Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

News on Youtube Oct 1 2017


If the topic of psychological manipulation and emotional enslavement of women offends

you, I want you to stop watching this video.

And if you want to continue, you must agree never to use this knowledge to hurt women.



Let's start!

So your relationship has gone from bad to worse, and you're wondering if it's all over.

You're thinking if there are some signs that will tell you if she's gone for good.

Of course, there are some obvious signs that your relationship is failing, like... has gone from infrequent to non-existent...

...or, fights have been happening constantly...

...or, she has lost interest in what you do and say...

...and yet guess what?

What I'm going to share with you today is entirely DIFFERENT from what you've read elsewhere.

I can bet that you've never heard of it before.


Before I let you know about that ONE definitive sign that the relationship is over, do this

for me.

Please LIKE this video because that will encourage me to produce even more of these videos for


Scroll down and click on the LIKE button right now.

(pause three seconds)

Clicked LIKE?


Let's start now, alright?

Here's how to look out for that ONE sign that will show if your relationship has gone really


It's what Derek Rake calls the "Inflexion Point".

When the relationship starts turning bad, she will pick fights with you.

And some of these fights can be pretty ugly.

Even small things like your personal quirks will piss her off, big time.

Now here's what you need to know about these fights.

If she's getting pissed off by you, it means that she still cares about the relationship.

If you don't take the action steps to solve the problem, she will soon reach the "Inflexion


This is the point when she STOPS fighting with you.

Instead of getting pissed off with you, she will start being INDIFFERENT with you instead.

This is where the DANGER lies, so it's important for you to notice this change in her behavior.

You see, when a woman reaches her "Inflexion Point", then it's a surefire sign that the

relationship is over.

Makes sense so far?

Now answer this question for me...

Is your woman reaching her "Inflexion Point" already?

If she is not, she WILL soon be... unless you take the necessary steps to stop it.

Otherwise, she will leave you soon enough, believe me.

And guess what?

I will share with you the ONE step you need to take to completely overturn the situation...

... but first, I want you to understand that it's NONE of your fault.

You see, women are hard-wired psychologically to CHALLENGE men.

She's putting you through a Shit Test even though she's not aware of it.

It is YOUR responsibility, however, to pass this Shit Test with flying colors.

And the way to do this is to use Mind Control on her.

If she is near or past the "Inflexion Point", the most effective Mind Control technique

to use on her is FRACTIONATION.

This is a "quick fix" tactic that will pretty much pull her back from the point of no return.

It can be really effective as long as you do it correctly.

And even better, if you use it repeatedly on her, she will soon start to fall back IN

LOVE with you.

Sounds amazing, right?

When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and

make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual "Pickup Artist" tricks.

I have to warn you though that it is not possible to "undo" the effects of Fractionation.

Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable

damage to her psychology.

Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.

To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman's mind

and enslave her to you emotionally, go to or click on this

link right now.

For more infomation >> Signs Your Relationship is ☂OVER☂ - Duration: 4:50.





Teen Mom 2 is certainly becoming more dramatic, as Kailyn Lowry's ex, Javi Marroquin, is

seen on vacation in Florida with Isaac, 7, and Lincoln, 3, hanging out with fellow cast

member Briana DeJesus.

Rumors have swirled that Javi and Briana, who was recently introduced to the Teen Mom

2 cast after appearing on the failed Teen Mom 3 series, have been dating for quite a


The pair ignited rumors a few months ago when they appeared in each other's Snapchat stories,

but at the time, Javi was dating another woman, and Briana was pregnant with her daughter,


Now, however, Javi is single and Briana has given birth to her baby, so it could be possible

that their appearances in one another's Snapchats and on each other's social media

means they're now a bit more than friends.

Kailyn Lowry, Javi's ex-wife, did have a few words to say about the romance to Radar


She noted that Briana didn't check in with her to see if she could hang out with Javi,

but added that it wasn't necessarily her place to give other women permission to date

her ex.

But Kail did have some concerns about the pair's potential budding romance.

"It's not necessarily them hanging out, it's just I would like to know if they were

in the same room, if my kids were sleeping in the same room as them, I would just like

to know that."

Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus have not confirmed, nor denied that they are seeing

one another as more than friends.

Previously, when rumors spread, they denied any kind of goings-on, but Javi did state

that he thought Briana was beautiful and wouldn't rule out dating her at some point.

The pair have played up to fans who want to see them together by flirting on Twitter and

posting pictures together.

It is unclear if anything has changed since their most recent declaration of "not dating."

Kailyn Lowry's love life also seems to be a mystery.

The mom-of-three recently declared that she was dating a woman named Dom, and even captioned

a photo of her with her son, "Baby Lo," as "Daddy Dom."

But recently, she stated that she and the father of "Baby Lo," Chris Lopez, were

not necessarily together, but not necessarily not together, which has fans confused.



4 Things Every Woman Needs in a Relationship - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 4 Things Every Woman Needs in a Relationship - Duration: 2:15.


18 Relationship Mistakes to Avoid Before it's too late full guide | animated video - Duration: 10:09.

18 Relationship Mistakes to Avoid

No.1, Not taking time for yourself and being too co-dependent.

If you spend every waking moment with your significant other, you will ultimately lose

who you are as an individual.

Things like going to the store on your own will be hard and you will find yourself consulting

that person for every small decision you make.

Take some time to do what you love.

Have your own hobbies, interests and friends.

You will both benefit from this and have a richer life as a result

No.2, Saying "nothing is wrong".

Some issues or insults can seem so obvious that you can't imagine your partner not

realizing they did something wrong.

So rather than discussing the problem, you stay silent and sulk about how they don't

seem to care that you are upset.

When asked, "What's wrong?" it's so much easier and less painful to say "nothing."

It's a momentary band-aid, but the problem remains.

You either stay angry and resentful, or you move on and sweep the unresolved issue under

the rug, which only gives it the opportunity to arise days, weeks, or months later with

even greater ugliness.

No.3, Losing the romance in the relationship.

Losing the romance in the relationship is one of the key reasons why relationships fail.

It is easy to become complacent and slack on making an effort for romance.

The truth is, relationships are work.

Not that you won't have any fun along the way, but you need to remember it takes a focused

effort to be romantic with your partner.

No.4, Comparing your partner to an ex.

The human mind naturally looks for patterns.

When we experience a situation that's even remotely similar to something from our past,

we draw conclusions based on that past experience.

This is how we improve our lives and learn, after all.

But when it comes to relationships, this logic can be detrimental.

For example, let's say your ex took a long time to return your calls when he or she was

losing interest in the relationship.

Lately, your current partner hasn't returned your calls quickly.

Conclusion: Your current partner is no longer interested in you.


Fight your brain's addiction to patterns and remember that every single person and

situation is unique.

This is not to say you shouldn't learn from your past or set standards for yourself.

Rather, keep an open mind and afford each person a clean slate.

One final note: Never, ever say to your significant other, "My ex did that all the time."

Comparing someone you care about to someone you don't is incredibly hurtful.

No.5, Forgetting to appreciate your partner.

Lastly, never forget to tell your significant other, "thank you", or "I love you."

At the beginning of the relationship, you surely noticed all of the kind things that

he or she was doing for you, and praised him or her accordingly.

You said you loved each other all of the time.

Sometimes we forget how awesome the other person is, until we think about it.

Tell your significant other right now how you feel about them!

No.6, Holding back.

Give generously to your partner without expecting your kindness to be returned.

Don't be afraid of loving too much.

Women, especially, often fear that showing too much interest makes them seem needy or


If you want to be cautious at the start of a relationship, that's completely understandable.

But once you're both in it for the long haul, give as much as you can.

If your significant other shows affection less openly and often, resist the urge to

match their ways.

Instead, communicate with your partner about how you need to receive love.

Expressing love and showing kindness, will never serve you wrong.

No.7, Keeping secrets from your loved one.

This is something that goes along with keeping communication open—do not keep secrets.

Not that you have to tell the other person every minute detail about your life, but you

should not intentionally keep something major from them.

You know it is a secret that needs to be shared, when you feel even slightly guilty for not

telling them.

It will come out eventually, and sooner is always better than later.

No.8, Not talking about money.

Money is always a tricky subject.

You might have come from different backgrounds.

If one person grew up wanting for nothing and the other has always had to pinch pennies,

there may be some disagreements over how money is spent.

If you are in a serious relationship, even if you have separate money, be sure to discuss

these things as money issues are guaranteed to come up eventually.

No.9, Threatening to break up This is a dangerous mistake that places a

dark cloud over relationships long after a heated argument has passed.

The most fundamental part of a mature relationship is remaining committed in the lowest of times.

By threatening to break up, even if you're saying it out of frustration and don't really

mean it, you're abandoning your partner in a cruel and cowardly way.

You're basically saying, "I'll love you until" or "I'll love you only if."

Threatening to break up is a selfish power play that benefits neither person.

Avoid playing that card at all costs.

When emotions have cooled, you'll be so glad you did.

No.10, Not taking differences in core values seriously.

Even though you like the same music, and enjoy spending time with one another, you will still

have a hard time getting past major differences.

Core values include things like religion, morality, and the importance of things like

family, friends, careers and money.

Take some time to discuss these things, before you move your relationship forward, or you

might be in for disappointment later.

No.11, Fighting about everything.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, do not make everything an argument.

Think about all of the problems you have with your partner, and really consider whether

these are deal breakers, or if you can build a bridge and get over them.

No.12, Constantly questioning your relationship.

Do you sit around wondering whether you, and your partner will still be together next week,

next month, or next year?

Do you take signs of preoccupation expressed by your partner, as evidence of his or her

disinterest in you?

Questioning your relationship means that you doubt it will last, and therefore may be less

likely to feel comfortable about commitments you make about the future.

If you're always looking for a "Plan B," your partner may sense this, and the relationship's

future demise could then become a likely prospect.

No.13, Being too clingy.

It's understandable to want to spend a lot of time together at the beginning of a relationship,

but if you want things to last, and continue along in a healthy manner, give your partner

their space.

Calling and texting multiple times a day, and trying to make daily plans can seem like


Remember that you have a life of your own, and it's much healthier to give your partner

their space.

