I need a motion to come out of
closed session please second
all in favor show by raising
your right hand thank you good evening everyone
we appreciate you being here and
all right we will have an update a C.
T. E update
Dr Dunsmore will you give us an update on the
Carver Heights >> yes ma'am thank you
Carver Heights was put on the list for
the innovative school district takeover by the state from the
last meeting they've listed seven criteria which they used
to make that decision we're in the process and
speaking to those seven criteria with our response as I
had shared with our commissioners there's always
options and this point our opinion is and of our
legal team they didn't follow their own statutes and what
they're doing in this case and quite frankly we wanna hold her
toes to the fire I have been in contact with Miss Barnes and
some of the community groups that I would like to give a
shout out for the amount of people showed up at Carver
Heights that evening and spoke on our behalf and the work is
being done behind the scenes for our students and I just
want everybody to know that we are going to fight for our
school we are going to fix this and we're going to keep it in
Wayne County or to do everything we can in order to
make that happen there some things going this week that
we're going to get out in front of with the newspapers and get
information to our state board members so they understand our
objections to some of the criteria they used and how they
didn't follow their own guidelines
>> thank you very much at this time we need approval
of the agenda >> I would
like to make two changes we do need an amendment for a future
meeting to discuss our minority businesses and I would like to
add that as an Item F
under that and also
item G. under the consent agenda
the C. T.
E. surplus computers to Jones
County we had offered those computers to Jones County and
speaking with their superintendent and the folks
down there because of the damage several their buildings
and the outpouring of help and support they didn't need them
at this time they did thank us for our thoughts and just
politely declined because right now they didn't have
anywhere to use them weren't sure what they can do with them
and they're not back in school so
I would ask that be removed at this time of item G.
under the consent agenda >> okay and then
L. M we want to pull >> and also policies L.
and M. policy number twenty one twenty
three and policy seventy one thirty for
further discussion so I would suggest the
policies be moved through G. and H.
under I guess that's my board action
we can do the consent agenda and
then just to have a discussion on those two policies
>> at this time we need a vote for the amendment to the
agenda and to our consent vote >> madam chair I like my motion
that we approve the agenda
on the consent agenda this time
and that would be pull items L and M for further
discussion >> Second
>> thank you very much any discussion
all in favor please indicate by raising your right hand
good evening Mrs Bolinhouse is
accompanying a student to national conference so she
was out of town this evening she had presented at the
curriculum committee that C. T. E
update that included having a public safety program at three
high schools Goldsboro High School Southern Wayne high
school and Rosewood high Goldsboro high school
would continue to use its public safety position in the
firefighter academy as has been done for several years and
Southern Wayne high school will continue with the EMS program
as has been done for several years and the request is for
the Rosewood high school position to be law enforcement
the principal Mrs Rogers had surveyed her students and found
that she had many students who were interested in law
enforcement as many as they were interested in other
options and was pleased that that would allow for three
different branches of public safety at three of our high
schools with the contingency that students who were
interested in one program that wasn't offered at their high
school could request as they do for many programs should be
allowed to attend the high school where the program that
they are interested in is being offered
>> do we need to vote on that time
there was one
additional item on that they have a student who is
requesting to take classes at the University of Mount Olive
and so C&I is requesting permission completing an MOU with
University of Mount Olive to allow students to receive dual
credit for those classes that would provide some a career in
college promise opportunities for students in that area of
the county because Wayne Community College is such a
drive for students
>> she's asking though our
permission to proceed with the MOU >> yes ma'am >> so we need to
vote on that as a board I need a
motion please >> So moved >> Second
is there any discussion >> clarity on the motion
>> the motion is that we are we're giving her the direction
to work with Mount Olive and create the MOU
>> the MOU with law enforcement would allow for
a law enforcement branch of public safety at Rosewood high
school and so the same way that Goldsboro High School has an MOU
with the Goldsboro fire department
you have to have an MOU with the sponsoring agency so
that's one MOU request the other MOU request is
to have one with the University of Mount Olive to allow for
dual credit courses two different
>> my question would be relative to the M.
