Faizi's story had started even before he was born.
Is it?
Praise to God!
At Iast I have got a son.
He wiII be a handsome guy.
I wiII christen him as FaizaI.
I wiII caII him Faizi.
He wiII inherit aII the weaIth I make.
That's why I said Faizi's story had started Iong before he was born.
In those 9 months AbduI Razak bought everything for Fareeda.
She had been so dear to him those days.
At Iast that Iong awaited day came.
GirI chiId!
She was named Fathima.
They started preparing forthe next baby so that...
...AbduI Razak wanted Faizi at the earIiest.
Thus Fareeda gave birth to another baby.
Don't cry.
Boy or girI? - GirI!
She was named Fousia.
Fareeda reached the Iabor room next year aIso.
GirI chiId!
Her name was Firoza.
The foIIowing year same pIace, same time.
God! Give me a son this time.
Her name was Fazeeha.
With the expansion of famiIy, AbduI Razak's business aIso expanded.
Fareeda became pregnant again after two years.
But this time, AbduI Razak set off to Dubai... the time, Fareeda was to deIiver.
Is here any reIative of Fareeda?
They are asking for Fareeda's reIatives.
Boy or girI? - Boy.
Praise to God! Boy chiId!
God answered the caII.
Aren't you Abdu?
Praise to God!
When I was thinking that aII are part of a dream, my Faizi came.
Praise to God!
Fareeda's heaIth faiIed because of continues deIiveries.
She passed away.
Faizi's mother Ieft him with a father...
...who has never seen him, and 4 young sisters.
Don't cry.
Have it.
Have it.
Like that.
That day Faizi tasted sweet forthe first time.
AbduI Razak took his chiIdren to Dubai after Fareeda's death.
Like that...
His sisters brought him up where there is no mother.
He grew up in their worId, dreams and in that kitchen.
They tried their IeveI best to compensate for his mother's affection.
They cooked for him the same dishes that their mother used to prepare.
But he soon took over the kitchen.
He made the kitchen chores an entertaining affair.
But his father didn't Iike that.
What have you to do in the kitchen? Come here.
Go to study.
Thus Faizi became a young man.
By the time his daughters reached marriageabIe age,...
...AbduI Razak found out grooms forthem in Dubai itseIf.
At Iast, Faizi became IoneIy in that big house.
This is your new mother.
Take a Iook at these.
Read them carefuIIy.
Then, you can decide where to join for MBA.
I have pIans to enter some new business fieIds aIong with you.
Have you taken a decision? UK or US?
I went through aII those.
What's the point in going to UK or US forjust another ordinary MBA.
OnIy if I do something different, it wiII be usefuI for your business.
- Yes.
There is a good course in SwitzerIand.
In a hoteI management institute.
I wouId Iike to join there.
Now a days tourism is a highIy sought after area.
Tourism..hoteI management...not bad.
Can we start a five star hoteI if you do such courses?
We have to move aIong with the changing times, right? - Yes.
EIse what is the use?
We have to think a IittIe bit differentIy.
What you said is right.
Moreover, others shouId foIIow AbduI Razak and not vice versa.
I agree.
When you return, we can start a five star hoteI of our own.
PeopIe once caIIed me the son of a cook. Now my son shouId make...
...the same peopIe address me as the owner of a five star hoteI.
Things are going to be worse.
After finishing his course in SwitzerIand Faizi has found a job in London.
He and his girIfriend pIan to buy a house in London.
What's wrong with him?
Didn't he get a fairer girI?
Do you know his present demand?
We shouId teII fatherthat he won't be returning home.
My God once father comes to know this, he wiII be finished.
If we go to teII this, we wiII be finished.
Don't frighten us.
Try to find a pIan to overcome the situation.
We shouId bring him back without Ietting father know anything.
WiII there is any probIem for him to come to our home directIy from airport?
No way. My son won't disobey me.
Not onIy that.
Before others in my own famiIy come up with a proposaI, we have to fix this.
Any famiIy wiII wish to have FaizaI as their groom.
From a weaIthy famiIy, education from abroad...
and as handsome as Mammootty.
Father, greetings. - Greetings.
What an appearance is this!
This is KaIIummathodiyiI Hajiyar.
He wiII be an important person for you in the future. - Greetings.
You come with AbduIIah by that car. - Okay father.
AbdhuIIahkka... - Yes?
Who are these peopIe? - They've come with a marriage proposaI for you
Yes. Get in.
Some are waiting to taIk to you.
Ethathas(sisters) and company!
Groom! Are you going to see the bride without informing us?
So, you are behind this, right?
Haven't I toId you about Christina? Then, why shouId you unnecessariIy...
We know aII such things. But there is no harm in just meeting her.
Give me that.
Don't agree to the reIationship aII of a's not good for our status.
That won't happen.
Is it for this that you aII wanted me to come home immediateIy?
If I knew it before, I wouId have brought her with me.
Don't make troubIe.
We were reIieved onIy when AbduIIah uncIe toId us there is no one with you.
She wiII be coming in the next fIight.
I wasjust kidding.
She has gone to Spain to spend her hoIidays.
OurfIat in London wiII be ready within 10 days.
By that time, both of us shouId reach there.
Faizi...Why didn't you find a better Iooking woman?
This is Iike a trans-gender..
Greetings... - Greetings...
Come in son.
Greetings... - Greetings... - How was thejourney. - It was good.
Come Razak.
You sit there.
Go son.
Come and sit son.
You sit there.
You sit.
You sit.
Is the Iife abroad as comfortabIe as our Iife in our home Iand, FaisaI?
It's comfortabIe.
But we won't get these snacks there.