No.14, Getting too serious, too fast.

Even if he or she seems like "the one", and you can picture your future children,

pets and house where you'll throw backyard barbeques, take a second to step back and

chill out.

Getting too serious, too soon can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on a relationship,

and has the potential to scare off your partner.

No.15, Trying to control.

Many of us either have control issues, or things that the other person does that drive

us crazy.

Both of these scenarios can lead to us wanting to control, or comment on every move the other

person makes.

Think about it though, would you like someone telling you what to do every waking minute?

You are not this person's parent.

If he or she is a grown adult, treat them like one.

No.16, Getting jealous for no reason.

Jealousy can put an immediate damper on relationship, especially if it's in no way warranted.

If you find yourself getting jealous every time he or she checks her or his phone, or

feeling the need to question where she or he is, and who she's or he's with minus

any proof of wrongdoing, you could end up pushing your partner away.

No.17, Expecting perfection.

We are all human.

We all make mistakes.

Do not hold your significant other to some unrealistically high expectation.

This is especially hard for those of us who hold unrealistically high expectations for

ourselves, but that's another topic altogether.

No.18, Trying to change the other.

Seeing your partner as an improvement project is a recipe for disaster!

No one likes to think they need to be fine-tuned or changed.

Needless to say, it gives the impression that they are not quite good enough.

If that's the case, why are you with that person?

the Solution is to Remind yourself that no one is perfect, including you.

Appreciate your partner's good qualities, and if somehow you are hurt, or offended by

certain words or behaviors, communicate it kindly and positively.

Seek to inform rather than criticize

For more infomation >> 18 Relationship Mistakes to Avoid Before it's too late full guide | animated video - Duration: 10:09.


15 Signs You're in an Introvert-Introvert Relationship - Duration: 6:29.

15 Signs You're in an Introvert-Introvert Relationship

Introvert-introvert in a relationship are actually pretty common.

According to Jenn Granneman, writer of 'The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden

World,' about half of the introverts who were currently in a relationship were partnered

with a fellow introvert.

This makes sense, because there are a lot of introverts in the world, we make up 30-50

percent of the population.

Plus, being in a relationship with another "quiet type" can be pretty awesome.

So, do you think you are in an introvert-introvert relationship?

In this video, I'm going to share with you 15 signs you're in an introvert-introvert


If you are new to our channel, make sure to subscribe our channel so you won't miss any

interesting update in the future guys!

Remember that these signs may not apply to every couple, but I believe this list is generally


Number 1.

You find yourself spending a lot of nights at home, as opposed to going to parties and

other social events, and you're both okay with that.

On weekends, your favorite "couple" activity is to order food delivery from a favorite

restaurant and watch a movie or play a video game together.

Number 2.

You and your partner often find yourselves hanging out in the same room without actually


You're each involved in your own activity, like reading, surfing the Internet, playing

a video game, or drawing.

Sometimes, you sit near each other, still doing your own thing, but staying connected

in some small way, your feet touch or you hold hands.

Number 3.

You try to get your partner to make the phone call to place the delivery order, and your

partner does the same thing to you, neither of you wants to talk on the phone.

When the delivery person rings the doorbell, you both shout simultaneously, "Can you

answer that?"

Number 4.

Despite both being introverts, one partner probably needs more alone time than the other.

It can be tricky to "sync" your downtime needs.

Likewise, you're probably both sensitive to different things.

For example, one person may be able to tolerate the occasional loud, crowded bar or late night,

while for the other, this is too much.

It's a balancing act to get both your needs met.

Number 5.

Conversely, Despite both being introverts, one partner is probably more outgoing than

the other.

As a result of having more social "bandwidth," this partner may often find themselves having

to be the public face of the couple.

At times, it can be fun for this person to flex their "extrovert" muscle, but other

times, it's draining.

Number 6.

Because both of you like being home, you find that neither of you gets the house to yourself

very often.

In fact, you've made an agreement with each other that one person will, say, go to a coffee

shop every Saturday for a few hours to get out of the house, while the other has a standing

"friend date" each Thursday.

Number 7.

You no longer have to explain your need for alone time, your partner simply understands,

and respects it.

Number 8.

When you do make plans, it's dangerously easy to talk the other person out of them.

That's because, no matter how good of an idea it seemed at the time to buy the concert

tickets or agree to a happy hour with friends, what you both really want on some level is

to relax at home.

In fact, to actually make it out of the house, one of you probably has to "play the extrovert,"

making the plans and motivating the other person to follow through.

Number 9.

Many introverts loathe online dating and the bar scene, so you and your partner may have

met through a mutual acquaintance who recognized that you two would "click" due to your

shared interests and temperament.

Number 10.

You both enjoy meaningful conversation.

Of course, there will always be some level of small talk ("How was your day?"), but

ultimately, you both connect over big ideas and authentic expression.

Number 11.

As a couple, you may have a tendency to sweep conflict under the rug.

Many introverts shy away from disagreements because they're overstimulating.

Instead, they bottle up their feelings and hope the issue will just go away.

Mature introvert-introvert couples know that although these conversations take them out

of their comfort zones, they must have them in order to keep their relationship healthy.

Number 12.

Your first few dates might have been kind of awkward, because introverts tend to need

time to open up to new people.

However, after warming up to each other, your real personalities came out.

Together, the two of you are fun, funny, and maybe even downright quirky.

Number 13.

You may find that in the heat of an argument, you and your partner talk past each other.

Rather than really listening to what your partner is saying, you're both so in your

heads about the issue that you miss the other person's message.

Similarly, you both need a lot of time to cool off after an argument, because you find

yourselves replaying the fight over and over in your respective minds.

Number 14.

Between the two of you, you have just a few close friends, and you're okay with that.

Introverts generally keep their social circles small, because they have limited "people"


They prefer quality over quantity when it comes to friendships.

Number 15.

You and your partner are both generally interested in the same kinds of activities.

For example, on a vacation, you're both okay with doing low-key things, like taking

in a museum or reading on the beach; there isn't one partner who wants to go out clubbing

or dash from one tourist trap to the next.

Well, that's the 15 signs you're in an introvert-introvert relationship.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Signs You're in an Introvert-Introvert Relationship - Duration: 6:29.


5 Most common lies in a relationship - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 5 Most common lies in a relationship - Duration: 2:59.


A Definitive Timeline of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's Relationship - Duration: 10:56.

A Definitive Timeline of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's Relationship

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworths love story is one for the ages. Theres been drama, a lifetime of rumors, sweet reunions, and of course, that Neil Lane diamond engagement ring.

As Miley and Liam continue on their journey together, with the release of Malibu, a song Miley wrote for their relationship, heres a look back on how these two got here.

June 2009: Miley and Liam first meet on the set of The Last Song, aka your favorite Nicholas Sparks movie after The Notebook. Just look at how young (and in love) they were.

November 2009: Miley calls Liam her best friend in an interview with Seventeen.

March 2010: Miley and Liam make their red carpet debut as a couple at an Oscars event, confirming that yes, they are in fact dating.

They also walk the carpet together for The Last Song premiere.

June 2010: Miley reveals Liam was largely her muse for Cant Be Tamed. There are a lot of songs that are about Liam, she tells MTV News.

All of them are about him in a way, but its also about past relationships that you gotta get over and move on and just about freeing yourself from anything that you feel holds you back.

August 2010: Miley and Liams relationship endures its first breakup reportedly due to her work schedule.

September 2010: Miley and Liam are spotted running errands and eating together, suggesting they are back together again.

November 2010: They break up again. A source tells E! its just a time out, whatever that means.

April 2011: Theyre back on. But this time theyre reportedly taking it slow and just enjoying each others company.

December 2011: Liam accompanies Miley to the CNN Heroes Gala in Los Angeles.

February 2012: Liam tells Details Miley makes him really happy. They attend another round of Oscar parties, including the glamorous Vanity Fair bash.

March 2012: Miley accompanies Liam to the Los Angeles premiere of The Hunger Games. Engagement rumors brew shortly after Miley is spotted wearing a ring on ~that finger~.

Miley denies the engagement:

Im not engaged. Ive worn this same ring on this finger since November! People just wanna find something to tal about! Its a topaz people!

— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) March 26, 2012

June 2012: Miley and Liam announce their engagement. Miley tells People, Im so happy to be engaged and look forward to a life of happiness with Liam. Heres the 3.5-carat diamond ring, made by everybodys fave, Neil Lane.

November 2012: Miley appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, gets a lap dance, and confirms shes not having 47 weddings. She also says her wedding has to be perfect and has to be like a soundtrack in a movie.

January 2013: Miley and Liam vacation in Costa Rica. Liam is shirtless.

February 2013: Miley fires back at Perez Hilton after he accuses her of cheating on Liam with Ed Westwick. Miley and Liam attend separate Oscar parties. New breakup rumors begin to circulate.

March 2013: Miley is spotted without her engagement ring, leading many to believe the wedding is off.

Never mind. The ring is back again.

April 2013: Billy Ray Cyrus tells Nightline he doesnt know if Miley and Liam will marry.

Theyre young, theyre kids. The great news is theyre great friends. And if you end up getting married, thats your business too, you know? People quotes a source saying the couple wants to postpone the wedding.

June 2013: Miley and Liam are photographed for the first time in five months while going to the movies.

August 2013: Miley attends the L.A. premiere of Paranoia with Liam. It would be their final red carpet appearance together before breaking off their engagement. Can you feel the tension and awkwardness?

August 2013: Miley twerks.

September 2013: Miley unfollows Liam on Twitter. Three days later, her rep confirms their engagement has been called off.

Liam makes out with Mexican actress and singer Eiza Gonzalez. In her first post-Liam performance, Miley breaks down while performing Wrecking Ball, a song believed to be about Liam. (Warning: you may feel chills).

October 2013: Miley talks about Life After Liam in Cosmopolitans December 2013 issue: This is the best time of my life. Im not going to look back on it and be like, I wish I hadnt been dwelling over a breakup, you know? Because thats not what God wants my life to be about right now.

July 2014: Liam reportedly tells friends while vacationing in Italy that he and Miley will always be best friends.

October 2014: When asked about Miley in a NYLON interview, Liam says, Theres not much to say.

