Hello, spinners!
You are on PenStock and today I will show 3 easy movements you how to do 2 easiest tricks
with a pen, which still look nice and are used in combos pretty often.
After that I will show you one easiest link today also and you should know, that there
is also a very commonly used linkage with one of these tricks, which I will show you
in one of the next videos, subscribe to this channel if you still haven't and don't
miss it.
What I am talking about is – Neo Sonic and Neo Sonic Reverse.
Remember, if you don't know, what reverse means or what a combo is – check out the
video about Basics and Terms in Pen Spinning, you can find the link in the description under
this video on YouTube.
These tricks are so simple that you can easily learn them without a specially made tool for
pen spinning – a pen mod.
Of course, learning would be much easier with it and today I will show you these tricks
with Buster CYL – you can buy this and a lot of other pen mods, as well as huge variety
of goods specially for pen spinners – PENSTOCK.NET, with a cheap and fast delivery all over the
So, let' s start with Neo Sonic Normal, which looks like this.
To perform the trick take your pen in slot 12 parallel to the floor.
Fingers are relaxed, a bit folded, pen mod like lays on your Middle finger and touches
it either on the center of gravity, or a bit closer to the end, which looks at you.
Depends on mod's lenght.
Index finger lays on the mod and keeps it in this position.
Once again – don't tense the fingers, all tricks in pen spinning should be done
with relaxed hand.
This would be the starting position for performing the trick.
Raise your Middle finger pretty fast jabbing the mod out and at the same time push the
mod a little bit with your Index.
Middle finger should bump the mod strong enough to throw it over the Index, Index finger should
push the pen at the very same time and stay low to let it go over.
To let your pen move over Index, make sure your Middle goes up and doesn't interfere
it's rotation.
And after the pen goes to the other side of your Index, stop it with your Thumb.
That's it, that's all the trick, which is called Neo Sonic Normal, easy, right?
Learn it and then come back to this video, we are going to move on to the next trick
– Neo Sonic Reverse, which is obviously the very same trick, made in the opposite
It makes it to be an another trick, however.
It looks like this and may be slightly harder to learn than Normal Neo Sonic, for some people,
actually it is also very simple.
So take your mod between Thumb and Index finger at the center, it is also OK to hold it closer
to one end, so most part of your mod would look up, closer to the end – easier to make
the trick, but don't overuse, try to hold it closer to center, in the future it would
help you to embed the trick in linkages easier.
The mod is athwart to the floor, not parallel as it was while doing previous trick.
Well, there still should be a tiny angle, you should tilt the mod a little bit towards
This would be the starting position for performing the trick.
Now push the pen with your Index finger, it should be a slight tiny gentle movement, Thumb
can pull the mod a bit, but the main movement is on the Index, initial pushing should be
gentle, but strong enough to throw the mod over the finger.
And after it goes over – stop it with your Middle and catch in slot 12.
As you can see, it lands at the starting position for doing Neo Sonic Normal.
Congratulations, you have learnt the 2 simplest tricks in Pen Spinning!
Now let's see what we can do with this skill.
Next I will show you how to make a good linkage out of these trick, the movement would be
called Neo Sonic Harmonic and it looks like this.
Pretty cool, huh.
It's even cooler when you know that it doesn't require any extra skill.
Do Neo Sonic and when the pen would be between Thumb and Index finger, immediately do Neo
Sonic Reverse.
You may notice that the pen goes back easier, it doesn't need you to push it with your
Index, it should stay low, and right after Thumb stops the pen – move it away, Index
stays low.
This linkage is commonly used by many pen spinners in their freestyles and combos.
Learn the movements from this video one by one.
When you're done with Neo Sonic from slot 12 to T1, learn it in slots 23-T2, then go
on to Neo Sonic Reverse and learn it in those slots as well.
You may leave learning of the trick in slots 34-T3 for later, as at the beginning of your
journey into the Deep World of Pen Spinning, it would be a small problem, but of course
it would be better to learn in this slot as well.
