Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

News on Youtube Jun 28 2018

Il legame di Maria Elena Boschi con il Trentino Alto-Adige si rinsalda… in una spa

Eletta alle elezioni dello scorso 4 marzo proprio nel collegio di Bolzano grazie al decisivo sostegno dei voti della Svp, da quelle parti una istituzione, la oramai ex Ministra del Governo Renzi sembra essere diventata negli ultimi tempi una sorta di habituèe del Trentino e la vacanza rigenerante e il ciclo di cure a cui si sta sottoponendo all'Hotel Palace di Merano (dove si è recata per la prima volta) non è passato inosservato anche perché nello stesso momento a godersi i trattamenti detox di Henri Chenot è anche l'ex premier Silvio Berlusconi, anche lui ospite della struttura

Le larghe intese in spa, come ha ironizzato qualcuno? I due ospiti VIP, stando a quanto si apprende, sarebbero barricati all'interno e ben lontani da occhi indiscreti ma qualcuno suggerisce che almeno un incontro tra di loro non vi sia stato dato che, al di là delle ultime divergenze tra Pd e Forza Italia, Berlusconi e la Boschi si stimano e in un altro momento politico questo casuale incontro avrebbe fatto malignare i più su Nazareni e accordi segreti tra un trattamento wellness e l'altro

(agg. di R. G. Flore) Silvio Berlusconi e Maria Elena Boschi insieme nello stesso Hotel di Merano: un "patto del Nazareno" in cima alle Dolomiti, almeno secondo quanto riporta il quotidiano Alto Adige che lancia lo scoop dell'estate "politica"

Ora però, calma ai vostri fremiti "paparazzari" che vi ritrovate nel sub-conscio, la bella Maria Elena e l'impenitente "amante di tutto il genere femminile" si sono ritrovati casualmente nell'Hotel Palace di Henri Chanot, meta usuale per tantissimi vip sia nel passato che nel presente

La loro vacanza, tutta relax e cure di bellezza, ha coinciso con quella dell'avversario politico - neanche tanto avversario visto che Forza Italia e Pd ora sono stati schiacciati dal successo governativo di Lega-M5s

Berlusconi e Boschi hanno scelto lo stesso albergo di Merano per il breve periodo di riposo in attesa del forcing finale politico di luglio: Silvio è da tempo un habitué, mentre Boschi per la prima volta soggiorna al Palace, secondo i colleghi altoatesini

Ipiù maligni penseranno alla "solita tresca" di Berlusconi, mentre quelli (e ci inseriamo tra loro) che pensano male ma solo fino ad un certo punto considerano l'occasione casuale (su questo ci crediamo) una possibile modalità di incontro e dialogo sul futuro politico delle forze "moderate" rimaste in Italia, accomunate dalla crisi imposta dai propri insuccessi e dal populismo gialloverde

Parleranno di politica? La Boschi sarà da tramite per un rinnovate "patto del Nazareno", in salsa dolomitica questa volta? Tutto rimarrà misterioso e segreto, ovviamente, anche qualora avvenisse normalmente: intanto però il Palace si gode i riflettori puntati ancora una volta sul proprio Hotel che vanta comunque una mega storia ultracentenaria

Apprezzato da star e politici, il prestigioso albergo - che ora viene gestito e porta il nome del celebre mago delle diete Henri Chenot - è stimato non solo per i programmi di bellezza e cura del corpo ma per la massima riservatezza che viene garantita dallo staff ai proprio ambiti e prestigiosi ospiti

Per fare un esempio, Giulio Andreotti trascorse diverse vacanze nei corso della sua lunghissima carriera politica, concludendo spesso accordi e meeting segreti per il futuro dell'Italia repubblicana

Prima era frequentato solo dai politici proprio per la leggendaria "privacy" fornita, poi con l'arrivo del franco-catalano (oggi ha 75 anni) sono giunti anche volti noti dello sport e dello spettacolo

Secondo l'Alto Adige, assieme al "Berlu" e alla Boschi ci sarebbe anche il Presidente della Lazio Claudio Lotito, amico strettissimo di Adriano Galliani e anche lui ospite dello "Chenot": e se oltre a possibili trattative politiche, al vecchio Cavaliere tornasse anche la voglia di quelle "sportive"?.