November 2014: Piley (Miley and Patrick Schwarzenegger) is born.

December 2014: Liams bro Chris takes a dig at Miley, maybe.

March 2015: Patrick is spotted canoodling with someone who is not Miley while on ~spring break~.

April 2015: Miley and Patrick break up.

July 2015: Miley and Stella Maxwell ride dinosaurs and everyone thinks theyre dating. Miley tells Elle UK one month later that she is pansexual and not in a relationship.

October 2015: Liam tells Mens Fitness that being with Miley was an important part of my life. You fall in love with who you fall in love with; you can never choose.

Miley sports a TMNT onesie that looks very similar to the one Liam wore more than one year ago.

November 2015: Miley helps Liam adopt a new best friend. Say hello to Dora the Explorer. Really.

January 2016: Miley pops up Down Under and also on Instagram accounts belonging to friends of the Hemsworths.

Miley wears what appears to be her engagement ring, the same Neil Lane ring from Liam, on ~that finger~. Photographers catch Miley and a moving truck at Liams house. People sources say Miley seems ecstatic about the reunion.

Days later, a source confirms to People that Miley and Liam are engaged again and that the singer is "beyond happy" to be back together with her boo.

April 2016: Miley and Liam are seen in public together for the first time since getting engaged again, first in Hollywood getting lunch at vegan hotspot Gracias Madre, then in Byron Bay in Australia.

May 2016: Miley and Liam's sister-in-law Elsa Pataky (Chris's wife) get matching wave tattoos in Australia.

Professional surfer Kelly Slater and his girlfriend Kalani Miller also got inked with the same design, according to this Instagram from tattoo artist Lauren Winzer.

That same weekend, Miley and Liam attend a wedding together (someone elses, not theirs).

She also performs an acoustic set for the newlyweds and at one point, Miley can be heard saying, "This song I about the person that I love, so now it works for you guys."

May 2016: In an interview with GQ, Liam gets candid about his relationship with Miley, noting that their 2013 split was difficult on him. "But at the time we were going in different directions and it's just what needed to happen.

We were both super young and it was a good decision at the time — we both needed that." Of his currently relationship status, he offers this: "People will figure it out, they already have… They're not dumb." Nope.

June 2016: Miley takes a mirror selfie while wearing a jersey with the name "Hemsworth" on the back.

July 2016: Miley pays a visit to tattoo artist Dr. Woo to add a teeny-tiny drawing of Vegemite to her arm. Vegemite is Liam's favorite condiment.

One week later, Miley makes a casual appearance on Liam's Instagram feed, along with this cute little muffin.

Before the end of the month, Miley wears a different ring — a wedding band? A new promise ring? A mood ring? — on her ring finger, causing everyone to freak out three times over.

August 2016: Liam sings Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself" while in a car with Miley, causing fans to completely lose it because it's basically the scene from The Last Song.

While Liam's face isn't shown in Miley's Insta video, she credits him with "BGVs" (background vocals) in the caption, along with a nod to Barbie Da Beagle.

September 2016: Liam posts a #TBT of him and Miley on the set of The Last Song. Look how young! And look, abs.

October 2016: Miley finally confirms that she and Liam are engaged during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres.

November 2016: Miley and Liam step out for a rare public outing in Los Angeles, hitting up Vijat Mohindra's first solo photography exhibition at the Museum at Retail Space Gallery. The photos are too much.

Liam gives his lady a shout-out on her birthday and yes, he wrapped that present all by himself.

December 2016: Miley and Liam kick off the holidays with many, many sweet snuggly photos together.

January 2017: Miley shares some cute photos from her New Years with Liam and their families. She calls him hot, because its true.

Miley gives Liam a birthday shout-out on Instagram, calling him her favorite being. Heart. Full.

February 2017: Miley kicks off Valentine's Day 2017 with a throwback to a 2015 photo of her at the AmfAR gala. But there's a twist: She's twinning with Liam, who is also "wearing" the dress.

IRL, the couple spend V-Day in the great outdoors with their pups Tani and Dora.

May 2017: Miley announces in an interview with Billboard that she will release a new single called "Malibu," which is a love song about Liam.

She says she wrote it while riding an Uber to the set of The Voice and that she decided to make it about Liam because she wanted to take back the narrative of her relationship, which has been in the spotlight for years.

"They're going to talk about me if I come out of a restaurant with Liam. So why not put the power back in my relationship and say, 'This is how I feel'?" She says they broke up in 2013 because she was going through a major life change.

"And changing with someone else not changing like that is too hard. Suddenly you're like, 'I don't recognize you anymore.'" She says they had to "refall for each other" when they got back together.

For the cover art for "Malibu," Miley enlists Liam. The result is beautiful. And yes, that's her engagement ring.

The song is as beautiful as their relationship, with Miley singing about how Liam saved her and how they are embarking on something new. Its so sweet it hurts.

Miley performs Malibu for the first time on TV at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards and is in tears by the end of the song. (Note: this is a stripped down country version of the song and its very pretty).

July 2017: Liam calls Miley his little angel in a sweet black-and-white Instagram.

Miley responds by re-posting the Insta but not before questioning Liams choice of photo. These two

For more infomation >> A Definitive Timeline of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's Relationship - Duration: 10:56.


"While You Were Sleeping" Hints At Suzy And Lee Jong Suk's Changing Relationship With New Stills - Duration: 2:12.

"While You Were Sleeping" Hints At Suzy And Lee Jong Suk's Changing Relationship With New Stills

SBSs current Wednesday-Thursday drama While You Were Sleeping has released new stills featuring Suzy and Lee Jong Suk.

On September 28, the production staff released the latest stills showing the two main characters Jung Jae Chan (Lee Jong Suk) and Nam Hong Joo (Suzy) meeting at a hospital.

Their meeting in the hospital takes place after the car accident from the first episode, where Jae Chan intervenes in an event in order to save Hong Joos life from spiraling downward.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

The images hint at a comical encounter, as Hong Joo recklessly approaches Jae Chan and surprises him while wearing a neck brace.

She looks at him with a suspicious glare, and Jae Chan, who ends up on the floor, looks up at her with a bewildered expression on his face.

The production staff stated, Through the events that happen in the first two episodes, Hong Joo and Jae Chans relationship will change.

Beyond the stills that were revealed today, their changing relationship will be another enjoyable point to look out for in the drama..

Meanwhile, catch the first episode of While You Were Sleeping exclusively on Viki!.

For more infomation >> "While You Were Sleeping" Hints At Suzy And Lee Jong Suk's Changing Relationship With New Stills - Duration: 2:12.


Couple workout routine gym | Relationship goals in bodybuilding | Gym Addiction - Duration: 0:41.

Couple workout routine gym | Relationship goals in bodybuilding | Gym Addiction

News on Youtube Oct 1 2017



Hello Guys

Welcome again to my channel Mr Technology in a new video, if you don't know me

My name is Tarik ELmakrini, i make a tech videos, a tech reviews,

Now we have a new product

He is a Gaming Keyboard

Yes, a Gaming Keyboard wonderful

and she is not a expensive one.

You can see my other reviews, in the description

There is a lot of videos you can check it in the desciption below

i advice you to watch it and thank you.

if you are not subscribed in my channel, so subscribe right now to get the lastest videos.

As i said we have right now a Cool Product

This is a gaming keyboard

it comes with 3 colors, backlighting game keyboard

you can control the light

there is a 3 colors, the purple,bleu and the red.


it comes with a cool stuff you can discover it in this keyboard

eehh, cool keyboard

with a good price to all who want


buy a gaming setup or start to be a gamer

i advice you to buy this one because she is very cheap

and it gives you a nice view,


the design..and she is not a mechanical.

Now let's open the box !


This is the keyboard

let's throw it behind me

As you see, this is the keyboard

i hope you can see it in this camera

Of course the material is a Plastic

She comes as is said with 3 colors : the purple,

Red and..


Look to her design

Of course i going to tell you all about this keyboard if this video

after the unboxing.Ehhh

She has a beautiful fire cracks

in the sides also she bright

to gives you a great view

also she has a control volume buttons,

play music...

a lot of things

we will discover it

in this video

as you see there is a Game logo,

Her the Company logo


We have..

The cable of the keyboard

Good quality build

comes with a 1M and 80CM

Now, let's check a fast review of this product stay with us.

This keyboard it gives you a wonderful experience

in gaming and surf in the net

as i said she comes with tricolor backlight :

The red , The bleu and the purple

and you can control it with this 3 buttons

you just click in the FN button

and one of those buttons.

for Example : we start with the first mode

PS so this mode he change the colors one after one.

The second mode : is the SL

: you can change any color according to your choice

The last mode is the PB :

this one he is a fade effect so cool.

Also you can control the brightness

ith FN button and with this two buttons.

There is another usefull buttons

like control the volume up and donw,

open the browser, play music..

that beautiful view in this keyboard from the matchless tactile feel of its keys to the stunning fire cracks LED backlights, everything towards gaming.

Now let's talk about the build quality,

this keyboard she comes with a Plastic material.

The sound of this buttons it gives you a felling you use a mechanical keyboard

and she is not .

Also you can

take off the buttons with your hands

and replace it if you are like me i change it from QWERTY to AZERTY

You can buy it from 23$


and you can buy it if you don't have enough money to buy a mechincal one or you want start to be gamer.

the bottom stand function is designed

to provide a best using angle for you.

Now we are in the end of the video, please !!

if you not subscribed to my channel, i told you again

subscribe right now to get the lastest videos

i upload a good videos, as i said before you can check it in the description below

you will find a good videos, good lighting, cenimatic look,

good footage

so now my friends see you in the next video in the next week,


For more infomation >> فتح صندوق ومراجعة لكيبورد ألعاب M-200 وثمنه لا يتعدى 25 دولار ! Unbox and Review a cheap Keyboard - Duration: 7:48.


Blade Runner 2049 review: Harrison Ford is extraordinary in the most spectacular - Duration: 7:53.