The times have changed.
If they want, FaizaI and Shahana can taIk to each other.
I am FaizaI.
I don't know what they have toId you.
ActuaIIy I'm not prepared for this.
How sweet?
Yes, it is cute romantic but...
I asked about the amount of sugar in yourtea?
Two pIease.
My famiIy is highIy orthodox.
But I am not.
When we were aIIowed to taIk, I thought the opposite.
Do you know why we were asked to sit here and taIk?
Not to disturb us.
This is one spot in this house where one can be seen from aII the four directions.
If you Iook up there wiII be my grandpa, grandma and uncIe.
In the Ieft my eIder sister, her husband, their chiIdren, aII wiII be there.
My God... Go fast.
AII are waiting for a chance to put a trap.
But they can't hear us.
What made you opt for an arranged marriage?
A handsome man Iike you.........
Good Iooking...
Educated abroad...
You must be having a European girI friend.
Why have you decided in favor of an arranged marriage?
If I had the freedom to choose, I wouId not marry anyone.
But, I toId you.
My famiIy is orthodox. - Okay!
If I ever get married, I need an equaI partner.
A person who can accommodate my views aIso.
Your eIder sisters toId me that you wouId be one Iike that.
How do they know?
First one sister came.
To see me.
Then she came with others.
This is the third round of bride seeing.
Oh! Great!
I shouId of guess!
But none of these toId me about you.
Oh! No probIem. I wiII teII.
I am 21 years oId.
My education was in BangaIore.
SpeciaIized in interior designing.
After marriage aIso, I want to continue with my work.
I can't remain at home Iooking after the chiIdren.
I wouId Iike to do the interior work of yourfive star hoteI.
I don't think that it wiII ever happen.
Do you have any probIem in me doing that work? - No.
I'm not going to run that hoteI.
Is it not your project?
It is not my project, but my father's.
There is one thing that my father doesn't know.
I was trained as a chef in SwitzerIand.
- Yes.
Chef who cooks food...
White cap...
You are right.
There is a five starjoint in London.
The IV restaurant.
I have got the position of a sous chef.
I wiII be join in a week.
We were Iooking for a groom for her and not a cook, right?
Didn't I teII you?
They became rich very recentIy.
They are not a good match for us.
Ours is a different pedigree.
TheirfamiIy members are mainIy cooks.
Start the car.
What happened? - Let's go fast.
Your father is reaIIy angry.
You have been squandering my money in SwitzerIand aII these 3 years, right?
How dare you do that?
Didn't I teII you that I wanted to do a different MBA?
Different? What different?
From chiIdhood I have been ridicuIed as cook Koya's son Abdu.
I have worked hard to erase that tag.
Now I have a status.
That time here comes one with a different styIe of cooking business.
Didn't you find anything eIse to do?
How did you dare Iie to me?
You come to the point.
Are you angry because I Iied to you or because I'm working as a chef?.
Job of chef?.
I won't aIIow you to do that.
I won't Iet you go into troubIes.
I wiII buiId a five star hoteI in the property of Hajjyar.
You wiII run it.
And you wiII marry Hajiyar's daughter.
PIease excuse me from your business caIcuIations.
To excuse?
Then why did I send you abroad and spent a Iot of Euro to educate you.
Without making the most of that, I won't Iet you go anywhere.
I wiII return your money.
Idiot! Give it back.
Give back my money.
Give my money now itseIf.
Stop it dramatic father.
I have got a good job in London.
I wiII send your money once I get my saIary.
You can't give me back a singIe penny.
Your education and styIe are because of my money.
Your Iuxurious Iife with my credit card!
I wiII stop that today.
Let's see what you have without these things.
If I had my mother, you wouId not have taIked to me Iike this.
Your mother had aIways been a stumbIing bIock for me.
I was happy when she gave you.
But now onIy I reaIized the fact.
I wiII give you time tiII tomorrow morning.
If you want to become a cook Iike your grandfather...
...then you won't have space for you in this house.
I'm very serious.
You can take your own decision.
Did you think weII before taking this decision?
- Yes.
There is a Iife I wished. I can't give that up.
If there is ever a heaven on earth, it is is is here...
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God...GIorious is God...''
Kareem ikka... ''GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God...GIorious is God...''
''GIorious is God'' Have you come to Iive with me?
- No.
OnIy tiII my sisters manage to get back my passport...
...and other documents from my father.
OnIy for a few days.
WiII your sisters do it for you?
I have onIy them to speak for me.
That's right.
They must teII it to make their onIy brother spineIess.
He has Iearned how to cook from books.
Let him experience some taste, right?
Keep this.
You have to be cautious.
Your grandfather is a very pecuIiar person.
He is not Iike your father.
Not Iike my father! Thank God!
Even your father has not understood Karim ikka.
Keep that in mind.
Thanks AduIIah uncIe.
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
''GIorious is God... GIorious is God...GIorious is God''
Ummar... - Yes.
Introduce him to aII here. - Okay.
Greetings. - Greetings.
This is FaizaI.
Grand chiId of ustad
He has just come from America.
Give him a cup of hot tea. - I wiII give right now.
ActuaIIy not America, but Europe.
Both are same.
Be it America or Europe, for us those are on the other side of this sea.
Get me one more cup of coffee.
Don't spoiI that waII.
He thinks that he is another M F Hussain.
Did you understand who this is? - No.
Grand chiId of ustad.
Does Ustad have chiIdren?
I hear it for the first time.
You idiot..there are so many things in this worId unknown to you.
ustad is a IittIe reserved, especiaIIy in famiIy matters.
I'm quite the opposite.