For more infomation >> BERLUSCONI E BOSCHI NELLO STESSO HOTEL A MERANO/ Larghe intese in spa? Per l'ex ministra è la prima - Duration: 6:36.


Médico diz que 'colchão de hotel' pode ter lesionado Marcelo|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Médico diz que 'colchão de hotel' pode ter lesionado Marcelo|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:18.


First Hampton by Hilton hotel in Ireland opens in Belfast - Duration: 4:05.

  A new mid-market brand owned by Hilton has arrived in Belfast with the opening of the city's latest hotel

 Andras Hotels has unveiled the £12m Hampton by Hilton off Great Victoria Street - the brand's first opening on the island of Ireland

 Hilton already operates two hotels in Northern Ireland - one in Belfast and the other in Templepatrick, Co Antrim

 Rajesh Rana, director of Andras, which has five other hotels in the city, said: "This is our first opening with Hilton and we are very excited to be bringing Hampton by Hilton to Ireland

 "Hilton sees Belfast as a key market and they are delighted to be placing their flag on our great city

The hotel will serve the very strong and growing mid-market range, for both the business and leisure traveller - and will give a real boost to the tourism offering of the city

 "Visit Belfast and Tourism NI have been very supportive as they recognise the importance of well known and loved brands opening in the city

"  The Hampton by Hilton has nine storeys and 178 bedrooms. It's the fifth hotel to open in the city so far this year, joining the AC Marriott, Maldron, The Flint and Grand Central

 The George Best Hotel is also set to open in December - and in total the new hotels will add 2,000 rooms to the city's existing 8,000 rooms

Three of Andras Hotels' other venues - Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express and Crowne Plaza - operate in agreements with the InterContinental Hotels Group

 It also has two Ibis hotels, one in the city centre and another in the university area

Last week Andras unveiled a £5m, 60-room extension to the Holiday Inn Express on University Road

 The group is funded by Danske Bank and Lewis McCallan, head of relationship management, said: "This is yet another milestone for the group and for the city, as it brings a new and exciting brand to Belfast's hospitality market at a time when this sector is arguably at its most vibrant

 "Danske has a long-standing relationship over some 30-plus years with Andras Hotels and I am delighted that we could support their latest landmark

" Belfast Telegraph

For more infomation >> First Hampton by Hilton hotel in Ireland opens in Belfast - Duration: 4:05.


Kory Wheeler at Omni Nashville Hotel - Duration: 1:00.

My name is Kory Wheeler I am the general manager of Bongo Java.

I've worked at the Omni since we opened in 2013.

I started out as a barista and worked my way up as a supervisor

and I'm already the GM four years into working here.

I used to play music for a living and I moved to Nashville and kind of stopped.

It's been kind of cool that I came here to not do music anymore and it

kind of found me while I was at work.

I was on American Idol in 2015 and 2016.

They were doing auditions across the street. I was making this woman coffee

jokingly said that she should let me audition and then they called me that night.

My life kind of changed there for a couple of years because of that.

I think the best thing about Omni is that they really do invest in their employees.

We really try to integrate local culture. I think I'm a huge product of that, and I

think it's fun to be able to show people from out of town what Nashville is really like.

I'm really lucky that this was the place that I found.

For more infomation >> Kory Wheeler at Omni Nashville Hotel - Duration: 1:00.


✅ Heidi Klum ohne Tom Kaulitz: Enthüllung! Lassen Tokio Hotel sie DESWEGEN im Stich? - Duration: 3:08.

 Nicht nur Heidi Klum ist eine vielbeschäftigte Frau. Auch ihr neuer Freund, Tokio-Hotel-Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz, hat zusammen mit seiner Band das eine oder andere Projekt am laufen

Denn wie sein Zwillingsbruder Bill Kaulitz auf Instagram verriet, wird es demnächst ein Tokio-Hotel-Summercamp geben

Tom Kaulitz wegen Tokio-Hotel-Summercamp nicht beim GNTM-Finale 2018?  "One Summer, One Island, 4 Days, 3 Nights, 500 People, 100 Tepee, 275 Beds, A Million Memories, One Experience! Stay Tuned!", schreibt er dazu auf seinem Social-Media-Kanal