O. U you foot a dual credit yes that
would be opened up to any student not just the one that
is making the request at this present time >> that would
certainly be my understanding
>> understand this MOU but when they're when they're
not be in need for a written articulation agreement if we
read into it later we don't like it we can vote against it
yes I got >> all right any further
discussion okay on all in favor please
indicate by raising your right hand
any opposed all right and now we need to
have a motion for developing an M. O.
which I just there may not be
able to respond to this out and I heard you mention it but I
want to be clear that even if they don't have that one at
their school >> yes are provided that there's room in the
program so for example
Goldsboro high school the specific discussion in
curriculum committee was that a Goldsboro high school student
would not be bumped from a fire academy class
to make room for a student that's from a different
school because those programs have caps but if there were
space available students from other schools would be admitted
it was actually we talked about two different contingencies one
is when students provide their own transportation and they
travel from one school to another of course Goldsboro
right now has a different calendar than the other schools
the other questions or concerns all right all in favor indicate
by raising your right hand any opposed
now we need to vote and approve the minute
October first two thousand eighteen
>> So moved >> I need a second
>> Second >> any discussion
all in favor indicate by raising your right hand
any opposed approval of closed session
minutes October first twenty eighteen
>> make a motion that we approve and release the closed session
minutes from October the first season
this is October first I after to you know we did have a
meeting on the eighteenth so we talk about the first of October
okay so the >> Second
discussion all in favor please indicate by
raising your right hand any opposed the same
Dr Dunsmore you have a parent and family engagement
month proclamation >> yes madam chairman thank you this is so
a parent family engagement month thought I would ask that we
accept the proclamation that reads as the following whereas
we recognize that the children of Wayne County our most
valuable resource and that a sound education is the key to
producing the next generation of successful productive and
conscientious citizens and whereas the parents or their
child's first and most influential teachers and all
parents have hopes and goals for their children and whereas
it is important for schools early learning settings and the
community to welcome families to plan for parents and family
engagement and to provide meaningful ways for parents to
be involved in their child's learning and whereas when
schools parents families and communities work together in
partnership our children succeed and whereas the Wayne
County Board of education partners with those that
support enhance and celebrate the growth of our children
including various faith and community based organizations
colleges and universities to promote ideas education and
resources to support parents and families in the full
participation of the educational journey of their
children and whereas it is appropriate to Wayne County
Board of education pauses to recognize the outstanding
contributions made by parents and family of the children to
foster a love of learning and to recognize educators who have
knowledge of the importance of their parent and family
engagement and take action to make and an integral part of
the school community now therefore we the Wayne County
Board of education Wayne County public schools do hereby
proclaim November two thousand eighteen as parent and family
engagement month in the county of Wayne we urge
all citizens to join us in the recognition of this important
role of parents that they have in their children's lives
education and school community dated this twenty second day
of October in the year two thousand eighteen by Miss
Patricia A Burden chair of the board and Michael Dunsmore
secretary of the board Dr Dunsmore I like
to call Mrs Carolyn Brown we have representatives here
from thee district parent advisory council
all right
>> do we need to adopt that proclamation >> yes madam chair I
like to make a motion that we adopt the proclamation
>> second
>> any discussion
all in favor please indicate by raising your right hand
thank you very much it is time we need
a motion to approve our nomination
of Mister Richard Pridgen who will be
serving on the business Advisory Council representing
the board of education >> I'll make the nomination
>> I'll second that
>> all right all in favor please indicate by
raising your right hand any opposed
all right at this time I need