When you are done – combine the tricks.
Be sure to make as small pause between them as it's possible, while connecting the tricks.
When you see the link looks more like one movement – you are ready to move on to the
next tricks or linkages.
You can find them in the special playlists on my channel, go on and check them out.
Subscribe to the channel, as pen spinning grows and blossoms here.
Let me know, if you liked this video and found it helpful.
Share it with your friends, let them know about our underground World.
May the style be with you, bye.
For more infomation >> SIMPLEST tricks with pen - Neo Sonic & Neo Sonic Rev = simple link. Pen Spinning for beginners. - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
3 Simple Mindset Shifts to Get More Clients - Duration: 7:49.What's up rule breaker?
Welcome back to my channel.
In this video I'm going to talk to you about the three key mindset shifts you can make
to double your sales and get twice as many clients.
The farther I get in business, the more it becomes clear that mindset is everything.
The reason you don't have what you want right now is because you don't believe it's possible
and everything you have right now is a result of your past beliefs.
So I don't know if you know this, but I run a program called EA for clients where I coach
entrepreneurs like you to create signature services and book out those services completely
so that they can make a consistent full time income from their business.
Now, we've had more than 150 students go through this course and through the last year or two,
I've been able to see a few patterns in the entrepreneurs who are successful and those
who struggle a little bit more.
It's not about your God given talent.
It's not about being cut up for success.
It's not about how much money or resources you have.
Resourcefulness is more important than resources by the way.
It's not about how old you are, how young you are.
It's not about where you live or your first language.
It has nothing to do with any of those things.
The people who are more successful are those who get in the right mindset and specifically
there are three mindset shifts that they're able to make in order to start getting those
clients coming to them on a regular basis and truly becoming a boss of their own business.
And that brings me to our first mindset shift, which is become a boss, not a freelancer.
There is a massive difference between the mindset of someone who is freelancing or basically
just being reactive to what gigs are coming their way and competing for opportunities
versus a boss was running their own business, deciding what services or products they're
going to offer, and is selling those products and growing that business.
Huge, massive difference.
We all start off, or most of us start off as freelancers, but at a certain point, once
you realize what industry you want to get into, you need to transition from being a
freelancer to being a boss.
This is going to require that you decide how your business is run, not your clients.
That you decide it in advance who you want to work with, not react to the opportunities
out there.
And that you create a signature offer that you're going to sell again and again and again
rather than creating custom proposals or customizing your services to the client.
I know that sounds crazy, but it actually helps you to get more clients at higher price
points and get more work done in less time.
So it's a pretty great mindset shift to make.
So do you need to decide that you're a boss?
If so, I want you to put "boss" in the comments below.
That's going to be your first step towards making this mindset shift.
The second mindset shift you've got to make is to start seeing selling as service.
Here's what happens to a lot of my students and other entrepreneurs.
They create a service, they go through the process that I talked about in step number
They start seeing themselves as a boss instead of a freelancer, and then when it comes to
actually asking for money for what they do, they freak the eff out.
A lot of unresolved worries about unworthiness and money and limiting beliefs come into play
The big thing is seeing selling as a negative versus a positive.
I've used selling as adding a net benefit to the world as a whole, and I always use
selling as a win-win situation for me and my client.
Ultimately I'm helping the person to get a result they desire and there's a price tag
on that and one thing I really want you to remember is that people who pay to play get
better results than freebie chasers.
I've had people who have watched my videos and consume my content for years and have
never taken any steps forward or made progress because they've never invested in themselves.
Now, I'm not saying that they need to invest with me, but I can see that this has become
a pattern of "I want more and more and more free content."
And that's fine and I love creating free content and making my trainings accessible to people.
However, until you really step up and make an investment, there's only so far you're
going to go.
No business owner has made it without ever investing in themselves.
By charging good prices for what you do, you are being of service to your client.
You're going to do better work, your client's gonna respect you more, and everybody's going
to get a better result in the end.
Now, if you're still struggling with this, that means we need to address a mindset shift
number three, which is viewing money as a limitless.