"Ein Sommer, eine Insel, 4 Tage, 3 Nächte, 500 Menschen, 100 Tipis, 275 Betten, eine Million Erinnerungen, eine Erfahrung! Seid gespannt!"  Was erwartet die Fans beim Tokio-Hotel-Summercamp?  Klingt ganz so, als stünde eingefleischten Tokio-Hotel-Fans die Party ihres Lebens bevor

"Ich bin schon SO gespannt was es genau ist und wie es genau ablaufen soll", schreibt eine Instagram-Userin

Andere wiederum können es nicht lassen und beschweren sich bereits jetzt über das Event

Zu wenig Betten, zu teuer und mit Treehouse Ticketing wird sowieso nichts funktionieren

Dabei hat Tokio-Hotel-Sänger Bill Kaulitz noch gar nicht mehr verraten. Manchen kann man es eben nie recht machen

Heidi Klum muss auf Tom Kaulitz verzichten  Gut möglich aber, dass Tom Kaulitz und seine Band aus genau diesem Grund keine Zeit für Heidi Klum und das große "Germany's Next Topmodel"-Finale 2018 haben

Denn ein solches Event erfordert eine gute Planung, damit am Ende alles klappt und niemand enttäuscht ist

Bis zum ersten offiziellen Liebesauftritt von Heidi Klum und Tom Kaulitz scheint es also noch ein Weilchen hin zu sein

Wann zeigen sich Heidi Klum und Tom Kaulitz offiziell gemeinsam?  Auch bei Vito Schnabel hatte es damals eine ganze Weile gedauert, bis Heidi Klum ihren neuen Freund zu einem Event mitnahm

Hinzu kam, dass dieser sich nie gern auf dem roten Teppich präsentierte. Das könnte bei Popstar Tom Kaulitz schon ganz anders aussehen

Man darf gespannt sein.  Folgen Sie schon bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter? Hier finden Sie brandheiße News, tolle Gewinnspiele und den direkten Draht zur Redaktion


For more infomation >> ✅ Heidi Klum ohne Tom Kaulitz: Enthüllung! Lassen Tokio Hotel sie DESWEGEN im Stich? - Duration: 3:08.


Polícia evacua hotel após ameaça de bomba em hotel na cidade de Rostov - Spica TV - Duration: 3:39.

A polícia russa esvaziou um hotel na cidade russa de Rostov, uma das sedes da Copa do Mundo, na noite desta terça-feira

O Topos Congress foi evacuado por causa de uma ameaça de bomba e todos os 210 hóspedes que estavam no local foram obrigados a deixar seus quartos

 Segundo informaram funcionários do Topos Congress e testemunhas à agência de notícias Reuters, o local está na lista da Fifa de hotéis oficiais do Mundial da Rússia, mas nenhuma seleção estava hospedada lá no momento

Ao menos uma viatura dos bombeiros estava do lado de fora do hotel, disse uma testemunha, e a polícia foi vista interrogando funcionários e hóspedes na rua

A reportagem apurou que ambulâncias foram enviadas para a região do hotel, para preparar uma eventual operação de socorro

Cachorros farejadores foram deslocados para o hotel, na esperança de identificar se a ameaça era real

 A Rússia, cada vez mais isolada no cenário mundial, está determinada a usar a Copa do Mundo para projetar uma imagem de estabilidade e força no país

Autoridades se comprometeram a sediar um evento seguro e quaisquer incidentes de segurança envolvendo torcedores ameaçariam os esforços russos

A cidade de Rostov, porém, foi o local da partida nesta terça-feira entre Croácia e Islândia

Situada a menos 70 quilômetros da fronteira com a Ucrânia, a cidade é vista como um eventual alvo de um ataque diante de sua proximidade com um dos principais confrontos por territórios hoje na Europa

 Nem a Fifa e nem o Comitê Organizador Local da Copa se pronunciaram sobre o incidente

For more infomation >> Polícia evacua hotel após ameaça de bomba em hotel na cidade de Rostov - Spica TV - Duration: 3:39.


Victoria's Secret model sues hotel over bug bite 'massacre' - Daily News - Duration: 1:33.