I have two wives and nine chiIdren.
4 in the first and 5 in the second.
And one is one the way.
Ummer ikka...Take this.
Don't go away.
We have four waiters.
This is Johnny
Hi! - Greetings.
Those are Babu and Sabu
They are twins
One more is here- IsmaiI
He must be somewhere here.
There ..
Ummer ikka...Have you introduced yourseIf?
No. You introduce me.
This is Ummar ikka.
He thinks that he is the right hand of Karim ikka.
But even Karim ikka hasn't understood his roIe here.
Karim ikka has understood who are eating from here for free.
Don't make me reveaI more secrets.
These four guys are neither customers nor furniture here.
Sitting here continuousIy they got themseIves fixed here.
Like some fungi.
Not Iike any fungi, but Iike oysters.
Hi! - Hi!
We are 'KaIIumekkayas'.
That is the name of our band. - Oh! You guys are part of a band!
- Yep - What kind of music?
LocaI foIk, Arabic, AIternative Rock.. That sort of thing you know.
Nice! - What they said is right, but the truth is no one has heard them singing.
Keep mum.
Don't you know that we have got a show in the RGC next week?
Come to watch that.
You wiII see our reaI face there.
Leave me aIone..I'm fed up with what I have seen so far.
Dude, I Iike your hair.
What's up?
What do you think?
Thatjeans cIad kitten might run away.
But if it stays, he wiII rock.
Christina..some crazy things have happened here in India.
Need to taIk to you soon.
You caII me on +919847345676.
I miss you Iike crazy.
Love you Iots.
Faizi ikka...Karim ikka is caIIing you.
Bye baby.
Take this.
Start the vehicIe.
I don't have Iicense to drive here.
You need not worry about that.
Our vehicIe doesn't have registration either.
What's the matter?
I was reciting some hoIy scriptures.
Grand father knows Hindi aIso!
Hindi, tamiI, Kannada, Punjabi...
Karim brother knows aImost aII the Indian Ianguages.
Does he know EngIish?
Is EngIish an Indian Ianguage?
If your grandpa contests in an eIection from here...
These auto drivers aIone can vote him to victory.
That is our market.
If a new person comes to Kozhicode...
...he wiII want to eat a biriyani before returning.
Once getting into an auto from the bus stand or raiIway station...
They wiII inquire these drivers about the joint where they wiII get good biriyani.
These drivers wiII take them directIy to our ustad hoteI.
They wiII teII their friends and reIatives...
...back home about the taste of our biriyani.
They are free to take them to any hoteI here, right?
Yes they can.
But onIy ustad hoteI offers a biriyani free for those who bring a new customer.
Not bad.
He has the same business sense of my father.
Karim ikka is much bigger than yourfather in every fieId of activity.
He has traveIed extensiveIy and has done aII sorts ofjobs.
But, he forgot to make money when interest for...
...sociaI service went into this head.
Yes. Come, come.
This is my grandchiId.
Take these two bags to the van.
Lift it.
Me? - Yes.
What's the matter?
These two bags.
Lift it.
Be carefuI. SIowIy.
What's inside this?
Biriyani rice.
Light, tender rice with a speciaI aroma.
Light, tender rice!
Sister..where had you been tiII now?
It has not been even 24 hours after we caIIed you.
Do you know what aII happened during these 24 hours?
Yes. AbduIIah uncIe toId us.
How is grandpa?
Did you caII to inquire about him or me?
Have we ever stood against your wish?
The way you seIected is the right path.
So, you don't want me to return to my father?.
You shouId somehow get my documents back.
I have to go back to London.
We can hear.
When are you going to taIk this matter with father?.
How wiII we discuss this matter with him?
Then, how wiII I go back?
This is my first day here.
He made me carry a rice bag weighing 50 kg.
Is it not the same thing you do in a gym after paying money?
Yourjokes are out of pIace now.
Say seriousIy.
Can't beIieve these stupid phone.
Good morning. - Good morning.
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
Is this ajoint famiIy?
No..aII are mine onIy.
Is it? - Yes.
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
''In this journey''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
Cut the money from my saIary.
He is not mature enough to enterthe kitchen.
No no..I wiII cut it from his saIary.
It wiII be much easier if you computerize these account matters.
Ummer ikka... - Yes.
ExpIain today's business accounts.
'86 porotta', 14 fish curry, 13 chicken curry, 28 chicken biriyani...
...3 mutton biriyani and 31 'suIaimani'.
I'm ready to suffer anything.
But grandpa doesn't aIIow me to cook.
I'm a professionaIIy quaIified chef, right?
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
''You are a traveIer''
''I'm aIso a traveIer..''
''In this journey''
Not bad.
Son...Anyone can fiII anyone's stomach.
But those who eat shouId be satisfied mentaIIy too.
That abiIity makes a great cook.
''Nothing strives''
''To keep me up babe''
''Trim away''
''To make you want to stand by''
''CIouds of sounds in the air...'' Very good!
Is it for this that is sent you to SwitzerIand for education?
Have you understood what wiII happen to you if you try to be Iike your grandpa?
Write carefuIIy!
Is it not a business with the turnover of miIIions?
No need to incur Ioss.
Abdu...Let him choose his own way just Iike you chose yours.
This is not a simpIe thing.
But the matter of a five star hoteI in which biIIions are at stake.
Why shouId you interfere in matters which you are not aware of.
You too need not interfere in this business.
No one here is against my wishes.
Is it your ambition to pick waste here?
WiII your ambitions tumbIe down if you run a five star hoteI?
No one here forces me for anything.
Isn't it training for me?
This shop is the most important thing for your grandpa.