"Two possibilities exist," Arthur C. Clarke once wrote: "either we are alone in the universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying." In the cold urban wilderness of future Los Angeles, the former feels like the only conceivable answer – but that raises another, even eerier dilemma, which looms like storm clouds knotting in the sky overhead.  In a similar but distinct way to Ridley Scott's masterful original, Blade Runner 2049 mulls one of the meatiest questions around: is surface all that there is, or do life's currents run deeper than the things we can see, hear and touch? Denis Villeneuve's film toys with both options, making neither a comfort – and in the process, maps out one of the most spectacular, provocative, profound and spiritually staggering blockbusters of our time.

Like its forerunner, everything about it says slow-burning art film apart from its budget. Half a week after seeing it, I still can't quite believe it exists. If you've encountered the trailers, forget them.

Villeneuve's film isn't a wham-bam slab of save-the-world sci-fi – the Blade Runner world is and always was long past saveable – but a future-noir mystery about a missing child, and the existential crisis the case triggers in its investigating agent.

That's Ryan Gosling's Officer K, an LAPD sleuth whose beat, likeHarrison Ford's Deckard three decades earlier, involves tracking down and 'retiring' (i.e. executing) old replicants: bioengineered androids, almost indistinguishable from humans, who were manufactured as slaves, but got other ideas.

K himself – brilliantly played by Gosling in his magnetically inscrutable, Only God Forgives mode – is a new-model replicant, hard-wired for compliance. That makes things easier.

During a briefing on the missing child case – which is prompted by a strange discovery K makes outside the cabin of a protein farmer (Dave Bautista) in the film's opening scenes – he speculates the moment of birth must be somehow connected to the formation of the human soul. 

"You've been getting on fine without one," shrugs his superior officer, Lieutenant Joshi (Robin Wright).

There's an efficiency to K's life that's icily beguiling, from his no-nonsense approach to work to his content (if poky) home-life with his romantic partner Joi (Ana de Armas), a mass-produced but customisable holographic A.I.

who can flick between a pretty 50s homemaker, a black-clad, kittenish intellectual, a mini-skirted teeny bopper and more, in line with her lover's mood.  Even though their relationship is between an android and an app, it seems, for the most part, real – and this question, of whether human identity amounts to anything more than one algorithm brushing past countless others, is one to which Blade Runner 2049 persistently and grippingly returns.

It's built into almost every line of the nimble, probing screenplay by Hampton Fancher (a co-writer on Blade Runner) and Michael Green (Alien: Covenant).

In one sequence, K peruses two DNA sequences as if he's working with computer code, while back at the station he chants passages from Nabokov's Pale Fire as part of a rebooting ritual, which is enough to make anyone wonder where their brain ends and the great cosmic nothingness begins.

But it's also there in Roger Deakinss head-spinning cinematography – which, when it's not gliding over dust-blown deserts and teeming neon chasms, keeps finding ingenious ways to make faces and bodies overlap, blend and diffuse.

Characters gaze at each other through glass screens and see the ghosts of themselves gazing back – just as some of K's actions seem to reflect Deckard's across the 30-year gap (his voice commands to a photography drone echo Deckard's to the Esper Machine in one of the original film's simplest but most memorable scenes).

Meanwhile, outside, the swarming streets are stalked by enormous, incorporeal dream-women, as if the animated geishas of the 2019-set original had climbed down from their billboards like giantesses descending a beanstalk.

It's worth noting, and savouring, that Blade Runner 2049 isn't set in a newly forged dystopia, but the world of Blade Runner three decades on – almost, but not quite, real-time progress.

The walls of elite citadels still glimmer with that strange and trembling water-light, while Pan Am, Atari and the Soviet Union are all still in rude health.

As indeed – the posters and trailers gave this away long ago – is Deckard himself, who's now living as a hermit in the wreckage of Las Vegas, but who seems to hold a crucial puzzle piece in K's unfolding case.  Harrison Ford's recent Star Wars homecoming was pure and glorious fan-service, but this is something very different, and unexpectedly unsettling, musing on matters of ageing, legacy and death.

It's an extraordinary part, extraordinarily played, and reminds you just how much more Ford can do than dog-eared charisma.

A sequence involving Deckard, the megalomaniacal industrialist Niander Wallace (Jared Leto) and his replicant enforcer Luv (Sylvia Hoeks) showcases the actor's best dramatic work for years, while a confrontation with Gosling in a forsaken Vegas concert hall, overlooked by flickering projections of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and Liberace, has a dazzlingly spooky thanatotic charge.

That Blade Runner 2049 is a more than worthy sequel to Scott's first film means it crosses the highest bar anyone could have reasonably set for it, and it distinguishes Villeneuve – who's masterminded all of this, somehow, since making Arrival – as the most exciting filmmaker working at his level today.

The film crackles with a thrilling finality: in the foyer afterwards, I felt like I'd just seen the last blockbuster ever made. But like Mad Max: Fury Road before it, it shows you just how much further this medium has to go.

For more infomation >> Blade Runner 2049 review: Harrison Ford is extraordinary in the most spectacular - Duration: 7:53.


Tronxy X5S Review - Sub EN - Duration: 16:23.

Hi guys .. today we try a new printer from gearbest

we see how it works .. enjoy the video

the mechanics

is a type CoreXY

you have a aluminium cube

the lateral brackets are double

the bracket is type V (2020)

the wheels are good

the carts comes already assembled

but .. it may not be well assembled

I found 3 wheels

that have ballbearings

assembled wrong

I needed to disassemble the wheels .. rotate up/down the ballbearing .. and after go well

obviously one of the 3 wheels was this .. on back of extruder

I had to disassemble all to correct this wheel


the plastics components are

these plates

the carts plates

and the motors plates

that is a bit thin

I suggest to add a cable strip like this

and you never have problems

there is a cable chain

for exstruder and the bed

the bed is 330x330 mm

the plate over is in fibers glass

and is not planar

I suggest to find a glass plate

no special glass

simple 3mm glass ... works well

I already use that from 3 years on my 3drag

and it never broke

the support of motors of z axis is made with plastic

but in this case I not see problems

it only block the movement ... of the steal rods

all pieces of bed

this .. this .. are in aluminium

all pieces .. these rods

comes very straight

nothing problem

pieces of bed

all in aluminium

this is 1cm of solid aluminium

very straight

same this .. aluminium .. 5mm of thickness

and these ..

the rods

very straight

same these

cleaned .. no smudging

the extruder is a MK10

there is this fan to cooling the pieces

works pretty well .. but

should be on both sides

the only problem of this extruder

is the noise that fan do

listen the noise

it whistles

are this bars on front of fan

ok .. is easy to cuts off them

power off because the noise disturb :)

the electronics

is a Melzi v2-05

all on board .. same of the X3S

sdcard put here

there is a cover panel with fan

big lcd

power supply by 30 amperes (12 Volt)

with self-regulating fan

it start to noise

when ..

you start hot the bed

after the temperature reaches to setting .. the noise slow down

the firmware is already installed

after you connect all

and if all connected right .. works

on the guide there is an error

the guide named this motor X

and this Y

is the opposite

this is X

and this Y

you realize why the axis moves in the opposite direction

first print .. second print

made with sample filament

that comes with print .. 5-6 meters

and I start with this filament

both are at 0.1mm

are taken without any cleaning

some filaments

some setting error on extruding

the print is very precise

ghosting effect completely absent

here the mini cat

are printed very .. very well

first and second print !!

here I change the plastic

all orange objects are at 0.2mm

the finish is very good

I had a bit of spinning(wire) problems

easy to remove

with this plastic

I still have to figure out how to set the extruder for this plastic

with this other .. the problem was minimal

here I increase the retraction

and .. there are improvements

after, I tried this with same retraction of this .. 4mm

but at lower temperature and the problem worsened

this a my error on setting the extrusion

the quality of print

and .. the printer movement .. is excellent

these are for new project

printed so

with some spinning that I cleaned

look the print finish .. is very good

and much precise

well we comes to the end

as you can saw by the prints

the mechanics of this printer works very well

the components seem of good quality

you only need to be careful about assembly

I suggest you use a set square

to check the orthogonality

pay particular attention to the x axis

that it need to has the two belts at same stress (tension)

in conclusion the vote for this print is ..

I suggest it

if you are interest, in description you can found a coupon with a little discount

if you already has it

follow me because it will become my main printer

I will make changes and improvements

to follow a fast unboxing with music

bye, to next video

For more infomation >> Tronxy X5S Review - Sub EN - Duration: 16:23.


O nevoeiro / The Mist série Original Netflix - Stephen King review / critica - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> O nevoeiro / The Mist série Original Netflix - Stephen King review / critica - Duration: 3:25.


Jac T40 1.5 2018! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 17:34.

For more infomation >> Jac T40 1.5 2018! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 17:34.


Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G Lens | Unboxing & Review | 2017 | - Duration: 4:04.

hello I am Lovepreet singh welcome to my channel in this video I will do unboxing

and quick review of Nikon 50mm prime lens so let's start unboxing

this lens has fixed focal length that is 50mm you cannot zoom in or zoom out with

this lens it is compatible with both DX and FX DSLR bodies minimum focusing

distance is 0.45 meter and weight of this lens is 185 grams this lens has 1.8

f as maximum aperture and 16 f as minimum aperture the bokeh effect with

this lens is very nice

you will get lens case hood instruction manual and warranty card with this lens

as you can see here is the warranty card here is an instruction manual book

here is a lens pouch built quality is very good of this case

this is a lens hood HP 47 and here is a lens

as you can see it is a AF-S Nikon 50mm prime lens it has manual and automatic

switch for focusing and here is a serial number of lens

in this way you will attach a lens hood to your lens so thanks for watching this

video please like and subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G Lens | Unboxing & Review | 2017 | - Duration: 4:04.


Xiaomi Mi A1 Review: Almost A Match Made In Heaven - Duration: 5:01.

Hey there, Alex here.

This is the Xiaomi Mi A1,

an Android One device from the Chinese manufacturer in collaboration with Google.

You might be asking, what is Android One?

Okay, here's a quick explanation.

About 3 years back,

Google had the brilliant idea of trying to make low cost Android phones suck less for

developing markets.

So they partnered with local OEMs to create a line of cheap devices that ran stock Android.

Without all the bloatware that manufactures like to put on their devices,

these devices were able to at least provide a better Android experience for the budget

conscious buyer.

