if you're wondering how to keep your dog cool in summer when it's hot outside how
to help keep your dog comfortable and prevent heatstroke then I've got eleven
tips for you coming up Hi, I'm Dr alex from ourpetshealth.com helping
you and your dog to live a healthier happier life so make sure that you're
subscribed and let me know in the comments down below which tip your dog
enjoys the most make sure you watch right to the end as after I've run
through my eleven tips to keep your dog cool in summer I'll let you know an
essential summer dog care tip you might never have thought of so my first tip is
to make sure that your dog has access to plenty of water so at home and in the
garden this can just mean that you've got plenty of water bowls dotted around
the place making sure that they're regularly refreshed sometimes even
adding ice to them can help keep that water cool and that can encourage your
dog to to drink more water now if you're outside if you're on a walk somewhere
then actually making sure that you carry a water bottle not just for yourself but
for your dog is very important and we can help our dog drink this water in a
couple of different ways so the first is that we can carry a folding bowl that
you can just then pop out and pour the water in there to allow your dog to have
a drink or you can also get water bottles specifically for your dogs that have got a
fold-out drinking bowl attached to that so that you'll never forget that and
leave that behind I'll put some links in the description down below for those
products ok so tip number two is to use a fan now obviously when it's hot we
have a fan it helps blow the air over us it helps us lose heat better and your
dog is exactly the same so this can just be if you're at home normal just a
normal household fan directed over your dog's bed or the area that they like to
sit you can also get crate fans so they attach onto the side of the crate onto
the bars and that will blow the air through the crate and over your dogs so
that really can be useful actually if you're traveling in the car or even just
at home if that's the place that they like to sit or if you're away and that's
where you leave your dog in their crate so using a fan to help keep your dog
cool can really help okay so tip number three to keep your
dog cool in hot weather is actually use cooling ice packs or
cooling towels cooling mats so we can do this in a number of different ways you
can get cooling towels and mats that you just add a little bit of water to kind
of shake them out that starts if that great thing that water starts
evaporating and it cools those down and can actually be quite a big difference
between temperature of the towel and their outside temperature you can also
get other cooling aids and one of these is an ice pack or a cool pack that goes
around their neck so you pop that in the fridge and then when you need to cool
your dog down you just take it out and put it around their neck and it provides
some nice cooling but you can also get jackets that you put on very much like
cooling towels but they won't slip off so if your dogs out and about then you
just wet those jackets the water then evaporates that caused them down and
that can make a really big difference okay so tip number four to keep your dog
cool is to use cooling treats so we like ice creams or ice blocks and our dogs
are no different so what we can do is we can actually make up treats pop them in
in advance we can pop them in the freezer and then when it's hot we can
take those out and actually my next video is going through two really great
treats frozen treats that we can give to our dogs so make sure you check those
out okay tip number five to keep your dog cool and prevent injury is to
actually use some booties for their feet so this is especially important if you
live in the town in the city and you're walking on concrete or pavement a lot so
it's amazing how quickly that can heat up and I've actually done a video on
that which I'll link in the card up here but using booties on their feet and make
a really big difference it provides a layer of insulation so it will stop them
conducting heat from the ground into their body and it will also stop their
paws getting burnt so that can really help to certainly not only keep your dog
cool but prevent them from getting some quite serious injuries sometimes step
number six is to use a sprinkler or a paddling pool of some description in the
garden so that will allow your dog to get wet too and that will help cool them
off so that water will then evaporate and we can think of that almost as like
sweating for dogs so dogs they can't sweat they can't lose heat in the same
way that we can they can only but if they get wet then that water that
then evaporates actually takes a lot of heat with it and can keep your dog cool
so as long as there's no water restrictions having the sprinkler
running on low or having a paddling pool that you allow and encourage your dog to
use can make a really big difference in keeping them caught and help you to
prevent heatstroke tip number seven is to have shaded areas so if your dog is
outside if you keep them outside and they're not in the house then just make
sure that they've got somewhere shady and cooler for them to retreat to
there's nothing worse than seeing dogs in gardens where there's absolutely no
shade or you see them really tucked up against the this thin slither of shade
and the side of the fence and that's really the only place they can get out
of the beating Sun so just providing a nice shady spot can help keep your dog
cool so tip number eight might not be quite so obvious and that's weight loss
