Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

China Just Did One Thing That Means War With The United States

One of Donald Trump's campaign promises was to stand up to China.

That is one promise he followed through to a tee.

But now China is sick of it, and just did one thing that means war with the United States.

Since being elected, there is perhaps no promise that he took as seriously as standing up to


For many years he has been sounding the alarm about trade deals with China that have ripped

off the United States.

So in the most "America First" fashion possible, President Trump has stopped talking

and made a major threat to slap a ten percent tariff on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

To anyone who supports Donald Trump's economic nationalism, this is a great move that undoubtedly

would lead towards both fairer deals and further U.S. manufacturing.

For China, and the anti-Trump crowd it is disastrous.

For China, it will undoubtedly harm their economy, which is the point.

To the anti-Trumpers, they believe it will create immense harm to the U.S. economy because

of increased costs on Chinese goods.

China is so upset about President Trump's threats that they have threatened to retaliate

against Trump for launching what they believe, probably correctly, is a trade war.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on their website that "[t]he United

States has initiated a trade war," before threatening to fight back against President


Fighting back against President Trump in a trade war would end badly for China.

China benefits much more heavily from trading with the United States than the United States

does trading with China.

In classic "Art of The Deal" fashion President Donald Trump knows this.

After all, he wrote the go-to book on deals.

One of the central tenets of Trump's book is "using your leverage."

And in this case, President Donald Trump has $200 billion of leverage against China.

That leverage will eventually force China to come to the negotiating table.

This is something that no other President was willing to do.

The most sure-fire way to create more jobs in the United States is to encourage more


In the past, there wasn't much incentive to manufacture U.S. goods, and China had an

unfair advantage in the market.

It is hard to promote free trade with a country that has an unfair advantage.

That's why President Trump is so supportive of "fair trade," which puts American interests


This is a stark contrast to the strategy by former President Barack Obama, who was fine

with foreign countries having freer trade with the United States than domestic manufacturers,

who were tacked with heavy regulations.

During his eight-year reign, China had it made, while Americans were forced to struggle

for work.

But thankfully Donald Trump was elected President, who believes the exact opposite of Obama and

is making that clear with his policies.

And the fact that the unemployment rate is at near-historic lows shows that Trump's

plans are working.

Do you support President Trump's trade policy with China?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

doctors shocker Okra water cures diabetes okra is fast gaining a

repetition as a superfood for people with or at risk of diabetes or cancer

okra commonly referred to as lady's finger okra is known to have a positive

effect on blood sugar control among many other health benefits evidence of okra

having anti-diabetic properties has increased in recent years with multiple

laboratory and animal studies confirming okra as a potent - blood glucose

lowering and anti diabetic foot in one study published in 2011 in the Journal

of pharmacy and by or allied Sciences researchers in India found the diabetic

mice fed dried and ground or appeals and sieves experiences a reduction in their

blood sugar levels while others showed a gradual decrease in blood glucose

following regular feeding of okra extract for about 10 years

the drink is made by putting okra parts in water and soaking them overnight some

of the valuable nutrients in the skin and seed parts will be observed into the

water if you were not crazy about the taste of

okra drinking this okra water solution is a quick and simple way to derive the

benefits of okra without eating it outside of scientific research many

people with diabetes have reported decreasing blood sugar levels of the

soaking cut-up okra pieces in water overnight and then drinking the juice in

the morning while in turkey roasted okra seeds have been used as a traditional

diabetes medicine for generations the superior insoluble fiber contained in

okra is believed to help stabilize blood glucose by slowing the rate at which

sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract okra recipe ideas the gel inside

of okra is a thickening agent making it a common ingredient in some soups and

stews if you would like to start to use okra as a part of your diet you can

start with a simple gumbo recipe pickled okra is another popular okra variation

that replaces the bitterness of the okra part with a so taste picking okra also

softens the pea if you own a dehydrator drying out okra parts and seasoning them

with sea salt makes it tasty snack to satisfy your craving or crunch woke up

with rice water cures diabetes the seeds and peel of okra have anti-diabetic

properties which led to stabilized blood glucose levels whereas a moderate amount

of healthy whole grains such as brown rice or white rice instead of processed

grains may reduce the risk of complications like diabetic neuropathy

firstly prepare rice water by boiling rice in a bowl now strain this water

into a glass or jar and keep aside take four medium sized okra parts cut both

ends of cords

and make okra into small pieces place the okra pieces into your glass

and covered them with the rice water ela walk reduce it in rice water overnight

space okra pieces before removing from the rice water finally discard the

pieces uncut down the water do this once in a day to reduce the efforts of

existing diabetes or to keep diabetes at bay as a pre diabetic person it takes

almost no effort on your part and could potentially save your money in reducing

the need for expensive treatments thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Even The Doctors Are Shocked || This Simple Drink Can Cure Diabetes In Just 5 Days. - Duration: 4:27.


Chicken Pachadi (కోడి పచ్చడి) || Andhra Chicken Pickle (Pachadi) || Homemade Chicken Pickle simple - Duration: 8:37.

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For more infomation >> Chicken Pachadi (కోడి పచ్చడి) || Andhra Chicken Pickle (Pachadi) || Homemade Chicken Pickle simple - Duration: 8:37.


designer blouse sleeves | aari work blouse designs tutorial | simple maggam work blouse designs - Duration: 3:44.

simple maggam work designs

For more infomation >> designer blouse sleeves | aari work blouse designs tutorial | simple maggam work blouse designs - Duration: 3:44.


#329 Simple and Small Rangoli Designs collection|easy sikku Kolam Design|Daily Rangoli|5 dot Muggulu - Duration: 4:11.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #329 Simple and Small Rangoli Designs collection|easy sikku Kolam Design|Daily Rangoli|5 dot Muggulu - Duration: 4:11.


How to Build your Self Esteem using these 3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 7:26.

the beginning of any new journey is always exciting writing down your new

goals making plans and marking calendars towards an achievement that may be

months or even years away but if you looks right around the corner you start

out on the journey with confidence fueled by the excitement of potential

although all journeys have roadblocks everyone hits a point where self-doubt

starts to take over them in their minds and prevents them from taking future

risks if you have a small tank of self-esteem to keep yourself going you

can begin to exhaust yourself quickly and lose momentum the finish line seems

to move further and further away and you can start to feel dread about your

current endeavoring goals self-esteem gives you motivation and purpose during

this journey but it must be built up throughout the journey some

psychologists say self-esteem is there to make sure that you don't embarrass

yourself in front of others which in the past could lead to being an outcast and

even death in today's world those outcomes are not as bad failures

missteps and a lack of patience can all chip away at self-esteem but there are

ways to build yourself back up in the face of any hardships now something

that's really important is to know the importance of self-esteem self-esteem

takes into account our strengths our weaknesses flaws and opportunities

self-esteem scientifically speaking can be where you see yourself on the

hierarchy of social status no person is perfect at the top but a foundation of

self-esteem can help you set aside imperfections when they threaten to

impede your progress when you build a solid foundation of confidence you have

the ability to handle rejections with your head held high having high self

esteem doesn't mean that you won't come across rejection though it'll just help

you get through it easier rejection is a normal part of life higher self-esteem

will however make the idea of rejection less daunting and encourage you to take

more risks the thing about more risk is that they tend to lead towards more

rewards and if you do it right the failures aren't that bad for example

it's said that Thomas Edison found 1,000 ways not to build a light bulb that's a

lot of rejection before I give you some tips on how to build your self-esteem I

want to give a shout out to today's sponsor better help now it takes a lot

of courage to talk to others about what you're going through especially if

you're going through a hard time but better help is an online service that

allows you to find the perfect counselor for your situation starting with a

counselor is the perfect place to build your self-esteem before you go out and

start sharing what you're feeling with others in your life a counselor for

better help is like a life coach and can be a great resource to build confidence

in a private confidential and safe place better help offers fully licensed

trained and accredited counselors and their price is

pretty affordable compared to other forms of counseling pricing is between

thirty five dollars and sixty five dollars a week for unlimited counseling

meaning you're connected with a counselor the entire time via your phone

or computer and you can schedule video phone or text sessions when necessary

usually for most people it's once a week also with better help you're not wasting

your time traveling which solves the biggest issue why most people never even

see a counselor most people aren't comfortable talking in person with

someone so the online opportunity allows you to talk on your own time wherever

you want and there's over 2,500 counselors on the website which means

it's super easy to find someone that you feel comfortable talking to mental

health is a very important thing and I was amazed at the professionalism and

the quality of service I got from the counselor that I was matched with who

also lives in the same state as me if you want to learn more about better help

or you're ready to sign up check the link in the description and also if you

join you'll be helping out this channel so let's move on to how to build your

self esteem what are the biggest things is to practice acceptance often your

ability to build self-esteem is blocked by the ability to accept where you are

right now in your life you may often compare yourself to others feel down

about your current position or bring up even regrets and things that you feel

bad about from past events take a moment and take all these doubts maybe you

write them down if you have to and then throw them away and accept who you are

right now so here's a little mental example let's say you're in a busy city

and you want to get across town before you figure out where to go next you

first have to assess what street you're on right now and what direction you're

facing if you get angry at yourself for where you are now or you pretend that

you're in a completely different part of town you will never be able to get where

you need to go so the journey towards your goals and building self-esteem

works in a very similar fashion you have to accept where you are and who you are

right now start building self-esteem from the place you are at the current

moment in this moment you are where you are everyone is at a different place and

has the ability to move forward and backwards the road to your goals is not

always a clear and a straight path but in order to get there faster you have to

accept where you are and start figuring out what directions you need to take in

order to get where you want to be it's important not to accept defeat though

always be moving forward another thing that can help you build your self-esteem

is to trick yourself into having high self esteem in the beginning of your

journey you may not believe positive things about yourself affirmations and

statements about self love they might seem foreign and fraud now

if you want to be able to believe these positive statements you can actually

trick yourself into doing so and all this trick involves is repetition and

patience you can create the illusion of truth with a process commonly referred

to as cognitive ease cognitive ease explains how repetition of a phrase or

an idea becomes more comfortable to you and believable as we're continually

exposed to it the more that we hear something or repeat something to

ourselves the more we believe it and the more real that it starts to become this

idea can be used to make beliefs about yourself real now you won't change your

thinking overnight but after constant repetition of the same phrase or idea

you will start to say the idea more comfortably until becomes something you

can confidently say to others and then eventually you start acting in

accordance of that idea of yourself another thing you can do is to make

confidence building part of your routine so are you ready to start building up

your self-esteem use a road map and the idea of cognitive ease to help you

believe in all of the positive things that you want to see in yourself start

by sitting down and assessing your current feelings ask yourself some

questions like these what areas in my life could use more confidence is it

dating or is it money or is it family or even friends also ask yourself what do I

