Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

News on Youtube Oct 29 2018

everyone welcome to hustle is for life motivation this is the YouTube channel

that you come to every single week to find out how you can create holistic

success in your life we bring an amazing guests from all over the world we find

out about their their journey their expertise their their experiences in

life we dive deep and we figure out what are the exact steps they took to create

success in their life so we can follow in the footsteps and achieve the same

level of tests until all your hosts and as always I'm really excited to have you

with me because I have a fantastic guest with me today her name is Cindy Jake

adduct she is a mom she's awesome she's a coach she's a mommy-and-me mentor she

is the creator of doll girl Academy her mission in life is to help the daughters

and the moms have a better relationship she believes that content on daughter's

make powerful women she's not - brand-new app which is called doll girl

and it's all focused towards how moms and daughters can have a better more

blissful and reaching relationship and her strong belief is that success starts

with healthy relationships I believe the same and this includes obviously your

health your your relationships with other people and your relationship with

money so with that I'll be welcome our guest today Cindy Jacob thanks for being

there Cindy Anthony very excited to have you on Cindy this is a it's pretty

incredible you have achieved a law and you're really focusing on the daughters

and the moms because I know there are lots of children's coaches out there but

I have not met anybody who's specifically concentrating on the

relationship with moms and daughters so can you take us back in time tell us a

little bit about how you got started on this journey because I know your mom

and why did you specifically decide to focus on the relationship between the

mom and the daughters okay for sure so I have actually been working with students

since 2005 and I know when I was growing up I actually had a difficult

relationship with my own mother the only things that I wouldn't tell her

and I think that actually is still continuing with the children and the

students that I work with they tell me a lot of different information and I often

wonder are they telling their moms and sometimes I even ask them you know

having told their mom whether your mom think and usually they're like oh my mom

to understand me and it's very heartbreaking because as I do have a

daughter myself she's seven years old and as I said I had some relationship my

mom so I'm trying to not continue that family pattern on so I try to give my

daughter the space to be open and honest and to let her understand that her

feelings do matter to me so I thought maybe I should talk other moms

understand that their daughters are essentially suffering in silence

cuz there's some things I think you want to tell their moms but they don't feel

comfortable or they feel that they'll judge or that their moms are just not

paying attention so I decided that I wanted others to help bridge that gap

awesome and this is really interesting because a lot of the guests are pretty

much I think every single guest I've had on they always talk about the fact that

they're the particular area or field or domain that they're currently working in

stemmed from the fact that they were trying to solve some sort of problem in

their own life they were trying to relieve some sort of pain that they were

experiencing and by going through that journey they then discovered some way or

some some system some medium through which they experienced relief from that

pain and as a result they then decided to help others because they thought hey

I want anybody else to suffer because

guess what this work for me surely I can help others how you know with their pay

so it seems to be the fact that there's a pattern with with all the people who

are actually trying to help others so that's fantastic

yeah yeah sure so Cindy tell me tell us a little bit about your your background

I know you've you're an author so you've written some books and then you decided

to create this amazing app which helps facilitate the the conversation between

the mothers and the daughters it helps to bridge that relationship so tell us a

little bit about how this all work yes for sure so my daughter when I was

pregnant with my daughter I was having trouble finding children's books that

she would be able to relate to that we're having children of color having

fun so initially I decided that I was going to create one book in her first

birthday as memory where to keep so I started off with one book series is

called the brownie kids series initially it was called brown girl series because

I have one main character her name is Zola and she appears in ultimate books

so the first one was a family vacation book showing the family of color going

on vacation doing different things and then the second book was daughter day

because a lot of the men in my community to get a bad rap so I wanted to show

children that you know there are dance that they look like their dads that are

out there doing different things with their children so I was a bad daughter

day at the zoo and then while I was promoting my first two books I had a lot

of parents ask me what am I gonna do for the boys so I decided to create a

friendship that included two two boy characters and I actually included my

daughter and as one of the characters as well she actually was like a co-creator

on that book because she was able to tell me what she wanted to look like how

she and some of the things that she wanted to wear and some of that activity

she wanted to do so that was a really great bonding process for her and I to

like come together and that I do plan to add more to the

series right now there's three books and I have to add it means like four or five