We are in a universe of limitless abundance, and if you're feeling like you're stealing
from people by asking them to pay for what you do, you have a lack mentality.
Totally fine, I also fall into this from time to time.
There is truly no limit to how much money exists in the world.
The only limit is the limit you're putting on yourself.
Now, this one's really hard sometimes because we've been so ingrained in the trading hours
for dollars scheme and viewing it as a having a cap on your income and it's just not true.
The biggest step here is to step out of that trading hours for dollars or looking at your
prices as an hourly wage situation.
So let me give you an example.
Let's say that you do coaching and in your coaching package you have a monthly call with
people for three months, so that's three calls, three hours of calls, and you decide that
you're going to base your pricing around the fact that there's three hours of calls that
that person is paying for and you think, oh well, I can only really charge $100 an hour,
so the max amount I can charge for my three month coaching program is $300.
When you price your services based on the hours of work you are doing yourself and your
clients a massive disservice.
Instead you need to look at pricing it based on the value that you're creating for someone.
Which also means that you can add other elements to your services other than just those hourly
calls, because let's face it, there's also prep time and post call time and organization
and an administrative work that has to happen to make those calls happen as well.
But in order to get somebody to pay you for that, they don't care how many hours you're
spending prepping for the call.
What they want to know is what is the net benefit to them?
In other words, what is their return on investment?
This doesn't necessarily have to be financial, however, I'm going to challenge you if you
think that your services don't have a financial benefit, even if it's not a direct benefit.
But also think about the other benefits of your service.
How is your client's life or business going to change as a result of working with you
and what is that worth to them?
Now, these three mindset shifts are going to get you willing to take the actions you
need to take in order to get results.
So once you've made the mindset shifts, then it's time to get your butt in gear and start
taking action.
Now, I've actually got a really great freebie for you, which is a checklist of 64 actions
that you can take to start booking more clients and book out Your business.
So if you'd like to grab your copy of that, just go ahead and scroll down to the description
box below this video and grab your copy.
I would love to know which one of these mindset shifts is the most important for you.
I already said, if you need to start seeing yourself as a boss instead of a freelancer,
write "boss" in the comments.
But I'd also love to know, do you need to start seeing selling as service?
Well then I'd love you to write "selling is service" in the comments.
Let's create an affirmation around that.
And if you need to start seeing money as a limitless, why don't you write that in the
comments below?
I can't wait to cheer you on.
And don't forget that if you liked this video, to subscribe to my channel because I publish
videos like this one every single week for you.
Go ahead and hit the bell so you'll get notified when the next video comes live.
And finally, please hit that like button so that you can tell YouTube that this video
was amazing.
Thank you so much again for watching and I'll see you next time.
Simple hairstyles for long hair - Back to school easy and cute hairstyles for kids - Duration: 10:34.Today in video ... Hairstyle No. 1
Today in video ... Hairstyle No.2
Today in video ... Hairstyle No.3
Hairstyle No. 1
Hairstyle No.2
Thank you for your like
Hairstyle No.3
Do not forget to subscribe
Photo Color Correction - Three Simple Ways to Fix Bleak Colors - Duration: 2:50.Can't cope with your camera settings and get dull and lifeless photos?
Don't worry, you can restore their vivid colors in PhotoWorks software even if you're
an absolute newbie to image editing.
The easiest and fastest way to fix color and lighting problems is to use auto correction.
Open your photo in the program.
While on the Enhancement tab, check the Color box and the program will automatically saturate
all the colors.
Click View Source to compare the initial picture with the edited version.
If you took a photo in low light conditions and it came out too dark, tick the Light box.
The auto correction module will adjust exposure, contrast, highlights and shadows, so you won't
have to change any settings with your own hands.
For more subtle editing, it's better to adjust the color settings manually.
Switch to the Colors tab and drag sliders right or left to balance the tones of your photo.
That way you'll be able to bring out the chosen hues and increase the overall lighting.
Want to get a flawless photo?