want to feel when I think about three areas of my life and what positive

thoughts do I want to feel about myself then write down a list of three common

negative phrases that you tell yourself you might hear these phrases when you're

preparing to take a big risk or planning the next steps in your life these may

sound something like I'm never going to achieve my dreams or no one likes me now

after you write these down cross them out and write down the opposite of that

phrase I am going to achieve my dreams people love me this is a very powerful

method of rewiring your brain and your thought patterns now you should have a

series of a bunch of positive phrases these phrases may seem fraudulent to you

now but your new confidence building routine will make these statements a

reality set aside time to sit in front of the mirror in the morning and

actually say these positive phrases out loud I know it sounds really weird but

it works this could be in the bathroom as you get ready for the day or it can

be in the car mirror on your commute to work whatever you do remember to say

these positive phrases at least once a day at first if you're anything like me

you're going to feel a little silly and awkward repeating these ideas instead

keep pursuing the idea that these positive phrases will become true

beliefs that will empower you to move forward if you make an effort to build

up your own self-esteem you will soon see the beliefs that you're working for

and the last thing is to put it all together

you come to a roadblock that threatens to bring you down take knowledge from

all of these tips to objectively assess the situation and take appropriate risks

even if things don't always go your way you will have a strong set of personal

beliefs that provides a cushion for your fault if you need personal help I advise

reaching out to a counselor a better help who is trained and what you need

help with whether you're struggling with depression fighting anxiety need help

finding motivation or maybe you lack some goals better help is a great online

resource to help you grow by giving you a helping hand and a listening ear along

the way as I said earlier if you're interested in better help check out the

link below whether you're falling or you're standing proud accept where you

are and keep pursuing the truths that you want to believe about yourself thank

you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next


For more infomation >> How to Build your Self Esteem using these 3 Simple Tricks - Duration: 7:26.


【MUKBANG】 SIMPLE BUT TASTY & ADDICTIVE!!! [Sesame Oil Somen] 10 Servings [5400kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 3:42.

hello its kinoshita yuka



i made Sesame Oil Somen

it's summer, and that's made me want to eat it

today, is not just somen with noodle sauce but somen with all the flavors from the beginning

so let's see now the procedure

the ingredients


egg yolk


noodle sauce

sesame oil

let's start with cutting the onion

boil the somen for 30 seconds, and this is less than what's written, after that wash it and put it in a cold water

after putting it in the plate

we add the onion

and egg yolk

noodle sauce

and sesame oil

and by adding the seaweed...

Jaan, we did it

having a lot of somen makes me so happy


because the amount is so big, i'm going to use the spoon too

let's break the yolk

Aah, looks so tasty

Hay, this looks so tasty


mixing the noodle sauce with egg yolk give it a really tasty and delicious taste

and the sesame oil aroma is so nice


the texture of the somen is so good

the yolk is so thick and super tasty


you can eat as much as you want of somen by just adding the noodle sauce

it's so easy and tasty

it looks like the mixed soba

there is plenty of onion

and the sesame oil goes so well with the noodle sauce

and mixing both of it with the yolk, is really the best

adding a lot of onion made it so tasty


and if you like the spicy taste, you can add to it the chili oil, it goes so well with it

the chili oil is tasty, isn't that ?


the spicy and hot taste made it tastier

somen and onion represent the summer

the last bite, itadakimasu



the Sesame Oil Somen was so tasty

it was more heavier with the sesame oil than just the sauce

and the sesame oil goes so well with it

and the yolk was so thick, and this is a good thing

and because we added a lot of onion, that was so delicious

and because it was so delicious, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do or eat ...

please tell me in the comments Section below

if you like this video please hit the like and Subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 SIMPLE BUT TASTY & ADDICTIVE!!! [Sesame Oil Somen] 10 Servings [5400kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 3:42.


#330 Simple and Small Rangoli Designs collection|easy sikku Kolam Design|Daily Rangoli|5 dot Muggulu - Duration: 4:46.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #330 Simple and Small Rangoli Designs collection|easy sikku Kolam Design|Daily Rangoli|5 dot Muggulu - Duration: 4:46.


Here We Go Looby Loo | + More Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 1:00:13.

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your right hand in ♪

♪ You take your right hand out ♪

♪ You give your hand a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

♪ Here we looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your left hand in ♪

♪ You take your left hand out ♪

♪ You give your hand a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your right foot in ♪

♪ You take your right foot out ♪

♪ You give your foot a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your left foot in ♪

♪ You take your left foot out ♪

♪ You give your foot a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your head in ♪

♪ You take your head out ♪

♪ You give your head a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ Here we go looby light ♪

♪ Here we go looby loo ♪

♪ All on a Saturday night ♪

♪ You put your whole self in ♪

♪ You take your whole self out ♪

♪ You give your whole self a shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ And turn yourself about ♪

For more infomation >> Here We Go Looby Loo | + More Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 1:00:13.


simple mehendi design | Indian Henna designs | wedding | bridal | marriage | full hands back mehndi - Duration: 20:18.

Copy rights

News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

Hello. I am Mika Walkamo from Hotel Vanajanlinna.

Mr. President Putin and Mr. President Trump,

if you haven´t chosen a meeting place in Finland yet

we have a lovely hotel only one hour from Helsinki Airport.

We can offer you a peaceful and safe area for your meeting.

And Mr.Trump, please, bring your golf bag,

so we can play together a round of golf

with our lovely golf course Linna Golf

And Mr.Putin, You will definately love our hotel history tour.

Welcome to Finland and Hotel Vanajanlinna!

For more infomation >> Welcome to Hotel Vanajanlinna - Duration: 0:44.


£20,000 luxury hotel package is the ultimate goal for the World Cup final - Duration: 1:25.

  If you can't get a ticket to the 2018 Fifa World Cup final on 15 July but want to watch the match in style then a hotel in Dubai may have the perfect package

   It will cost football fans AED100,000 (approximately £20,800) excluding flights, but for that the Fairmont Dubai in the UAE is offering an ultra-luxury overnight stay for six people with a load of goodies thrown in

 Extras include supercar drop-offs, a butler dressed as a referee, virtual reality games and a suite transformed into a football pitch

 Described by the hotel as "Dubai's most expensive overnight stay package" for the World Cup, the £20,800 price tag will provide the six football fanatics with the following:One-night stay for six people in the 548sqm Imperial Suite Each guest will be picked up in a stretch Hummer limousine The suite will be transformed into a football pitch - with green artificial grass on the floor Foosball table in the living room Virtual reality football game in the suite Six oversized leather chairs with massage effect 103 inch LED TV Private photographer Tailored football shirts with the six guests' names Private butler in a referee kitPrivate chef and private barman VIP table at Cirque Le Soir (for six people on the evening of 15 July) Breakfast station at the jacuzzi area on 16 July Drive home with six supercars (ranging from a McLaren to a Lamborghini)How to book According to the Fairmont Dubai the football viewing experience is available on 15 July only and advance booking is required before 8 July

Contact the Fairmont Dubai on +971 4 332 5555 or email   

For more infomation >> £20,000 luxury hotel package is the ultimate goal for the World Cup final - Duration: 1:25.


Love Island's Adam Collard 'begged to meet schoolgirl at hotel after flirting online' - Duration: 3:33.

 Love Island's Adam Collard reportedly begged a teenager to meet him in a hotel, sending her a barrage of suggestive messages

   According to The Sun, the 22 year old Geordie pursued a 17 year old girl in March before entering the ITV2 villa, sending her a flirty message on Instagram, which read: "Hiya gorgeous

I have to say you are definitely a bit of me."  But the mystery woman replied that she was too young for him

   However, the personal trainer replied back: "I don't care if you're not quite 18

 "Age is just a number isn't it? You're legal aren't you?"  Adam – who has already been called out my charity Women's Aid for exhibiting warning signs of emotionally abusive behaviour – reportedly then brushed off the suggestion that he should go for a woman closer to his age

   He is said to have replied: "Why would I want them they're not my type, you on the other hand

 "Let's say what if I come to Coventry are you gonna meet up with me then? I'll take you out somewhere nice and book a hotel

"  The teenager, who is a business student and has chosen to remain nameless, allegedly turned down Adam's request to meet her

   She told the publication: "Surely he could just go out instead of hitting on a 17-year-old on the internet? Related Lorraine: Kimberley Walsh's son is 'buddies' with Cheryl's son Bear Tom Daley talks protein Frankie Boyle challenges Putin to 'erotic' wrestling match Love Island's Adam Collard is 'playing a game' says friend Alex Beattie Love Island: Rosie Williams getting around-the-clock support from show bosses Love Island fans furious as they claim show is 'FIXED' over order of recoupling Love Island's Adam Collard tipped to get the ultimate COMEUPPANCE from new boy Sam Bird Adam Love Island: Adam Collard age stuns fans as they question how old contestant is  "I found it really strange and a bit desperate he would want to drive all that way and want to get a hotel

It baffled me."  In a bid to deter Adam when he first started talking to her, the girl claims she told him she was chatting to another boy

   But Adam simply responded: "I bet he's not as good looking as me though. Is that a definite no then? I don't want to waste my time

"  The girl claims that after she rejected his advances Adam unfollowed her on Instagram

   ITV refused to comment when approached by OK! Online. 

For more infomation >> Love Island's Adam Collard 'begged to meet schoolgirl at hotel after flirting online' - Duration: 3:33.


The 8 Biggest Revelations Selena Gomez Has Shared on Her 'Hotel Transylvania 3' Press Tour - Duration: 4:54.

The 8 Biggest Revelations Selena Gomez Has Shared on Her 'Hotel Transylvania 3' Press Tour

Selena Gomez just had a press day for Hotel Transylvania 3, where in the midst of answering some light questions about the children's film, she shared some greater, fascinating truths about her life these days and how she has changed the way she lives her life after getting her kidney transplant.

Here, the most fascinating tidbits disclosed.

1. Gomez has moved out of Los Angeles. "I don't even live in LA anymore," she told Good Morning American. "I don't pay attention to trying to get people to like me as much." This June, her $2.799 million Studio City bungalow was listed on the market, perhaps for that reason. It's unclear where Gomez lives now, though she has been seen in Texas, spending time with her family. Gomez has talked in the past about wanting to move to New York City, saying in 2014, "I've always said that I want to have a love affair and live there....Everyone always says I'm more New York when they meet me so maybe it would be good for me. I don't spend enough time there."

2. Since her kidney transplant last year, Gomez stresses about what people think of her. "Honestly I've just kind of stepped back a bit," Gomez told Good Morning America. "I enjoy my life. I don't really think about anything that causes me stress anymore, which is really nice...I don't pay attention to trying to get people to like me as much."

3. Gomez's best friend is Raquelle Stevens, who went on that Italian vacation with her and David Henrie, though Courtney J. Barry, who sent E! the questions they asked her, is a close second. "Oh no," Gomez told E! initially because she didn't want to choose. "Okay, fine, we go through seasons but I would say Raquelle." On Barry, she quipped, "She's got a boyfriend though. She's good." Taylor Swift wasn't brought up this time.