more books and during my journey with working with younger children that's

where the book series came in and then I started to transition and work with the

older children and as I worked with the older children as I was saying before

they opened up to me and they tell me different things and look like the kids

are suffering in signings even with the stuff that we hear on the news where

people are unfortunately taking their lives or they're just so isolated and I

wanted to be a constant voice a constant point of support so they can share their

voices and be able to talk freely and openly about how they're feeling so

there's different features on my app the down grow up where we're checking in and

today like being aware of how you're feeling and how you can take control of

that feeling and not like that you overcome you or take over your day

that's firm and there's also some activities that you can do with like

moms and daughters can be together I mean there are also activities that moms

I mean that dads and daughters because there are some daughters on my app who

either or not with their mom or there's some unfortunate circumstance so there

are activities our parent bonding activities with their children so they

can feel open enough to have those conversations with their parents and for

their parents to understand where they're coming from and how they are

feeling and just to build a stronger connection between parent and child

awesome so this is really interesting to me because I I you know I I'm a parent I

I have two young kids and I have a girl and she's she's she's I absolutely love

her and when she was actually born I was I was absolutely mortified but I was

like how am I gonna be a dad to a girl I have

Oh clue right okay I'm lost and I honestly thought that I don't know you

know people in the audience you know if they're any dad's watching this you know

can you relate you know how hard you feel when your daughter was born I mean

you know it doesn't matter boy or girl you always you know have the certain

level of anxiety just because you want to do a good job at this thing which is

like a big thing but definitely with girls I was like well you know I'm a

dude like you know be the boy yeah yeah you know we talk about cars you talk

about sports would be good for like the garlic what do you do like how how does

it work so I'm curious to know Cindy how does the relationship between a mother

and a daughter is different to the relationship that is there between the

father and the daughter well there's definitely a difference because like you

said you did because you've been like you've you've been through that stage

where you were a girl turning into a teenager turning into the woman there

are things that are very similar and that you're able to talk to your

daughter about fathers on the other hand I mean they were children and they

turned into teenage boys versus teenage girls so it's a unique perspective that

each parent does have with the child but at the end of the day the connection is

very strong for both the mom and the dad and it's very important for them on

internet to get to know their child and give their child that space that they

need to grow and just be able to talk about how they can yell and help them to

be human beings that can understand their feelings because we have a lot of

people who grow up they may grow up as adults but they have a lot of buried

feelings inside and sometimes they might lash it out or make negative decisions

so with my programs I'm able to help the students open up a little bit more and

not bury those feelings and take control of those feelings and not let the

feelings take control of them awesome and you know what I have to say like you

know now my daughter she's she's three now um I

like she's everything to me now but when she was born I was mortified

people are like if I had a son I would be able to relate more to like a mother

and son relationship because there's a lot easier for me to talk about my

experience and share my experience with other mothers and daughters I am living

right yeah yeah and I think that's that's fantastic I love the fact that

you are openly sharing your own life experiences with other people because I

think that's that's really that's really authentic that's really pure your it is

also really beautiful because people can genuinely see you know how I was like

for you and what you went through and you can talk talk to them step by step

about what the journey was like so I think that's that's fantastic as a

parent you're always learning like you should be always learning and it's never

too late even if you've made a hundred mistakes before you could always pick up

where you are right now and then change the story it doesn't have to end with

the way it started so it's like I think parents sometimes feel like oh I've

already messed her up or I've already missed two it's too late it's never too

late but you doesn't matter how old the child is they will always have that love

for their parents and if they're they see that their parents are trying

something new they will start to turn around oh you know I first of all I love

that but it's also completely true so for people in the audience if you are

parents and and this is something that you you're thinking like how does that

work well I'll give you an example right now okay I Cindy I'll share that with

you I came back from work and you know I I was in charge okay so my wife she was

she was out she was doing her stuff and I I you know got the dinner ready he sat

down with the kids and we were having dinner and obviously they were they were

kind of messing around and I ended up just raising

