Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

News on Youtube Nov 1 2018

Hello! Today we talk about cases and coaching goes before much making. Why

do you need coaching sometimes

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The range of issues discussed with the coach

can be very broad and they relate to different spheres of a person's life:

career, money, family, friends, health, balance between rest and work etc. People

address to the coach with a wide variety of questions: from very general

questions like "how to make life better" to more concrete ones – "how to choose a

new profession in a new country", "how to organize your own business", "how to find a

partner for life" and so on.

How does coach help people in these questions? Of

course the coach can't be a specialist in all areas but, he knows the

techniques. A simple example: you make a decision to run in the morning and start a

the healthy lifestyle. Like any big undertaking, you want to start on Monday

off of the first day of the month or from the new year etc. Nothing

Now think – why exactly from Monday or the first day. Is it simply symbolic for you?

Or are you trying to create additional motivation to start and

support this solution? What else could help you continue running in the morning longer

than a few days past from the first day? Perhaps, if you promised someone to do

this constantly, or even better, if someone totally

supported you in this undertaking and would start running with you.

In many cases, when the right decision is not complete, it is not a sign of will lack or

character weakness, but rather a matter of your motivation and priorities. Why is it

so difficult to change something in life? It's not that hard to break the ordinary

way of things, it's difficult for us to keep focus and motivation in the

routine of everyday life. Remember your last decision, which you did not manage to

complete. Did anyone know about your plans? Did anyone support you? Did

they ask: "How are you?", "What did you do today?",

"What difficulties have arisen?", "How can I help?" And did it not formally, but sincerely

with participation? Do you think the probability of success would be higher in

this case? The experience says: "Yes, higher." And now imagine that you faced serious

difficulties, experienced disappointments on your way and you went to pieces.

Most likely, left to yourself in this situation, you will make sad conclusions

and return to where you left. Just one motivation here may not be enough; you

need support and still need a "fresh look" from a different angle. Look around you:

you have friends and close people, you trust them and you have common interests,

but could one of them become an ally and critic, an assistant and inspirer at the same

time? Relatives and friends are often not the best choice: they may not be

enthusiastic about your plans, do not understand the importance of the goal

you set, or even simply fear that you will achieve more than they do. You have

already understood what is going on. If you

need to change your love life – you need certified dating coach who is a specialist in this sphere.

How to work

with the relationship coach for man. The concepts of "coaching" and "coach" exist

in America and Europe for a long time. It appeared in Ukraine in 2006

for the first time and its popularity grew too fast.

People use the services of

coaches as a tool that, at certain moments in their lives, helps to

helps to determine their vital goals, taking into account their values, prioritizing,

creating a step-by-step program that accompanies them throughout the process,

giving support, feedback and a new look at the familiar things.How does

a coach help people in these questions? A relationship coach for men is a

professional who is trained to help people establish and achieve a goal. His

personality, versatile experience and faith in people are more important than his


Coaching is held in the form of one-on-one meetings. It's always an individual job.

Coaching sessions can be held personally, but coaching by phone and e-mail is also

widely practiced, which saves time, but does not affect quality at all. Many

customers are always worried when, after several face-to-face meetings, the coach

coach goes to the phone sessions, but usually after the first conversation over the

phone they forget about their fears and find many advantages, for example,

they can make a call before an important meeting or date. Not so many people like

the way they live. Some people are upset by the quality of life – gray, boring,

desperate. Others do not like the environment – wrong people around them,

wrong job, company, position; wrong district, city, country and etc. And there

also exist people who do not understand why and how to live – goals and life

strategies are not made, they can't find the meaning of life, or they don't know

how to build the relationship with a woman because of previous negative experience,

fear of being refused or of getting used being alone. As a result of work in the

format of live-coaching, the client, along with the certified dating coach, receives

answers to these and many others questions and reveals all the vital

meanings. In order to achieve the goals, it is necessary to develop an action plan, to

to determine the system of your values and motivations, and, if necessary, to correct

correct what does not suit, inefficient, does not give a drive, an incentive to action.

But what

about mistakes, problems, obstacles on the way to a brighter future? With the help

help of the coach, mistakes will be corrected, problems are transformed into tasks, and

obstacles are turned into another energy step. It is very useful to audit your

environment. Who gives you strength, who develops you and enriches you with

knowledge, and who only takes away your strength, time and hinders your personal

or professional growth? What does the family give you? Is it a rest and

recovery? Is it the sense for which you are doing business? Is it an ideal

goal that has yet to be realized? Or maybe you do not need

a family, because you had a negative experience, or you now live with those who do not

understand you, don't inspire, disappoint and annoy you? Together with the coach

you will consider the possibilities of harmonizing your life in the family and

in business, building relationships with those who are not yet satisfied with you.

Or you will find the ways of painless rupture of unnecessary, harmful and useless relations.

What do people receive from coaching? The creation of such a life

that allows you to set and implement important personal goals, allows you to

find inner harmony. Coach offers strategies for managing time, living

harmony and quality of life. Overcoming difficulties and barriers. Often

we have to face a huge number of various internal and external obstacles. Thanks

to a quality coaching, the indoor blocks can disappear, and the external blocks

can be overcomed. Clarify your goals and focus on priorities. If you clearly know

what exactly you want from life, the process of obtaining it becomes much

easier. Well defined goals and attitudes for the future allow us to relax

and focus on what is really important right now. The role of the coach is to help

mind dirty mind priorities to support his

desire to achieve the goal and responsibility for achieving it. The coach

focuses on building and achieving goals, and creating results. His client

is a person who wants to reach his goals.

