ] SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) - THANKS (고맙다) Dance Cover [ F&P Dance Studio ] - Duration: 1:51.


Semma Botha Aagatha Public Opinion | Public Review | Response | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Semma Botha Aagatha Public Opinion | Public Review | Response | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema - Duration: 1:10.


Asuravadham Public Opinion | Public Review | Response | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema | Sasikumar - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Asuravadham Public Opinion | Public Review | Response | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema | Sasikumar - Duration: 4:10.


"Sanju" Movie Public Reaction | Ranbir Kapoor | Anushka Sharma | Sanjay Dutt - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> "Sanju" Movie Public Reaction | Ranbir Kapoor | Anushka Sharma | Sanjay Dutt - Duration: 2:02.


Asuravadham Public Opinion at Kamala Theatres | Public Review | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Asuravadham Public Opinion at Kamala Theatres | Public Review | Kollywood | KalakkalCinema - Duration: 0:42.


passing as a "girl" - crossdressed in public - Duration: 4:31.

nothing wrong...

with striking outfits

as long you know....

how to wear....

and walk in them


and earrings

are compulsary

for every girl

to get

adoring looks

for your

over girly trans-feminity

Sunday afternoon

at such a place

and peoples' looks

are guaranteed

and this is why you do....

....what you have to do !

dressed like this

around of a group of girls

at such a place

it's NOT self-confidence....

what you need

they hardly looked

not even laughed

or cared

act like an everyday girl

and you can be sure

that no girl

gives you a second look

some do.....


who doesn't want

to get such looks....

of such a beauty

of course

some laugh at you

but therefor you are here

most are too busy

with themselves

to notice another "girl"

even in front of the mirror


are used to it

have seen it a thousand times

and don't care a damm shit

even if you ask them


but few

are excited

cannot stop looking at you

not knowing what to do

and where to look

every girl

paint her toenails

and knows

how to do this

how to present herself

in public

some girls "read" you

smile to you

calling you

"Halloooo Zuckermäuschen !!!"

(what these really did)

never forget...

to paint your fingernails

if you show your feminine hand

but don't listen to the "scientist"

and those LBGT-activists

surfing hard on

the edge of

read and not read

is the real core-essence

of most crossdressing sissy cats

get pretty

before you "modell"

and display yourself

in front of girls

but take care....

and beware:

too much perfection



For more infomation >> passing as a "girl" - crossdressed in public - Duration: 4:31.


Carroll, Helena Public Schools launch program to help high schoolers take college classes - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Carroll, Helena Public Schools launch program to help high schoolers take college classes - Duration: 2:22.


Local North Augusta business gives donation to Public Safety for cooling vests - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Local North Augusta business gives donation to Public Safety for cooling vests - Duration: 2:00.


Hampden DA: Officials looking into "public safety incident" on Brimfield Rd. in Holland - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hampden DA: Officials looking into "public safety incident" on Brimfield Rd. in Holland - Duration: 0:47.


The Power of Public Private Partnerships - WADA - Duration: 2:21.

In 2005 the U.S. Agency for International Development and Coca-Cola came together

to form a powerful public-private partnership - the Water and Development

Alliance - combining the organizational strengths, technical expertise, networks,

and water priorities of both partners- the Alliance has worked with local

stakeholders in more than 30 developing countries across three continents to

date addressing critical water and sanitation needs in order to build

healthier communities, stronger economies, and resilient ecosystems. The WADA

Platform leverages shared costs and expertise to deliver sustainable impacts

and benefits more quickly and at a greater scale, blending the class-leading core

capacities of its partners. The U.S. Agency for International Development provides

in-country development-related government relationships and

programmatic expertise while The Coca-Cola Company brings with it an understanding

of local water risks and private sector business expertise. Multiplying these

capacities with the partner's respective commitments to water and the reach of

both partners networks, The Water and Development Alliance is able to achieve

transformative, measurable, and lasting impact on the global water and

sanitation crisis. Utilizing an adaptive management approach, the Alliance's

effective partnership model continues to grow through innovation, monitoring, and

evidence-based decision-making. Key to its success are the Alliance's core

values of local ownership, institutional synergy, technical quality, and

transformational change. With its shared commitment to long term impact, The Water

and Development Alliance serves as a well-designed model that will make

forming partnerships easier- sharing costs and reducing barriers, so that by

working together, we can accelerate our path towards building a more healthy,

productive, and resilient future.

For more infomation >> The Power of Public Private Partnerships - WADA - Duration: 2:21.


Bitcoin Wallet erklärt ► Public/Private Key Wallet Erklärung - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Wallet erklärt ► Public/Private Key Wallet Erklärung - Duration: 3:11.


City-Gemeinschaft rechnet mit herben Umsatzverlusten bei Fanartikeln. Beim Public Viewing soll es ab - Duration: 4:53.

 Das frühe Scheitern der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft sorgt bei den Innenstadthändlern in Halle für Entsetzen

„Die Geschäfte haben sich ganz auf die WM eingerichtet und mit guten Umsätzen geplant

Fan-Artikel werden jetzt zu Ladenhütern. Das kostet uns richtig Geld", sagt Wolfgang Fleischer, Sprecher der City-Gemeinschaft

 Die Weltmeisterschaft sei ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor für die Innenstadt. „Das Aus der Nationalmannschaft könnte auch die Gaststätten hart treffen", fürchtet Fleischer

Trotz WM-Aus für Deutschland: Public Viewing geht weiter Unterdessen setzt Tino Beier, Chef der Gastronomie im Opernhaus, auch weiterhin auf Public Viewing auf dem Opernplatz, Halles größter Fanmeile

„Wir bleiben auch ohne die deutsche Mannschaft im WM-Fieber. Halle ist eine internationale Stadt

Ich bin überzeugt, dass es auch für die anderen Mannschaften genügend Fans gibt." 14 Tage läuft die WM in Russland

 Bislang haben Beier zufolge 8.700 Besucher die Spiele auf der großen Videowand am Opernhaus verfolgt

Bei den drei deutschen Auftritten seien es jeweils über 1.000 Fans gewesen, bei den anderen Partien um die 300

„Mit der Resonanz sind wir bisher zufrieden. Ich drücke jetzt den Außenseitern die Daumen

Die WM bleibt spannend", findet der Gastronom.Fußball-Kneipe Unikum in Halle: „Viele werden jetzt wohl Urlaub vom Fußball machen" Mirko Baderke aus Halles Fußball-Kultkneipe „Unikum" ist da schon einsilbiger

„Viele werden jetzt wohl Urlaub vom Fußball machen und lieber zu Hause bleiben. Wir machen mit dem Rudelgucken natürlich weiter", sagt der Unternehmer

Die hartgesottenen Fußballfans würden sich auch weiter für die WM interessieren. Allerdings bleibe die Mobilisierung der Massen wie bei früheren Turnieren wohl aus

„Ich drücke jetzt Argentinien mit Lionel Messi die Daumen. So ein großartiger Fußballer sollte auch einen großen internationalen Titel gewinnen", sagt Baderke

© by WhatsBroadcast Schnäppchenjäger indes können jetzt viel Geld sparen, wenn sie WM-Artikel kaufen - vor allem die schwarz-rot-goldenen Accessoires

So hat Galeria Kaufhof den Preis für originale Trikots der Nationalmannschaft am Donnerstag um 40 Prozent gesenkt

„Und dabei wird es nicht bleiben. Die Produkte müssen raus. So etwas kann ja niemand bis zum nächsten Turnier einlagern", sagt Fleischer

Es gehe jetzt darum, den Schaden zu begrenzen. (mz)

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