voice I was tired and just not listening I just raised my voice a little bit and

then they come down they can't do this quietly just silent so they started you

think they're inside of it I don't like cuz I usually like talking about them

about the day and what happened so afterwards you know towards the end of

the dinner you know I actually apologized look I was just tired I'm

sorry I raised my voice at UK just like you know I told you guys to calm down

and just sit down in Egypt dinner and they they actually accepted that they

understood what happened but it took me you know it required me to take that

step to reach out to them and explain what what what what happened why I

raised my voice and they'd never find I mean we had a fantastic time afterwards

there you know I put them to bed and it was it was great you know yeah we had

read time stories we played games it was fantastic I'm so glad you shared that

story because some parents don't believe in apologizing to their children and if

we want our children to grow up and have dignity dignity and respect for other

people we have to treat them with respect and well you know when no one's

perfect so there are gonna be times where as parents we might get frustrated

and do things do something that we don't really need to do but if we go back and

make it right in with our children no no I was having a bad day I'm so sorry I

didn't yell at you or I didn't mean to like ignore you when you're talking to

me I just have a lot going on the children will understand and forgive you

so yeah it's so important for parents to treat the child like you would want the

child to treat anybody else so it's like that's super important I'm so glad you

share this story yeah yeah oh you're absolutely right and then you know I'll

share a little bit more what happened was this morning before I was leaving

for work they both came up to me and they wanted

to play a game at such a pokemon game by the way / hi big in Pokemon so I was

like well I really can't okay I have to do work and then get ready and then go

to work like I'm busy right now but I tell you what maybe you know if you get

a chance to play it you know management and I come back so like actually after

dinner that's what we did we did play the Pokemon game so the

I'm pointing out is the fact that you know at that time I did say to my kids

I'm busy you know go away you know I'll do it but later on I did fulfill that

promise I did say yes I promise you this earlier

so no matter what we are going to do this right now yeah that's so true

because the children really do hold on to your promises even if you think it's

something small they will hold on to it and it's like really important to say

things and do what you say and mean what you say because they will hold on to it

and as we grow they are things that will just stay with us from our childhood no

matter how old we get and it's important that for parents to understand that

little things do matter and like fulfilling the promises that you make

the kids even if it's a little it's definitely important and that you should

definitely fulfill your promises yeah yeah absolutely

um Cindy I'm actually wondering you know what what kind of things have you seen

like well I know you you've worked a lot of people you've got a charming

community online you have lots of people who are using your app which is called

doll girl by the way for people in the audience it's called doll doll and you

can download it you can just go on the Play Store or the Apple Store and you

can get it from there so city very quickly and what are some

of the things that actually act as force of friction between the the

mother-daughter relationship what have you seen by working with all these

people I think the main thing is that the child doesn't feel her hurt they

might be expressing their feelings about something and they just feel like

they're being ignored or they're being told what they are what they're saying

doesn't matter so that starts to create a division because then it's like if you

don't if you're not listening to me or you don't think what I'm saying matters

then I'm not going to tell you how I'm feeling I'm not gonna tell you what

story on I'm just gonna like ignore you and so that's when it like the bond

starts to split when the child feels like I talked to my mom and she just

doesn't pay any attention or she tells me what I'm saying stupid or they

it she just doesn't understand me so I don't even want to talk to her I don't

feel like no matter what I say it's gonna matter to her so I'd rather just

not talk to her mmm that's really interesting so do you feel that this is

very unique to the mother-daughter relationship or is that something that

that is a you know apply to any parent and toddler

it's it's it's really a parent-child relationship because children do find

comfort in their mom or their father depending on the family dynamics so it's

really a child parent relationship and sometimes not all homes have both in a

dad so whichever parent that is in the home that's the parent that they're

trying to connect with and if they feel like they are not being heard or they

just don't feel comfortable with their mom or dad then they start to shut down

and sometimes they make bad decisions and it just spirals out of control from

there mm-hmm okay but again I just I just want to clarify this you know in

case something that I am missing because as I said before the whole

mother-daughter relationship is quite good not quite quite and special and

especially something very well not alien because obviously you know I have a

girlfriend I you know my wife you know they have a relationship but but the

sense that it's something that I want to understand yes so yes do you think there