4. Gomez's favorite food is peak carby Italian. "I love Italian. Pasta, I love pasta, cream, and mozzarella, all of it," she told E!.

5. Gomez would be far away from Los Angeles, helping kids, if she wasn't an actress and singer. "I would probably move very very very far away and help children," she told E!.

6. Gomez is a Rachel Green. E! asked her to identify which Friends characters she and her friends were. "Yes, I am obsessed [with Friends] and you know it. Courtney [Barry] would be Monica, I would be Rachel, Raquelle [Stevens] would be Phoebe..."

7. Gomez staged tests to make sure her parents' boyfriends and girlfriends were worthy of them. With dating intuition, she told Entertainment Tonight, "I like to say [that I have] decent discernment. But I come from a separated family, so I used to get very protective over my parents when they would date. I mean it would throw me off so I kind of had to give them [the possible boy or girlfriend] a bit of a test."

8. Gomez loves The Greatest Showman's song "This Is Me" so, so much. "A song that makes me really really happy is 'This Is Me' from The Greatest Showman," she said during a press junket for multiple outlets. "I don't care what mood I am or who said who, or what just happened, it makes me so happy and it makes me feel good about who I am and it's amazing to blast in my car." Gomez sings along to it "very loudly."

For more infomation >> The 8 Biggest Revelations Selena Gomez Has Shared on Her 'Hotel Transylvania 3' Press Tour - Duration: 4:54.


Selena Gomez Leaves Her Hotel After Revealing She Doesn't Live In LA Anymore! - Duration: 3:05.

Selena Gomez Leaves Her Hotel After Revealing She Doesn't Live In LA Anymore!

Whoa whoa whoa.

stop the presses! We caught Selena Gomez leaving The London hotel in West Hollywood yesterday, and we couldn't help but wonder why she was staying there since she owns a home in the area.

Now, it all makes sense! The "Come & Get It" songstress just sat down for a GMA interview to promote Hotel Transylvania 2 today, and she let it slip that she's left the City of Angels! "Honestly, I've just kind of stepped back a bit.

I enjoy my life.

I don't really think about anything that causes me stress anymore, which is really nice.

I don't even live in L.A. anymore.

I don't pay attention to trying to get people to like me as much," she confessed while discussing how her outlook has changed since her kidney transplant.

This is news to us! If we were the brunette beauty, we wouldn't want to stick around in tinsel town, either, and run the risk of bumping into Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin.

Not only that, but she can't escape the paparazzi and headlines in Hollywood, so it's probably for the best that she relocated.

Now the question is.

where did she go? NYC would be a natural guess, but it's also quite possible she went back to her home state of Texas.

We wonder if The Biebs knew that she'd gotten out of dodge? Read more at:

News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

 C'est c'est plus gros contingent de l'armée américaine dans le monde avec celui déployé au Japon

Le Pentagone étudie le coût d'un départ ou d'un transfert des militaires 35.000 américains stationnés en Allemagne, a rapporté vendredi le quotidien Washington Post

 L'idée a déjà été évoquée par le président américain Donald Trump lors d'une réunion avec ses responsables militaires

Elle a provoqué l'inquiétude des pays européens membres de l'Otan, qui ignorent si Donald Trump est sérieux ou s'il souhaite mettre la pression avant un sommet de l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord à Bruxelles, les 11 et 12 juillet

 Il a notamment envoyé une lettre comminatoire à sept pays de l'Alliance, dont l'Allemagne, pour les rappeler à l'ordre sur leur engagement de consacrer 2% de leur Produit national brut aux dépenses militaires d'ici 2024

Le président américain dénonce régulièrement la part, trop importante selon lui, payée par Washington dans le budget de l'Organisation

 L'Allemagne, dont les relations se sont tendues avec Washington ces derniers mois, a déjà annoncé qu'elle ne pourrait tenir sa promesse

Parmi les options examinées figurent le rapatriement aux Etats-Unis d'une grande partie des troupes, qui comprennent environ 35

000 militaires d'active, et le transfert de tout ou partie du contingent en Pologne, un allié politique que Donald Trump cite en exemple pour avoir atteint l'objectif demandé de 2%

200.000 soldats stationnés dans le monde  Selon le quotidien américain, qui cite des responsables sous le sceau de l'anonymat, l'étude n'en est toutefois qu'au stade interne

Un porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale de la Maison Blanche a démenti dans un communiqué avoir demandé une analyse sur un éventuel retrait des troupes stationnées en Allemagne

 Le porte-parole du Pentagone Eric Pahon a également démenti toute idée de retrait, soulignant que le ministère «examine régulièrement le positionnement des troupes et les analyses coûts-bénéfices»

«Nous restons engagés auprès de (l'Allemagne), notre allié au sein de l'Otan, et auprès de l'Alliance de l'Otan», a-t-il ajouté

 Donald Trump a toutefois multiplié les critiques contre l'Otan, qualifiée d'«obsolète» pendant la campagne de 2016 et récemment de «plus néfaste» que l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (Aléna) qu'il dénonce

 200.000 troupes américains sont stationnées dans le monde, dont près de la moitié dans trois pays: 39

000 au Japon, 35.000 en Allemagne et 23.000 en Corée du Sud. Les troupes américaines sont présentes en Allemagne depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale et le pays sert de base arrière aux opérations américaines en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient

L'Otan s'est avérée cruciale pour la sécurité occidentale depuis des décennies.

For more infomation >> Washington étudie un départ de ses 35.000 soldats stationnés en Allemagne - Duration: 4:37.


Happy Nugget! #1 George Washington - Duration: 11:50.

Hi, I'm Olivia, and today's Happy Nugget! comes from George Washington, the remarkable

first president of the United States of America.

Washington had numerous achievements as a statesman, soldier, general and commander

in chief of the continental army during the American Revolution.

His bravery, honor, and popularity led him to be known as the "father of the country."

George Washington's character is best described by the loyal men he led into battle.

Long before the American Revolution, after five difficult years as Virginia's leading

military figure, George Washington resigned his commission in 1759 returning to civilian


His officers wrote him a letter.

From James Thomas Flexner's fantastic biography "The Forge of Experience," Washington's officers

wrote, "The happiness we have enjoyed and the mutual honor we have acquired together…In

our earliest infancy you took us under your tuition, trained us up in the practice of

that discipline which alone can constitute good troops…Your steady adherence to impartial

justice, your quick discernment and invariable regard to merit…first heightened our natural

emulation and our desire to excel…Judge then how sensibly we much be affected with

the loss of such an excellent commander, such a sincere friend, and so affable a companion!

How rare it is to find those amiable qualifications blended together in one man.

How great the loss of such a man."

George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia to a line of ancestors who'd forged their

fortunes in the New World.

His father was a gentle businessman, his mother self-willed and determined.

As a boy George saw his two eldest half brothers sent to England to study in the same school

his father had attended and George was expected to attend.

When he was eight, his brother Lawrence, who was a great influence in Washington's life,

became a captain in the regular British Army.

When George was eleven his father died and with him the promise of studying in England.

George became the oldest child in the household helping to care for his younger sister and

three brothers.

His mother mismanaged their farm and George grew up wanting for many things.

Extremely self-centered, Washington's mother resented anything that took her son's attention

away from her.

She put down his achievements, and tried to stop him from getting any opportunities.

Early on, George learned to rely on himself forever longing for the love and domestic

stability he never got as a child.

Because of his father's death, Washington's formal education ended when he was fourteen

or fifteen.

Everything he knew he taught himself from experience, conversations, and books.

When George was a teenager his brother Lawrence worried about his future urging him to join

the British navy.

He didn't, but Washington was already harboring military dreams.

For years he made a living as a surveyor mapping Virginia's back country, frontier and wilderness

falling in love with the vastness and the promise of the American landscape.

At nineteen he invested his earnings on buying land.

When he was twenty his brother Lawrence died after a prolonged battle with tuberculosis,

one of the greatest losses in Washington's life.

To escape his mother's clutches, Washington paid calls to prominent Virginia ladies in

the hopes of securing marriage without luck because Washington came from a secondary family,

the only thing to his name was a second rate farm, but this did not stop him from dreaming

of a better future.

As was common practice in those times, Washington began to lobby for the military position his

brother Lawrence had held, but beyond intelligence and boundless energy he had no qualifications

for the job.

Persistent, focused, and diplomatic, George Washington rode up and down the Virginia countryside

paying his compliments and request to those influential in the Virginia government and

he succeed in securing the appointment.

At the time England and France were vying for much of the world, including colonial

possessions in America.

In 1749 France laid claim to all the land draining into the Ohio, engaging in bitter

rivalries over Native American land and treaties.

The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, a representative of the British crown, insisted that they should

build forts on the Ohio and that they should send an emissary to the upper wilderness to

see if the French were really on English soil.

That emissary was to deliver a letter requesting the French to depart peacefully, and if they

refused, by order of the British King, they would be driven out by force of arms.

Through a combination of skill, luck, and being in the right place at the right time,

George Washington was selected to be that emissary described as being 'used to the

woods, a youth of great sobriety, diligence and fidelity.'

George Washington was an ordinary young man thrust into extraordinary circumstances of

world shaking implications.

As the bitter winter approached, Washington set out into the Ohio wilderness amidst excessive

rains and snow.

After weeks of hardship, Washington met with the Indians and delivered his fateful message

to the French.

He headed back after making note of their military fortifications with an official letter

for the British.

That letter would help plunge the European powers into a terrible seven years war.

Wrecked with anxiety, Washington carried his lethal message through half-frozen rivers

and ice-chocked wilderness, barely escaping a bullet shot by an Indian.

Washington was convinced the French had offered a reward for his scalp and his companion's.

In the darkness of night they hid, and come morning they hoped for a frozen river so they

could cross, but they found the opposite.

Washington and his companion chopped wood for most of the day to escape on a raft.

Jammed by the ice, Washington expected to sink and perish at any moment.

Trying to secure the raft, Washington was flung into the freezing wild river.

He escaped drowning through sheer physical strength only to sleep in the freezing cold.

The next morning he thanked God the river had frozen.

Now he could cross it and deliver his message.

For his bravery George Washington was appointed second in command of the newly formed Virginia

army encountering the difficulties he would face throughout his career of enlisting, clothing

and feeding his soldiers but at twenty-one years old George Washington persevered, undaunted,

perhaps naive, often falling short of the insurmountable expectations, but never wavering

in his commitment, his courage on the battlefield unmatched.

During the French and Indian War, Washington failed miserably in diplomacy with the Indians,

with the French and as functioning commander of the expeditionary force.

Washington was inexperienced, often proud and sometimes foolhardy, but to the people

his bravery was absolute, to his neighbors he had already become a hero.