Start working with Tone Curve like pro photographers do!
Type in Curves in the search bar and the program will open the tool for you.
Basically, there are four channels you can adjust - RGB, Red, Green and Blue.
If you intensify one of the channels, you subdue the opposite one.
For example, when you drag the Red Curve down it adds Cyan and when you drag the Red Curve
up it adds Red.
It works the same way for Blue and Yellow, Green and Magenta.
This shot looks too reddish for a winter photograph.
Switch to the Red channel and drag the curve downwards until the tones of the photo become colder.
Now, let's increase the overall contrast.
Switch back to the RGB channel and create a slight 'S' curve to accentuate both
dark and light areas.
Want to apply these tricks to your own pictures?
Chocolate Cake | Simple and Easy | Amruthas Kitchen and Beauty - Duration: 3:37.Let us know how to prepare Chocolate Cup Cake
Take Butter Milk of 230 to 250 ml
suger powder of 225 gms
Mix oil of 100 ml
Mix well till suger gets completely mixed and desolve
Add Maida of 200 Gms
Add Coco powder of 40 mgs (less than TSP)
Add 1 TSP of Baking powder
add vanilla extract of 1 TSP
While it is mixing add Baking Soda. 1/4th (very less than one spoon)
After complete mixing and getting into smooth paste, keep the same into small cups for baking in oven
Now Chocolate Cup Cake is ready
Take Butter
Add Suger and mix well first
Add coco powder
Add Vanilla Ascense
Now add milk and mix it well till it get smooth paste
Now keep the paste in a cone (piping bag) shape and design on cup cake
How to Make a Simple Slider Style Lower Third - Duration: 4:50.Jay Haynes for the Film Sensei YouTube
channel! Today in this video, we're going
to do this very simple slider style
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to
make a new composite shot, and it will
only be three seconds long because it
doesn't really have to be that long. So
what I'm going to start by doing is
creating a new text layer. I think I will
go ahead and make it
1850 pixels wide so that it's just off the
left edge. Then I can just type in
whatever is going to be in the
text layer, and then go ahead and
make it look the way that I want it
to look. From here I'm just going to go
ahead and move it into the position
where I want it to be as far as where
the lower third will occur. I'm going to
create a new plane layer, and I'm
going top leave it black. Clicking okay, but I
am going to use the fill color effect.
Just drag that onto the plane.
Opening it up, I will change the blend
amount to 100%... that way it's completely
white, and from here I can just grab a
corner and then adjust it so that it's
about where I want it to be as far as
being the line that's going to expose
the lower third text. From here,
if I just highlight that I can bring it
down, and I can bring it over so that it
is sitting essentially where it will end
up after it has slid over.
I want to add another plane, and this plane
will actually be the matte. So while using my
f2 key I am going to rename it Matte.
Then I want to slide it over so that it
is in line with the line.
Then both of those two will move at the
same time. Now I'm going to create a new
point layer, and I will rename that point
Control. I want to take the
plane that is the line and parent it to
the control point as well as the matte
parenting it to the control point. That
way if I move the control point, I'm
going to move my matte plane
as well as mine line. If I move
in say about ten frames, and I open up
the control point and I keyframe the
position of that... maybe make it smooth.
Then I can back up to here. I can just go ahead and
slide it over so it's off the screen
like this... maybe -530 pixels or
so. Then I come to ten frames before the
end. I can go ahead and add another
keyframe here making it smooth. Then
I go to the very end I can just copy
that same keyframe (from the beginning) here like that.
That way it will slide in and then it will
slide it out. Now all I have to do is
use the plane as the matte to expose
or cover the lower third text. So what I
will do is search for the Set Matte effect.
I will drag that actually onto the text
itself. If I open up the properties
for that I will say source layer is the Matte and
then I will change the blend mode to
subtract and invert it. So now we should
have the situation where that covers and
uncovers. But you say, wait a minute, the
mat is still there! Well that's because I
have it turned on. If I turn it off, then
it is completely transparent and can be
laid over the top of any video that you
want. If you wanted to change the
color of the plane, it's very easy to do.