for the board to give me a date and time for us to hold a
public hearing regarding businesses with minorities
I would like to suggest that that is held separate from
our board meetings because it would be early in the afternoon
and many people will be working so we need to pick a date and
time prior to our November board
November twenty six
madam chair the week prior is the thanksgiving holiday
other than that MOnday if you want to do Monday the
six thirty or six o'clock
is that the of the eighteenth and nineteenth the fifteenth
and sixteenth is a Thursday or Friday board members you will
be at the statewide conference earlier but Thursday and
Friday fifteen through the sixteenth would be a
possibility if you would like to do it
the fifteenth is the Thursday seven PM Miss Burden if you
think that would be a good time
where is this going to be held
it will be here in the board room what date is
saying November fifteenth November fifteenth at seven
o'clock PM and I will get a notice out the board members
tomorrow and just everybody can have everything calendars
coming to give them the opportunity to speak before us
regarding inclusion
that the only order of business for us yes yes it is just for
the public hearing okay
all right so it is November fifteenth seven o'clock PM
public hearing one of the we we have a public comment
one of the right okay moving on all right Mister Smith
okay the Wayne County Board of
Education request to appear before the board
the Wayne County Board of Education welcomes the
opportunity to hear from the public during its regularly
scheduled meetings if you wish to appear before the board
please review the following procedures
appearance request forms are available to the public at the
reception desk in the lobby thirty minutes prior to the
meeting anyone wishing to speak misplaced your appearance
request form along with any handouts in the basket located
at the receptionist's desk in the lobby the basket will be
collected at five PM and only those who have an appearance
request request form in the basket will be allowed to speak
public comments are scheduled to take place at five thirty PM
presentations are limited to a maximum of three minutes the
chair person shall call time on any presentation which exceeds
the three minute time limit organizations or groups wishing
to speak about a particular topic may be asked to reduce
the time of each individual or use a spokesperson to share
comments on behalf of the organization or group steps to
speakers will not be permitted and speakers may not donate any
portion of their time to another speaker no presentation
shall include any complaint criticism or negative comments
regarding the conduct or performance of identified
school personnel no Presian Tatian shall include
information about a particular student which is privileged and
confidential under state and federal privacy laws first up
we have Mister Darron Flowers of Fremont North Carolina not
representing an organization wishing to speak about the
classrooms at Fremont Stars elementary Mr Flowers
>> thank you for the opportunity to speak
I'm here to inquire as to the status of the classrooms
at Fremont Stars a couple years ago to this
board identified building construction needs presented up
to the county commissioners who funded those
needs and also included in those needs were classroom for
Fremont Stars since that time
your staff met with the town board staff
and they discussed the
construction of those classrooms
since that time we've heard almost nothing about their
classrooms it's my understanding that
Meadowlane is under construction
Northwest is now in the bid process and that Southern Wayne
high school is in the pre-bid process
we're here to inquire as to the status of those classrooms
I have been to the commissioners and made the same request I was
coming to you first but the storm kept me home
I met with facilities committee but because of your structure
you did not permit conversations at the facilities
committee so I sat there quietly and did not get a
chance to ask my question if I asked it there I probably would
not be here asking here but that is the reason for
being here I put that I'm representing
myself but I am actually representing the community
because this is becoming a community concern over the lack
of talk about what the status is
it it the least we could do is know who to talk with have to
find out what their status see thank you
>> next we have Mister Keith
and he wishes to speak regarding the
stop the I. S.
D. take over
>> distinguished board members
can't see anybody's eyes right now wonder what's going on with
that whole I see out that's good now do I have your
attention I'm still waiting to hear
what's the plan what's the fight we are ready to fight
this I. S.