In a nutshell.

Cheap phones that runs stock Android.

Back to the Mi A1.

Essentially it's just a rebranded Mi 5X running stock Android.

It's the same premium but pedestrian looking design,

and the same hardware specifications,

which might not be all bad.

The 5.5" display is good looking enough in most lighting conditions,

it has a decent sounding speaker that can get pretty loud,

the headphone jack has a standalone amp that provides good sound quality and volume,

the fingerprint sensor works reliably,

you have the option to choose between using dual SIM or a MicroSD card,

and you even get an IR blaster that some people may still find useful.

It's also using the tested and proven Snapdragon 625 chipset

paired with ample amount of storage and RAM.

It's a little long in the tooth now,

but it still provides a nice balance between power and efficiency.

So I haven't really had any issues with day to day stuff.

However, if you're an avid gamer,

it does stutter a little when playing some graphically intensive games.

But they are still mostly playable if you're not too particular.

RAM management is surprisingly good too for a device in this price range,

even after switching to a couple of other apps,

I can jump back into my games again without missing a beat.

I am a little disappointed about the battery size though.

Considering the size of the phone,

3,080mAh is just a bit on the smaller side.

I get about a day of use on it with a bit of light gaming, but not much more.

Also, there is no support for any form of fast charging.

Another slightly disappointing aspect of the phone,

is the lack of an NFC chip for Android Pay,

and the MIUI style capacitive buttons.

It's probably an effort to cut cost,

but I think those would have made the phone a lot more compelling for me.

One of the headlining features of the Mi A1,

would be its dual 12MP camera.

It's the usual wide angle and telephoto lens setup, so you get 2 times zoom,

and a portrait mode.

It works decent enough if you're into that sort of thing,

but I don't really find it that useful since it only works in good lighting.

For normal shooting, it's a perfectly serviceable camera,

but definitely not flagship level.

Well, maybe a flagship phone from a few years back.

The dynamic range isn't that great,

and there isn't an auto-HDR feature,

so you'll have to turn it on when you need it.

In low light, I need to hold the camera a bit steadier to avoid camera shake, and with

a bit of patience,

I'm still able to get some decent looking shots.

Just keep in mind the actual price of the phone,

and you'll be happy with the results.

Video recording is probably one of the weaker aspects of the phone,

lacking any sort of stabilisation even for 1080p recording.

The 5MP front camera is also rather underwhelming.

Something that I'm sure some of you guys noticed is that the camera app is actually

not Google's.

It's Xiaomi's own camera app because of the dual camera.

And that's not the only addition to the software.

There is a Remote app as well for the IR Blaster, and a Feedback app.

You'll also find some traces of Xiaomi too in settings.

Which is why Xiaomi is actually the one handling the software updates for the phone, not Google.

They did promise an update to Android Oreo by the end of the year,

and that it'll get the next major version of Android as well, but I'll believe it

when I see it.

Right now the phone is still running the August security patch.

This is actually the main selling point of the phone to me.

The software experience.

But when it comes to stock Android, there isn't really anything much to talk about.

Like the basic split screen feature, fast app switching, and app shortcuts.

And that's what I really like about it.

It's simple, clean, and only has the essentials.

It's not going to be suitable for everyone,

which is why if you want software features,

you can simply go for the Mi 5X.

The Xiaomi Mi A1 is for people who likes the stock Android experience,

but don't want to pay a huge amount of money for a Google Pixel.

Pretty much everything about the phone is good enough for its price,

and the fact that it runs stock Android is a huge plus.

At its current price, it's a pretty compelling option when compared to other similar devices

like the Moto G5 Plus.

The combination of affordable Xiaomi hardware,

and clean Google software is almost a match made in heaven for me.

If only it has an NFC chip, and the proper android navigation buttons.

Thanks for watching my review of the Xiaomi Mi A1.

If you liked it, be sure to give me a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel.

Thanks, and see you guys on the next one.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi A1 Review: Almost A Match Made In Heaven - Duration: 5:01.


2005-2009 Mustang GT OPR OE Lower Front Bumper Grille Review & Install - Duration: 2:36.

The OPR Lower Front Grille is going to appeal to those '05 to '09 GT owners out there who

may have damaged their factory option and are just simply looking for an affordable,

great fitting replacement.

Now, the pricing for the five star rated product is hovering right around 60 bucks, and a simple

snap-on installation will get a soft one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter

from me with a little bit more detail to come later on.

All right, gang.

So, this is going to be a rather short one here because, on the surface, this product

is gonna serve one purpose, to replace a broken, missing, or faded factory lower grill.

And this really could be for any number of reasons.

Maybe you got a little too close with one of those parking blocks, maybe you caught

a critter crossing the road, or maybe the 10 plus years or so of sun just hasn't been

kind to that black plastic.

Whatever the case, the OPR option that we have on the table here is going to be a solid

and affordable replacement.

But, I do really wanna focus in on that super affordable price tag again.

$50 to $60 price point is what you're currently looking at here on the site which honestly

should fit nicely into anyone's budget.

Now, the materials, the fit, and finish are all easily on par with that factory option

you're gonna be replacing.

And this does include the black plastic material, ABS, of course.

Honeycomb design here for the ends, and that is gonna flank the opening in the center portion.

Again, this product will be a direct replacement for those '05 to '09 GTs, but will not work

on the California Special cars, Shelby GTs in addition to that ROUSH Front Fascia.

But since the OPR Lower is molded to the exact same specifications as that factory lower

piece, you can expect the install to be extremely easy, so much so guys that you won't even

need any tools to tackle the job.

Because of this, I am gonna stick to my soft one out of three wrenches on the difficulty

meter, maybe a few minutes of your time to replace the grill.

Simply just gonna need to remove that factory piece first by giving it a firm tug to pop

it out.

With the stocker out of the way just simply snap in the OPR unit in its place and your

installation is complete.

So, wrapping this one up, guys.

If you're an '05 to '09 GT owner out there and you're looking to freshen up the front

end, the Lower Grille replacement from OPR will help get you there for not a lot of dough,

and you can grab one right here at

For more infomation >> 2005-2009 Mustang GT OPR OE Lower Front Bumper Grille Review & Install - Duration: 2:36.


Review Santos Travel Lite+ E-Bike (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:44.

Have they gone mad at Santos Bikes?

An E-Bike as travel bike?

Well it's not that stupid...

Stay tuned!

The Dutch brand Santos Bikes... best known for their custom made bikes.

The Travel Lite+ E-Bike is no exception.

Let's have a closer look...

The frame is made of aluminium alloy...

...just as the front fork.

The heart of the frame... a aluminum reinforcement piece...

...for the Pinion gearbox.

Extraordinary with this bike is the + part...

...+ means the frame is suitable...

...for 27,5 and 28 inch wheels!

On a travel bike it is important... ba able to carry a lot of water.

On the seat tube there is space for a large bottle cage.

Under the down tube there is space for a small one.

On the down tube the bottle cage space... seized for the battery.

The battery mount is really well done.

The mounting points and the wall thickness... extra sturdy.

With the battery position on the down tube...

...Santos goes against the trend...

...with batteries inside the down tube.

The Santos way has one big advantage...

...when batteries get more powerful and smaller...'s easy to adapt the battery.

The battery capacity is 558 Wh.

That is the energie you can use during your trip.

The energy is transmitted by a thick cable... the rear wheel GoSwiss Drive electric motor.

The motor has 250 watts continuous power...

...and 500 watts peak power.

And is produces 45 Nm torque.


I am often asked...

... is a electric motor in the rear wheel clever?

Yes, it is!

The motor in the rear wheel might be heavy...

...and you feel it...

...but because the power is delivered where you need it...

...the power is very efficient.

For example with a mid motor... loose energie in drive chain to the rear wheel.

So... a rear wheel motor is quite clever.

I spoke earlier about the Pinion-gearbox

It is a 12-speed.

You can compare it with a gearbox...

...of a car or motorbike...

...with a lot of sprockets around two axels...

..only miniturized.

The gearbox connects to the crank...

...and the Gates Center track Belt Drive.

The pro's of a belt drive:

...maintenance friendly and very, very quiet.

But a belt is endless in contrast to a chain.

So how do you fit it through the frame?

Simply by creating a split in the chain stay.

The gap in the stain stay is filled with a shim...

...that is bolted into place so the frame stays rigid.

To shift you turn the twistshitfer on the handlebar.

Very smooth....

To tension the belt most bikes have an eccentric bottom bracket or...

...sliding dropouts.

But Santos uses fixed dropouts and the Pinion so....

...they designed a belt tensioning wheel.

The Santos Travel Lite+ E-Bike is a real travel bike.

Lets take a closer look at the carriers.

In the front two Tubus Lowriders...

...with a 15 kg rating in total.

And at the rear the Santos Travelrack XL...

...that is developed together with Tubus.

And they are rated for 40 kg.

The brakes are Shimano Deore XT's.

They are hydraulic and have a single piston caliper.

The discs have a diameter of 180 mm.

The brake levers are very well adjustable... smaller and bigger hands.

Santos key USP is tailor fit bikes... I let them decide what options to fit.

They chose a Cane Creek Thudbuster suspension seatpost.

It works with a parallel-link and a elastomeer.

And it does the job.

The Brooks Cambium C17 saddle is a personal favorite!

The stem is made by Santos and easily adjustable...

...a bit higher to fit a more upright riding position...

...or lower for a more sporty one.

The quick releases on both wheels....

...are made by Santos.

They are practical if you need to repair a tire.

A bike with a battery but also a hub dynamo!

If the battery runs out of juice, you are still visible.

The SON SL dynamo is free of connecting wires.

The hub is connected through a contact plate in the drop-out.

The contact plate is connected to a wire inside the fork.

And that wire connects to de SON Edelux II headlight.

That headlight is very bright and has a good wide beam.

Another wire connects to the SON rear light.

I mentioned it before: the wheels.

This test bike has 27,5" wheels...

...and you might think that 27,5" is a lot bigger than 26".

Well, that is not the case.

They are slightly bigger...

...and the bike remains very agile.

The Santos is equipped with Santos XL Travel-rims.

They are extra robust and very offroad capable.