When George Washington resigned his commission in 1759 he was stung with a sense of failure.

For the next seventeen years he built a peaceful and domestic life with his wife Martha as

a landowner, farmer and businessman.

Kind and generous he was a loved and respected member of his community.

By the time the seeds of the American Revolution were sown, Washington had no intention to

serve or to lead, but history had other plans.

Washington's popularity had only grown.

He was loved by the people, respected, admired and envied by his contemporaries, but Washington

was modest and humble enough to acknowledge his shortcomings, equipping himself at every

turn with as much knowledge as possible to be able to rise to whatever occasion he might

be called upon.

In 1775 George Washington was overwhelmed when he was unanimously elected to command

the continental forces for the defense of American liberty.

Two days later, Washington wrote his wife Martha a letter and he said, "My Dearest:

I am now set down to write to you on a subject, which fills me with inexpressible concern,

and this concern is greatly aggravated and increased, when I reflect upon the uneasiness

I know it will give you.

It has been determined in Congress, that the whole army raised for the defense of the American

cause shall be put under my care, and that it is necessary for me to proceed immediately

to Boston to take upon me the command of it.

You may believe me, my dear Patsy, when I assure you, in the most solemn manner that,

so far from seeking this appointment, I have used every endeavor in my power to avoid it,

not only from my unwillingness to part with you and the family, but from a consciousness

of its been a trust too great for my capacity, and that I should enjoy more real happiness

in one month with you at home, than I have the most distant prospect of finding abroad,

if my stay were to be seven times seven years.

But as it has been a kind of destiny, that has thrown me upon this service, I shall hope

that my undertaking it is designed to answer some good purpose."

George Washington was not born a hero, and he made many mistakes along the way, but he

never stopped working tirelessly to perfect himself through the exercise of his own skill

and will.

His bravery and tenacity were always there, but his wisdom and strength developed with

time and in the process and American hero was forged.

Washington was not an intellectual, he was a man of action, who kept his gaze forward,

who carried in his heart the lessons from the past, who lived in the present fully,

and who fought for the future and freedom of all Americans.

George Washington was never just a military figure.

He was the embodiment of the indomitable American spirit, of courage, energy, ingenuity, and

an unshakable will.

Sometimes life has plans for us we don't expect, but if we live an honorable life,

if we acknowledge our weaknesses and work to improve ourselves we will always rise to

meet the challenges life has in store for us, no matter how big and insurmountable they

may seem.

Heroes are not born, they're self made.

And that's today's Happy Nugget!

If you enjoyed this video please like it, share it, and subscribe.

As always, I link below the video anything I recommend.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

Thanks for watching.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Happy Nugget! #1 George Washington - Duration: 11:50.


Washington lawmakers visit Northwest Detention Center - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Washington lawmakers visit Northwest Detention Center - Duration: 2:54.


Coleen Rooney puts on leggy display in denim shorts in Washington - Duration: 3:35.

Coleen Rooney puts on leggy display in denim shorts in Washington

Her husband Wayne has jetted out the states after he completed his big money move to Washington DC United. And Coleen Rooney ensured things ran smoothly at home as she stepped out in Cheshire on Friday.

The WAG, 32, was dressed for the sunny climes as she put on a leggy display in a pair of tiny denim shorts.

Having recently jetted to Barbados before heading on a family holiday to Disneyland, Coleen showed off toned and tanned pins in the frayed hem hot-pants. Casually-clad for the outing, she teamed the look with a black multi-striped t-shirt and black studded sandals.

Slicking her glossy brunette tresses back into a high ponytail, Coleen shielded her eyes from the sun's rays with a black pair of aviators.

Her outing comes after her husband completed his move to Washington DC United, with the former Everton player being spotted watching the England game in the States on Thursday night.

The footballer has followed in the footsteps of fellow former England stars including David Beckham, Ashley Cole, Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard, to have made transatlantic moves towards the end of their care.

Earlier this week, Coleen took to Instagram to share a sweet family snap of the couple and their sons at Disneyland Paris. The doting mum shared a number of happy snaps, along with sons Kai, eight, Klay, five and Kit, two.

Youngest son Cass, four months, wasn't in any of the photos, but brothers Kai, Klay and Kit all looked elated to be at the famed Disney park.

Wayne and Coleen recently celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary, with both the TV personality and the footballer paying tribute to their significant other in a sweet collage of their happiest moments shared to their social media channels.

The couple tied the knot in June 2008 in a romantic ceremony with their nearest and dearest in Italy. Since then, the pair have battled through their fair share of hardships, but have continued to stand by one another.

Speaking to OK! magazine about marking the milestone, Coleen confessed that they had never celebrated their anniversary together before. She admitted: 'It'll be the first time we've been together on the day.

However, Coleen has ruled out having more kids and is content with the size of her family, admitting: 'I can finally say no more. I'm happy with the four boys.'.

News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

Hey Guys

so today, i'm going

to Q&A how much i love Lea Elui

First Question is Why do u like Lea?

I like, Lea because

she so Amazing and she is inspiration me so much

2) Question is @i_love_lea_elui_so_much

Did u meet Lea? I don't Have meet lea

3) Question is



How did u meet Lea in the first time?

I don't Have Meet Lea, But If I Can Meet Lea

I'm So Happy

where did u saw her ?


don't have

saw her...

And if i saw her i want

in mall or disney land

And i...

want to...

give she

monkey doll or something

And it was

All about Lea Elui

And if u like this video

don't forget to

like comment and subscribe

and see you next video byee

For more infomation >> Q&A How Much I Love Lea Elui - Duration: 1:40.


CCTV statistics show just how much we are being watched in Wales - Duration: 4:05.

 Cardiff is the fourth most watched city in the whole of the UK, new statistics reveal

 In this day and age, we are used to seeing CCTV cameras on every street, around every corner we turn, whether behind the wheel or on foot

 But how watched are we? How many cameras are there in our capital city, and in the whole of Wales?  A company called Get Licensed, who provide training on all things CCTV, has obtained information that reveals the number of cameras on our streets, and the cost that goes with operating them

 They contacted councils from all over the UK to ask them how many CCTV cameras they operated

 Cardiff, despite being the tenth largest city in the UK by population, has the fourth highest number of CCTV cameras with more than a thousand in the Cardiff Council area

 This is more than 15 times the number of cameras in the city and county of Swansea

 There are 1,022 cameras in Cardiff in total, the only Welsh area that makes the top 20 list of the UK's most watched areas

 The next Welsh area in terms of number of CCTV cameras is Rhondda Cynon Taff, with 300

 Surprisingly, Fife in Scotland is the most watched area in the whole of the UK with 1,158 cameras, followed by Southampton with 1,150 and Leeds with 1,066

Here's a full breakdown of the number of cameras in your area:   - Blaenau Gwent County Borough - 63   - Bridgend County Borough Council & Vale of Glamorgan - 204   - Cardiff Council - 1022   - City & County of Swansea - 64   - Conwy County Borough Council - 102   - Denbighshire Council - 94   - Flintshire County Council - 78   - Gwynedd Council - 73   - Merthyr Tydfil Council - 90   - Monmouthshire Council - 38   - Neath Port Talbot Council - 49   - Newport Council - 39   - Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council - 300   - Torfaen County Borough - 48   - Wrexham County Borough Council – 135  Other councils either did not provide the information requested or their CCTV is outsourced to another company

 Cardiff Council pays staff £658,638 a year to operate the cameras, and spends a further £248,629 on CCTV maintenance costs

 The number of cameras in the capital make up almost a third of the total amount in the whole of Wales

 Throughout the country, there are 3,421 CCTV cameras.  The cost of operating all these cameras in terms of staff is just short of £2million a year, with additional maintenance costs of more than £850,000

 In the whole of the UK, there are 46,950 cameras, costing local authorities more than £31million a year in staff operation costs and more than 10million in maintenance costs, meaning that the tax payer pays around £42million each year to monitor our streets

For more infomation >> CCTV statistics show just how much we are being watched in Wales - Duration: 4:05.


🔥3 WEEK DIET| Lose 14lbs in 7 days! 😍🔥How to Lose weight Fat - Duration: 2:47.

Hey guys, I wanted to give a quick progress report on this diet system

I've been following called the 3 week diet created by the well known weight loss coach. Brian flatt about three weeks ago

I was invited to a wedding that's going to take place in a couple of days from now

When I got the invitation, I went to go try on my fancy dress that I usually wear to special occasions like weddings

But I couldn't believe it. Uh-huh. The dress didn't fit me. I

Couldn't even do up the zip in the back


Clearly put on a few pounds and I immediately jumped on the scales to weigh myself and found I'd stacked on 12

Pounds over the past few months. I was shocked

I couldn't believe I'd gained so much weight without even

Realizing I immediately started searching for solutions online on how to lose weight quickly

There was no way I was going to spend

hundreds of dollars buying a new dress and plus I wasn't happy with what I'd allow my body to become so after searching through

Dozens of websites all promising to help me lose weight fast. I finally found a solution the 3 week diet the site promised exactly

What I wanted at least 12 pounds of body fat and gone in just 21 days

I was slightly skeptical at first since I've tried numerous diets in the past with no success but the site offers a

100% money-back guarantee if you're unhappy with it for any reason

So I thought what the hell and I signed up the 3 week diet is divided into 4 manuals

Which each tell you the elements that are needed to rapidly lose weight

It shows you exactly how much of certain foods you need to eat every day based on current body weight

How much exercise you need to do and everything in between it's basically a customized program designed just for you?

Don't worry, though. It doesn't involve diet pills shakes juices or any garbage like that instead. It tells you the specific

superfoods that help your body rapidly melt away unwanted fat with some light exercise on the side and the best thing of it it really

Works I didn't know 90% of the information before for example

I learnt when the best time was to drink water if you want to lose weight when you should sleep what kinds of

exercises burn stomach fat and even the types of vegetables you should avoid

I'm just coming to day 21 now and I couldn't be happier. I'm myself this morning and I'm down 15 pounds

From what I started

I'm incredibly happy with the diet my dress now fits

Perfectly and I look better than I have in a long time my friends and family are

starting to compliment my new appearance and they don't even know I've been on a diet because it's been that easy if you're in a

Situation where you really want to lose weight quickly. You need to check out the 3 week diet

I lost 6 pounds in my first week on the diet alone. So just go check it out

I promise you won't be disappointed good talking to you guys. I love to hear about your experience with the diet system

News on Youtube Jul 1 2018

Hey there this is clay with www.ModernLove.Life and this is the relationship inner game experience.

Now, today we're going to be talking about something that I think a lot of people instinctively

know is not something that you should be doing in a relationship which is keeping score in

a relationship, and we're going to be talking about how people can sometimes keep score

and why keeping score is not important and why it's actually detrimental to a relationship

or to dating.

Okay, so first of all, keeping score can take a whole lot of different forms, right?