takeover we so frequently hear about
the federal government coming in and taken over what
the state wants to do and now the state is coming in
taking over what our local government may want to do
so I'm still waiting to hear what the plan is are you all
with this or not or what are you gonna do
because we as a community we need to hear that you may be
talking about it what we don't read in the
papers we don't hear you say it
that kind of leaves the community out there and and we
said once before we need transparency
and so we want people to the talk about this plan that we
have because the community doesn't want people
coming in from the outside experimenting again with their
children and I believe that the teachers that you have in place
if you give them enough support and resources they could do the
job and believe me don't think
it's just that one school because the plan is for
it to spread it will spread and I'm not for
you know anything happening to those schools but there are
people out in the community who say
just shut it down all right ya know what happens
if it shuts down those kids got to go somewhere I'm
not for that because I realize that some of those other
schools may not be the best place for some of the students
who need a little bit more nurturing and
support so we want to hear some from
this board about what is the plan what do you want to do
what are you going to do in regards to this takeover I know
it's an election year
>> now it has to vote on the consent agenda for we will
discuss those two items that were pulled first and and then
move forward from there policy twenty one twenty three board
members opportunity for development
Dr Mason can you address that please
>> yes ma'am policy twenty
one twenty three this policy was brought back to us and
brought to our attention that we needed to revisit this
policy to make the amendment that you see in the second
paragraph this was discussed in our policy committee meeting
where we revised the board members legal requirement to
receive a minimum of twelve hours of training every two
years and then as you see we amended the areas with the
minimum two hours of ethics education within twelve months
and then within twelve months after each subsequent election
or appointment to office and then the final sentence
there the ethics education required under this paragraph
may be counted towards the annual twelve hour training
requirements and so these are discussed in our policy
committee meeting with those necessary changes
>> this is just bring this in compliance with state law >>yes
>> I move that we approve policy twenty one twenty three
>> second >> any discussion there is okay
>>you made the statement that this was brought before the
committee who brought before the committee
actually Miss Strickland brought it back to our attention that
we needed to revisit this Ms Strickland would you like to elaborate
a little >> this is actually something that back
when Mrs Pridgen was still on employed by the board not
retired of the it came up because we were having to
create another another grammatical error from the
state that had rolled around and the state policy had
changed at that point we had open discussion about it and it
was voted on to my memory
but to my memory we voted on and then to change it to every
two years to be in compliance and then when this policy came
in front of us a month or two ago for a different tweak I
can't remember what it was it caught my attention that it had
not been changed so I read that the past minutes they cannot
find it so we could just go back to the minutes and change
it to the revised date so felt was important right back in
front of the board to be done properly
>> okay I will finish my
comments by saying that I am against it
I think that we should get twelve hours of continuing ed
of some type each year we've done that ever since I've
been on board with some board members have not some board
members have signed up for things and
left to come back home and
and not fulfill those hours and I feel like if you're going to
spend the county's money or spend the school systems money
you need to sit in there and you need to get your education
that's my personal opinion a guy also have an opinion that
more the more you are going and with education and
trends that are going on across the nation across the
country the better suited you are to come back and be
prepared to innovate ideas in our own
system that and also more familiar you are
with some of the laws and how monies are controlled
I feel like we should get twelve hours each
year as we always have or were supposed to and
so we can be of better informed board but you can vote the way
you want to but I'm voting against it >> Dr Mason this
is not something that we brought up for change this came
to us from the school board association they have changed
their requirements is that what it is
>> I can speak to that the state law requires that
it's twelve hours every two years your policy had
a requirement of every year twelve hours you all can
continue the twelve hours every year but you must meet at least
twelve every two years
the change would have it twelve hours every two years okay you
currently have it twelve hours every year
>> any other comments or questions about this as well
>>clarification because this is the first
reading are you saying that you want it approved as a second
reading >> yes >> and truthfully the only reason
I brought it up I'm sorry go ahead Mr Smith
>> I was just gonna echo what Mister
Pridgen said I mean the whole point of being on the
board of education is to stay abreast of with the current
trends the current research and I think it is a tremendous
disservice if we're sitting on this board and we don't want to
learn anything you want to wait every two years I know what the
policy says it state level but I can't wrap my mind
around not wanting to stay up on the latest trends in
education so that's all I have to say about that
