Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

News on Youtube Feb 21 2019

Pozvání potvrdil i premiér Babiš: „Mohu potvrdit, že jsem dostal pozvání do Bílého domu na 7

března. Je to vyvrcholení našich vztahů se Spojenými státy. Tento rok si připomínáme 20 let vstupu do NATO

Naše vztahy byly poslední dobu velice intenzivní. Byl tady Paul Ryan, byl tady ministr energetiky, ministr obrany

" Babiš uvedl, že se do Bílého domu těší. „Musím se na to dobře připravit, protože je to pro Českou republiku velice důležitá schůzka

Bude tam určitě strašně moc témat, které bych chtěl s panem prezidentem probrat. Nejenom naše vztahy ekonomické nebo v rámci NATO, ale je to i o vztazích s Evropskou unií," řekl Babiš

Babiš uvedl, že se o jeho návštěvě v Bílém domě začalo mluvit loni v březnu, když Česko navštívil tehdejší předseda Sněmovny reprezentantů Paul Ryan

Návštěva se podle něj letos uskuteční díky tomu, že si Česko připomíná 30 let od sametové revoluce a 20 let od vstupu do NATO

Premiér Babiš se dnes vrací z návštěvy Izraele, do Bílého domu by se tak měl podívat dříve, než by se to mohlo stát v případě prezidenta Miloše Zemana, který dle svých slov dostal pozvání telefonicky již v minulosti, ale k oficiálnímu dojednání termínu dodnes nedošlo

Babiš se o pozvání nicméně údajně nesnažil. „Slovo ‚usilovat' bych nepoužíval, jedu tam jako zástupce České republiky, nebyla tady žádná soutěž mezi mnou a prezidentem

Myslím si, že to pozvání jsem dostal, protože prezident Trump má výkonnou moc – a v rámci našeho politického uspořádání je vkládána moc do rukou vlády

Takže tady nebyla žádná soutěž, ani se nedá říct, že bych o to usiloval. Byly rozhovory, dlouho se o tom spekulovalo, jsem rád, že se to potvrdilo, a myslím, že tam budu reprezentovat všechny naše občany

Není to moje osobní záležitost," řekl. I'm pleased to report that President Trump has extended an official invitation to Prime Minister @AndrejBabis to visit Washington on March 7 as a symbol of our strong bilateral relationship

A White House announcement is forthcoming soon. @strakovka — Ambassador King (@USAmbPrague) 20

února 2019 O pozvání Babiše do Bílého domu chtěl při své návštěvě USA usilovat ministr zahraničí Tomáš Petříček (ČSSD), který do Washingtonu odletěl ve středu

Petříček chtěl jednat i o možnosti pozvání pro Zemana. Že má otevřenější dveře do Bílého domu spíše Babiš než Zeman, na to upozorňoval Petříček v úterý

V USA se má sejít rovněž se svým protějškem Mikem Pompeem. „Já jsem přesvědčen, že je reálné, že se podaří domluvit schůzku na té nejvyšší úrovni

Mám signály, že tam ze strany amerických partnerů je zájem. Budu o tom hovořit s ministrem Pompeem tento týden v pátek," řekl Petříček

„Budu apelovat na americkou stranu, aby to byla schůzka na nejvyšší úrovni, je to na americké straně, koho pozvou do Bílého domu," doplnil

Zeman se v poslední době mj. zastával čínské společnosti Huawei, která se topí ve velkých problémech i v USA

Sám Petříček nechce řešit za Atlantikem pouze Huawei. „Budu s americkými protějšky řešit kybernetickou bezpečnost obecněji

Myslím, že to není jen o společnosti Huawei, je to o tom, jak chceme dlouhodobě zajistit ochranu naší kritické infrastruktury, našich komunikačních systémů

Pro nás je důležité, abychom hledali společné řešení, společnou strategii v rámci Evropské unie, potažmo i v NATO," uvedl ministr zahraničí před odletem do USA

For more infomation >> Babiš předběhne Zemana. Trump ho i s Monikou pozval v březnu do Bílého domu, potvrdil Washington - Duration: 5:50.


Putin Well target U.S. if Washington deploys missiles in Europe - Duration: 2:10.

Putin Well target U.S. if Washington deploys missiles in Europe

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 00:58

Russia will respond to any U.S. deployment of short or intermediate range nuclear weapons in Europe by targeting not only the countries where they are stationed, but the United States itself, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday February 20 . Rough Cut no reporter narration .

and 9650; Hide Transcript

and 9654; View Transcript

Russia will respond to any U.S. deployment of short or intermediate range nuclear weapons in Europe by targeting not only the countries where they are stationed, but the United States itself, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday February 20 . Rough Cut no reporter narration .

Press CTRL+C Windows , CMD+C Mac , or long press the URL below on your mobile device to copy the code

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 00:58

Reuters, the news and media division of , is the worlds largest international multimedia news provider reaching more than one billion people every day. Reuters provides trusted business, financial, national, and international news to professionals via Thomson Reuters desktops, the worlds media organizations, and directly to consumers at and via Reuters TV. Learn more about Thomson Reuters products:

All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. of exchanges and delays.

For more infomation >> Putin Well target U.S. if Washington deploys missiles in Europe - Duration: 2:10.


Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P - Duration: 1:56.

Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P

The Post, citing planning documents obtained by the paper, reported that William Happer, a National Security Council official, would head up the proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security.

The committee would be created via an executive order signed by President Donald Trump, according to the paper.

The White House declined a request for comment.