so a lot of our dogs unfortunately are overweight and I've got a whole video
series on obesity and the importance of losing weight and how to actually go
about losing weight that I'll link in the card up here and in the description
down below but losing weight can make a huge difference and then tip number nine
is to groom your dog so especially if they've got a long coat if they've got a
thick coat then actually clipping them out in the summer can make a big
difference in their temperature so just imagine a big heavy thick long coat is a
bit like wearing the big insulating jacket to remove that jacket so you just
need to clip all their hair so getting your dog regularly groomed and make a
big difference to keeping them cool in the summer
tip number ten is to only exercise or walk them in the cool of the day so the
best time is generally first thing in the morning before the sun's out and
it's full strength and before the temperatures started to really warm up
so targeting the cool of the day so morning is best late evening is another
option limiting their exercise actually in the middle of the day is also
important so even if you think that your dog wants to run if they want to chase a
ball just really not doing that for them not taking them out not playing with
them to exuberantly will help to prevent heatstroke because
overexertion actually is a really big cause of heat stroke if that exertion
takes place in the heat of the day and then my final tip tip number 11 is quite
simple never leave your dog in a parked car
so there's very little that's better at killing a
dog through heatstroke than leaving them in a parked car in warm weather it
doesn't even really need to be that hot outside and if you've got any doubts
about that if you're not sure about how quickly a car can get warm then I've got
a whole video about that that I'll link up here and I'd really encourage you to
watch that one and share that with your friends and family it's very important
because every year dogs do die in hot cars and it's so
avoidable and completely unnecessary so as promised I've got a bonus suncare tip
for you and that is to actually consider using sunscreen for your dog it's
something that we often don't think about but our dogs noses especially or
the tips of there is really susceptible to sunburn and sun damage and that
definitely can lead to some cancers which can be very aggressive and very
difficult to treat especially if they're not addressed straight away I would
recommend a specific pet sun cream so other sun creams can have harmful or
irritating ingredients so using a pet specific sun cream can just help prevent
skin irritation while at the same time preventing burns you can check out the
links to any of the items I've mentioned in this video in the description down
below let me know which tip helps your dog the best in the comments and make
sure that you check out my other hot weather dog cat videos linked in the
card over on the side here so until next time i'm dr. alex from our pets health
because they're family
For more infomation >> 11 Tips for How to Keep a Dog Cool in Summer + Prevent Heatstroke | Hot Weather Dog Care pt 5 - Duration: 8:04.-------------------------------------------
How Much Money Should You Spend Buying a Sewing Machine? | SEWING REPORT - Duration: 16:21.how much should you be spending on a sewing machine we are diving into that
question and welcome to the Sewing Report I'm Jennifer Moore helping you discover
your love of sewing crafts and DIY projects and it is the ultimate question
for the beginner Sohus seamstress how much should you spend on your first
sewing machine and I'm here to tell you that's kind of a trick question because
it's gonna be different for everybody so when I started out sewing I didn't know
anything I didn't really know what I was doing I ended up buying like a vintage
sewing machine that wasn't exactly use our friendly beautiful machine though
although I haven't only used it in a while and then I ended up getting a kind
of an entry-level computerized brother machine the SC 400 great machine and I
will link all of the sewing machines I can below that I own or that I recommend
so and I've also done a few other videos and live shows about sewing machines so
if you'd like to check those out I will also link the playlist I currently own
five sewing machines so started off with the brother and then after I kind of
outgrew that I ended up giving it away I own a vintage Singer 201 to a never
sewn sparrow 25 which is definitely a great entry level budget machine
I dropped the way too much money on this Janome 7700 and I will go into that I
also have a sailrite zigzag machine and then I have the Brother
serger the Brother 10 34d serger some of these machines serve different purposes
so in my opinion I think it's good to have unit askers I'm kind of lazy and I
don't like switching on a lot of stuff so I really prefer to like a separate
serger sewing machine if I ever get an embroidery machine it's gonna be a
separate unit and I I borrowed a cover stitch machine from pink castle fabrics
a while back to do some videos and I would prefer having two separate
machines versus like a serger cover stitch combo just cuz I just hate
switching stuff out you have to change the thread like it's just such a pain in
the butt I don't know so you're probably wondering if you're
just starting or if you don't own a sewing machine how do you figure out
what to buy how much should you spend and do you really need like one of those
fancy expensive sewing machines I was talking to a friend a while ago it was
actually a guy and he was like do you like those fancy ones he's like are