The big 62 mm balloon tires are from Schwalbe: Super Moto X.

I inflated them to max 2.5 Bar and...

...and on smooth tarmac they are very light running.

But on gravel roads or dirt tracks you just deflate...

...the tires and the big balloons absorb all the bumps.

The operation of the control-unit is positioned...

..directly next to the left handle.

And it works like a treat.

On the screen you find the information you need.

On the left the support modi the motor is giving.

Now 0 off course.

In the top: the speed.

In the two circles you find...

... the predicted battery range on the right and...

...the left one shows how much watts you are using.

The trick is to keep the left one as low as possible... biking actively... get a maximum out of the predicted battery range.

Santos claims a range between 10 and 200 km.

It tested the bike a couple a days...

...and tried to drain the battery as fast as possible.

I managed 120 km on a full charge.

And that is ok with my 33 kg test weight!

The Santos Travel Lite+ E-Bike is an amazing E-travelbike.

The weight of 28.5 kg sounds like a lot...

...but while biking you hardly notice it.

It only confirms that the Santos is robust and well build...

...and that it is capable of carrying heavy loads.

The price...€ 7599,-

And with the special parts like this one...

...even a bit more.

If you have ever been to a Swiss Bike shop like I recently did... wouldn't be surprised with this kind a pricing.

The battery outside the frame...

...and the rear wheel motor...

I think it is a intelligent choice Santos made.

Who can predict the development of E-Bikes?

This is easy to replace.

When the E-part of this bike is worn-out... can even decide to get rid of the E-part.

All that remains is a perfect travel bike...

...with a high market value.

And that is important too.

Have they gone mad at Santos Bikes?

I don't think so!

For more infomation >> Review Santos Travel Lite+ E-Bike (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:44.


Fallout 4: Kevin's 500 Sub Challenge Review Part 2: Guest Speaker, Me! - Duration: 45:06.

For more infomation >> Fallout 4: Kevin's 500 Sub Challenge Review Part 2: Guest Speaker, Me! - Duration: 45:06.


CHEAP eBay 18650s GOOD or ??? | PKCell 2200mAh 11A | Unbox, Test & Review - Duration: 8:45.

Cheap Chinese batteries. I've been pretty hard on them. With good reason though!

As I've showed in previous videos some of them are

but have I found one that

is actually pretty good??

I heard of these PKCell 18650 batteries on

a vape group on Facebook. Someone was on there asking if they could use them for

their vape mod and the general advice was no - because not much was known about them.

so, I decided to have a look into them. Now they are a cheap 18650 cell

they are on eBay they, come from China but they don't make ridiculous claims

for either the capacity OR the amperage, so I thought I would buy some and have a

look for myself to see how they compare. Now, in a lot of ways these are the polar

opposite to the Powerhouse batteries I tested in the last video. They come

with no retail packaging at all, they come in a plain envelope just

shrink-wrapped together, four batteries with very little markings. No a word of note -

they don't have any of the markings they are meant to have by UK legislation but I

don't think that seems to be particularly enforced, the main thing

is to see how good they are and how good they work. Weight wise, they all came in

over 40 grams - between 42 and 45 - a little bit of variation there but heavy

enough that there could be enough material in there to make a good cell.

So as per usual, we'll get them into the charger - they've been fully charged up to

4.2 volts - and we'll run them right down to two and a half volts.

Now, again, strangely enough for a cheap Chinese battery, there is a lot of information

available on these, and the manufacturer states that they should only be

ran down to three volts, but we'll take them down to two and a half.

Let's see how they perform.

Well that's quite good! They have the exact capacity that the manufacturer

claims over the voltage range that they claim, with all four batteries giving

2,200 milliamp hours between four point two volts and three volts.

You can see there that with 18650 cells there isn't much benefit going below 3 volts

because you don't get much capacity return for that extra half volt drop

I wanted to test them on that same range that I've used for previous batteries.

As I explained in the last video, the charger doesn't put a big load on

these batteries when it's discharging them - the current draw topped out about two

amps - these are spec'd at 11 amps continuous. So, we'll use the same method we used in

the last video... I'll adjust a coil resistance to draw about 11 amps from

one of these on a full charge; obviously that I current draw will drop as the

voltage drops, but it should still be drawing about 8 amps when it's flat. [3.0v]

At the same time we'll keep an eye on the battery cell temperature and that'll let us know

if it's struggling to keep up, or if it's supplying that power fine.

Well, that surprised me. I expected these to struggle a bit but they handled

everything fine - including some very long burn times - I think the longest was

about seven minutes continuous burn. Like I mentioned earlier, toward the end of

the test, the current draw would have dropped to around eight amps but they

were still getting worked quite hard. And, while cell temperature did rise -

which is normal for a battery being discharged quite hard - it didn't rise

that high; it didn't rise to any level we needed to worry about.

Is this a vaping battery. Probably not. Not unless you vape at very low wattages or you

intend to connect a few of these together and parallel to give you a

greater current capacity. And that's just too much messing about so get yourself a

higher rated battery if you're going to vape. But for diving, cycling or airsoft

weapon lights - which is how I got into these in the first place - they are a

decent choice. With the 22 hundred milliamp hour capacity, you'll get good

run times on low current devices. Also, if you're wanting to build your own

battery packs or power banks, they could be a good shout for that as well.

I'm actually quite impressed with these for the money and they get even cheaper if

you're buying them in bulk. My only slight point is that the majority of

listings on eBay for these... they list the 2C version, which is a constant

current output of 4.4 amps rather than the 5C or 11 amp battery that I

received... but again, for flashlights and low

current devices that doesn't really matter. Even the support from PKCell was

pretty good. I emailed them for a spec sheet before I tested these, and they replied within a day.

Does this change my opinion of cheap Chinese cells?

I always knew there was good ones - most of the cool stuff we use day in and day out

comes in part or whole from China already. The problem is with such a huge

industry, there's also a huge number of places selling absolute rubbish

counterfeits and low-quality. The key as always is to be able to separate the good

stuff from the bad, and PKCell seems to be pretty decent.

GTF ultrafire and so on, are utter

This will be the last battery test I do for another wee while. I want to get on

with some other things... I was asked to look at the alleged 12000 mAh

18650s that pop up on eBay and Amazon from time to time... we know

they're bulls**t, we don't even have to check. That capacity just isn't possible.

I'll leave it there for now. If this has been useful do all that

usual stuff, like and subscribe - I'd really appreciate it - and until next

time, take it easy, and I'll catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> CHEAP eBay 18650s GOOD or ??? | PKCell 2200mAh 11A | Unbox, Test & Review - Duration: 8:45.


HaloCam C1 Dash Camera Review - Duration: 4:32.

Hello and today we're going to take a very quick look at the HaloCam C1 dash

camera this has a Sony IMX 291 Starlight sensor on board, it's got a very

compact little design you can see there's no screen on this at all,

you connect to it via Wi-Fi and use your mobile screen. It's a pretty small design

because of that you can see it fits in the hand nicely, on the top you've got

the car mount section, you've also got an OBD port if you want to connect this

to your car, and a standard USB port for charging. It takes a micro USB card and

then there's not really much else to it. It comes with a dual USB charger port

the USB cable and a sticky mount, I'm not a fan of those, I much prefer the suction

mounts rather than the sticky mounts and I have to say the mount is quite

annoying it's pretty stiff to get on and off, so this isn't going to be a camera

that you remove you from your car easily every single time because as you can see

I'm really struggling to get it on, I actually wondered if I was trying to put

this on the wrong way at one point. Eventually it does go on but then of

course it's quite sticky to get off. Now I'm sure that'll ease up it's just a

pity it's not nice and smooth straight out of the box. It also comes with very

clear instructions and there is a small button that you can press and that will

do some recording or timing or something like that I haven't tested that I'd

prefer to keep my eyes on the road and concentrate on driving. It will also give

you instructions on how to download the app, the app that you need to

download how to get it all set up and connected. Iit creates its own Wi-Fi

hotspots once your phone's connected so that you can start the app and you get a

real-time view from the dashcam. When you first load it up you can see other

people's, I think it's trying to be a bit of a social app, not something that I'd

use, you can login you can just ignore that if you don't want to log in, go

straight over to DVR and once you're connected you can see you are getting a

live view. Now this is filmed indoor so the cameras just pointed straight up but

that is life I just shove my hand over it you'll see me waving...hello...and you

can see as well that you're only seen a narrow section of the screen that's not

problem you can move this left and right, see the full width, it's a much wider

view than you get on a mobile, so that's useful for when you're setting things up.

You've also I've got quite a few different

settings available in here if you do connect this to your car you can get

travel information, I've not tried that I don't have the connector, and you're able

to view photos and videos both on the phone and stored on the DVR, you can

transfer those over to you phone, alternatively because it's just a micro

SD card you can take that out bob it in your laptop or PC and view them there,

but you can view them directly from the DVR, it takes a couple of moments to

get started, but in a second you'll see it powers up and you'll be able to see

and hear everything that's going on. There's quite a few different settings

to check out so you can log in if you really want to, I've not bothered with

all that, but you can see here massive range of settings you can change things

like the expose, white balance, you can add watermarks, you can change the

units and so you can see here the picture quality is pretty good, you can

see the number plate of the car in front, this is a gray really Mancunian day, and

the camera will also record audio. CAMERA AUDIO: This is just a quick test of the cameras

microphones and see what it picks up while I'm driving , I'll be interested to see

how clear the numberplate of the car ahead of me is, I can read that fine, hopefully

it'll appear crystal clear on the video

So slightly muffled the audio, it's not crystal clear but you can hear

what I was saying and that could be really useful if there is some sort of

collision and it's at the side or back or something like that you'd hear it on

the camera rather than seeing it on screen

so as we drive along the motorway we do get quite a wide-angle view. I've not

got this position correctly there, you can see my sat-nav

mount is just in view to the bottom right unfortunately, but we can still see

across all three lanes you see the number plates, you can see the lights,

I think he's coping pretty well considering the rather dull conditions.

