Would you like to make more money
working for yourself and on your own
schedule? Something you can start
part-time ideally on evenings and
And something that not only you can make
great part-time income with but could
grow into a lucrative professional
career if you wanted? Hi, I'm Mark and
you're about to learn a secret that very
few people know about when it comes to
generating income working for yourself. A
little over 15 years ago like many of us
I was up to my eyes in debt. I needed to
find some type of work so I can
supplement my income. And something
ideally that worked around my existing
job. I researched everything I could to
make extra income. I ended up working
local events, being a physical trainer,
and even became a server at a restaurant
on weekends. Then my friend who worked in
the real estate industry as a loan
officer said, "Mark, did you know that
notary publics who can describe loan
documents to someone can make $75
to $200 for
an hour-long appointment?" He continued
and explained to me that notary publics
who go over loan documents with
borrowers are called loan signing agents.
Needless to say, I immediately sat down
with him and picked his brain. I wanted
to know everything. How could I do this
part-time? And how easy is it really to
get loan signing jobs? Then I took it
upon myself to pick the brain of every
mortgage officer in his office and find
out what makes a great loan signing
agent? Why exactly do they hire one loan
signing agent over another? And when I
learned all that I could from the loan
officers, I moved on to all the escrow
officers. Then I moved on to the real
estate agents. I found out that not only
was it a great part-time income, but it
could be a great full-time income as
well. And some people were even able to
make over six-figures as a notary public loan
signing agent! I then made it my mission
to learn as much as I could on how to
become a great notary loan signing agent. I
learned from every single person that
could over many years, and from that,
after my years of studying, I saw and
learned so much. I was
able to create a system. I developed a
system to walk a borrower effortlessly
through 150 pages of loan documents in
less than one hour. I then learned how to
walk into any mortgage office or escrow
office and get as many loan signing jobs
as I wanted. It started as a part-time
income but soon exceeded my regular job
and turned into a full-time career. And
because of my successful system, I now
own a loan signing service and do over
3,000 loan closing jobs that pay up to
$200 each every year. The things that I
learned allow me to get signings
whenever I wanted. It was like a super
power... essentially business on demand! I
learned how to do a loan signing in
under 45 minutes so I was truly making
over $75 an hour. I learned you need to
have zero sales skills to get started
getting loan signings. Loan signing
agents are found simply by location...
yes, that's it! Just like you pick a gas
station... when you need gas the closest
gas station almost always gets your
business. And like they say in real
estate... "location, location, location."
I learned that this is the only business
that does zero reference checks or
resume checking before they hire anyone
for a loan signing job.
I learned the exact signing agent
databases you need to be registered with
in order to get called for signing jobs
automatically. I learned that there are
companies whose only job is to find loan
signing agents to fill preset
appointments. You simply answer a text
message and you get a loan signing job. I
learned loan signing jobs occur around the
borrower's schedule, not the notary signing agent's
schedule. Borrower's have jobs too and that's why most loan signing appointments occur on
evenings and weekends. Because that's
when the homeowner was all available. I learned
that there aren't any mandatory
certifications or degrees required to
get started as a loan signing agent, just
an active notary public commission and the
know-how. The most valuable thing I
learned is how to get loan signing jobs.
Simply knowing what to do to get jobs
can grow a
successful notary loan signing agent business.
And that's exactly what I'm going to
teach you.... the know-how. I will teach you
the only two things you need to know to
be on your way to making $75, 125, or even
$200 for an hour-long signing
appointment. The first thing you need to
do is know how to walk a borrower
through loan documents... step-by-step...
page-by-page. I will teach you how to get
through a loan signing in 45 minutes or
less so you can truly be making great
money per hour. I will teach the most
commonly made mistakes notary public loan signing
agents make and how to avoid them.
Secondly, and most importantly I will
teach you how to get loan signing agent
jobs. I will show you every possible
Avenue that I know and use to get
thousands of signing jobs each and every
year. Remember when I said you get orders
by location when you get started? You
simply need to learn what loan signing
agent databases you need to be
registered in. But I even go a step
further than that. I'll also teach you
how to get escrow and mortgage officers
to choose you for their loan signing appointments so you
can get a steady stream of the highest
paying loan signing jobs. I will show you
how you can make a few extra hundred to
over one thousand dollars a month
part time. And I'll even show you the
same techniques and strategies that my
students have used to make $3,000
$5,000, or even over $10,000
per month.
Becoming a loan signing agent could be
the answer to the flexible income you
have been looking for. So just click on
the link below and enter your best email
address... come inside... and let me teach you
how to make $75 to $200
per hour long appointment as a
notary loan signing agent. And just for
signing up I'm going to give you my free
hour-long master class on how to become
a successful notary loan signing agent. Plus my
nine step checklist on how you can make
great money as a notary loan signing agent for
FREE! Join tens of thousands of people
that have signed up and learned from my
training. So just click on the link
and enter your email and take the first
step in learning how to make $75 to $200
per hour long appointment on your own
schedule so you can make great money as
a notary public loan signing agent!
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