It could be keeping score over who is initiating text conversations.

Are you doing most of the initiating?

Is the other person doing most of the initiating?

Does it matter for some reason?

who's calling, who's paying for the date?

Who is asking the other person out on the date if you're in a relationship, who is doing

the dishes at the end of dinner?

Who's cooking, who's doing the chores?

All of these sorts of things.

These are very common ways that people keep score in relationships.

And I want to just point out a little interesting thing, which is that nobody ever keeps score

and suddenly realizes, oh, look at that, you know, I actually never initiate contact with

the other person.

Looks like it looks like they win right now.

Nobody ever does that.

If you're gonna keep score, you always somehow do it in a way where you come out the winner.

And I think that this is interesting because it really brings us to one of the main points

which we'll get to in a little bit when it comes to the topic of keeping score.

But first of all, I want to talk a little bit more about this, this whole issue of a

dynamic and all of that.

So first of all, keeping score is not important in a relationship, although it might seem

as if this is really critical information, you know, does it mean that he cares if I'm

doing all of the initiating, does it mean that, that, that she's using me if I'm like

doing all the chores around the house or whatever it is.


And although it seems like this is really useful information that you should know that

you should keep your finger on the pulse of whatever the thing is that you're keeping

score over, it's really irrelevant because when it comes to a successful relationship,

when it comes to dating, when it comes to getting into a relationship, the most important

thing that you can focus on is the quality of the emotional connection between you and

the other person.

Anything else is really just a distraction.


It's not, it's not gonna make anything better if you focus on anything else, okay?

It's not going to make anything better if you focus on, you know, some sort of arbitrary

thing, like whether or not they're initiating contact with you, whether or not it's taking

them five minutes to text you back or 30 minutes to text you back, or half a day to text you

back or anything like that.

These are not important things.

These are just distractions from what is important, which is the quality of the emotional connection

that you are having with the other person.


Now, secondly, keeping score is detrimental to relationships.

We know this on an instinctive level in some way, you know, people always say, oh, don't

keep score all of that stuff, but why is it, why is keeping score not a good thing for


And the reason is, is because there, there's a certain dynamic at play between two people,


So you have one person over here, you have another person over here and together they

create this third thing called the dynamic between the two of them, right?

That's why relationships between certain people can be great, they can feel comfortable, they

can feel welcoming, you know, you probably have some people like that in your life where

you can go to them, you can talk to them and you just instantly feel welcomed and comfortable

and relaxed around that person.

On the other hand, you also have relationships with other people that are tense or awkward

or strange, either because of just how the person is bringing themselves to you or how

you bring yourself to them.

Or it could just be due to the circumstances between how the two of you are relating to

one another.

You know, you might be having an argument or a disagreement or something like that that's

causing the two of you to have this sort of strained dynamic between the two of you.

And that's that third component.

It's the dynamic when we are keeping score over who is initiating, who is not initiating

all of these sorts of things.

What we're doing is we are feeding something into that dynamic.

We are feeding a sort of energy into that dynamic and you may not realize it, but when

you're keeping score, you're actually scanning what the other person is doing and you're

looking for ways that they are failing.

You're looking for ways that they are not living up to some sort of ideal or expectation,


Like, oh well if he really loved me, he would be initiating contact with me.

Oh, if she really loved me, then she would at least, you know, offered to pay for the

date once in a while.

Or you know, things like this.

And the thing with keeping score is that if, for example, you know, he started initiating

contact with you all the time, suddenly it's not as if this whole keeping score thing would

go away.

It's not as if you'd just be like, oh great, now he's initiating contact with me all the


Life is perfect.

No, you would find something else that you would keep score over.

That's just how it energetically comes across.


So you would notice things like, oh well, you know, he never cleans up after himself.

He's always late.

He has an uncomfortably high number of female friends that he spends a lot of time with

texting or calling or spending time with them or something like that.

And you would find something else to keep score over.

And so what you need to realize is that this is something where as long as you're coming

to the interaction, to the relationship, to the dynamic with this way of being, you're

going to constantly be scanning him, looking for things to keep score over.


What you have to understand is that you're feeding this energy into the dynamic, into


The third thing that represents the quality of the emotional connection between you and

him, you're feeding this into that dynamic, this sort of anxiety, this sort of insecurity,

the sort of seeking reassurance.

This sort of, you know, constantly looking for validation and so if that continues to

build in the dynamic, he's going to feel the effects of that.

He's going to feel the effects of that with maybe that's like, Oh hey, I'm never enough,

so why should I bother trying?

Or a no matter what I do, it's never going to be good enough.

Or maybe even something like, hey, it seems like this person is putting a lot of demands

on me.

Is this something that I really wanted in a relationship?

Maybe it's not, in which case, okay, bye.

See Ya, I'll go date somebody else.


And so you have to understand that this keeping score is not beneficial to you.

It's not as if it's given you any valuable information that's letting you know, hey,

this relationship is gonna work.

It's not going to work or anything like that.

In fact, it's just a distraction from what is actually most meaningful.

And most important in you having a great high quality relationship, which is the emotional

connection, the emotional connection is what you should be focusing on.

You should not be looking for signs of like, oh, hey, he's initiating contact.

He's not initiating.

Contact is taking him two hours to respond to a text.

It's not taking two hours to respond to a text there.

They're asking me out on a date.

They're not asking me out on a date.

All of these sorts of things you shouldn't be focusing on that you should be, instead

of focusing on whether you are actually having a good time connecting with one another when

you are together, when there is contact made, whether that's by you or by him or her, or

whether you're having a good time on a date, whether that date was initiated by you or

whether it was initiated by him or her or any number of these other things.


Focus on whether the connection between the two of you is improving or or not improving.


And that is what you should be paying attention to.

Not all of these tiny little insignificant, symptoms and little extraneous things that

don't matter.


Focus on the connection.

That is the most important thing.

So at that being said, let's go over and see what sort of questions we have this week from

the students that are enrolled in our classes over at www.ModernLove.Life.


Our first question is from Goodman, Goodman writes in and says, dear Clay and Mika, I

am still planning to break ANC in July.

It is really not because of damage control mode thinking or fear of my ex.

Moving on, I think I might want to push myself out of the comfort zone of ANC to the dangerous


You know, I have been on ANC for almost six months.

It's not about time, but more about how you feel not outcome focused and get advanced

relational skills down and solid.

Otherwise I might end up staying in ANC for nine months or even a year.

How can I be mindful that my reaching out to my ex is not relationship focused, but

start to build up a positive energy in her email in January.

She said the only way for her to know if I have moved on is to know that I am dating.

That was the third time she used that as a reason that she couldn't see me.

I get it when Mika said that I needed to bring the vibe that welcomes her in the past I told

her that I was okay for us to be friends and I didn't feel like dating at all.

Don't worry.

I was okay with whoever she is dating.

When she told me about the rebound guy.

Now after nearly six months of ANC, I'm hoping that she would not again use me not dating

as a reason to not meet up with me.

What can I do if she asked me about dating?

Trust me.

She absolutely.

Again, will ask me that.

Okay, so this is really a two part question here.

The first part is how can I make sure that when I reach out and contact my ex that I

am not relationship focused, but instead connection focused.


And this really comes from what your mindset is about your ex and your relationship with

her and your connection with her.


So if this is part of some sort of story that you're playing out in your mind, like, okay,

I'm going to contact her, we're going to get back together.

We're going to have this great relationship.

We're gonna.

I Dunno.

Maybe you get married or move in together, or something like that.

Then then you are more relationship focused.

You're more attached to the outcome.

You're more attached to getting back together with her.


Now keep in mind you have been in active no contact for, I believe you said approximately

six months, which means that you probably don't know a whole lot about her, where she's

at emotionally, what's going on in her life and all of that stuff.

And so if you were connection focused, you would instead simply just be curious about,

hey, how is she doing?

What's new in her life?

What are the things that she is dealing with right now in her life?

What are the good things that are going on in her life?

What are the bad things that she's struggling with in her life that is more of the connection

focused way of thinking about things.

Whereas relationship focused, you don't really care so much about what the other person is

going through as long as it leads to an outcome of us getting back together of us being in

a relationship of her breaking up with her rebound partner of you know, something like

that without you even bothering to understand where she is at right now.

Because keep in mind, if you have been in anc for more or less six months, then you

know you are only really relating to her as the woman that she was six months ago as the

person that she was six months ago.

And keep in mind that that person no longer exists.

That person's life has rolled on for the past six months and she has gone through some things.

She has experienced some things that life has not been static.

That life has not stayed the same.

So to continue to relate to her as somebody who was the same person that she was six months

ago or possibly even longer ago, is to not really understand that there's that connection

component between the two of you that is most important.

And instead it's to realize that what you're focusing on is trying to get to an outcome,

trying to use her as a means to an end, trying to use her as a means to an end for you to

get into a relationship or as you to get a girlfriend or for you to get back together

with your ex because I don't know that means something about you or something like that.

And so what I would encourage you to do is to let go of any kind of outcome or relationship

focused thinking and to instead focus on simply just being curious about who this woman is,

what have the past six months like been, like for her again, what is she dealing with right


What she's struggling with, what is she excited about?

What is going on in her life?

And simply let go of the status of being in a relationship, the status of having it look

a certain way, the status of having her laugh when you tell a joke, the status of her being

open and receptive to you, the status of her wanting to get back together with you, the

status of her wanting to leave her rebound partner for you or something like that.

And instead simply just be curious about who she is as a person and what she's going through

right now.

Then about your second question, which was what to do if she asks me if I am dating.


Now, remember, if you are connection focused, you're going to have the ability to feel into

the moment and to know what her main concern is.


Is Her main concern that you're still love sick and hung up on her and unable to move

on and that you're just pining to be with her or something like that?

Or is her concern, you know, something else like, do you have some sort of hidden agenda?

are you like not being genuine?

When you say that you just want to catch up or you know what's going on on her end, so

you want to be able to be tuned into the present moment to know exactly what's going on for

her and be able to respond accordingly.

But if you are a relationship focused, right, you're going to see this question as like

an opportunity for you to get to the next step for you to move one step closer towards

your agenda, towards your goal, towards the outcome that you want for yourself, towards

the getting back together towards the, her being your girlfriend again towards the youtube

being in a relationship again.


And if you see every question that she asks you, whether it's this question or other questions

as some sort of, you know, like game show quiz where if you can answer enough questions

correctly, you'll get to the, the final bonus round of being in a relationship again.

Then that is being relationship focused.


And you want to understand like what we were talking about before is that connection focused

is probably going to be the better way of approaching this sort of situation.

And if you are connection focused, you can simply just answer the question honestly.

Are you dating somebody else right now?

Either yes or no.

You can feel into the moment and say, well, what is it that you really want to know?

It seems like you're concerned about something.

You can ask her a question like, oh, are you?