are any any to anything specific between the mother-daughter relations of causes

friction yes absolutely um daughters are always watching their

moms whether however they're talking like their body images if their mom is

like oh fat or I ate too much this I ate too much that like they're listening to

the little things that we might think is not a big deal

so um the moms are role models for their daughters and they are watching

everything that you do and they are going to transform and pick up on a lot

of the things that you've done and they're either going to copy you or then

try to do something completely different and

if you want them to kind of mold into something if you want them to move can

be a positive force you want to practice positive um positive self-talk talk to

them about being positive try to try to be positive with them and keeping the

atmosphere mighty and open because that that that relationship is a strong

relationship they are learning how to become a woman by watching their mom and

listening to what their mama remark their moms are saying whether negative

or positive and that does make a really big impact on these days mmm

that is so powerful and for the parents in the audience especially if you are a

mom and you're watching this I I ask you this are you leading by example

absolutely are you being a board model to your child and if your mom are you

being a role model to your daughter and it's not just do as I say they're gonna

do as you're doing yes very true so yeah there you have it guys how important is

it to be a role model to your children I think that's the question we need to be

asking ourselves how important is it for me to be a role model how important is

it for me to show up every single day as the best version as the highest version

of myself for my children and are we doing that if not what does that say

about us

those are the hard questions we need to ask ourselves thank you for sharing that

with us Cindy um how can we overcome some of those issues definitely like we

were saying before college I think we know that you can either hurt your

child's feelings we did something out of either anger or frustration definitely

apologizing because that helps them to understand that you're not perfect but

you are taking their feelings into consideration definitely apologizing and

being thankful for when they do things because I do have a lot of my students

they're like you know I wash the dishes and I think this my thing that nothing

we ever do is good enough and like my mom never says thank you she always

expects me to say thank you so like you're saying leading by example it's

like we want our kids to do certain things but they are looking for us to

show our gratification show that what what they're doing matters so whether it

be cleaning that house or taking out the trash or doing things around the house

or even having a dialog letting them know what's going on in school if they

had like a bad day at school listen to what your child is saying and empathize

with them and not just brush them off like oh you'll get over it you know it's

not that serious because what you might not think is that not that serious to

them it's like everything in the world so try to just take that extra time to

help your your daughter understand what she says matters e that is so deep and

for you know people in the audience I think this is really important the fact

that you know our children we love our children they matter to us they

obviously matter to us right okay we care for them we love them etc but

the real question is do they feel locked do they feel like they're matter because