While it's a nice and discreet dashcam I think I would prefer a slightly larger

one with a screen on to save having to get out my phone and connect via the Wi-Fi

every time I want to check the positioning or change some settings, I

also don't really like the sticky mount I'd much rather have a suction mount but

if you like the idea of a nice discreet dash cam and you're happy to use the app you

can see the footage is very good. I hope you found this short review useful if

you have please consider hitting the subscribe button, if you want to learn

more about this product I'll put a link in the description below.

Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> HaloCam C1 Dash Camera Review - Duration: 4:32.


A Little Princess Book Review - Duration: 5:04.

This Classical Child Book is absolutely mesmerizing. The way the writer tells the story makes children can imaginate what the setting is, how the characters look, how's the situation and all the things inside the book

It is good for child's brain development. The book also has many moral stories that can be picked. Overall A Little Princess is a best book for not only children but us the grown ups too.

This story is telling about a journey of a smart motherless Indian little girl with her life in another country.

The story start with the interaction between the girl Sara Crewe and her dad mr. Crewe. They look kind of sad about something

That something is actually an event that Sara's dad have planned it long before

shipping Sara off to boarding school in London a

Better place to get education than in India at the time

Because as a wealthy man. Sarah's dad wants the best for her one and only daughter

Sarah arrived at the boring school its name is Miss minchin's seminary for girls

Which is a fancy boarding school run by Miss Minchin

Before leaving Sara alone there, Papa Crewe brings her outside to spend time with him and buys her lots of

Expensive clothes and toys including a doll named Emily and then takes off to india again

Miss Minchin treats Sara very well

She is treated like a best star pupil. But actually Miss Minchin really hates Sara

She has a hidden hatred towards her because her intelligent and independent self at that age

It makes her feel threatened. In that school, Sara makes some friend from not-too-bright kinda lonely girl

named Ermengarde and a little girl named lottie.

She also befriends a maid with the same age as her named Becky and wows everyone with her ability of speaking French

On Sara's 11 birthday because she is Miss Minchin favorite star people

Miss Minchin makes a huge party for her and Sara best Italian dog that she is referred to as the last


However as Sara is celebrating her death lawyer come to the burning school and give Miss Minchin some unfortunate news

Sara's death mr.. Q has died penniless with no money to pay bills

Minchin is angry because of the money and all the things that she has done to her and bought her

But she's happily because now she can hit sara openly

Overnight service life James 180 degrees from a favorite most loved Fred student at school

So a permit who's forced to sleep in a tiny attic room and do all sorts of course

She somehow survived by making up fantastical stories

With reading a rap and talking to her dog

Still in the area of the boarding school her neighbors to each Indian big family are watching

Sara who they find

very poor

Sad but odd because of her attitude that still shows that she is a well educated little girl

The Indian man happens to be searching for the child of his friend Ralph crew

Who is also his business partner in the diamond mines?

Basically the kid of this Arab crew fellow is going to be amazingly rich when this Indian guy

Finds her. Yes, Bob. Crewe is Sara's dead

Meanwhile back in the boarding school sarah has gotten herself into big trouble

Miss Minchin punishes her severly taking away the meager scraps of food that she is being living on

Sara goes to bed hungry and upset

But when she wakes up in the morning she sees that her room has been magically visited and is full of nice things

Warm fire and failing food this thing continues for a while and this really brother

miss mission and

One day Sara founds a monkey, and then she returns the monkey to her rich neighbor's house

When she gets there the man and his lawyer

Realized that she is Sara Crewe

Sara comes to live with the man and receives her inheritance and miss mission is

predictably miserable when she realizes she has made a terrible mistake in treating Sara poorly and

Missing out on all that money. She could have had

So in the end the good are rewarded and the bad are punished happily ever after

This is the end of our review

We hope that you guys enjoyed the video we asked for forgiveness if there are some mistakes in this video

Thank you for your attention. Goodbye

For more infomation >> A Little Princess Book Review - Duration: 5:04.


Review - Lego Creator: Lighthouse Point (31051) - Duration: 7:43.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with Lighthouse Point

by Lego Creator.

Set number 31051.

Contains 528 pieces.

Recommended building ages are 8 through 12.

This looks like one awesome lighthouse.

Looks like we get to make a whale

that's attacking the seagulls.

The Light Brick is included.

The set is a "3 in 1" set.

So we get to make other various builds.

Nice colorful box art.

Let's open this up.

So we can take a look at the builds.

That wasn't packed bad at all.

Looks like we have an instruction manual

that needs to be opened up with scissors.

It's wrapped in it's own bag.

I like these bound instruction manuals.

In addition, we have six bags of unnumbered bricks

full of various parts.

Let's take a closer look at the Lighthouse Point.

This set does come with this young lady

and this older gentleman.

Both their torsos are printed.

The hairpiece on the young lady does come off frequently.

The graphics on back of the torsos are printed as well.

Next we have what appears to be a large whale.

The eyes are printed.

It is brick construction.

The jaw does open up

and turn at weird angles.

We do have fins that do move as well.

Even the tail is flexible.

Honestly I'm not too excited with the whale.

It is a nice attempt.

Could have been thought out a bit better.

Here we have a small living quarters for the Lighthouse.

We have a fire pit in the front

and a bench off to the left.

Nice little flower planter underneath the window

We have a door for entry.

Looks like we're hitting some stepping stones.

This door should have been raised up with a plate.

Here we have some random grey poking out of the light blue.

A nice rock formation on the side.

These pieces can be removed.

It is complete modular.

We have a fish in a barrel

and another point of entry.

This model does open up.

The interior is left to be desired of.

A table and a counter with two mugs and a lantern.

In the back, we have a picture

that is printed on a 2 by 2 flat tile.

Honestly this is not an impressing build.

Looks like it was slapped together.

See these do come apart.

They are held in with Technic pins.

Some of these feel like they are going to break apart.

So I'm taking it this is suppose to be

where we can rearrange the components.

For this being a small build,

I'm not sure why you would do that.

That looks a little better.

Finally we have the Lighthouse.

This is my favorite part of the build.

Each section is fully modular.

So these do come apart.

Each floor is the same.

Not a whole lot of space inside.

I like the railing around the top

and the dome with the seagull.

Here we have a button

that activates the Light Brick.

That's pretty bright.

Very nice.

Some Technic pins to attach to the living quarters.

I like the profile bricks.

Looks like the paint or plaster pealed off

to expose the bricks.

On the left, we have a Brick Separator to help with the build.

This does come in handy.

On the right we have plates,

a few flat tiles,

an extra fish,

and other various bricks

which may come in handy to enhance Lighthouse Point

or for other Lego creations.

This wraps up the review for Lighthouse Point by Lego Creator.

Set number 31051.

Honestly this set was boring to put together.

It felt like I was putting together random bricks.

It is an okay build.

I like the Lighthouse with the working Light Brick.

It could have been improved.

This set will still be a prefect addition

as a source for spare parts.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Review - Lego Creator: Lighthouse Point (31051) - Duration: 7:43.


Tiger 1 Review with Guide - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 5:54.

Welcome to a new video.

Today this is my first Guide with a review.

Of course at first the review. From the great Tiger 1.

It has normally 1450 HP.

I have 75 Hp more because i have equipment.

It has 100mm at the front, 82mm at the sides and 82mm at the rear.

Same stats at the turret.

It is 57 tons. 819 PS.

The max. speed is 44 km/h.

Traverse speed is 41.72 deg/sec.

24.30 deg/sec with the turret.

Between avg 165-275 dmg.

10.18 rate of fire. That is pretty good for a Tier VII Heavy.

My reload is 5.9sec with the 8,8cm. The Tier VIII Gun.

Aiming time is 4.4

With AP it has 203mm pen.

APCR/Gold 237mm pen.

HE 44mm pen.

220 avg dmg.

From my experience it made between 200-210 avg dmg.

With Gold it makes a bit less dmg.

With HE it makes of course more dmg. (Just on bad armored tanks)

This is a really short review from the Tiger 1.

I'll show you now how to play with it.

This was a battle on Naval Frontier.

This was a Mastery.

I want to show you how i played it here.

I drove trough the mid.

What i expected from our lights/meds that they drive on the light line.

Below C when you look at the minimap.

My plan was to drive to C and to cap it.

Before the enemies come.

When they will come up there we're gonna defend it.

Me and my mates in the C cap will make a little mistake.

Look on the C cap points.

One guy drives back to early. I thought it's done that's why i back up too.

Now we got C.

I stayed there to put a shot into the T69.

Just show your turret.

Our bulldog stands in the way.

I have to go down to support our T-44.

That's why i rammed him out of the way.

Now i'm driving to him.

Go with the Tiger 1 always at the front. Not at the second or the third.

*not important*

Because i know i'm reloading faster than him i'm staying there.

Fire and immediately drive back. So he got no chance to shoot you.

Always check the minimap. (You should do that in every tank btw).

Someone from the enemy team got B and A.

Look at what i'm doing. I'm sidescraping. So he can't pen me.

He shows his fron to me so i can pen him. He doesn't know i have enough pen to shoot trough.

And again he shows his front to me.

Sidescraped everywhere.

There he managed to pen me. Maybe he loaded gold or he shot trough my tracks.

Now i'm pushing because i know he won't come out again with low HP.

After that i'll drive to B and cap it.

He managed to shoot me again.

No, i don't think he loaded gold because he didn't made much dmg in this shot.

There i hoped that the T-43 will come to me.

Now i'm driving to B.

Look at how i play.

If you want to see other tactics with the Tiger 1 check other Tiger 1 videos out. Like mastery's etc.

Or you can watch my older videos about the Tiger 1.

My fav tank^^

Because i know he will come from there, i'm backing up to get more time to cap B.

There he is.

Activating adrenaline because this tank is really dangerous.

I think he got the stock gun. (Stock gun has 1.3sec between the 3 shots).

I forgot what the gun was called.

Playing really offensive.

It's not hard to play it like that. It just takes time, experience and training.

This was a pretty good battle to show that as an example.

I made...

Almost 3K dmg and 2 kills.

Play it like that.

If you have specific questions about the Tiger 1 go ahead.

Like what should i do when my team has more heavies and i'm in my Tiger 1.

Just write it in the comments.

See you next time! "Haut rein" ;)

For more infomation >> Tiger 1 Review with Guide - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 5:54.