Who needs coaching? What do people receive from coaching? All people without

without exception can be the clients of coaching. There is only one requirement – the active

inclusion of the person himself in the process of researching his life, the

the desire to comprehesively look at his life as openly and honestly as possible.

The coach does not teach his client how to do, he creates conditions for him to understand

independently what he should do, determine the ways by which he can

achieve the goal. The client has to choose the most convenient (successful,

expedient, acceptable) way of acting and outline the main stages of achieving

his goal.

The goal in this case is to create yourself as a person with the necessary,

desired qualities and characteristics in the social, personal, interpersonal,

material and spiritual aspects. Subscribe our channel, leave your like

comments and we will talk to you soon again about different interesting topics

For more infomation >> Relationship help: what is a coach in relationship for man - Duration: 9:04.


Lewis Hamilton On His Relationship With Malaysia - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Lewis Hamilton On His Relationship With Malaysia - Duration: 2:56.


Does Bad Sex Mean a Relationship is Doomed? - Duration: 5:10.

The following program contains

mature subject matter.

Viewer discretion is advised.

Hey doctors, so I just started dating this new guy

and the sex was terrible.

Are we doomed?

No he just needs to pick up his prescription

for the little blue pill.


But you don't get to find out.

Yeah. (laughs)

It's a HIPPA violation.

It's a HIPPA violation.

First strike, you're not out.

You gotta get a couple extra chances at bat, there.

What a good question and an open and honest one.

And joining us in the audience to answer this one

is psychotherapist and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul:

Think, Act and Be Happy, Dr. Mike Dow.

It does get back to something I was talking about

in the first segment, which is the amount

of pressure, sometimes, that can go into sexual relations.

Yeah. And you can really,

really like someone and then, it's just, oh my gosh.

Especially that first time if it's not great,

people are starting to wonder,

maybe we're not meant to be together.


You're saying from your own experiences.

I haven't said anything.

Dr. Dow, what do you think, sir?

Yeah, so our brains are like snowflakes, right?

So there are sensation seekers, which I think

Dr. Ordon probably is,

and there are sensation avoiders.

So sensation seekers love dopamine.

They love that brain upper.

And if you're a sensation seeker,

on that first date when that dopamine is flowing

to the brain, you're gonna be great in bed on the first time

because you're gonna love the adrenaline.

You're gonna love the dopamine

and you're gonna be great that first or second time.

But there are other people, they don't like that, right?

They're gonna actually be better the fourth time,

the fifth time when they're more comfortable.

If this gentleman for this lady was not good the first time

and they had a really great conversation,

don't actually count him out.

He may actually warm up in bed, right?

There is actually hope for this young lady

and he could actually get better.

Yeah, no I agree. Early on both parts,

the man and the woman for whatever reason,

that first encounter may not have been right

for whatever reason.

Anxiousness or--

Well, 53% of people in one survey said

they were worried about how their body looked

on a first encounter.

Almost 50% were worried about pleasing their partner.

Interestingly, about six out of ten relationships

that started out with bad sex have moved forward,

that was another study.

So sometimes, like you said, it's sort of a warmup.

You have to know each other, psychologically you have

to be in the right place.

It might not be totally doomed, right?

Yeah and listen, as relationships go on,

we learn, it's a learning experience, right?

And sometimes, of course there's that excitement.

And in the brain, what happens,

dopamine spikes and serotonin, that feel good upper,

goes low early in a relationship.

But then, those two neurotransmitters actually

change places in a relationship

when a relationship goes on.

So sometimes, sex feels really good

in a relationship in the beginning,

but then, you actually learn about your partner

and you actually learn what really turns them on.

What is that one place?

Like do they love to be kissed behind the ear?

Is that like their special place?

And you don't discover that 'til the eighth or tenth date

or that 12th date, and you're like,

oh that's that place that I can kiss them, right?

And you're not gonna discover that on the first date,

so that's kinda cool, right?

Well and Dr. Dow, I'm sure it can work the other way, too.

The sex is wonderful, but you say,

"Hey, you know what?

I don't really communicate well

with this person. Absolutely.

And we don't have anything in common."

That's right it's-- But yet, the sex is good.

Right, it's the other way around.

It's the chemistry, but no connection.

Some of the best, and again,

I'm speaking based on many years of conversations

with friends, sometimes the relationships,

sometimes the relationships with the best sex

are actually the worst relationships.


And that's why I'm shocked to read this statistic

that three in ten Americans would call it off

if the first time it wasn't good.

Like they're done.

You could be giving up on your future spouse

or the love of your life if one,

yeah one strike, that's a lot of pressure.

A lot of pressure. Apparently, people will

tolerate 4.5 bad sexual encounters

before they'll break it off.

So are they halfway through the fifth

and they're halfway through and they're like,

"Nope, peace." Yeah, done.

I'm out. I'm out.

But I do agree with you.

The more you know someone and you come to respect them,

I think it's a sign of a really great relationship

that the sex only improves with time.

That's a sign of improved communication,

improved connection.

So I don't know if you should count.

Three out of ten seems

really high to count it out. That seems really high.

And when a sensation seeker like Drew

is willing. Yep, yep.

Thank you for that diagnosis.

I've been waiting all these years.

Every time Mike comes on, he diagnoses you with something.

(audience laughs)

Mike, I'm getting confused here.

Dr. Dow, always appreciate it.

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