we can say we can say that yeah you matter to me I love you but then it

needs to be reflected through our actions so I think that's so important

you're so right like when they do do something good are we celebrating it are

we my lighting is that as an achievement

are we hobbies yeah I'll be congratulating them because they feel

like if they do something not so that you're the first one to say oh what are

you doing coming down on them but when they're striving to do things to make

them happy it's like oh that's what you're supposed to be doing and it's

just like well what does that mean like I was trying so hard to like do do right

and like you're not even showing any kind of appreciation or you just don't

care yeah yeah and and what I would suggest

is actually having having a thing like like a secret thing between you and and

the child so far for me with my kids it's a high five so whenever they do

something cool say Oh daddy I did this I was like high five

who's awesome I ever yes you are so that's our thing

okay things like leather fist bump or a high-five or whatever like yeah hog you

can do your thing and as gonna say hugs or so it worried

me sometimes I'm close to the schools and the younger children they just can't

wait for me to hug and then I'm just like in the back of my mind like you

know are they getting the hugs because the way they they're just so happy and

they just can't wait to hug me and I love I love hugging I love that many

kids I love hugging my daughter so hugging is like one of the things

that some of the kids like really just need that hug even it's even if they're

doing something that you have to reprimand them about you can reprimand

them to show them that you still love that like not like great like not make

it seem like okay you might not like the action but don't make it seem like you

don't like that it's like really important to even after your

reprimanding them to show them you know you did something that I didn't like but

I still love you give me a hug give me a kiss I love you saying I love you is a

big deal as well and I think like a lot of us a lot of our kids need to hear I

love you you're doing great you're awesome unique you're you're gonna do

great things and all those positive positive feedback is like really key

yeah you know I I think that is absolutely critical because when you're

representing them will say you did and you made me do this and you made me

angry and you broke this or whatever and there's a lot of use and the pointing

the finger at cetera but what you're actually doing is you're you're taking

you kind of taking the focus away from the situation and now the focus is on

the child right and yes exactly when the focus on the child then yeah exactly

they will feel broken down right but yes in the moment in the heat of the moment

sometimes yeah you do get angry I mean we're all human nobody's perfect

that's fine but then afterwards you're you're absolutely right it's explaining

to them look it was just the situation and sometimes in the situations we both

have we both we both get heated up right things we say things but guess what I

still love you at the end of the day that does not mean I don't love you or I

don't care for you it's just the fact that it was just the situation and in

that situation we we had a back-and-forth but now the situation is

over we resolve the situation I still love you everything is fine and it might

happen again in the future where something like this happens and that's

okay but that does not mean I don't love you and I think that's me yeah so the

way it was not not strained and it's not on the line so the child understand it

was just a situation sorry absolutely

they tend to need that before before then she felt like she knew that I love

her but now it's like she's always and sometimes I mean it can get frustrating

but I have to like take a step back and understand I know mommy and daddy are

not together but that's not it's not your fault

we both love you so much and there's nothing that we wouldn't do for you it's

just you know mommy and daddy are in two different places but it's important for

them to know that both mommy and daddy still love you you might have done but

there's nothing that you could do that with result in us yeah yeah III think

you're you're so right and you know nowadays there there is indeed

a growing number of households where you have a single parent and it I think for

especially for single parents you can just imagine even with two parents like

it's a lot to deal with right but with a single parent indeed you know that that

is truly a very heroic feat that they that they're accomplishing I'm actually

wondering Cindy that maybe you can give us some advice what advice do you have

for single parents who have young children and they they're going to

everything obviously that they have their own lives they have worked they

have to look after the house pay the bills you know do all the other stuff

and still you know they're trying to be good parents what advice you have for

them so what I would definitely suggest is that to try to make individual time

for each of your children especially if you have more than one because sometimes

there's that one child that moves reflected or feels like you don't care

or that they're just you know a body especially if they're like the oldest

and they're watching your younger children they feel like babysitter and

they're not really that comfortable with it but it's like something that's forced

on them and they don't feel appreciated so I would definitely say you know

having that quality time with each of your children reassuring them that you

love them and thanking them for all that they do because although they are your

oldest and you know they can help it's still like a challenge for them because

it's like you know these are not you know not their children it's like

they're just forcing the role oh I'm the oldest so I have to like watch these

kids and I don't want to do that but you know they they're trying to help and be

helpful so I think it's very important to reward your older children who are

helping with the younger children and not to just make it seem like that's

their responsibility because technically it's really not their responsibility

they shouldn't be having to take on that that type of responsibility but you know