If you want to change the color of
the text, it's very easy to do. If
you want to change the actual text, how
long it is, you can always readjust
everything but it's all set up now!
This is a composite shot. Use it as
your template and you'll be good to go!
If you have any questions about how
to do this very simple lower third, feel
free to drop them in the comments below,
otherwise thanks for watching!
arabic mehandi simple | bridal mehndi designs for hands | full | back | henna front hand | easy cone - Duration: 1:23.COPY RIGHTS
Simple CUTE Makeup & Hair Tutorial 超简单日系可爱妆容 可愛いメイク - Duration: 5:16.After you set the foundation, Smile and Apply blush on the upper cheek.
It will make the blush look more natural. You will also look very youthful!
Moving on to eye shadow, choose a light orange-red shade as the base color and apply it on your lids.
It will give you a feminine and sweet look.
Make sure that you don't apply too much pink/red/orange eye shadow
because it can make your eyes look irritated.
Now apply the light brown shade on your lids along the lash line.
Dark eye shadow will make your eyes look bigger
I am a bit lazy, I use the brown-shade eye shadow to redefine my eyebrow, instead of using eyebrow powder
Start from the arch part to the end of your eyebrow. Then draw from the start of your eyebrow.
Don't apply too much or make it too dark
A light colored and curved eyebrow will give you a soft and feminine look
Line your eyes with a super-thin eyeliner.
you are less likely to make mistakes if the eyeliner is thin. Japanese brands usually sell ultra thin eyeliner (0.1mm)
Start lining your eyes from your inner/center eyelids
This liner is almost used up. Next time I will be better prepared
At the end of the lash-line, go up and create a cat eye look!
When you smile, you will have moon-like smiley eyes!
Look~ The power of the eyeliner! : )
Many people don't have exact same size or shape of eyes.
You can adjust this using eyeliner.
For example, my left eye is bigger than my right eye.
I draw eye-line thicker for my left eye
To make you look more soft and feminine, apply a light shade just below your eyes.
Like this
It can create bambi eyes (doe eyes) look, which makes a girl look very soft and innocent
Line your outer lower lashline with a dark brown eye liner or brown eye shadow to make your eyes stand out more.
Choose a pink or orange red lipstick.
Almost done!
Take a light eyeshadow and apply it along the top part of your lips.
Your lips look sexier in this way!
To complete this cute and girly look, I will teach you how to create a popular Japanese girl hairstyle.
All you need is a small hair straightener
Pick the hair for the bangs.
Curl your hair from outside to inside with the straightener
Use your hand to adjust
Look! Its cute right?
Now it's time for the curly hair on the cheeks
Just like the bangs, curl them from outside to inside
Having them makes your face appear smaller and girly
Last but not least ~
You need a hair bow
Cherry on the top
Thank you for watching this video
If you like this video, please support me by subscribing the channel.
I hope you will always stay beautiful and lovely!
111,1m² The House Designed For A 3-6 Person Family, Simple, Cheap To Build, Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:59.111,1m² The House Designed For A 3-6 Person Family, Simple, Cheap To Build, Small House Design Ideas
What's Your Favorite Color? + More | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 56:00.(lively music)
♪ My favorite color's blue ♪
♪ How about you, how about you ♪
♪ My favorite color's blue ♪
♪ How about you, how about you ♪
♪ Red ♪
♪ My favorite color's red ♪
♪ I like red, I like red ♪
♪ My favorite color's red ♪
♪ I like red, I like red ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
♪ Green ♪
♪ My favorite color's green ♪
♪ I like green, I like green ♪
♪ My favorite color's green ♪
♪ I like green, I like green ♪
♪ Yellow ♪
♪ My favorite color's yellow ♪
♪ I like yellow, I like yellow ♪
♪ My favorite color's yellow ♪
♪ I like yellow, I like yellow ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
♪ Orange ♪
♪ My favorite color's orange ♪
♪ I like orange, I like orange ♪
♪ My favorite color's orange ♪
♪ I like orange, I like orange ♪
♪ Purple ♪
♪ My favorite color's purple ♪
♪ I like purple, I like purple ♪
♪ My favorite color's purple ♪
♪ I like purple, I like purple ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
♪ Colors, colors ♪
♪ What's your favorite color ♪
Aari work blouse designs tutorial | simple maggam work blouse designs | aari work,TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 6:19.