In 2014, Happer, who co founded the CO2 Coalition, an advocacy group that focuses on "the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions," compared criticism of carbon dioxide, the increase of which scientists say has raised global temperatures, to the treatment of Jews under Hitler.

"The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler," Happer said on "Carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world, and so were the Jews."

Happer, an at Princeton, that he prefers to refer to the group as "the CO2 anti defamation league...because there is the CO2 molecule, and it has undergone decade after decade of abuse, for no reason," according to the Post.

Happer did not immediately respond to CNNs request for comment.

The Posts report comes a few weeks after in a report the potential security challenges posed by climate change, including "threats to public health, historic levels of human displacement, assaults on religious freedom, and the negative effects of environmental degradation."

That reports assertion is at odds with positions of the President, who before taking office claimed climate change was a "hoax."

Last month, in a tweet that was largely seen as mocking global warming, Trump commented on extremely cold temperatures in the Midwest, writing, "What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!"

The Post reported that the documents it obtained indicated the committee would serve "to advise the President on scientific understanding of todays climate, how the climate might change in the future under natural and human influences, and how a changing climate could affect the security of the United States."

The paper also said that the documents add that although the Trump administration has said previously that climate change is a threat, "these scientific and national security judgments have not undergone a rigorous independent and adversarial scientific peer review to examine the certainties and uncertainties of climate science, as well as implications for national security."

For more infomation >> Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P - Duration: 1:56.


Breaking Celeb News | Trump to Covington teen suing Washington Post: 'Go get them' - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Trump to Covington teen suing Washington Post: 'Go get them' - Duration: 2:59.


Kentucky student files suit against Washington Post - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Kentucky student files suit against Washington Post - Duration: 0:38.


Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P - Duration: 2:01.

Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P

The Post, citing planning documents obtained by the paper, reported that William Happer, a National Security Council official, would head up the proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security.

The committee would be created via an executive order signed by President Donald Trump, according to the paper.

The White House declined a request for comment.

In 2014, Happer, who co founded the CO2 Coalition, an advocacy group that focuses on "the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions," compared criticism of carbon dioxide, the increase of which scientists say has raised global temperatures, to the treatment of Jews under Hitler.

"The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler," Happer said on "Carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world, and so were the Jews."

Happer, an at Princeton, that he prefers to refer to the group as "the CO2 anti defamation league...because there is the CO2 molecule, and it has undergone decade after decade of abuse, for no reason," according to the Post.

Happer did not immediately respond to CNNs request for comment.

The Posts report comes a few weeks after in a report the potential security challenges posed by climate change, including "threats to public health, historic levels of human displacement, assaults on religious freedom, and the negative effects of environmental degradation."

That reports assertion is at odds with positions of the President, who before taking office claimed climate change was a "hoax."

Last month, in a tweet that was largely seen as mocking global warming, Trump commented on extremely cold temperatures in the Midwest, writing, "What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!"

The Post reported that the documents it obtained indicated the committee would serve "to advise the President on scientific understanding of todays climate, how the climate might change in the future under natural and human influences, and how a changing climate could affect the security of the United States."

The paper also said that the documents add that although the Trump administration has said previously that climate change is a threat, "these scientific and national security judgments have not undergone a rigorous independent and adversarial scientific peer review to examine the certainties and uncertainties of climate science, as well as implications for national security."

For more infomation >> Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national security P - Duration: 2:01.


Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 8 Promo - Duration: 0:31.

This week on Washington Grown we're heading to wine country.

We'll pair wine and bites at Seven Hills Winery.

Super easy and simple with fresh ingredients and some great wine.

Then we'll visit Walla Walla Community College

to see how future wine makers are getting their start.

You go buy a bottle of Washington wine today

there's a 50/50 shot that a Walla Walla Community College

grad had a hand in either growing it or making it.

And I'll be blending my very own bottle of wine.

This is like my baby.

For more infomation >> Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 8 Promo - Duration: 0:31.


washington county arrest - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> washington county arrest - Duration: 0:33.


Update Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national secur - Duration: 2:07.

Update Washington Post Climate skeptic may lead WH panel to study climate change and national secur

The Post, citing planning documents obtained by the paper, reported that William Happer, a National Security Council official, would head up the proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security.

The committee would be created via an executive order signed by President Donald Trump, according to the paper.

The White House declined a request for comment.

In 2014, Happer, who co founded the CO2 Coalition, an advocacy group that focuses on "the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions," compared criticism of carbon dioxide, the increase of which scientists say has raised global temperatures, to the treatment of Jews under Hitler.

"The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler," Happer said on "Carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world, and so were the Jews."

Happer, an at Princeton, that he prefers to refer to the group as "the CO2 anti defamation league...because there is the CO2 molecule, and it has undergone decade after decade of abuse, for no reason," according to the Post.

Happer did not immediately respond to CNNs request for comment.

The Posts report comes a few weeks after in a report the potential security challenges posed by climate change, including "threats to public health, historic levels of human displacement, assaults on religious freedom, and the negative effects of environmental degradation."

That reports assertion is at odds with positions of the President, who before taking office claimed climate change was a "hoax."

Last month, in a tweet that was largely seen as mocking global warming, Trump commented on extremely cold temperatures in the Midwest, writing, "What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!"

The Post reported that the documents it obtained indicated the committee would serve "to advise the President on scientific understanding of todays climate, how the climate might change in the future under natural and human influences, and how a changing climate could affect the security of the United States."

The paper also said that the documents add that although the Trump administration has said previously that climate change is a threat, "these scientific and national security judgments have not undergone a rigorous independent and adversarial scientific peer review to examine the certainties and uncertainties of climate science, as well as implications for national security."

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