2015-2017 Mustang GT Mishimoto Direct Fit Baffled Oil Separator System Review & Install - Duration: 4:38.

Hey guys, this is the Mishimoto Direct Fit Baffled Oil Separator System with red hoses

for the 2015 and newer GT.

The Mishimoto Oil Separator System is a catch can setup that plugs into the PCV line and

it's a great way to protect an engine.

It's a simple mod that does some good for all applications.

You don't need to have a forced induction setup to be able to utilize a catch can or

even any major modifications.

But I will say that once you start modding, it is an important piece of the puzzle.

A catch can might not be one of the first mods that's on your list, or it may not even

be on your list at all, but it's a very functional piece that has benefits to it and can do good

for even a completely stock motor.

The install here is easy, it's a one outta three wrenches in the difficulty meter.

So we're gonna take it back to the process of an internal combustion engine for a second,

so I can explain the benefits of an oil catch can like this one here.

So the ignition of the air and fuel mixture inside of the combustion chamber is ignited

and it forces the piston down.

There's a small amount of that mixture that leaks past the piston rings and into the crankcase.

This is known as blow-by, and in that blow-by, there's an oil mist.

The blow-by and the oil mist will then settle in the intake and over time, they're going

to form a gunky buildup.

Now technically speaking, there can sometimes be condensation along with the oil mist and

the blow-by, and if you let all of this hang out, the worst case, this stuff can make it

into the oil inside of the crankcase.

This is not a good thing and it's considered oil contamination and dilution.

So you've got your PCV valve to help fight this issue.

The PCV valve alone has its own list of weaknesses, and engines have regulations as far as emissions,

so the current setup as far as crankcase ventilation system means that an engine will have detonation

or knock when oil is in the combustion chamber.

If the knock sensors pick this up, they're going to pull timing, and that's never a good


Another thing that happens is carbon buildup on the piston tops and the valves as well.

Enter into the scene the oil separating catch can.

It's gonna push these gasses, the blow-by and the oil mist and the condensation, through

a baffle system that's gonna trap the oil and separate it from the other gasses.

The gasses are gonna be allowed to continue through the intake so that they can be burnt

off and the oil will stay in the catch can so it doesn't move on and cause issues for

the engine.

So this is a single catch can that will mount in line with the PCV system.

Inside it has a 50-micron bronze filter that's going to separate the oil from the air and

the other gasses.

The can itself has a good amount of capacity and you'll notice that the better catch cans

actually catch a lot of oil.

So the larger capacity of this can means that you'll be servicing it less.

And the bottom of this just unscrews when you wanna empty it.

It's sealed with an O-ring, so it won't leak at all.

This kit is gonna include everything that you'll need for the install.

You have the mounting bracket so you can mount this.

It's gonna sit right near the PCV valve and it's gonna be positioned so that it's in an

easily accessible area so then when you do need to empty it, it isn't a fight.

It's also gonna come with red silicon hoses that have some pre-installed, stock-style

quick disconnect fittings which are gonna make the install so easy.

It'll be completely plug 'n' play, it doesn't get any more straightforward than this.

And the can itself is a billet aluminum can that's sealed like I mentioned earlier, and

of course, powder-coated black.

As far as price, you're looking at spending a touch below 200 bucks for this catch can

from Mishimoto.

And one thing I will say about the catch cans in general, is to be wary.

You wanna make sure that you're getting a good one that'll trap as much oil as possible.

Some catch cans are just an empty container with a few ports, but these kinds are not

gonna condense the oil vapor and trap as much oil as possible.

You wanna make sure that the catch can has an internal baffle and collection system like

this one does.

So the install here is really pretty easy.

You're looking at spending an hour tops, and this is gonna be a one outta three wrenches

in the difficulty meter.

Just need some basic hand tools to get this all done, and I would start by assembling

the can itself and getting the mounting bracket on and all of the fittings into place.

The engine cover will need to be popped off so you can get to the PCV area right behind

the throttle body.

You're gonna end up swapping your stock PCV hoses for the Mishimoto ones, so you can remove

your factory hoses.

All of the hoses just snap in.

The fittings install into the catch can and the can attaches to the bracket and installs

on the car.

Then it's just a matter of installing the hoses to the can and getting your cover back


Mishimoto recommends emptying the can every 1,000 miles, so just make sure you check on


Wrapping things up here, the Mishimoto Baffled Oil Catch Can is a direct fit for the S550

GT, and you can check it out more online right here at

For more infomation >> 2015-2017 Mustang GT Mishimoto Direct Fit Baffled Oil Separator System Review & Install - Duration: 4:38.


'American Made' Film Review - Duration: 2:46.

I can't say that I've seen every Tom Cruise film ever made in Hollywood, but I will say

this: I've seen enough to know that American Made is definitely a movie that brings out

the best in Tom Cruise and allows the mega movie star to do what he does best, be Tom


American Made is a dark-comedy and true story about a former TWA airline pilot named Barry

Seal who gets recruited to work for the CIA, but at the same smuggles drugs and weapons

in and out of Central America during the 1980s.

Tom Cruise is well famous for his charisma and handsomeness and that is no more exampled

than whenever he puts on a pair of aviator sunglasses and smiles for the camera, but

besides his good looks he does a pretty good job of portraying his character, who loves

the thrill of dangerous missions and can't stand living a normal, boring life.

The only problem with Tom Cruise's character Barry is that there's no depth and meaning

to his character.

The lead character is basically just there to give the audience a fun and exciting show

to watch and laugh at.

However, viewers never get the opportunity to find out what's going on inside of Barry's


There's almost no hint or sign that Barry feels in the least bit guilty about his immoral


Audience members will enjoy watching aerial stunts of planes flying between the US and

Latin countries, which was always a huge risk as DEA officers also monitored the skies.

However, Barry seems to accomplish his tasks with minimal difficulty due to his excellent

piloting skills and as a result becomes a wealthy man.

Now that I've mentioned that, the movie does entice movie goers with the glamorous

lifestyle of drug smuggling by showing us an overabundance of cash, literally, because

there's a point in the story where Barry has accumulated so much money he doesn't

know where to hide all his finances, which is funny.

The whole film runs on irony and surprising details, although much of the truth was stretched

a bit but that's really not unusual when it comes to Hollywood adapting true stories

into films.

Anyway, Barry does get away with a lot of illegal things mostly because the CIA needs

him to do their dirty work.

He gets caught by the law several times but then gets bailed out and goes back to work,

all for America.

American Made is a fun and exciting roller coaster ride with Tom Cruise shining in the

spotlight with his aviator sunglasses.

It's also a cynical and hilarious look on the War on Drugs and the Government's unethical

and irresponsible efforts to win it during the 1980s.

My name is Carlos Steven Carty and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 'American Made' Film Review - Duration: 2:46.



hi I've always wondered about power scrubbers but I've never used one until

now I just got this Homitt electric spin scrubber. It cam with four brushes sometimes it

can be hard to clean with him around .I really like this one so far it comes

with four different brush heads this so far seems to be my favorite one the

pointy one to get into smaller areas there's a smaller circular one a larger

one and then this one has some nice stiff bristles around it head it does

have an extension handle so if you don't want the big long handle you just get

off right here and remove the middle section like this so that would be it's

shorter you know if you if you're trying to get something right here and you

don't want the big, long handle

the neck here can angle which is very helpful and this is cordless here is

where I'm it actually charges on the wall just there so very easy who's just

doing something button there it charges in about three and a half hours and

works for an hour to an hour and a half I'm on one charge so it's nice because

there's no batteries to fool with you can just plug it in don't have to worry

about finding batteries and it's fairly quiet it's not very loud you can hear it

that's really quiet operation some of the many possible uses for this is you

know you get those little cobwebs you know up in the corner of the room I'm

gonna do straighten this out

cobweb gone. Simple. I didn't out to get a ladder or climbing up on stuff but I can

do it right from the floor much more convenient this can be used for window

sills shower doors bathrooms kitchen laundry room florists it is a very handy

cleaning device to use all around the house

you're doing that right yeah mama you look pretty good

if you're done with that one, you can have this one and put it on there. yeah we

can get the corners, Yeah! Yeah! Finally! Finally! Oh, I love you Mommie. Give me a hug and a kiss. Now a kiss!

You're doing good. You're doing good!

oh there's some right there

on the wall

that's the Homitt electric

spin scrubber .Thanks for watching. Thanks for cleaning! Thanks for cleaning!



[The 6th Star stable online birthday ] → Review of the game since 2011 ← - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> [The 6th Star stable online birthday ] → Review of the game since 2011 ← - Duration: 4:15.


Cheap 4k Action camera iMars H9+ hands-on Review does its worth to buy? - Duration: 3:41.

hey what's up guys today we're gonna talk about an action camera this one

I must h9 + it's simple looking has four buttons one in the front one on the top

and other two on the right side an LCD screen on the back to let you see the

compensation the playback and settings ok let's see for the normal pictures

let's talk about something different there's an app that you can connect your

camera with this app you can remote control your camp publish to your social

media and even added videos but just basic editing let's turn this camera on

wow it's very convenient to use as a car - camera when you put it in a car then

you just turn the cam on and it will automatically start recording but as an

action camera it's a little bit annoying oh my god why there's nowhere to turn

this function off the 4k quality is honestly not fantastic you can see that

even in good lighting condition there's still some noise but the soo really

matter if you just post videos to social media I mean in mobile yes the audio of

on the camera actually we can compare it to DSLR so here it's in camera here DSLR

however the advantage of this item is you can get a lot of accessories include

this price there are like case some bells remote control and so many other

stuff that means you can do this this this and this

to own all this only Cascio 46 bucks before buying an action camera you

should think about what you really use your action camera for Tom lapsing for

your project FPV for your review or just for your life hacking another

question is is that worthy, if you want better quality

a DSLR should probably be a choice

however as one of my idle DSLR guy says high quality content has nothing to do

with pixel resolution I think that's a meaning that lots of budget stuff be

created so how can you show your creativity to the audience with a very

low budget that's a question instead of buying an expensive camera we can more

focus on some other gears actors or actress so all above depends on your wallet that's

all for today's video I will see you next time