those really necessary and I think that's a good question there are so many
brands of sewing machines and over the years I've you know learned a little
little bit about some of them but to the person coming in from the outside you
know you don't know all the brains in fact I talked to a lot of my friends and
they said they'd only really heard of singer and brother they weren't really
aware of like the Bernina is even not even the genome ease in some cases they
didn't know thoth or like Husqvarna Jiu key for sure you know people unfamiliar
with this world they just don't know any of that and it's I see it sort of as
like a chicken and egg scenario of course you have to have a sewing machine
in order to start sewing but if someone doesn't so what's gonna get them to buy
and start using a sewing machine if they're not into it and one thing I
think would help I've seen a lot of classes being offered by like sewing
machine dealers or like other types of sewing businesses and I see one thing on
the registration or the information that I think kind of deters people and that
for many of the classes I've seen advertised is that the person already
has to have a sewing machine and bring it to class now if you're someone and
you you don't know if you like sewing and you want to take a class on it are
you gonna buy a hundred or 200 or 300 dollar machine to take a class you don't
know if you're gonna like on a subject you don't know if you're gonna be hot on
or not either so I can definitely see why someone who's kind of interested in
sewing maybe that's you would be a little bit dissuaded or like you know am
I really gonna drop 300 bucks on something only to find out you don't
like it here's the other caveat I know a lot of you in the sewing community see
machines under like a hundred dollars being throwaway machines meaning
if they break or something goes wrong with them they're not worth getting
fixed you should just throw it away because the repair cost would be more
than it would to just get a new sewing machine and the other thing I've heard
about some of these lower end machines is that they're not very good use again
I've heard mixed things and I think some I've seen some great reviews on some
models that are under a hundred and fifty dollars so and I personally had a
good experience with a machine that was under four hundred dollars this one is
certainly under 400 bucks and this one I paid I really I paid $2,500 for this
about three to four years ago do I think it's a great sewing machine yes I do do
I think that the difference between this one and the ever sown is worth 20 what
twenty one hundred dollars I would have to say no and I would say if you're
looking at the Janome like memory like the Janome home series I think a great
less expensive option is the Janome skyline series and I will link one below
I think they have they have like the large throat space that if you're a
quilter might be good but they also have a lower price of about a thousand some
of them are about a thousand dollars they can go up a little bit as well but
I think compared to $2,500 there's a few more bells and whistles this one has but
is it worth the extra $1,500 probably not
in fact I spent $1,200 on like the premium sail bright zigzag machine
package to be honest with you I haven't only used it I know that sounds terrible
still trying to figure out what to do with it
but that's what I meet about not buying too much machine or one where you you
know you haven't tried it out or you don't know if it's for you again that's
a lot of money to spend that's something that you that you never use on the other
hand if you are curious about sewing but you don't want to buy a machine what do
you do in order to get access to one to figure out if you're gonna like it so
here are some recommendations try to find a local sewing class or sewing
studio or a lesson or a workshop where the machine
is provided these can be a little bit more rare but I'm seeing them pop up
every once in a while I think more businesses need to do that though
because you have to understand that the target customer you want the person who
doesn't sew but wants to probably doesn't already own a machine so if you
can provide them with a you know starter one like a two hundred dollar one that's
easy to use they might be like wow this is actually pretty cool I like sewing
the machines pretty easy to use not very frustrating I'll buy one but if they
never get to use it how are they gonna know if they like it so going to a class
or trying to check something like that out might be a good way for you to test
drive your machines you can also of course go to a sewing machine dealer and
try to see if they will let you try out the different models but again if you
here's the thing about getting into sewing though when you're buying a
machine and you're not sure what you want to sew I think it's really
difficult for you to make a decision based on a lack of knowledge because if
you get into sewing and you find you like quilting but you don't want to make
clothes I would make a different sewing machine recommendation to you versus if
you were doing clothing or garments or dress making so I think that's one
reason why if you're new to it I might wait to buy machine until you figure out
what do you want to sew with it how hardcore do you want to get with it if
you have a friend or friends with sewing machines I would also recommend trying
to see if they'll let you come over to the house and try out their machine I
would also recommend if you can try out different makes and models don't just go
to one store and be like Oh Baby Lock these are cool that's it test them all
out try out Janome use trout ever sons brothers singers fox Husqvarna marinas