>> I'm not sure who
the fingers are being pointed owners board when I'm will
speak from my perspective I get my time whether they tell me I
have to have two hours or twenty two hours I get far more
than that and I kind of take exception
insinuations being made I mean I don't know who the fingers
are being pointed at I don't have many hours any of you got
I'm speaking for myself I get my time
>> I feel certain it's probably coming it's probably
coming my way but I've never signed up for anything that I
did not attend but when this was discussed and I would love
to find a video because I know we passed as a board three and
a half years ago but when this came to the board then on
I had my hours and knowing that it had not changed or
thinking that everything had been corrected in policy no I
didn't get twelve hours last year I had twelve hour actually
had probably twenty five or thirty the first year and then
twenty or so the second year so that covers me for the full
time so it's not a lack of education I think a lot of
times I'm trying to save money and so
if I can go to the state conference or the national
conference and get all of my hours in and get all the
education that covers these topics there's no reason for me
to take beach trips to get a few extra hours in for a
different year so that was why this came back up was because
I would lay my hand on the Bible that I have a memory that
we have already passed this but I can not find it but no I did
not get my hours last year because I thought this was
changed so as far as paying for
conferences and not attending no
>> I wanted to clear that up with
whoever but I might also add that not only do we need to get
out was we need to attend school functions I'll put that
before the board and I do that as well
we have a lot who don't >> I think we're steering away from
the point >> Don't sit there and point the finger at somebody
>> I did not point a finger >> I'm not saying you >> but I think we have
moved away from what we're here for now it came to us from the
school board association is if we do not want to follow their
their their their requirements we always have a right to
upgrade am I correct yes we so if the board wants to be
required of board members want to be required to earn twelve
hours each year then we can vote to say that if whether we
whether we if we go to a conference each
year you're going to earn 12 hours so some of us are going when we
don't have to have the new way of ours but we are going to
learn about new and different things so if you want to do it
the way that has been done in the past which was every year
fine if we don't want to do that then we vote not to change
the policy so
at this point in time do I have a motion
for the policy as it is stated >> motion and a second
okay I have a motion and a second then I had discussions
so at this time if you are in favor of changing our board
policy to indicate that we earn twelve hours every two years
then let's have a show of hands okay
are those opposed all right we all right so I'd
like to make a motion that we make this a first reading
policy twenty one twenty three to give Mr Flowers an
opportunity to return for the next board meeting
>> Will Mr Flowers be seated at
the next board meeting when this vote takes place
>> Yes he will
>> madam chair I got a question
the relative to the policy okay can you tell me the difference
between these two statements each board member will fulfill
the legal requirement to receive a minimum of twelve
hours of training every two years
and then it says the ethics education required under this
paragraph may be counted toward the annual twelve hours right
so you've got contradiction in policy that we need to be
corrected that would have to be correct
because it means that it would just count will be the bi
annual it would count back and
all right so now we have a motion on the floor to
to put this as a first reading and vote on it in
November any other discussion border turning could you advise
on that since first first vote with a second
reading see your your first vote was no
action because it was split so now you're saying you're going
to bring it back for a first reading at the next board
meeting at which Mr Flowers would have been sat with us she
said not tonight with the first rate in the
so that then the second reading would be when Mr Flowers is
here okay that's how you currently
have it this is the first reading nothing changed
they're bringing it back for second reading
all right the motion >> OR the question that I would have for
you is to just remove the motion it would come back up
next month anyway since it was a three three split with
what's the best
way to handle>> my recommendation is to bring it next month first
reading and start all over >> then I rescind my motion
do you rescind your second okay now moving forward
do we have another motion
so wait a minute I want
clarification because it did not pass or fail
right all right we start over again so you will come back as
a first reading correct it will come back next month as
a first reading is that necessary why can't
come back as a second week to make the change that Mister
Henderson mention there'll be a first reading
the ethics of time okay all right
okay we'll leave it as it is all right now policy seventy
one thirty licensure okay
>> this is a board policy that came down as well from the
state board to be amended under section B
exceptions licensure requirements where you see the
adjunct C. T.
E. instruction for
where it states that an unlicensed individual who meets
that established criteria for specific C.
T. E instructor may be employed that
has been added as well as under number three
strike formal for formal for former I think that was
just a clerical error if that's correct
as well with that seventy one thirty A
under section E graph
adding the language in bold continuing professional license
as well it added
and then under seventy one thirty B we have changed H.
to G.