Do you think that I might have a hidden agenda?

Is that while you want to know the answer to this question or you can do whatever it

is and I'm not telling you these kinds of things so that you can write them down and

put them in your back pocket is like canned responses that you can use or anything but

more so that you can actually feel into the moment and ask her what's going on.

To get clarity on what her concerns are.

To do what you can do to feel into the present moment and to start to wrap your mind around

what her experiences, what is going on with the dynamic between the two of you and what

you can do to actually improve the quality of the connection that the two of you are

actually experiencing.


So, that's what I would really recommend that you do because again, on one hand in your

first question, you're saying, what can I do to be connection focused instead of relationship


And then your second question, you're saying, okay, now that I'm relationship focused, how

can I continue on this path of being relationship focused?

And so what I'm saying is don't worry about that at all and instead be on the connection

focused path because that is going to be much more likely to help you to create the kind

of relationship that you actually want.

Because relationships come from the quality of the emotional connection.

Connection does not come from being in a relationship, but having a high quality emotional connection

will naturally and organically result in a relationship.


So I hope this helps you out.

And please keep us updated on how things go moving forward and feel free to check in with

us next week.

Our next question is from F, f writes in and says, my question for this week is in terms

of emotional acceptance, when she tells me that she didn't contact me after a month of

no contact because she wants to get back together, but because she wants to know how I am doing

and what I have been up to, I get that this is the content, but where's the context coming


What would be the emotional place that she is acting from?

She seems to be keen on being friends at the moment with no expectations and no labels


My response was to tell her that I'm totally okay with that.

A little scared about this and to be honest, a little bit scared about putting trust in

the process.

So when she is saying that she just wants to catch up and to see how you're doing rather

than trying to get back together with you.

There are a couple of different possibilities that are going on.

Number one, she could be connection focused like what we just went over with Goodman,

but number two is that she also might be simply wanting to test the waters without seeming

overly invested, right?

She doesn't want to seem like she's desperate or clingy or needy or something like that.

So she might simply be contacting you and saying like, oh, hey, what's going on?

How are things been?

How have things been going for you for the past, you know, however long it's been, and

she doesn't want to come right out and say, Hey, I want to get back together with you.

Hey, I miss you, or whatever.


Because oftentimes people approach dating and relationships as if it's some sort of

exercise in looking good in looking cool in sort of a grandizing your own ego.


And there's nothing wrong with, you know, trying to look good and trying to be cool

trying to aggrandized your own ego, but we have to differentiate the two because having

a great relationship is one thing and looking good, looking cool.

Having a strong ego is another thing.

And if you want to have one thing, that's okay, but it doesn't necessarily mean that

you can do both at the same time.


She, she probably doesn't want to come across as looking desperate, looking needy, looking

bad in any sort of way.


She doesn't want to come across in a bad way.

And so what she's doing is she's just kind of testing the waters to see how you respond.

And what I would do in this particular situation, which, which I imagine is probably what's


Again, I don't know your ex, I don't know exactly what your dynamic and relationship

between each other is, but what I'm imagining is that she is probably just testing the water

to see where you're at emotionally.


It's just kind of like a check in.

She doesn't want to seem overly invested.

She doesn't want to seem anything like that.

So she just trying to, you know, play it.


So Yo, hey, what's going on?

It's been a while.

How are you doing?

You know, something like that, right?

When maybe in the back of her mind, she wants to ask you a million questions and maybe in

the back of your mind do you want to ask her a million questions too?

And so the thing isn't to necessarily play cool, composed, unaffected, detached, and

all of that stuff either because then you're just two people pretending to be something

that you're not pretending to be detached and emotionally unaffected by one another

and that that's not really a very rewarding experience.

But at the same time you also don't want to overinvest either and say, Oh, you know, I'm

madly in love with you.

I've been so surprised it took you this long to reach out to me.

I've been, I've been counting the days you know, endlessly until this moment.

And I just, you know, thank the heaven so much that you finally reached out to me because

again, that throws the whole social dynamic lopsided because you're way over, invested


She know it's really hard to tell what her level of investment is at this point.

But she's making it seem, at least that she is a relatively low investment on her end.


So what you want to do is you want to express vulnerability, but express vulnerability in

a positive way.


So again, we had a podcast episode on this a couple of weeks ago on the difference between

good and bad vulnerability.

You might want to check that out if you have missed that episode, but basically you want

to take ownership for your feelings, for your emotions rather than projecting them onto

her and using her as a means to an end to get to some sort of outcome that much like

we were talking about with Goodman.

So, so overall, you know, if this was going on through a text exchange where, you know,

she texted you and I was like, hey, how have you been?

And you texted her back with, oh, I've been good.

And she's responded with, I think that we should just be friends and you're, you respond

with, that's totally okay with me.

Then you know, that's, that's okay.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just kind of words going back and forth.

There's not really a whole lot of emotional connection going on there.

There's not really a whole lot of emotional, revealing vulnerability, honesty, transparency,

all of that stuff.

and that's okay though, because sometimes you need a little bit of just words going

back and forth to kind of warm people up to the idea of actually having a meaningful conversation,

a meaningful interaction with one another.

Sometimes you just need a little bit of small talk about weather or you know, whatever it

might be, but you don't want to linger there.

Oftentimes people will linger there and they don't understand why things aren't developing.

They, they end up getting caught in what we call the polite trap where they're just, you

know, going back and forth about kind of trivial meaningless things and wondering why the other

person doesn't want to actually go out on a date with them or why the other person doesn't

feel connected with them.

It's because they're just talking about sports and weather and TV shows and work and stuff

like that.

They're not talking about actual emotions or feelings.

And so what you want to do is you want to use the advanced relational skills, pull it

down to the emotional level, use things like the magic questions and so on and so forth

to actually pull the conversation down to the emotional level and focus on the quality

of the connection there so you can actually start to build up a high quality emotional

connection with her in the process.

And what this'll do is it'll start to lay a foundation for obviously an increased emotional

connection, but a foundation for being able to do more things such as meeting up in person

such as you know, spending more time together such as possibly even getting back together

at some point.


But this all comes from the emotional connection.

So again, if this is some sort of, you know, polite trap, sort of text exchange where it's,

how are you, I'm good, how are you?

I am fine.

Also, what is new?

Not Much, how are you?

Things are okay.

Things were like that, and you just not really going anywhere.

Then you're going to have to be a little bit more vulnerable.

You're going to have to share a little bit more about what's going on with you, put a

little bit of skin in the game and really invite her to open up and share more on her

end about the process as well too, because you can't expect other people to open up first.

You can't expect other people to be vulnerable first.

I'm sure sometimes they can, but oftentimes if we're able to go there, then that can invite

them and help them to feel more comfortable to follow us there because they know that

we are committed to the interaction and if they know that we are committed to the interaction,

then they will often commit to the interaction too, but if we don't commit to the interaction

will just end up in this polite trap kind of way.

Talking about, you know, meaningless things like sports, weather, traffic and so on and

so forth.

So I hope this helps you out and please keep us updated on how things go moving forward.

From here, our next question is from Pino.

Pino writes in and says, hi Clay.

My husband broke up with me at the end of last year saying he was no longer interested

in having a romantic relationship and just wanting to be friends.

We've been through what seemed like a mutual ANC.

Then a couple of months of good communication.

Then he went into a strong pull back for over a month and we recently met up again for the

first time during this whole period we have been fight free, which is a lot given how

2017 went, but he's brought up wanting to get started on the divorce every so often

with varying reasons such as wanting a fresh start and I like and respect you and think

that you're an attractive person and I want us to be confidence, but I don't want to be

married to you because I just don't feel attracted to you in that way.

That and the fact that he is changed jobs three times and moved cities twice in the

months since our separation makes me feel pretty sure that he is writing the dragon

in many areas of his life, including our relationship.

My question is, when somebody is writing the dragon and there are these weird inconsistencies

in communication, should we ever bring it up with them knowing the general pattern of

things to expect due to the ESP is such a big help that I am able to feel into the situation

and process them accordingly, but when patently rude things are done, like not replying to

texts, discussing the logistics of preplanned meetings, but are then followed by seemingly

normal conversations the next day, I feel a bit weird not addressing it the way I would

with any other friend.

It's not the waffling of writing the dragon itself that I feel effected by as much as

unsure about whether it's all right to leave my ex wondering about why as far as he's concerned,

I'm being accommodating to the point of collapsing.

For me, empathy helps explain the weird behavior and I let these things go.

But do you think it would come across as inauthentic to somebody who might not necessarily want

to think positively about you at the moment?


So your, your question here, which you asked in the middle here was when somebody is at

riding the dragon and there are inconsistencies in communication.

Should we ever bring it up with them?


So if there are inconsistencies in the communication that make it difficult for you to actually

communicate with them and for you to actually move forward and to actually plan things then,

you know.

Yeah, that is something that you can bring up with them, right?

Because obviously if you can't plan things and if you can't rely on them to follow through

with things that you're discussing such as meeting up or perhaps talking on the phone

or at a particular time, you know, you're agreeing to catch up over the phone at 6:00

tonight or something like that and they won't respond to you about, you know, hey, I need

to move it back to 7:00.

Something came up or something.

Then, you know.

Yeah, that's something that you need to address with them and you don't need to do it in some

sort of righteous way that makes you right and them wrong or anything like that.

Just simply say something along the lines of, hey, it's really difficult for me to schedule


If I don't hear back from you, can you please let me know if this particular time or this

particular place or whatever works for you, that way that you can actually get clear on

what's going on with them.

You can let them know what your concern is, right?

Because if you just keep quiet, obviously that's collapsing and that is not you voicing

a real concern that's on your end and if you speak up and in a way that makes them wrong

and that's kind of posturing and that causes of course them to not feel connected to you.

but, but if you're simply just explaining like, hey, this, this doesn't work because

it's not workable, right?

We can need to be able to actually plan these things in a way that makes sense then, then

that's just being vulnerable.


That's just you owning what it is for your experience.


I'm on the other hand though.

I also have noticed that that many people will look at communication and they'll say

things like, oh, you know, I do 100 percent of the initiating.

What's up with that?

And they'll be keeping score over these sorts of things and the issue with keeping score

over, you know, for example, who's initiating or who's doing, you know, and other circumstances,

who's doing chores around the house?

Who's doing this or who's doing that.

The thing is, is that it comes from a place of looking for ways that you are doing more

than the other person.


And if you're constantly looking for how am I putting in more work, more effort, more

more sweat and tears into this and the other person, you will always find a way to prove

that to be true.

For example, if you were keeping score over, let's just say who's initiating contact more

than, you know, it's not as if he suddenly started initiating contact 100 percent of

the time or 50 percent of the time or whatever.

That suddenly your life would be smooth and problem free.

No, you would probably find something else that he's not doing enough of.

Maybe he's not taking enough interest in your life and what's going on with you.