 A Victoria's Secret model is taking legal action against a California hotel claiming bed bugs "massacred" her during a visit, according to reports

 Sabrina Jales St. Pierre alleged in a lawsuit that a 2016 stay at the Palm Desert Embassy Suites left her with bug bites that negatively impacted her modeling career, the Desert Sun reported

 The Brazilian model — who has worked for Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and Valentino — sued the Palm Desert hotel for monetary and punitive damages

 Her attorney, Brian Virag, said his client encountered the bed bugs on the first night of her stay at the Hilton-owned hotel, and "eventually she was massacred by bites covering pretty much her entire body

"  "Like most victims of bed bugs, Sabrina also had nightmares about the experience, and she still experiences psychological trauma and fear of bed bugs today," Virag told the newspaper

"This was especially traumatic for Sabrina because her body is her work, so this severely affected her work and her career

"  The lawsuit filed in Riverside County Superior Court claimed she suffered a severe reaction from the bites that required "extended treatment

"  Her modeling gigs were allegedly also impacted since she was "embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated" over the bug bites, according to her lawyer

 General manager Carlos Mendoza denied any allegations that the hotel didn't take the proper precautions for pest control, the Desert Sun reported

 "The comfort and health and safety of our guests is most important," Mendoza said

"Our experience with bed bugs though is that people travel with them and bring them to hotels

Once they are in our rooms, we take corrective actions."

For more infomation >> Victoria's Secret model sues hotel over bug bite 'massacre' - Daily News - Duration: 1:33.


Hotel housekeeper reunites North Carolina couple with ring - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Hotel housekeeper reunites North Carolina couple with ring - Duration: 2:11.


Maria Elena Boschi all'Hotel Palace per la dieta vip: clamoroso, c'è anche Silvio Berlusconi - Duration: 1:41.

 Un incontro davvero clamoroso, per quanto fortuito, all'Hotel Palace di Henri Chenot, il celebre "mago" delle diete per i vip

Secondo quanto riporta il quotidiano Alto Adige, nella struttura si sono ritrovati Silvio Berlusconi e Maria Elena Boschi

Entrambi ospiti per un breve periodo di riposo e cure. L'albergo - che vanta una storia ultracentenaria - è apprezzato da star e politici anche per la massima riservatezza garantita dallo staff

Massima riservatezza che, almeno in questo caso, è stata in parte tradita: i nomi di Boschi e Berlusconi, infatti, sono filtrati

Il Cavaliere è un habituè della struttura, mentre la Boschi ha soggiornato al Palace per la prima volta

For more infomation >> Maria Elena Boschi all'Hotel Palace per la dieta vip: clamoroso, c'è anche Silvio Berlusconi - Duration: 1:41.


What To Do When There Are Too Many Hotel Meetings - Duration: 10:17.

- Hey, Benjamin Pang here

coming to you from Manhattan, New York,

founder of over here.

I teach you how to use social media

to grow your home based business

or network marketing business,

whatever you want to call it.

Today I want to talk about the biggest

controversial topic in building network marketing

which is, too many meetings.

Too many meetings, "It's not working out for me -

it's affecting my life, my relationship with my family.

I quit.

I quit, it's not for me."

Before you quit,

I'm going to show you what you want to try,

what you want to do before you actually decide

that this industry is not for you.

20 00:00:54,020 --> 00:00:55,700 Number one.

Actually before I start, drop a comment below,

tell me where you're coming from and who you are

so I can give you a shout out.

If you're thinking about quitting,

too many meetings,

coming out every single night is a waste of time.

Number one is that,

think about why you started a network marketing business.

Most of the time we are in network marketing

to get time freedom or to get financial freedom, right?

No matter what you do,

no matter what kind of business you run.

If you agree with me, drop a one below.

You need to put time in.

It doesn't matter what you do, you have to put time in.

You have to put time into running a restaurant.

You have to be there sometime.

You have to talk to the supplier.

You have to put time into building your business.

That's first, that's number one.

Second, is what do you want to do with the time?

And, how much time are you willing to invest?

Let's not talk about what we're going to do with the time.

How much time?

How much time are you going to invest?

It's up to you.

Because it's your business.

In network marketing nobody is going to hold your hands,

even though your upline's probably going to be

very gung ho sometimes to say,

"Yeah, come out."

"Why are you not coming out?"

"Why are you not going to the training?"

"Why are you not coming out to this and that?"

But, bottom line is, it's your business.

It's your business and no matter what other people tell you,

you have to just ignore them sometimes.

Because not every upline is perfect.

I'll be honest with you, I wasn't the best upline,

my upline wasn't the best upline.

But, you have to think, what's the best for yourself.