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? | Simple Songs - Duration: 2:35.do you like broccoli?
yes I do, yes I do!
do you like ice cream?
yes I do
yes I do
do you like broccoli ice cream?
no I don't, no i don't
do you like doughnuts?
yes I do yes I do
do you like Juice?
yes I do yes I do
Do you like Doughnuts Juice?
No I don't!
Do you like Pop Corn?
Yes i Do!
Tes I Do!
Do you like Pizza?
Yes i Do! Yes i do!
Do you like Pop Corn Pizza?
No i don't, no i don't!
Do you like Bananas ?
Yes i do, yes i do!
Do you like soup?
Yes i do, yes i do!
Do you like bananas soup?
No i don't!
El simple y efectivo truco que Kate Middleton usa para no resbalarse cuando va en tacones - Duration: 3:13. For more infomation >> El simple y efectivo truco que Kate Middleton usa para no resbalarse cuando va en tacones - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
A Simple Favor Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 1:20. For more infomation >> A Simple Favor Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
El simple y efectivo truco que Kate Middleton usa para no resbalarse cuando va en tacones - Duration: 4:01. For more infomation >> El simple y efectivo truco que Kate Middleton usa para no resbalarse cuando va en tacones - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Creating a simple workflow | Workflow Engine - Duration: 5:32.Cheers, this is Jan with Workflow Engine.
In this video I'm going to show you how to create a simple task management workflow.
If you're not familiar with the interface of the visual designer, have a look at our previous video.
Say we want to create a workflow, where we would be able to put a new task to our backlog,
mark it as being executed when we start working on it, submit the task for review, and mark
it as completed, if the review was successful.
Also let's add an option to reject execution of a task and remove it from the backlog,
and an option to send the task back from review if not done properly.
Before we proceed it is important that you understand the difference between states and
Activities in Workflow Engine are essentially the steps of your workflow, whereas states
are major stages of your business process.
One state might have many activities that belong to it.
In our scenario we will have the following states: Backlog, In progress, and Completed.
The Backlog state will have the To do activity, the In progress state will have the Being
done and Under review activities, and the Completed state will have the Done and Won't do activities.
Let's start with a blank canvas and create an activity by clicking the create activity button.
Add four more activities the same way and spread them over the canvas for better readability.
Now, let's set up our activities.
To do that you need to bring up the settings of each activity by double-clicking on it.
The settings here are as follows: Name - represents the name of your activity.
State - represents the name of the state that this activity belongs to.
The 'Initial' checkbox marks whether this is the activity your workflow should start with.
You can have only one initial activity.
The initial activity is painted green.
The 'Final' checkbox marks whether this is the activity your workflow should end with.
You can have multiple or no final activities in your workflow.
The final activity is painted blue.
The 'For set state' checkbox marks whether this should be the initial activity for a
certain state when you programmatically set your process into it.
We will leave the rest of the settings for now — they represent more complex scenarios
and will be covered in the upcoming videos.
Let's call the first activity 'To Do', specify 'Backlog' as the state, and set
this activity as initial, as this will be the activity we start our workflow with.
Let's call the second activity 'Being done', specify 'In progress' as the
state, and set this activity as initial for this state by ticking the 'For set state' checkbox.
Let's call the third activity 'Under review', and specify 'In progress' as the state.
Let's call the fourth activity 'Done', specify 'Completed' as the state, and mark it as a Final one.
Let's call the fifth activity 'Won't do', specify 'Completed' as the state, and mark it as a Final one.