Maybe he's not paying for enough dates.

Maybe he's not asking enough questions about you.

Maybe he's not doing this or that or whatever, and you would simply find something else to

notice that he is not pulling his fair share of, in which case you need to either look

at yourself and why you are insecure about who is putting in an equal amount of effort

and who is not putting in an equal amount of effort while you're concerned about the

thought that you might be putting in more than him.

Or you might say, okay, well maybe he.

He just isn't putting in as much as I am and maybe this just isn't something that I want

to be a part of.

And you can just say, okay, well if that's how he is, I have to accept him 100 percent

as the person that he is right now.

And if that's not something that I want to deal with.

If that's not the kind of person that I want to be in a relationship with and I need to

let go of that so that I have the space in my life to welcome in somebody who is willing

to pull their fair share.


Not all of this is in your head.

You know, sometimes people are kind of just looking for a free ride.

Sometimes people are just looking to take advantage of people in one way or another.

And that's definitely not something that I am advocating in any way whatsoever.

Then you actually had a second question, at the end here, which is basically, do you believe

that showing empathy for somebody might come across as inauthenticity if that person is

not used to thinking about you positively in the moment and you know, yeah, it, it can,

you know, they might think that you're putting on some sort of act.

You're doing some sort of gimmick.

You're, you're doing some sort of trick or something like that in order to win them over

in order to make them think something positive about you.

And this is normal, whenever anybody has some sort of change in behavior about how we're

accustomed to seeing them now, in order to break up with you, he had to create an image

of you in his mind where he has to see you as like, oh well things are never going to

get better between us.

She's this way.

She'll, she'll never have empathy for me.

Are relationships never going to get any better and so on and so forth.

So he had to really cement that into his mind to the point where he actually felt comfortable

breaking up with you.

What you want to do as you start to change your behavior and change that perception that

he has a view, is to realize that it's gonna take time.

It's going to take time for him to start to trust you.

It's going to take time for to start to trust that the, that the empathetic version of you

is actually who you genuinely are now.


Because he doesn't know if this is a trick.

He doesn't know if this is just a gimmick or some sort of mind game of some sort.

To try and win him back or whatever he doesn't know, and so it's going to take him a little

while to start to trust you again, so you're going to have to keep going with this.

Hopefully this is genuine empathy and it's not just a gimmick or a trick or anything

like that, and so you're going to have to keep going with this and eventually he'll

start to trust that to empathetic you is actually just who you are now.

He'll start to say, oh, maybe I was wrong and Pino actually does have empathy.

Maybe she actually can see things from my point of view and again, for each person,

this will be different depending on, you know, the, the way they perceive things, the way

that they trust, the way that their past has been in all of that.

So there's no specific timeline about how long it'll take him to trust you, but through

consistency, he'll start to really erase the version of you that he had to create in order

to break up with you.

And he'll start to reconsider that as you continuously and consistently bring that empathy

to your interactions.

Okay, so I hope this helps you out Pino, and please keep us updated on how things go moving

forward from here.

Our next question is from Gaveol, Gaveol, writes in and says, hi Clay.

Two months ago, L decided that me and him should stop communicating.

He didn't tell me why exactly he came to this conclusion.

He just notified me that he has a new girlfriend and thinks we had better stop texting like

we did.

I pretty much understand that it could have been because he wants to take his relationship

seriously and put contact with an ex or because he didn't like interacting with me.

I don't see anything in our past conversations that point to something like agenda.

However, it is possible that an ex can just assume over time that you have an ulterior

motive because you're texting them despite the lack of investment on their side.

I want to reconnect with him in a few more months.

However, I only have a nothing more than assumptions regarding what made him to push me away rather

than the real reason I thought to ask him directly.

What made him feel bad about talking with me?

However, probably he wouldn't answer such a direct question.

On the other hand, a friend here suggested to tell him why it will be good for him to

interact with me.

That sounds good in theory, but I guess it's a form of convincing somebody and convincing

somebody in most cases, rarely works again and watched your videos about rebound relationships

and yet didn't find anything regarding an ex who is on a rebound and doesn't want to

communicate with you.

That's why I have to ask you a question.

If an ex is in a rebound relationship and refuses to talk to you, how can you reveal

their true reason and communicate to them?

You can keep in touch with one another.


When it comes to knowing their true reason for not wanting to communicate with you there,

there's a couple things to keep in mind.

Number one, unless you have any reason to believe otherwise, it's probably a good idea

to just take them at their word.


Anything else is just speculation and it's just your brain filling in the blanks and

it's just it.

You know, it can lead you down, bs machine roads of thought where you're just, you know,

catastrophe, thinking, having worse case scenario predictions and so on and so forth.

And that is never a great idea, especially when there's no evidence.

So if there's no evidence, then I would just go with what he says he says to, he says here

he has a new girlfriend and he thinks it'd be best if we stopped texting.


So what you know about this leads us to our second thing, which is what you know about

him, his personality, who he is, what his emotions are like, how he generally responds

to things and all of that.

If you were him and you sent as him, you sent a message to Gaveol all and you said, hi,

I have a new girlfriend and I think it's better if we stop texting one another the way that

we do.

What do you think?

Knowing his motives, his emotions and all of that stuff, what do you think would be

going on there?

Do you think that you would want to try giving the new relationship a fair shake?

Do you think that it's just some sort of thing that you might say to try and throw somebody


Like what do you think?

Knowing what you know about him, you have to really feel into this.


And so based off of that, that is what I would really do.

And then you know, of course you can take action and start to do things from the Internet.

Can of course give you more feedback which can help you start to form a better picture

about what's really going on, which can tell you really what's what, what the real story

is here, but until you actually have information, you don't just want to go filling in the blanks.

The only information that you actually have is what he told you and your knowledge of

him and his personality and how he generally responds to things and so on and so forth.

So if you put those two together, what do you think might be going on behind the scenes?


And then when it comes to how you can keep in touch with one another, well, what you

want to do is you have to do that first part that we talked about and understand what you

think might be going on behind the scenes.

So for example, maybe he is in a new relationship with somebody else and he wants to give that

relationship a fair shake and he thinks that if he's in touch with his ex, that his new

girlfriend might get jealous that his new girlfriend might give him a hard time.

It could just screw up the new relationship in some way.


And so what you might want to do is you might want to say, okay, well he's afraid that we're

going to be in some sort of romantic relationship with one another.

He's afraid he's going to fall for me.

He's afraid that his new girlfriend is going to pick up the phone and see that I sent him

a text message and get really jealous and insecure or something like that.

So what could you do to, really comfort that emotional concern his.

And maybe that is to simply just say, hey, you know, I, I'm, I'm not trying to get back

together, I don't have a hidden agenda.

All I want to do is just stay in touch as friends, something like that, right?

That could potentially ease that particular concern that could potentially sued that kind

of anxiety he might be feeling okay.

And so what you have to do is you have to feel into the situation and understand where

he's coming from, understand what is likely to be his concern.

And then you have to directly address that in a way that hopefully will soothe that concern.

And, and you know, if he responds back and says, oh, that's nice, but I still don't think

we should be in touch for this reason or that reason, or whatever, then that you're gathering

more information and you can use that to say, oh, okay, I get it.

He's actually concerned about this.

Not that or something like that.

But it'll help us to, to kind of put together a full picture about what's going on.

So you want to really just understand him, understand, because.

Because again, you know him better than I know him, you know him better than probably

most people out there because you were in a relationship with him, so you can go ahead

and feel into what he must be going through and you can, you can kind of meet him where

that might be emotionally and you can start to soothe any anxieties that you think he

might be experiencing.

You can, uh, kind of let him know that it's safe to contact you to be in touch with you

in any way that you think would be best to do that based off of your level of empathy

about where he's at.


So Gaveol, I hope this helps you out with your question and please keep us updated on

how things go moving forward from here.


Our next one, next question is from Vixen.

Vixon writes in and says, hi clay.

My Ex has having a graduation party because he just graduated from Undergrad.

I was not invited and found out from mutual friends.

I was with him at a party when some of his friends brought it up and it was really awkward.

But I didn't say anything given the situation, it's bothering me and I've tried bringing

it up in, passing over text with him and he just dodges the question, how can I bring

it up to him in a way that won't be blaming him or anything like that.

It is something that is really on me and I feel like I'll regret not talking to him about

it or at least trying.

Even if he doesn't answer, should I call and leave a message or text him.

He hasn't been very good about phone calls in the past.

I'm just hurt that he wouldn't talk to me about it when I asked and also heard that

I had to hear about it from other friends when I was under the impression that we were

on good terms because he has been answering my messages more frequently since the party,

but still didn't respond when I asked him if he wanted to meet up when I was in his





So once again we have to go back to empathy here.

We have to put ourselves in ex's point of view.


How would you feel if you were having a graduation party and, you did not invite a, again, you

as your ex and you did not invite Vixen.


How would you feel, especially if Vixen later found out when she was spending time with

your friends and it just kind of came out accidentally in conversation.

How would you feel?

Would you feel embarrassed?

Would you feel maybe a little bit angry?

Would you feel maybe a little bit dodgy about it?

I mean like how would you feel then you have to really understand where he's coming from

and then you can address that, you know, so maybe if, again, knowing him, knowing what

his personality is, like knowing what his emotions are, like if you think that he probably

feels guilty about it or embarrassed, then maybe you could just say, Hey, I know that

you might feel a little bit embarrassed about this and he might feel a little bit bad about,

you know, me finding out about that.

But I just want you to know there's no hard feelings and I just wanted to, to clear the

air with you.

If this is something that we can talk about, something along those lines would be a good

thing to bring up, but again, you have to put yourself in his position.

You have to see the world from his point of view so that you can have a beginning of understanding

how he sees things so you have a beginning of understanding what his emotional world

might be like so you can start to meet him there.

Because if you, you know, dance around this.

If you take the direct route, if you just, you know, confront him in some way.

If you hint about things or something like that, but you're not talking to his actual

emotional state, he is probably not going to, open up very much about that in a way

that is going to allow the two of you to actually connect and allow the two of you to actually

have a real conversation about this.

So what is important is that you stay focused on the emotional connection.

Put yourself in his position, feel out where his emotions are, what's going on with him

emotionally that has created this situation.

And then meet him in that emotional place and then as you have this conversation with

him, it's important that you don't get lost in the details.

Well, you said this, I was a, there was a text message where you and I don't know, but

instead say, okay, what is actually the emotion going on beneath the surface here and how

can I address that?


Don't get lost in the content.

Stay focused on the emotional context beneath that.

Okay, Vixen.

So I hope this helps you out and please keep us updated on how things go moving forward

from here.

Okay, so those have been our questions for this week.

Once again, if you'd like to get more help, advice and strategies with your relationship,

what you can do is you can head over to www.ModernLove.Life, or you can go down below this video and click

on the link and that'll take you over to relationship inner where you can fill out a quick,

painless little survey.

