- Do audio engineers struggle with relationships
because they are audio engineers,
or do audio engineers struggle with relationships
because people who struggle with relationships
gravitate towards being an audio engineer?
- That's a question I am not qualified to answer, Chris.
- Nor am I, but I will say, this is a tough industry
to make it in, you have to be tenacious and driven
and single-minded, and if you're not,
and you're easily distracted,
you're gonna get rolled over, in my opinion.
So people like that, you and I definitely
both struggle with focusing on an issue too much.
- Yeah.
- For sure, and if you're that type of person, then yeah,
audio's a viable career path for you because you have to be
singularly focused while there's so many distractions
in the room, and so many places that you can drop the ball.
So I think that there is sort of an issue there,
where we don't just have normal average people
with any level of success as an audio engineer.
We have obsessive people that make it, on any level,
and those obsessive people tend
to struggle with relationships.
- Yep, I can speak from experience here, as someone who,
when I encounter a problem, naturally I'm a problem solver.
If I come across a problem, my mind works in a way
that I immediately start trying to solve that problem.
The problem comes (both laugh), which creates another
problem, which is, when I'm trying to problem-solve
and I am so head first into an issue,
I tend to tune out literally everything in my life.
I will ignore texts, which I still do, all day long,
during work hours, I still ignore my texts all day.
I will let relationships kinda wither and die,
if it's an issue where I'm trying to solve
a problem or do something that takes a long time,
I'll let friendships kind of fade away, naturally,
that's just the way I tend to be.
That's my struggle and until I really finish
the project or finish the thing, my mind does not
come out of it and allow me to focus on those around me.
And so that's something that I still to this day
struggle with and there are things that I do
to kind of counter that, but I'd say that it's
taken me years to get to the point where I even
knew to acknowledge that that was an issue.
When I was younger, and why I was single
for six years in a row was because
I didn't know that was a problem.
I just sat in a room, tweaking knobs, learning
how things worked, trying to solve whatever problem
came up that day or that week or that month,
and because of that the rest of my life tended to suffer,
and if you go back and listen to my episode number three,
it really led to a really dark place in my life at the time,
until I started to dig my way out of that.
I think a lot of people can relate to that feeling of
constantly being in your own little path,
your own little blinded area
and being completely oblivious to the stuff surrounding you
and the other issues in your life.
Honestly, I see this not just in myself
but some other friends in my life where this is just
a natural thing people tend to do is,
when you have problems in other areas of your life,
you tend to gravitate towards the one thing you're good at,
the one thing you love to do,
and you use that as a coping mechanism.
That's why we're workaholics, we're workaholics
a lot of times, it's a coping mechanism
for the other things going wrong in your life.
Instead of addressing those things, it's easier to just
focus on what you're good at, and what you love to do.
That can cause so many problems in your life
and I'm not one to sit and point the finger at people
'cause I'm the same way, but it's definitely something
to be aware of, and until you're aware of that problem
you're going to have a very tough time solving that problem.
(electronic music)
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