okay and then the revised
information for legal reference
and the rest remains the same those are the changes from the
state board can that again
that was just some language clarification because
of the changes that have come from the licensure
information just to get us in line with those new updates
>>thats's correct right
>>I need a motion >> I make a motion that we approve
of seventy one thirty as a second read
for a second any discussion
any questions all in favor of approving
policies seventy one thirty as a second reading please
indicate by raising your right hand
any opposed thank you very much thank you
all right I would like to have a motion for the approval a
consent vote for the
consent agenda is a group of items pass with a single motion
and vote these materials and are items are routine business
or have been thoroughly discussed in committee meetings
open to the public and attended by board members debate is
allowed on any item included on the consent and if a board
member wants to separate consideration of any items may
be removed by request madam chair I'd like to recuse myself
from this vote I have a cousin who is being
considered for the position and I I don't want
to be seen as improper about
voting thank you very much Mister
Smith at this time because I have a motion please to approve
the consent agenda from items B through K
with the exception of G with the exception of G
right remote >> I make the motion
that we the
as outlined through items B through K
with that I need a second
thank you high any discussions all right all in favor of
approving the consent agenda as indicated please raise your
right hand thank you very
the spotlight so we are now at comments
all right miss Emma so let us start with you
are right I'm coming from
I is the first and
thank you madam key I would like to first of all tip my hat
to Dr Harrell exhaustive research on the
conditions of our current facilities and the research
that he's doing towards that hopefully within the next month
or two we will be able to examine all the schools would
have been able to examine the conditions of every school in
Wayne County and with the better prepared to make some
decisions as it looks to our construction needs in the county
Dr Harrell I do want to say thank you for that
that hard work and I know it's been very exhaustive
I did also attend the curriculum committee meeting
this past week and one of the issues that came up with our
our plan for our low performing schools I would like to ask Dr
Ishee if she would be prepared at some point in time in the
near future to give the board a look at that low performing
schools plan so that we can identify areas of concern
I'd also like to commend Miss Manning
for all of her work coming in and taking over the
role as the AdvancEd coordinator for the district
and she met with the district chairs and the facility chairs
last week she did an awesome job
and trying to get us prepared for the AdvancEd review
coming up in March would ask all board members that if you
receive notification of AdvancEd meeting in which
you are a member I would ask that you please make every
effort to attend those meetings because I'm certain that as the
review teams come they will be interviewing us as board
members and then nothing looks worse than have a board member
that does not know exactly what's going on in the school
system so I want to again ask all of the board members to
be very cognizant of that and be very participatory in
that process as well and lastly I would like to just
make some remarks to Mister Copeland relative to the ISD
takeover I think that you could feel rest you can be rest
assured that our board is going to do everything in our power
off in our power to try to make sure that the school system
Carver Heights school remains here
however you know that that's not necessarily all of our doing
but we are developing plans as Dr Dunsmore has mentioned
earlier to kind of address that and get on the front end of
this and hopefully make some make some strides in
overturning that decision
>> I just want to thank everybody who was able to go
to the fair
I did make it out there quite a bit it was nice to
to see a lot of the exhibits our students did and we've got
a lot of talent also in our community
thing I want to say is for everybody get out and vote
a lot of us are
busy at the polls but anyway it is everybody's duty to vote and
I would certainly hope that everybody in our community will
do so the other thing I've got really
is is a question and
we had two good speakers and I don't know we don't normally
comment but we had two good questions
that were posed to us by community members
and these communities want to hear something because I am getting
phone calls from the northern part of the of the county and
also I'm getting phone calls about Carver as well or
Carver Heights and I would really love to see is there anyway we
can respond partially to that tonight while they are here
so they can carry a message back to their community or
would that be out of line normally don't at public
speaking but I think there are people present room that have
some answers I can certainly okay thank you
>> I was gonna say no comment but Mr Harrell
thank you for the work that you have done on our
facilities assessment I have been dreading
yet looking forward to seeing that
for awhile now and the county does need to know that there
are some severe needs and we know it and now we have it down
and we are taking steps to address it
>> my comment is that I know that
Dr Manning had her first official meeting with the
chairs for AdvancEd and it is my understanding that within
two weeks period of time they should be having their
committee meetings so I'm asking board members to please
check your emails because many times that is the way that we
are notified about these meetings and their locations
and time the next thing that I'm gonna
say is as a board would if we have concerns about our