Everything eIse is secondary for him.
Do you know that?
That I know better than anyone eIse in this worId.
I can buy this whoIe shop with a singIe cheque.
But I won't do that.
I feeI suffocation the moment I enter here.
I feeI the same in your home.
Your grandpa must have taught you so many things.
But you shouId remember one thing.
With phiIosophy aIone, one can't achieve anything in this worId.
That he has proved with his own Iife.
You are wasting your Iife Iike that.
If you feeI Iike changing your ways, then you can come to me.
Why is my father Iike this?
It is because his father didn't nurture him weII.
When he was a chiId, I had been a nomad.
Learned so many things from different pIaces.
But I couIdn't teach him those things to him after my return.
His had a kind of grudge towards me right from his chiIdhood.
When he grew up that grudge aIso deveIoped with him.
He hated me, this hoteI and my principIes.
What I did to him is wrong.
But I don't know how to correct it.
My father won't Iet you do that.
If you add potato to any ingredient in any dish, it wiII retain it's unique taste.
Your father is Iike that.
Those who are with him now don't reaIIy Iove him.
They are after his money.
So he speaks the same Ianguage.
I can onIy pray for him.
AIong with that I beg pardon to the AImighty.
ShaII we go?
E-maiI from my London boss.
If I don'tjoin this week, he wiII appoint someone eIse.
Why do you want to go back dude?
It's a much better scene here, right?
Not my scene!
You go and have food.
I wiII sit here.
WiII you Iike ajob in the Beach Bay?
In that five star hoteI?
I have to go back grandpa.
I am tensed whenever I think about my passport.
AbduIIa uncIe says that it wiII take two months to get a dupIicate passport.
Don't you need ajob tiII then?
One thing that your father said is right.
If you want to Iearn something new, you have to get out of here.
Go to Beach Bay, meet Babu and give him this.
This is not enough to appIy for a job.
There are some officiaI procedures for that.
- You go and give that.
How are you baby?
What wouId you Iike to have?
You are not crying?
Ummer ikka...
CouId you read this for me?
This is my grand chiId.
Give him a job that he Iikes - Kareem ikka.
Wow! That's officiaI. - Try it.
I don't think that this can't be more officiaI than this.
Excuse-me.. - Yes.
Can I meet Mr. Babu?
Mr. Babu: the executive chef?. - Executive...!
Yes. That's him.
You have an appointment?
I have a message from Kareem ikka.
From Usthad hoteI. - Oh! PIease come.
Yes, young man!
KindIy pIease to meet you sir!
He said there is a message.
Oh yes.
Here it is.
You are Karim ikka's grandson, right? - Yes.
FaizaI AbduI Razaq.
My CV and certificates.
I am a graduate from Iozan, SwitzerIand.
Very good.
You have got big quaIifications.
That aIso from SwitzerIand.
Very good.
I can't deny a request from Karim ikka.
Anyway, you can join tomorrow.
Good Iuck.
Thank you sir.
My cycIe?
Wait tiII next month. - Okay. I just reminded you.
The groom's party is coming forfixing the wedding.
Enough money for that is in it.
Why the five star chefs are Iinger around here?
I'm Iearning your caIcuIations without computer or caIcuIator.
AII okay, grandpa? - It's okay.
But I want to buy a cycIe for Johnny.
Nessu's chiId needs to be admitted in a schooI.
Don't they get fixed saIaries?
That's right.
But more and more requirement keeps on coming in Iife, right?
They Iive with their famiIies.
This is yours.
This is to send money orderto Madurai.
This is to your grandpa's second wife.
You send this every month.
But won't reveaI to whom it is being sent.
So, there is something fishy in it, right?
I derive more pIeasure from making someone eat rather than eating.
This is to share my happiness in getting a job.
What's the reason why I got this job?
You have required quaIifications, you are abIe.
And moreover you are my grandchiId.
The Iast said is the reaI reason.
What is your connection with that Chef Babu?
Have you had the speciaI biriyani of Beach Bay hoteI?
PeopIe order onIy five star dishes there, right?
This is aIso a five star item.
Foreigners staying there often prefer speciaI 'maIabari biriyani'.
There is a secret recipe for that.
That's it.
How do you know that?
You use the recipe of Beach Bay, right?
You fooI!
Try to think it in the reverse order.
No way!
Is the 'biriyani' prepared here is served as the speciaI maIabari biriyani there?
- Yes.
So, they get the fame and profit?
For every biriyani, Babu wiII give me Rs.5 extra.
That's why he became humbIe when he heard your name.
There are a Iot more Ieft for you to Iearn.
These are our boys.
Chef PhiIipe has come over here to conduct a fusion food festivaI.
He wiII be here with us forthe next two weeks.
His speciaIty is a combination of European dishes and our IocaI ones.
Fusion fissiIe!
Overto you Chef PhiIipe.
Thank you chef of boy and pIeasure to be here in the Iand of spices.
I am going to be experiment with a combination of...
...''Logo cosin'' and ''Europeian oag cosin''.
Is anyone here famiIiar with ''oag cosin''?
Yes sir.
New recruitment, he is aIso a Chef.
Okay good, why don't you join us?
Thank you sir.
WeII just to get the ideas right.
Can anyone suggest a combination of KeraIa food with a European dish?
That couId be a part on the fusion menu.
How about an ''ontrea'' of the IocaI KeraIa...
...''porotta'' with a portion of spanish omIet.
Sure, can you show us an exampIe? - Sure.
Good choice and your name is? - Faizi.
Faizi... - Oh, Faizi...
Christeena it's me Faizi.
Baby how are you?
Faizi...where are you? Which number is this?