seeing that the circumstances what it is it's it's easier to just show the child

that you appreciate what they're doing and that you know they mean so much to

you and take the time to spend time with the older children because sometimes

teenagers get lost in the shuffle and it's like when they're when you're when

they're born and when they get to be in kindergarten to stuff like that parents

are so like protective overprotective with their kids and then when they get

some teenager sometimes it's like you fend for yourself but they need that

love and attention just as much as when they were younger so I would say to try

to pay attention to things that they said be like talk to them about stuff

that they like stuff that they're doing try to like you know even create just

like there's challenges in your house doing things with them to create

memories so that when they look back on the things that they've done in their

childhood there are those positive memories is just knowing that you care

like that's like super important just knowing that their parents here yeah

yeah you're absolutely right and I think for children that reassurance that they

get from their parents cannot be rivaled other people can turn around in this

area as your teachers or you know their friends or whoever it is they could turn

around say oh yeah you know you're great you're awesome this episode ah but I

think the reassurance to get from the parents is its unrivaled yeah it's

critical it's definitely critical and they want to hear it even as they get

older they still want to hear that you love them that they're doing a good job

that they are everything to you they want to hear that and it helps them to

build their self-esteem and helps them to make positive decisions because if

they feel loved and cared they're going to be motivated to want to do better but

if they are feeling like I don't matter to her anyway so who cares whatever I do

I do that's that sometimes where the negative

attitude comes and then they start to spiral and do things that they wouldn't

normally do sometimes trying to get that attention like I matter but you don't

make me feel like I'm important to you so I'm going to do things that's going

to cause you to like have to stop and pay attention mmm yeah yeah

and and you know what Cindy I've actually written it down and I think you

you're absolutely I mean this is something that I've been thinking about

everyone I've been wanting to do but then you know you life happens but

definitely that individual time I've written that down and that's something

that I'm actually going to implement going forward because I think that that

is super critical I spend a lot of the time with the kids but it's not

necessarily individual time where I you know we're engaged in their activity

together on a one-to-one basis we're usually doing something all together so

I think that's that's critical and that's something I'm gonna implement

moving forward and for people in the audience I think that's also you know

fantastic advice that Cindy's given us but Cindy I'm gonna put myself in the

shoes of the moms in the audience okay all right I know it's hard yeah cuz I

don't look like one and I'm not one but I'm gonna put myself in their shoes and

I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you this if I'm a mom in the audience and I have a

strained relationship with my daughter right now there is some sort of friction

how can I start you turn things around what are some of the first few steps I

need to be taking and how can I start that process of bridging the gap and

turning it around well the first thing we want to do is be kind to your child

because sometimes the strain relationship comes from negative

feedback or just not being positive or just not being uplifted so I would say

the first thing you want to do is be kind to your child and ask them some

questions because sometimes they feel like if they talk to you you're either

not going to like let them be themselves and be true to themselves or you might

not give them the answers like straight you know straight forward so be kind ask

them the questions even if it's something that they might say that might

hurt your feelings or you might not be too happy about

let them be able to put that out there because if they're able to be honest

with you then that that's a way to start to build on

build a foundation but if they feel like oh if I say this to my mule if I say

Miss today they don't hear then they're gonna shut down and so definitely be

kind asking questions and just you make time to make what matters to them matter

to you whether it be if they're into video games without it's like a no games

with them at least once a week if they're into even like snapchat or like

Instagram if they're into that stuff try to find a way to make it inch like show

them that you're interested in what they're interested in ask them questions

ask them hey is there anything I can do like can we like do a silly picture or

can we do something that will include both of us like even if it's like

planning a day like on a Saturday make it a day you might plan it say on

October 15 we're gonna take the morning and we're gonna do whatever it is that

you want to do so let's nap it out and see what it is that you want to do and

we're going to do that so just making them feel that they are important and

that they that you want to hear what they have to say

is like so critical because it breaks my heart to hear some of the students and

just like I can't talk to my mom like she doesn't care

and I know deep down it's like I know the moms do care but they probably just

not showing it it's like they they do care and then trying their best but

they're just missing the mark somewhere and if they you know sometimes you just

have to like put in that extra effort to like pay attention and like just be a

little aware and even writing could my daughter she's very shiny and so I have

to write in a journal every day about her day and and then we'll talk about it

because sometimes I'll Google ask her how was your day or when you do today

she's like flying flying and I'm getting to a point where I'm like okay it has to

be more than just fine so one of the techniques I started to use was writing

it down writing how you're feeling down sometimes the kids have a hard time

saying how they in front of your face but if you have

them write it down and then you know and ask for permission and say I know you

wrote this down can I read it don't just take that you know just take it from

them and say well I'm gonna read it now then if you're shutting them down again

so you wanted to be open with them you know is okay if I be there and then

usually that's good yeah especially younger kids they're like excited so

they're like yeah and then you beat it and then you have a discussion and

mm-hmm yeah yeah excellent advice and I just share also that one of the great

ways that you can you can actually spend time with your kids and enter their

world is just asking them you know show me so for example with kids like there

might be two video games or you know I like you said Instagram or whatever then

it's just well that looks cool so can you show me how this works and then

trust me they'll sit down and they spend hours and hours and hours and by the end