That just kind of tells me a little bit more about where you're at, what kind of goals

you have when it comes to dating and relationships, and a little bit more of the specifics about

what's going on with you and then once I know a little bit more about that, I can start

you advice, tips and strategies to help you start making progress in getting there.

Again, that is down below this video, but if you have like this video, please feel free

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Once again, this has been Clay with www.ModernLove.Life and I hope that this has helped you improve

your relationship inner game.

For more infomation >> Keeping Score in Relationships [RIG 15] - Duration: 45:04.


Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.






























































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.


Bella Hadid Shoots Down Rumors She Was in a Relationship with Drake: 'Not Me!!!' | America... - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Bella Hadid Shoots Down Rumors She Was in a Relationship with Drake: 'Not Me!!!' | America... - Duration: 2:42.


Inside Outnumbered's Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner's relationship: From meeting to exes - Duration: 3:33.

 Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner are "dating in real life," it has been reported.   Hugh, 56, and Claire, 53, met when they were cast as Pete and Sue Brockman in the BBC series Outnumbered, a show that ran until 2014

   Now, the actors are said to be in a relationship after both having split from their partners previously

   But are Hugh and Claire really dating? How long have they been dating for? Here's everything we know:  Are Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner dating?   The Sun reported Hugh and Claire have been dating for a year now

   The publication claim the pair got together in March of 2017, following splits from their significant others

   A friends said: "It's always a sad moment when a marriage breaks up. So to have found each other after the ending of both their ­relationships is rather lovely

 "They were going through marriage breakdowns at very similar times, but it was quite a while after their sep­arations that they got together last year

"  They continued: "Between the end of the last series of Outnumbered in 2014 and the Christmas ­special in 2016, they didn't actually see each other for two years

 "They've always been really friendly but they were living their own lives until they were both single

" They also added: "They've been out in public quite a lot, just no one has quite cottoned on to it

" Related Love Island: Dani worries for Jack as the boys head to Casa Amor Mike Tindall: The Royal family are amazing at breaking tension Prince Charles and Camilla greet crowds in Salisbury UK weather: Britain set for SNOW and heavy rain this weekend after sweltering heatwave Chocolate lovers left baffled after realising why Kinder Egg toy cases are yellow Former EastEnders actress Patsy Palmer's SUPER famous children Friday the 13th: Why is it so unlucky and why are people so superstitious? The Shameless cast: Where are the original stars of the Channel 4 show now? Marriage splits   Claire, who has two children, reportedly split from her husband Charles two and a half years ago

   Hugh on the other hand split from his second wife Kate Abbot-Anderson in 2015 after 19 years together

   The exes have two children together.  What have the couple said about their relationship?   Hugh and Claire are yet to confirm or deny the reports they are a couple

   OK! Online has contacted both for comment. 

For more infomation >> Inside Outnumbered's Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner's relationship: From meeting to exes - Duration: 3:33.


✅ Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner: Inside the Outnumbered parents' 'relationship' as it's reported th - Duration: 2:38.

 Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner are "dating in real life," it has been reported.   Hugh, 56, and Claire, 53, met when they were cast as Pete and Sue Brockman in the BBC series Outnumbered, a show that ran until 2014

   Now, the actors are said to be in a relationship after both having split from their partners previously.   But are Hugh and Claire really dating? How long have they been dating for? Here's everything we know:  Are Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner dating?   The Sun reported Hugh and Claire have been dating for a year now

   The publication claim the pair got together in March of 2017, following splits from their significant others

   A friends said: "It's always a sad moment when a marriage breaks up. So to have found each other after the ending of both their ­relationships is rather lovely

 "They were going through marriage breakdowns at very similar times, but it was quite a while after their sep­arations that they got together last year

"  They continued: "Between the end of the last series of Outnumbered in 2014 and the Christmas ­special in 2016, they didn't actually see each other for two years

 "They've always been really friendly but they were living their own lives until they were both single." They also added: "They've been out in public quite a lot, just no one has quite cottoned on to it

" Marriage splits   Claire, who has two children, reportedly split from her husband Charles two and a half years ago

   Hugh on the other hand split from his second wife Kate Abbot-Anderson in 2015 after 19 years together.   The exes have two children together

  What have the couple said about their relationship?   Hugh and Claire are yet to confirm or deny the reports they are a couple

   OK! Online has contacted both for comment. 

For more infomation >> ✅ Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner: Inside the Outnumbered parents' 'relationship' as it's reported th - Duration: 2:38.


Joanna Gaines' Love for Husband Chip's 'Dorkiest' Accessory Is Relationship Goals - News Today - Duration: 2:47.

 Chip Gaines's one statement accessory is the "dorkiest" thing about him, according to his wife, Joanna

 The Fixer Upper contractor may be spotted most days donning work boots and a Magnolia Farms hat as he renovates houses for the couple's company, but his off-duty outfit comes with one notable addition

 "Honestly on the weekends, Chip really does wear this set of binoculars. It's like harnessed on his chest," Joanna, who just welcomed their fifth child, a boy named Crew, reveals in an interview with KMOV

"It's the dorkiest thing, but I love it."  RELATED: Chip Gaines Recalls the Ill-Fated Mexico Trip That Had Joanna Threatening, 'You Have Three Days to Get Back to Texas, or This Relationship Is Over'  The HGTV stars' four older kids — Drake, 13, Ella, 11, Duke, 10, and Emmie Kay, 8 — like the promise of adventure their dad's binoculars represent when they hit the road as a family, Joanna says

 "He will be driving in his truck, and whether it's a road trip or it's on our way out into the country, he will always stop if he sees anything," Joanna explains

"Whether it's trash and he thinks it's a deer, or if he sees a raccoon or a coyote, he always pulls over and all the kids go, 'Ooh dad's found something

'" And I am always like, 'Chip, let's get there. We gotta go. But he always stops and pulls out his binoculars

"  RELATED: Fixer Upper Almost Got the Axe from HGTV! See the Hilarious Clip that Saved the Show  Chip may not possess his wife's enviable sense of style, but his weekend hardware does represent what she says she loves most about him: his adventurous spirit

 "I think what I love is that is authentically who he is. He's a discoverer. He's an explorer, and I think, I'm thankful for that


For more infomation >> Joanna Gaines' Love for Husband Chip's 'Dorkiest' Accessory Is Relationship Goals - News Today - Duration: 2:47.


Extremely Sweet Relationship Comics That Will Either Give You Butterflies - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Extremely Sweet Relationship Comics That Will Either Give You Butterflies - Duration: 5:02.


Bella Hadid denies Drake relationship rumours - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Bella Hadid denies Drake relationship rumours - Duration: 3:06.


Lionel Messi: Jorge Sampaoli mocked over relationship with Argentina star in World Cup - Duration: 1:38.

 And Eric Cantona has mocked Sampaoli over the exchange, calling Messi the real coach of Argentina

 During Argentina's crucial game against Nigeria in the group stages, Messi could be seen in conversation with Sampaoli with the Argentina coach frantically asking his country's captain for advice

 And Sampaoli appeared to ask the Barcelona star whether he should bring on Sergio Aguero before the Manchester City striker was introduced

 Argentina went on to win the decisive match with Marcos Rojo scoring in the dying minutes

FOLLOW FRANCE VS ARGENTINA LIVE HERE  But Cantona couldn't help but mock the Argentina boss over the conversation

 "Lionel Messi might not be 'The GOAT [Greatest of All Time] yet, but for sure he is 'the coach'

" Cantona said on Eurosport. "When Sampoli asked him to bring in Aguero, there was no doubt who was the real boss in that team

 "Actually, Sampaoli is the only night club bouncer who doesn't decide who gets in or not!"

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi: Jorge Sampaoli mocked over relationship with Argentina star in World Cup - Duration: 1:38.


Nick Foles opens up on his special relationship with Eagles teammate Carson Wentz - Duration: 6:29.

Football News24/7  After MVP-to be Carson Wentz went down injured at the back end of the 2017 regular season, Nick Foles took the reigns of the Eagles offense down the stretch of their incredible run to a first Super Bowl in franchise history

   The enigmatic Foles started off slowly, raising concerns about his ability to lead a loaded Philly squad into the latter stages of the playoffs, but soon picked up the pace and had his coming out party in the two biggest games of the season, and his life

   Foles expertly picked apart an outstanding Vikings defense in the NFC Championship game, before delivering one of the all-time great performances in a Super Bowl, out-dueling Tom Brady and leading the Eagles to a famous 41-33 win over New England on his way to MVP honours

   The 29-year-old completed 28 of 43 passes for 373 yards and 3 touchdowns, as well as hauling in the most famous TD reception in franchise history in a performance for the ages

   For most, that kind of game would drive them to demand more and either come after Wentz's starting role or seek one elsewhere

Not Foles.   Instead of handing the Eagles an ultimatum of sorts, which he would've been well within his rights do to do, or jumping at the first team that offered him a starting role, Foles decided to stay on with the knowledge that he would be serving as the backup

   Sure he got a little bump in his salary, but his humble nature and team first attitude aren't swayed because of that

   For amidst all the glory in the immediate moments after that famous victory, with the confetti falling down one couldn't help but feel a tinge of sorrow for Wentz

 After all he was the man who'd crafted their regular season record that allowed them to dominate in the playoffs, he was the man that was set to be league MVP before a shattering ACL injury in a week 14 win against the high-flying Rams brought his stellar season to a premature end

   Yet he was the first one to congratulate his fellow quarterback on his success, and the win for the TEAM

   That's one thing that stands out about the duo, they're not just part of and blatantly work for the team before anything else, they form their own little team

They support each other at all times, and there exists not hostility, awkwardness or jealousy between them

   Foles reiterated just that sentiment on a recent appearance on FS1 show First Things First

 "[We have] a great dynamic. It's a great example to younger're always trying to outdo each other and it becomes a toxic environment and it's not fun and I've always been a relational guy

" Foles said when asked about the relationship the pair share.  "I wanna have fun, I wanna push each other but at the end of the day day we're on the same team and we have to support one another

starting with your friendship first. He knows when he's out there I'm not vying for him to get hurt, I want him to succeed I want him to stay healthy the entire season

   "I want [Carson Wentz] to have a great career, even at the expense of me not playing

" Foles added. "That's where I gotta put my ego aside and say hey this is what's best for the team

I can still be a leader in the locker room but just in my lane".   The close dynamic between the two undoubtedly played a huge role in their continued success when Wentz went down with that injury last season, with the former number two overall pick playing a kind of mentor role to Foles

   Should a similar situation arise in 2018, there is no team better equipped to have it's back up step in and produce wins than Philly

That's a testament not only to Foles' ability, but the trust and care that exists in their quarterback room for each other

   It's a situation that probably won't last for the rest of their respective careers though, so Eagles fans should enjoy the luxury of having two of the best inside their building while they still can

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