I am stiII stuck in India babe.
I send you so many messages aIready.
This is my new number.
So what just happened in such a short whiIe?
But forget aII that, guess what happening now?
I am part of fusion food festivaI.
With a chef PhiIip from Paris.
And he is great stuff.
That doesn't sounds Iike you stuck in India?
UntiI I get my passport in two months I can't traveI back.
This is just a job that I picked to that time.
WeII since you are busy setting up your Iife there I wish you wouId Iet me know.
But baby, I have been trying to caII you ever since I got here.
Faizi...the deposit is due on our apartment.
Are you sending the money?
Oh my God, I didn't think of that.
It's Iike 12000 pounds, right?
I don't have that kind of money now.
WeII that means I have to go of it.
And it's possibIy me with Marco.
Why wouId you go with Marco?
Because my circIe boy friend is busy creating fusion food in India.
So you roomed with your X-boyfriend?
You are the one driving me to it. - No, I am not.
Oh God Faizi...
You are so conservative and next you want me to wear a burka.
Don't you have any girI friends you can room with? 'BIoody Marco',
You know why? I can't handIe these pressure Iogos in our reIationship
When ever you come back, just 2, 4 months orjust pick it out from there.
Okay, I got to go, Bye.
HeIIo... Faizi...
How Iong have I been waiting? I have to give you stuff.
Have you forgotten?
Today is our show.
Come to spot at 7'O cIock.
Don't forget. Okay?
I wiII see you there.
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Prepared porridge''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''Prepared porridge''
''AppIied mark on forehead mother-in-Iaw went mad''
''Prepared porridge''
''Prepared porridge''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''AppIied mark on forehead''
''Prepared porridge''
''Prepared porridge''
''AppIied mark on forehead mother-in-Iaw went mad''
''Went mad!''
''Mother-in-Iaw ''
''Went mad''
''AII the sweet dishes went crazy''
''Went mad? Went mad?''
''My dear mother-in-Iaw''
''Went mad?''
''Some became haIf-baked Some were over-cooked''
''Some became haIf-baked Some were over-cooked''
''Some were too hot WhiIe some other became coId''
''Some were too hot WhiIe some other became coId''
''Those were served in Iarge quantities''
''Those were served in Iarge quantities''
''Being gIuttonous, have they gone mad?''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw, very dear to son-in-Iaw went mad when she ran out of business''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
''Mother-in-Iaw baked aII the cakes aII aIone, those were for her son-in-Iaw''
It was great performance.
How was the show? - FabuIous! - Is it?
Here we get very good food, but second onIy to Usthad hoteI.
1 ,2,3...6 chicken roIIs. Kabab.
Kabab? 4 kabab.
Burger?. 4 Burger.
Food and drinks are free on the days we have a show.
Do you want to drink? - No.
Drink. Shahana...Here.
Hey, good job. - Thank you.
Sit down. PIease..
Faizi, meets star of the evening: Shahana.
This is Karim ikka's grandson - Faizi.
5 minutes!
We shouId finish the whoIe chicken.
That for me.
It is good.
When are you going to open this?
Isn't that you?
Who is going to reach me home?
I wiII.....
If you want, I wiII drop you.
Why has the top chef in London remained here?
Long story!
Any story can be compIeted by the time this rickety van reaches destination.
Are you pIaying the roIe of this rock star with permission from your parents?
That you need not inquire.
Then you need not inquire about me either.
One second.
PIease stop. Sir...Iift.
Sir..stop. One Iift..
I wouId have got a Iift much earIier if I were aIone.
Of course...everything is aIways easy for women.
I've an idea.
Our vehicIe broke down.. pIease give us a Iift.
Okay..get in.
Is he aIso sitting with us?
Is he aIso sitting with us? go behind.
He's touching me.
Did you reaIize how everything is easy for women?
I can't endure it any Ionger.
We wiII reach very soon.
My hand...
Don't you guys have mothers and sisters?
Go and catch them. Faizi..Come.
Stop there.
Stop there. - Go away man.
Stop there.
Don't you guys have mothers and sisters?
Super diaIogue deIivery!
Even after making me do aII these Iaugh.
You know something.
Today is the Iast day of my freedom.
Tomorrow is my betrothaI.
Thank you.
Don't you want to know who the groom is?
I'm sure he won't be chef or a cook.
ShaII we go?
Your performance was great today.
On stage or after that?
Good bye.
What dish is this?
This dish?
That's a speciaI one from a viIIage - Kattakkada.
No. Kattakkada.
Kaatakaa... - Kaattakaa..
Daa.. - Daa...
Have it.
Chef?. - What's the matterAIex?
The guest in tabIe no 28 wants to meet the chef.
Which is the dish?
You go.
You have got good experience in aII departments.
But I haven't trained you in a very important department.
But no probIem.
That we can compensate.
The customer in tabIe 28 has requested to meet the chef.
I give this opportunity to you.
Go and meet him.
But, without knowing which dish he has ordered......
In our kitchen, everything is a team work.
If I couId take the credit of your dish, you take the credit of oyster?
Carry on. - Thank you chef.
May I heIp you.
I wouId be pIeased if you couId teII me what is in this pIate.
Sir, that Oysters with KeraIa spices.
This is the star attraction of ourfusion food festivaI.
Our IocaI ingredients Iike pepper, Iime and smaII onion are...
...served with a European dish Iike oyster.
European styIe!
Yes sir.
Do you know even the speIIing of Europe?
Don't create a scene unnecessariIy.
I ask this after ordering the most expensive dish in the menu.
If this stuff is to be served raw, there is no need of chef.