performance as a board what ever it may be we have a right
to develop plans
policies to address those concerns and
and I think that we might need to consider that in terms of
attending workshops conferences
meetings here locally and as well as activities in
support of our students so that is something I would like for
you all to think about and then we can move toward through
policy committee to address that concern
rather than to do it here
>> just follow up for
Mister Copeland we are aggressively fighting this
there are things that we've been working behind the scenes
very closely with our legal team is I already said with
Miss Barnes we wanted to get our facts
together and get everything putting this politically
correct I want to do our facts checks before we go public with
anything that they're gonna shoot full of holes
actual statements are going to be rolling out this week
through NC Policy Watch as well as state
wide through the media and we are addressing each of
their seven concerns of which as I said earlier
I'm very disappointed and upset that
they made a listing of items of why we were chosen and
they didn't follow their own legislative mandate of how they
do that so I don't I'm not an attorney I didn't stay at a
Holiday Inn last night that just as a layman I think we
have a real real strong case I'm confident if we get that
information to our state board members they're gonna see what
we're capable of doing and I think what you said about our
children and our staff I don't need to repeat because
your spot on Miss Barnes and I are going to
be attending a state forum Wednesday morning
and and believe me were were vehemently fighting this it as
far as Fremont and this far as I know we've talked
for your more welcome to call me anytime
we are waiting the engineering studies as we've said many
times if we put a hammer on that building we're required to
bring it up to code and and some of the issues is where
some of those discharge pipes for the sewage out of that
building you're going we have four separate pipes two of
which when we did the smoke runs Dr Harrell
not sure there's pipes are going
one of our concerns as we move forward with those classrooms
and the county commissioners obviously they want us to be
very prudent with public funds we have some prices out of
Northwest we're prepared to go out to bid at Fremont I have to
have there's engineering studies done exactly what we're
getting into and if we do a free standing building up there
what all requirements go behind the scenes
those monies were allocated they're still there they can't
be used for anything else until we resolve these questions
but I don't wanna speak for Dr Harrell but we'd be more than happy to
sit down with you at any time to go over that more detail
but we talk about
the sewer lines that are replacing talk about it just
went through it we're talking about a new set
of classroom such as well came out of the
which would be independent of any plane dealing with twenty
three building that's that's and that's what I just said our
problem is a freestanding building because the rules and
regulations we have to look at cafeteria space bathrooms and
some other things the cost projections obviously
attaching to the nineteen twenty three building or on the
face of it would be less expensive if we start doing a
freestanding building we get into some areas that we have to
add to that project and we're trying to price all that out
and be able to compare apples to apples and oranges to
oranges the only thing I will remind
everyone we talk about twenty three if we have a twenty five
really sure way
and I would hope that we would be
dealing with th esame concerns
with the twenty five building
we are at a loss quite frankly
why th e twenty three building is a factor
and the addition of standalone classrooms
could be connected even if connected to an existing sewer line
the sewer would cost you no more
with twenty lines than with one
I appreciate this courtesy
I'll try to convey it back
the concern is growing and I don't think we need to have
issues out there you have too good a situation
I 've heard rumors and most of them are false
>> I would like to ask Mr Flowers
and Dr Dunsmore and Dr Harrell if they could
schedule a meeting not a committee meeting but a
meeting with Mr Flowers to go into specific details about
his concerns and the concerns that we may have is a district
so I would like that to happen
>> the reason I asked for that tonight is
I've received in the last two weeks
seven different phone call from people in Fremont and
everyone had a different story and it's like Mr Flowers said
there doesn't need to be the rumors out there floating
around but it's gotten to the point that the rumors are
floating around from that we're going to close the school all
the way to we're not going to build the buildings and keep
school like it is and and it's it is very difficult
as a board member especially when you're not serving on the
facilities committee we get our
minutes but as we don't know exactly what the discussion is
been in the facilities meeting as far as moving
along with that but we do get phone calls
and I'm sure some of the other board members of gotten some
phone calls to but I just wanted to I just
feel like we need to be more in the communication phase of
where we're at and I think Mr
Flowers is a great representative from Fremont
be able to spread the word of where we're at with that situation
and I actually have even recommended to someone
to to talk about Mr Flowers as far as we can about see if he
could come to the board meeting and and I'll see if I could
gather information
>> thank you very
much Mr Flowers madam chair yes I like to make a motion that we
adjourn always I don't have to ask for that one all right I
need a second though also all right all right all in
favor indicate by raising your right hand
thank you very much
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