of it you'll know everything there is to know about sonic boom and Pokemon

because like I know I off my heart is great so yeah if you just ask them like

show me they're happy they're happy to actually share everything with you is

fantastic and the the second thing is also you you

talked about planning planning together and I think that's great because that

shows you're you're part of a team right you're on the same level and their

opinions matter and I think it's it's amazing to do that you know plan the day

out like what are we gonna do first what we're gonna do next this weekend's

coming so Saturday what are we gonna do ceremony okay yeah it's showing that

you're interested in what they're interested in and you're putting their

feelings and needs first and you're helping them to feel like oh you

actually do want to hang out with me because you're not just telling me what

we're gonna do we're going we're actually coming up with something that

we're going to do together and I get to tell you what I want to do and you're

like receptive to it and we're like going to be able to do some things

together that we both enjoyed yeah absolutely

Cindy tell us a little bit about your online

community does a little bit about dongle Academy and your fantastic app which is

also called dalgo yes absolutely so I do have a Facebook group for moms on my

doll girl app it's free to download right now and I am I have created a

pledge for the girls like I said a check in they have a different check into

Monday Monday through Friday and then I'm going to get to choose how they want

to check in I'm working on different activities for mom and daughter bonding

we're currently in October which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so I did

send out a challenge for moms and daughters to attend one of the best

cancer walks together and you know take pictures and you know to help give back

to the community it's for a really great cause I'm also creating for so my

daughter Academy is a 10 unit course where I talk about different ways to

help build self-esteem understand the power of self-love and to build their

leadership skills and to also help them to navigate through life and conflict

resolution learning different ways because like a lot of times girls are

competing against each other and in my program I teach working together is a

lot more productive and powerful than trying to compete with one another so

that those are some of the things that I just might like programs and so from my

Delco app there's a lot of it is geared towards the daughters but it also

connects the moms to my facebook group where there's two connecting these

discussions and once are able to check in as well and be somewhat active so I'm

like super excited I had just launched last month we're in the beta beta

testing phase so I'm looking for all the feedback because I want to create

everyone the best they can be and I would reach

between now and the end of next year I'm gonna meet Japanese thousand girls

nationwide and create a really United community with girls and help them to

understand that you know the power lies in movie and not in competing I think

that's a beautiful message and Cindy I think this this really needs to be at a

global level and I'm sure that in the long term that's what you're planning

because I hope you are because yeah I think it really can benefit a lot of

people all over the world and so yes thank you for sharing that um this has

been an absolutely amazing conversation you know what I love to stay on for the

next X amount of hours and dive deep and discuss other things but time obviously

restricts us so can cookie tell us how people can reach out to you where can

they find you and how can they find out more about your app and your community

and dog-hole academy sure so if you go to my website it's doggerel Swan and

calm so let's say my email is down girl squad at any but also find me

on instagram at dog girl squad so everything valve girl squad and then

once you go to my website you don't be able to find different communities and

even gain access to that as well beautiful so guys there you have it our

conversation with Cindy Jacob at what an awesome conversation was that okay like

Cindy was so open she shared large of her stories and her experiences and I

shared quite a lot of my own I mean this is just so open so relaxed we felt

comfortable sharing that stuff with you so I hope you find value with it I think

there are some real golden nuggets in this conversation

if you're a parent and especially if you are a mom with a

water then this is absolutely the conversation for you so tell us in the

comments below what what were the golden nuggets or you for me like I said

individual time that's a big one I'm going to be acting on that moving

forward what could you be employing going forward with your kids with your

daughter and also guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel so first of all

you can stay up to date with all the other future amazing conversation with

other amazing guests but also you get entered into the monthly channel

competition where you get a chance to win access to a new networking

strategies course where I share with you all the strategies that I have used to

find connect and build relationships with the best of the best in the world

so if you want to know all those strategies hit the subscribe button down

below and leave our comment okay on this video or any other video on the channel

as long as I get a notification of your subscription and your videos and finally

guys make sure that you pay it forward the biggest compliment you can give me

and Cindy is just to pay it forward just pass it on to other people who need to

hear this who might be parents who might be potential parents and how awesome

would that be that you share it with them and it helps them find that one

thing that changes the relationship between them and their child Cindy

thanks for being here this was an awesome conversation lest you go to

sometime yes I'm sure thank you so much I agree

if you see time here awesome guys stay awesome hustle hard and I will catch you

in the next

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