Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

News on Youtube Jun 28 2018

Another place that people are losing money

that you may not even think about

is when it comes to your mortgage.

Yes, people, it's so normal just to get a 30-year mortgage

and go about your day and not even think about it.

Do you know how much money you're wasting

when it comes to payments and interest, and all of that,

versus getting a 15-year?

So, what I did is,

I went into my Facebook group

and I asked some of you questions,

and in my YouTube community,

because I wanted to test your smarts

when it comes to paying your house off early.

And it was very interesting.

So, according to the Census Bureau,

the average mortgage payment is $1,030.

Now, if you invested that money

instead of paying it to the bank,

how much could you have in 15 years?

Let's see what you said.

Oh, interesting, 34% of you got it right.

The correct answer is $475,000.

Mm hmm, you heard me right.

Almost half a million dollars you guys!

If you didn't have a mortgage payment and you invested that . . .

Half a million dollars, amazing.

Alright, next question is,

if you had a 30-year mortgage

but made one extra mortgage payment every three months,

how much earlier could you have a paid-for house?

Alright, this one was a little bit trickier,

but most of you thought the answer was five years,

but it's actually 11 years.

Yeah, 11 years.

That's the difference of looking like this

when you have a paid-for house or looking like this.

If paying an extra full mortgage payment

doesn't work in your budget,

then just simply switch to paying half of your mortgage bill

every two weeks instead of just once a month

and you can still pay off your home eight years faster.

Isn't that crazy?

Alright, final question is,

the average price of a home in America is $268,500.

Now, if you got a 15-year instead of a 30-year mortgage

at the current interest rate, that's 4.5%,

which of these things could you buy with the money

that you would have saved?

A: A designer handbag every six months for 30 years.

B: A nice beach vacation for your family

for the next 30 years.

Or C: A water jet pack.

Let's see, oh, everyone got this one right.

The answer is any of these, yes!

If you just got a 15-year instead of a 30-year,

you would have saved a $120,000, amazing.

And I actually got a couple of other funny responses

when it comes to this.

One of you said,

"Probably as big as any rental property

or a lot of shoes. I'm kidding—kind of."

Someone else said, "An early retirement."

Yep, that's what I'm talking about. Amazing.

And you know what?

If your mortgage is stressing you out,

there is no shame in considering just downgrading

or even selling your home.

The cash you could make could really set you up

for success in the long term.

And if you use one of our trusted professionals

that I recommend, you could get almost $5,000 more

at closing than with another agent.

So, remember once you own your home, you guys,

you have a paid-for house.

And it's now an asset that's 100% yours.

That really contributes to your net worth.

You're no longer paying the bank,

you are paying you and your future.

Now, if you want to find out

what your 15-year payment would be,

we've got a free and easy-to-use mortgage calculator.

So, make sure to click the link below.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> How Much Is Your 30-Year Mortgage REALLY Costing You? - Duration: 3:31.


World Cup prize money: How much can each team earn at Russia 2018? - Duration: 1:25.

 If the prospect of lifting the iconic World Cup trophy isn't enough motivation for teams to bring their A-game to the tournament, FIFA are offering a £302million ($400m) prize money pot to be split between every team

 Reigning champions Germany pocketed a huge cash windfall after their 2014 triumph, and there is another big money boost in store for whichever nation conquers in Russia

 Teams will receive multi-million sums even if they are knocked out of the group stages, with figures rising several million with each passing round

 England have already guaranteed almost £10m for reaching the last-16, but the FA will be hoping Gareth Southgate can lead his new generation of stars to even greater financial rewards

 Take a look through the gallery to reveal the World Cup prize money amounts available to every team at Russia 2018

For more infomation >> World Cup prize money: How much can each team earn at Russia 2018? - Duration: 1:25.


How do I feature my business on and how much does it cost? - Duration: 4:15.

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\b0 \uc0\u8232 How do I get my event business on and what is it going to

cost me? \f1\fs24 \

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\f0\b\fs29\fsmilli14667 \cf2 A \f1\b0\fs24 \


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\f0\fs29\fsmilli14667 \cf2 The basic plan is free and includes an EventerProfile and

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\f0\fs29\fsmilli14667 \cf2 The premium plan also includes an EventerProfile, but gives

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\f0\fs29\fsmilli14667 \cf2 Premium+ combines the premium plan with our state of the art

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