So, how much time?

If it's three hours a week, including traveling, so be it.

Three hours a week.

If it's four hours, then set a four hour time frame

in building your business.

Number three, is determine what produced

the most result in your business.

Because there's an 80/20 rule in every business.

What is that 20% of the task that you're going to do

which will produce 80% of the result.

If you are traveling, spending an hour

traveling to the meeting and an hour back,

two hours, what are you going to do with the two hours

let's say traveling on the car.

Can you make use of it?

If you cannot, and you're wasting that two hours,

hey probably it's not wise to travel two hours to a meeting.

Hey Nicole, how's it going?

Number three you really have to think about

what is that 20% that will produce 80% of your productivity.

And write it down.

Write this to you upline saying that traveling

twice a week to attend the meeting

is not feasible because you're wasting all this time.

Then you have to think of a solution.

Any business, you've got to think of,

when you're having obstacles, I'll be real with you.

I work in the financial industry.

I work ten, twelve hours a day, right?

I'm still in the office

and I'm doing Facebook live.

I have many excuses not to do

what I need to do in my business.

But, being in the financial industry, I work in IT.

I'm actually a programmer

so I face the computer all day long,

and after work when am I going to put my time

towards my business?

You need first of all, the first thing

is to think about why you started the business

because you need to have your why.

Building a business is not going to be easy,

especially you're changing your daily routine.

You need to have that why,

that vision of where you want to go

and that will push you forward.

Whenever you say, "I'm tired after work."

"I just don't feel like doing it."

But then you think about your family.

You want to spend more time with them.

And then your business now is worth it.

It's worth it to put time in

because you want what you can get out of the business,

which is financial freedom or time freedom.

Number three, think about what you can do

to get the most result.

I have to tell you, straight to you, very honest,

when you start seeing potential in the business

you automatically put more time in.

If you see that wow, somebody's start before you

start after you, making so much more money than you,

you probably get irritated.

You'll be like, I've been lazy and instead of four hours,

now I'm going to put six hours

or eight hours, okay?

And this is what you should expect.

What you should expect is you're going to

gradually put more time in into your business.

And just ask yourself this question,

if you are making a six figure income,

okay, if you're not making a six figure income

in your full time job, ask yourself how much time

are you putting in to that 9 to 5 to make a five figure.

Now you have to step up the game a little bit

and kind of improve your mind,

step out of your comfort zone.

If you want to make a six figure income,

or at least just an ongoing five figure income

from your network marketing business,

Hey, I'm not going to tell you to spend

another nine hours in your

network marketing business per day.

But I'm telling you, at least have put more time in

so that you will see that your business

is going to grow faster,

because there's a fact that if you grow faster

it's easier because you see the momentum,

you see the results, people are excited.

People are more excited if they see, "Oh wow,

they just started and the next week

there's another partner below them started

because their upline just recruited somebody new."

If you're in the bottom of the system of course.

But the momentum the fast growing,

it's going to increase your team morale,

so that's the bottom line.

That's the bottom line.

You're going to increase your time

that you put into your business,

because any business, it doesn't make sense,

it doesn't make sense to make a five figure ongoing income

if you just put in four hours a week to your business.

It's going to take you a lot of time.

Maybe like five, ten years to build up that income,

but during the time growing slowly

it's going to be a torture to you.

Alright, so three things that I'm going to repeat.

The first thing is think about

why you started your business.

Second, think about how much time you're willing

to put into your business at the beginning.

174 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:57,100 No matter how much your upline is going to push you to do.

Just think about what's feasible to yourself.

Number three is think about what's that 20%

that will produce 80% of the result

and focus on it.

And focus on it!

So this is my tip today and hopefully

you got value out of it, and if you do

feel free to share with your team and your leader.

If they have been, you know, kind of

pushing you to put more hours in

but it's really about communication.

If my people, if my team cannot devote that time,

like ten hours a week into the business,

I'm not going to push them,

because they haven't seen the light yet.

But my duty is basically keep them on track

and make sure they see the light,

going to the convention and see that

they can actually achieve more in their business.

So, hopefully you're going to do the same,

bring people to see the light at the big event.

So, that's it for me today.

If you have any questions drop a comment below.

Nothing to promote today,

but if you have any questions, do private message me

so that you can get ahold of me.

Alright, have a good day!

I will see you next training!

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