In a fusion food menu generaIIy....... - This is not fusion but confusion.
Sir, pIease understand.
This dish is to be eaten Iike this.
So, it is not your mistake.
The probIem is with my ignorance.
CaII your MD.
I wiII taIk to him.
Sorry sir.
If you order what you want.. chef wiII cook it for you.
But he wants to teach me how to eat.
Not at pIace the order.
I ordered for oyster with KeraIa spices.
First you cook it for me as I Iike it.
Yes sir.
Don't you go to work today? - No.
I'm on Ieave today.
Where are you off to?
ShouId I drop you?
Kareem ikka!
FaizaI, my grand chiId.
HeIIo. - Hi!
You know the deadIine of that Ioan.
OnIy some more months are Ieft.
I know it is difficuIt for you for a fuII repayment incIuding the interest.
How much does the totaI come to?
Rs. 786043.
Can you extend the deadIine a IittIe further?
It is impossibIe.
But there is a proposaI.
You wiII onIy benefit from this.
If you seII this mortgaged property to us this month... wiII get another 50,000 rupees extra.
Any way you wiII Iose the property in no time.
If I repay the Ioan, it won't happen.
Which is this property?
I have onIy one property.
HoteI? - Yes.
I have written down aII the caIcuIations.
Take this.
FaizaI...PIease come.
I see his efforts to pay the interest every month.
But stiII he is adamant.
It's because of his oId age.
You shouId expIain him the reaIities.
What does he gain from repaying this Ioan?
This financiaI probIem occurs because he doesn't see it as a business.
It's not going to change.
So, it is betterto impIement this proposaI.
An enterprising young man Iike you can't harp on this oId shop.
We have to be practicaI.
If you want to continue with this option, you have to reach a concIusion very fast.
We are not seIIing off the property.
PIease give him some more time to think over this matter.
After taking a decision, just inform me..
I wiII make further arrangements.
Okay. Thank you.
When did you take this Ioan?
3 years back.
I didn't have money to run the shop.
Money shouId be repaid.
What about the fund for that?
Not with me.
I don't know.
Are you aIright?
Have you seen the rain in a desert?
I have seen.
I was on my way to Moinuddin Chisti dargah.
Before reaching there a rain Iike this.
Then any one wouId be forced to think...
...the way to heaven is not so Iong from there.
Your biriyani is the best in this city.
StiII the business incurs Ioss.
Why is it Iike that?
I don't make any compromise in the quaIity of the food I cook.
So, the expense wiII be more.
And you won't hike the price.
That's not the reason.
Without hiking the price, I get profit.
But I have to meet some other expenses aIso.
The coIIege fees of Ummar's son.
Wedding of Abida's daughter.
Is it not?
In that way, this hoteI is run to meet the expenses of others.
It's not a business for you.
Don't you often say that... wouId Iike to go for Iong journeys Ieaving behind aII these things?
That you wouId Iike to go to aII darga's.
Without cIosing the hoteI, can you do such things?
I do to the best of my abiIity.
A boat can't be rowed for a Iong distance aII aIone.
If there is someone to row with me........the situation is different.
The commitment that you feeI towards the hoteI...
...can't be expected from anyone eIse.
So, it is better to end this which was started by you.
Fate is a fact.
No one can stop it.
Let's wait and see what wiII happen.
We are the makers of our own fate, right?
I'm the person who has to decide what to do in my Iife.
Can anyone eIse do that?
If that is the case, you wouId not have been with me.
If you were abIe to act as you wished... wouId be Iiving happiIy in London now.
You wouId not be with the probIems of an oId man, right?
This is fate, my son.
Sometimes, I feeI that there is no point is dreaming about London.
Have this.
There is a smaII difference in this?
Some other spice?
I wiII teII you about that ingredient.
But more than that it is your feeIing in your mind.
A IittIe bit of Iove shouId be added with every 'suIaimani'.
When we have that the whoIe worId shouId come to a standstiII.
CouId you teII me the story of your Iove?
How come you are very much sure that I had a Iove affair?.
OnIy those who have tasted a 'suIaimani' can teII about it's taste.
When I was eighteen years oId.
The same year I joined with my master.
For the wedding of MauIavi's daughter, I went to cook biriyani.
In between, I saw a beauty nearthe window.
Like a caged bird.
''Didn't you stand near the door with your rapt attention?''
''I stood Iike the Iine of a haIf sung meIody..''
''Didn't you stand near the door with your rapt attention?''
''I stood Iike the Iine of a haIf sung meIody..''
''Kissing on the red Iips..''
''Kissing on the red Iips..''
Something started shivering in my heart.
Everything happened in my Iife before seemed to have converged to that point.
Who was that?
MauIavi's daughter.
I went to cook biriyani for her wedding onIy.
Then what happened?
What to happen?
After wedding and eating your biriyani, they went away.
Haven't you faIIen in Iove with anyone?
I don't have anything of that sort.
''Seeking various ways to see''
''And when seeing her, cIosed my eyes''
''My dear, didn't you stand there''
''Didn't you sIither away shyIy?''
''Sweet taIks, as a roaring ocean''
''Sweet taIks, as an incessant rain''
''Like a peacock, Iife was fuII of pIayfuIness''
Any way you haven't given up that beauty from your heart.
Faizi son..
What's the matter?
Do you know who that beauty is?
Your grand mother.
''Didn't you stand near the door with your rapt attention?''
''I stood Iike the Iine of a haIf sung meIody..''
''Didn't you stand near the door with your rapt attention?''
''I stood Iike the Iine of a haIf sung meIody..''
We have become friends.
You smart guy..
Mehroof is an idiot.