dukey's sale rights like honestly get to sit down and in front of it in front of
as many machines as you can because each brand might feel different or so some
people loved you know me some people hate them some people have loyalty to
different brands and you need to figure out what machine
you feel the most comfortable comfortable with and has the features
you want so if you have a friend who sews see if you can try out the machine
I'm sure they would be happy to let you do that because let's be honest people
who so want more people to so another thing you can do is try to seek out
sewing conventions or Expos in your area there's one called the original sewing
Expo Abilene Expo again all links I'm gonna include as many links as I
possibly can they have workshops you can take classes where they're in sponsored
studios so for instance I've gotten to tryout Bernina x' baby locs all kinds of
different machines just because I signed up for a particular workshop and you get
to really see what these machines are like and you also get an extended period
of time to try them out so I've taken a few three-hour workshops and you get
three hours with the machine to see how you feel about it I've got to try out
like a six thousand dollar baby lock Ovation serger again not something I'm
gonna buy because I don't want to spend six thousand dollars but it was cool to
try out and I got to see what it was like just to use that particular type of
machine so if you are trying to figure things out and you don't know where to
go that's what I would recommend either go to a sewing machine dealer go and go
to more than one go to several different dealerships and see if you like them
again you can because most of the people I know who gets so machines now they're
either at Costco or like sam's club they see a machine and they just buy it
without like really doing any research or they go like me you know I go on
Amazon for everything and I look for good ratings there are other things you
can do to try out sewing machines so that because again it is kind of a big
purchase to commit to even a hundred bucks for people is a lot of money and
there are ways that you can actually try out these machines so sewing machine
dealers friends look for classes in your area where the sewing machine is
provided or like sewing Expos or sewing conventions great places to be able to
actually test drive these machines and kind of see them out in the wild so some
other thoughts I've got about sewing machines now this one the retail price
is about four hundred dollars I have been very impressed with the performance
of the ever sewn sparrow twenty-five I've been using it for over a year and
it's not failed I've never I've not had any issues with it in fact I've never
had a sewing machine that needed to be repaired
maybe it's just me I do so quite a bit but I even my like cheapo Brother serger
that was 200 bucks haven't had a single issue with it so maybe I've been very
lucky but also don't think hey this is gonna need to be serviced all the time
cuz I want to be honest with you I haven't had any real problems with it by
now you're probably thinking general how much should I drop specifically on a
sewing machine I would say it depends on your budget how much you enjoy sewing
what you need to do with the machine if you're just doing real basic stuff you
could certainly get away with getting like an under $200 machine from Brother
for sure if again you're a sporadic Sohus tanned you just want to do simple
stuff if you want to start doing like hardcore quilting you may want to look
in like the Janome skyline series if you're super hardcore and you want to do
long arm quilting those are gonna run you about twenty to thirty thousand
dollars but I would definitely say look at reviews you want a machine that is
fairly decent quality look for metal parts versus plastic also look at
reviews talk to people people about what they like and also think about what
features do you want now here's my caveat I am very averse to debt and
I am a very much a living below your means kind of gal so here on the sewing
report I've decided that I'm not going to do I'm not gonna try to encourage you
or promote doing anything that I wouldn't do and that is going into debt
so I know a lot of sewing machine dealers offer financing I wouldn't go
down that road personally if you do or if you don't have a problem with that
again there's no judgment you can make up your own mind but I see sewing
machines even though I love sewing obviously I still see this as a bit of a
bit of a luxury this is not a necessity I can survive like if I was stuck on a
deserted island and I didn't have a sewing machine you know I I would I
would be able to live probably not not very happily but I would be able to live
so I don't want to promote you doing anything that would wreck your financial
future and a financing a sewing machine if you don't have the cash for it if if
it's me I'm not buying it because I want I want to pay for things in cash so
that's my personal philosophy if you disagree that's totally okay we can't
agree on every single thing under the Sun and I totally understand that but I
just wanted to share my stance with you and kind of why I go that route because
a sewing machine if you if I don't have the money for it I'm just I'm just and
that's my philosophy with everything if I don't have the money for it
I'm not doing it we have decided to not really pay for anything with financing
that includes cars we have no car payments and we recently got out of debt
we don't really want to go back into debt so that's why that's not something