Ultimately, we end up having three states of our business process: Backlog, In progress,
and Completed with each having one or more activities in it.
Let's connect our activities to one another to finalize our workflow.
Activities are connected with one another with transitions.
In order to create a transition you need to select the activity you want to transition
from, click on the arrow icon and click on the activity you want to transition to.
Let's make a linear workflow from To do, through Being done and Under review to Done.
Let's add another transition from Under review to Being done for cases, where the
task needs to be sent back from review to be improved, and a transition from To do to Won't do for cases, when the task is rejected.
Now we need to set up our transitions.
To do that, double-click a transition to bring up its settings.
The settings here are as follows: Name - represents the name of your activity.
Classifier - represents the direction of your transition.
It can be direct, reverse or unspecified.
Trigger - specifies when the transition should be executed.
There are three trigger options: Auto - the transition will be executed immediately
if the process reaches the activity the transition stems from.
Command - the transition will be executed upon the receipt of a command from an external source by the Workflow Engine.
Timer - the transition will be executed on a specified time or date, or upon expiry of a specified period of time.
We will leave the rest of the settings for now — they represent more complex scenarios and will be covered in the upcoming videos.
Let's set all transition classifiers to direct, except for the one which sends the task back from Under review to Being done.
For the purposes of this tutorial we will assume, that all transitions shall be executed with a command.
Hence, we need to specify five commands for our five transitions.
To do that, click the commands button and create five commands called startProgress,
startReview, completeReview, sendBack, and rejectTask.
Now, double-click each transition, specify Command as the trigger, and select the respective
command that will launch each transition: startProgress for the transition from To do to Being done;
startReview for the transition from Being done to Under review; completeReview for the transition from Under review to Done;
sendBack for the transition from Under review back to Being done; and rejectTask for the transition from To do to Won't do.
We've successfully created a simple task management workflow with the visual designer.
Stay tuned for our next video where we'll create a more complicated workflow and dive deeper into transition conditions.
new sravana masam muggulu | Simple chukkalu rangoli | Latest melikalu with dots | easy kolam designs - Duration: 1:22.COPY RIGHTS
A simple blood test could lead to better cancer treatment - Duration: 2:28.Researchers have taken a significant step towards personalizing the treatment of cancer.
Using DNA sequencing, they've developed a way to scan blood samples for mutations
in circulating tumor DNA -- small bits of genetic material that are released as cancer
cells die.
The genomic reservoir contained in this DNA is representative of nearly all tumors carried
by a patient, providing the foundation needed for comprehensive genetic profiling.
Such profiling may help clinicians select the most appropriate therapies for a given
The genetic mutations that drive cancer development often differ markedly among individuals.
Interventions that match a patient's unique genetic profile offer great promise, but obtaining
tumor tissue for genetic testing can be invasive, risky and sometimes impossible.
To bypass these limitations, the researchers established a way to extract, sequence, and
analyze circulating tumor DNA.
The method, which relies on targeted and simultaneous sequencing of a panel of 382 cancer-relevant
genes, is more time and cost effective than traditional single-gene analysis.
The team used the approach to assess 605 patients with 29 different types of solid tumors.
The patients were divided into two groups.
In the first group, the researchers compared mutation profiles between circulating tumor
DNA and tumor specimens collected from the same patient.
Approximately 80% of these patients had abnormalities in circulating tumor DNA, and nearly 75% of
the abnormalities matched those found in the tumor tissues.
In the second group, the team tested only circulating tumor DNA.
The two groups showed similar types of mutations, suggesting that circulating tumor DNA is a
viable alternative for genetic profiling.
Even more encouragingly, among all the patients, 71% of the circulating tumor DNA samples contained
at least one clinically actionable mutation, and 66% of these could be targeted by drugs
already approved or currently in clinical trials.
These findings support that a simple blood test can help guide the personalized treatment
of cancer.
Because of the non-invasive nature of the testing, it can also be easily repeated.
This may allow clinicians to better monitor disease progression, potentially getting patients
the care they need faster.
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