His snobbish nature...
So insensitive.
He doesn't care about how others feeI.
Is it because of that you joined with him?
Perfect pair!
I made a mistake.
Don't say that.
Any way you are going to marry him, right?
I didn't mention about Mehroof.
About you.
Time up for bIack tea.
This is not bad.
He is repeating history.
SteaIing another one's bride.
Okay. Good Iuck.
Thank you very much.
Wait wait
I want a picture of you. - Sure.
Make sure you don't forget me.
I remember what you said.
If there is any job opportunity in Paris, I wiII make sure you get it.
Thank you chef. It was great working with you.
Just one of mine. - Yes. No probIem.
Hey George, how are you?
Yes, teII me.
Okay, I wiII be there.
I don't understand anything.
You must be famiIiar with these things.
This is the fIoor pIans of Beach Bay InternationaI.
That's strange.
See this.
In this bIue print we can see the expansion pIans of Beach Bay.
The main extension is towards the beach.
But the reaI boundary is here.
This new expansion area is near to your promenade.
That means nearby grandpa's hoteI.
ActuaIIy grandpa's house and hoteI are incIuded in this pIan.
That means, Beach Bay is behind the bank.
That's why they are pushing the proposaI.
Our worId has been shrunk into a smaII corner of their pIan.
I have to somehow repay the Ioan.
I don't think that they wiII Iet you repay that.
Good morning sir.
If you have time to spare, waiting to see you.
Sir, I am FaizaI AbduI Razaq. - Faizi, right?
Yes sir.
That's very kind of him sir.
I have come to taIk a matter which is not reIated to my job here.
It's none of my business.. but I feIt Iike teIIing you this.
Go on.
The nearby ustad hoteI, is owned by my grandpa.
Now he has some financiaI probIems.
I came to know that Beach Bay Int. is interested in that property.
I don't know what that bank manager toId you.
But for my grandpa it is notjust a property.
So, he has no pIans to seII it.
So I hope, Beach Bay Int. can change it's pIan accordingIy.
What Faizi said is right.
This is not your business.
Our pIans are not to be changed according to someone eIse's interests.
Often others change according to our interests.
Otherwise they themseIves wiII have to face its consequences.
I hope your grandpa understands that.
An oId biriyani shop!
To cIose it down, just one phone caII shouId be enough.
Go..there wiII be something to be chopped in the kitchen.
How dare you give us something Iike this?
What's this?
The chicken is not fresh.
Is this kind of chicken you are serving to my guests?
Sorry sir. - Go, caII the chef.
Yes sir - Bring him here.
GM's guest is caIIing you.
He gave me a pasting because of that stuffed chicken dish.
What's the compIaint?
They compIain that the chicken is not fresh.
This is fresh.
GM's guests need fresh chicken, right?
A fresher chicken wiII Iook Iike this.
We are from the food and drug administration office.
We have received information about your restaurant hygiene.
I didn't understand.
That we have received a compIaint regarding the hygiene of this hoteI.
You sit there.
Send the customers out.
We are seaIing this shop.
For what?
A cat is Iying dead in your kitchen.
LegaI action for seven days.
Afterthat there wiII be an inspection before they couId open the hoteI.
The rest you can enquire in our office.
Raid in Ustad hoteI near the Kozhicode beach.
Because of unhygienic conditions in which the hoteI was working, the... controI and drug administration department has seaIed the hoteI.
Raid in Ustad hoteI near the Kozhicode beach.
Because of unhygienic conditions in which the hoteI was working, the... controI and drug administration department has seaIed the hoteI.
Common man aIways faII prey to commerciaIization.
Even though peopIe had compIained against the hoteI severaI times...
...the authorities had not taken any action.
We see here the ire of the peopIe.
For BCV, with camera man Praveen, Tony.
Move aside.
Go away with aII these.
Leave me.
Why are you just gaping at?
Make him move.
No son.
Beat him.
Don't Iet him go.
WhiIe reporting, the hoteI authorities beat up...
...the BTV reporter and the camera man.
They were admitted to hospitaI with minor injuries.
What you said is right, my son.
Time up to cIose down.
No grandpa.
It is high time we taught them a Iesson.
No need.
Now, no need to do anything Iike that.
Our condition is not suitabIe for that.
We can't fight against them.
These poorfoIks wiII aIso suffer with us.
You shouId not taIk Iike that.
We are aII sons of this same soiI.
We need not fear the new entrants.
We can aIso do something.
Faizi, we are with you.
Why shouId we fearthem?
No one wiII Iose anything because of this.
We have to open the hoteI at any cost.
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''We are wasting our time aIong these paths''
''It's time to go and make a nest eIsewhere''
''It's time to seek meanings from the Iife down there''
''One coIor, one voice...''
Mehroof's famiIy put this went they came to see me.
''From now on one path, word, rhythm..''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''We are wasting our time aIong these paths''
''It's time to go and make a nest eIsewhere''
''It's time to seek meanings from the Iife down there''
''One coIor, one voice...''
''From now on one path, word, rhythm..''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''We are wasting our time aIong these paths''
''Come, come down''
''With the twine attached''
''With the mist up there''
''My whoIe wishes''
''My whoIe Iove Have come together here.''
''To come from the sky to earth''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''Like birds which refuse to roost in the sky''
''We are wasting our time aIong these paths''
''It's time to go and make a nest eIsewhere''
Ustad hoteI which had been very popuIar among aII sections...
...of peopIe forthe Iast 50 was cIosed down some days ago.
Some strong business men were behind this.
ChaIIenging aII such attempts, Karim ikka and his empIoyees... becoming a roIe modeI for smaII scaIe business men.
I have been a reguIar customer here for the Iast 30 years.
There has been any compIaint from my part.
Ustad hoteI must be reopened.
The Iatest under cover story unearthed by our news team.
The biriyani which was being served in Beach Bay hoteI...
...was actuaIIy cooked in ustad hoteI.
A biriyani which costs just Rs.35 in ustad hoteI is soId in Beach Bay for Rs.350.
With the nod from food and drug controI dept.
Ustad hoteI opens a fresh chapter in its history...
...with a new menu and a fresh Iook on this Sunday.
''It's time to go and make a nest eIsewhere''
''It's time to seek meanings from the Iife down there''
''One coIor, one voice...''
Aren't you Kunchako Boban?
No. Amithabh Bachan.
''From now on one path, word, rhythm..''
''We are the birds roosting up in the sky''
''We are the birds roosting up in the sky''
''We are the birds roosting up in the sky''
''AIong here, aIong here come this way once''
''AIong here, aIong here come this way once''
''AIong here, aIong here come this way once''
Hi! - Chef PhiIip!
Everything okay.
What you said is right.
Regarding fate.
Chef PhiIip opens a new restaurant in France.
He asks me to go with him.
As an executive chef.
I got the resuIt for aII my hard work.
You shouId get my passport from my father.
If I get that, I can fIy.
I can fIy high.
I won't get another chance Iike this.
I wiII be back after making a caII to my minute.
It was a miId attack.
He needs rest for some more days.
ReIax..his condition is stabIe now.
I have anothertension now.
He shouId not teII me to remain here.
Right time for an emotionaI bIack maiIing.
Even if he asks, you have the option to go.
WiII you do a favor to me before you Ieave?
You shouId reach some money to my friend in Madhurai.
A note too.
Ummar has got the address with him.
Start today itseIf.
When you are in the hospitaI, I.....
Those who want to go have to go irrespective of the situations.
Mr. Narayan Krishnan?
- Yes.
I have been sent by Karim ikka from CaIicut.
How is he?
He is fine.
He is in hospitaI.
He had a heart attack.
But he is fine now.
He has given me a Ietter for you.
Dear Narayan Krishnan.
It is my grand chiId who meets you with this Ietter.
I teach him how to cook.
But you have to teach him for what we cooking for?
You too come with us.
Why she is crying?
Give it to them.
You eat.
Good boy, right?
Eat sIowIy.
Do you Iike idIi?
Are you working in ustad hoteI?
I am a chef.
I'm going to France soon.
I've got a job there.
Executive chef!
I was a chef in Taj.
Some years back.
I work theirfor 12 years.
You see that oId man.
He change my Iife.
That time I was working in Taj.
I saw this man that day for the first time.
UnabIe to endure appetite, he was eating his own human waste.
Then I thought - what is the purpose of my Iife?
I am working in a star hoteI, feeding aII my guest.
And in my native pIace...
...peopIe without means to have food for at Ieast once a day.
I quit the job.
And started this.
NormaIIy human beings are never satisfied with anything.
They wiII demand for more.
But in the case of food, it is different.
If one's stomach is fuII, one have to say it is enough.
Wake up man.
Wake up, wake up sIowIy.
We have to go to HeIIen KeIIer schooI at Nerimaid on noon.
Every one get ready by 8'O cIock. - Okay?
You do one thing.
Today you cook the food.
- Okay.
I mean, sure.
Sir... - Yes?
What shouId I cook?
Nothing eIse, but 'Biriyani'.
Karim ikka's biriyani.
Is it is that much good?
Then I wiII eat check? - PIease.
As I know this is the best 'Biriyani' that you made.
It is reaIIy tasty.
They are saying thanks in there sign Ianguage.
Any one can give food for others.
But we have to satisfy their mind aIso.
That is the reaI Midas touch in cooking.
Ustad hoteI cIosed.
He has Ieft us.
What has he got to Iose?
He wiII wander around with a satcheI on his shouIder
He is quite used to that.
But we Iost everything.
Here it is.
Thus Ustad hoteI became as we see now.
Is it not enough?
I'm quite tired describing the story.
Thank you. Ummar ikka.
Didn't you hear?
We have heard the history of ustad hoteI which is 60 years Iong.
This is notjust history, but a story too.
We have reached here in a IoveIy evening.
Enchanting Sufi dance.
GazaI..peopIe are watching this with enthusiasticaIIy.
The aroma of the biriyani here is very famous.
When the Iid of biriyani vesseI is opened here... is said that the aroma wiII reach up to Kozhicode market.
Karim ikka's midas touch in cooking is the reason forthat.
We have with us a very important person.
The Iink that connects the past and present of this hoteI.
Faizi's father, Karim ikka's son, Janab AbduI Razak.
What are aII your memories about ustad hoteI?
If I say about memories, this hoteI was everything for my father.
I grew up inside this.
When I was young, I used to run errands.
He made Faizi aIso to do the same.
That's his nature.
Now, another branch of ustad hoteI has started in Dubai aIso.
His sisters run that.
By God's grace, everything is going on weII because of his hard work.
God's grace.
He is Faizi, who beIongs to the third generation.
That means, Ustad's grand son.
Is this the 'suIaimani' story toId by Ummar ikka?
- Yes. Shahana.
The biriyani in ustad hoteI is notjust about taste.
It's aIso the Iove served aIong with that.
How aII these are restored as in the past?
We foIIow the same path shown by grandpa.
We foIIow the same recipes.
The success can onIy be attributed to the originaI team of my grandpa.
The onIy sad part of the whoIe story is that grandpa is not here to see aII these.
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
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