I personally encourage and I'm sorry sewing machine dealers I know you guys
all offer financing but you know this is just my you know personal moral compass
here and I just can't I I can't in all good faith tell you to do something that
I wouldn't do so you won't see that over here here at the sewing report I also
don't discriminate against any particular sewing machine manufacturer I
will talk about any brain from Janome to ever sewn to singer jukey sailrite i'm
if curious to try all of them just because I I think there was different
things to like about each one so I am NOT one of those brand snobs and I've
encountered them in the wild a little bit and sometimes that can be a little
bit frustrating I understand that you might really love something but that
doesn't always mean it's right for someone else or that the other person
might feel that same way about a certain sewing machine maker that you that you
do so I also want to encourage you if you are trying to help someone buy a
sewing machine or you're trying to buy a sewing machine
don't let that influence you just because someone else is like you should
only buy this particular brand you know what you got to figure that out for
yourself so I am not particularly brand loyal to anyone I will talk about
different makers I'll talk about whoever because you know what I don't have any
exclusive deals anyways I hope you enjoyed this video about sewing machines
I know this is a little bit rambley but uh you know I've been kind of feeling
this one for a while and I wanted to get these thoughts out so if you enjoyed it
hit that like button and subscribe to the sewing report if you enjoy
everything from sewing DIY and crafts I'm Jennifer Moore and I'll see you back
again for another video
Are You Sitting Down? Here's How Much Mueller's WITCH-HUNT Cost Taxpayers Over Last 5 Months - Duration: 2:08. For more infomation >> Are You Sitting Down? Here's How Much Mueller's WITCH-HUNT Cost Taxpayers Over Last 5 Months - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
What It Costs To Attend A Fundraiser With The President - Duration: 2:24. For more infomation >> What It Costs To Attend A Fundraiser With The President - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use - Duration: 2:37. For more infomation >> New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
WOW! You will not believe how much Victoria Beckham spends on her face cream! - Duration: 3:08.WOW! You will not believe how much Victoria Beckham spends on her face cream!
No ASDA special for Mrs Beckham!. We all know Victoria Beckham likes the finer things in life.
And why the devil not, she does have a net worth £325 million after all! But our jaws did drop when we found out how much she spends on her face cream.
Taking to Instagram VB posted a photo of Creme De La Mer's new 'moisturizing cool gel cream' saying: 'I'm obsessed with this! Makes your skin feel incredible!'. But guess how much it costs….
£220 for 60ml!!!!! Yes, we know! That's an expensive face, right there!. That works out that the cream is about £44 per month if it was to last approximately five months.
So, why is it so special? Well, according to Creme De La Mer, the super fancy new moisturising cool gel cream 'Calms, cools and replenishes!'.
They go on to add: 'This cooling gel delivers soothing moisture for a refreshed feel. Skin looks naturally vibrant, restored to its healthiest-looking centre.
Miracle Broth™ – the legendary renewing ingredient that flows through all of La Mer – infuses skin with sea-sourced renewing energies. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.'.
What is in this Miracle Broth? That's what we want to know. It's probably something gross like giant-squid sperm from the Pacific or something, we're guessing that's why it's so spenny!.
But if it makes us look as good as Victoria does at 44-year-old, we'd bathe in the stuff if we had as much cash as she does.
As well as looking after her skin like an absolute pro, Victoria also takes care of her body by eating really healthily and exercising daily.
'I get up quite early, around 6 a.m., and do an hour in the gym before the kids get up, then I give them breakfast and David or I take them to school.
I'll then fit in another hour's workout before I go to the office. I'm very disciplined, I have to be', she said. Wow, that's two hours before the day has even started!.
Zidane leaves Real Madrid: how much did he achieve? - Duration: 8:56.Zidane leaves Real Madrid: how much did he achieve?
Zidane leaves Real Madrid: how much did he achieve? Thursday 31 May 2018.
Article summary Zinédine Zidane has stepped down as Real Madrid coach, days after the clubs historic triumph in Kyiv.
Article top media content https://img.
jpg Zinédine Zidane confirming his decision to resign as Real Madrid coach ©AFP/Getty Images.
Article body Zinédine Zidane has announced that he is stepping aside as coach of Real Madrid a matter of days after steering the club to an unprecedented third successive UEFA Champions League triumph.
I think its the moment, both for me, the team and the club [to stand down], the 45-year-old told an impromptu press conference at Madrids training ground.
Its a strange moment to do so, I know, but an important one too.
I had to do this for everyone. Zidanes place among the greats Hired in January 2016 after a spell in charge of the Real Madrid B team, Zidane became the first coach to win the European Cup in three straight seasons as the Blancos beat Liverpool 3-1 in Saturdays UEFA Champions League final in Kyiv.
He also joined Carlo Ancelotti as the only coach to have won the competition three times in the UEFA Champions League era.
Before his latest victory, the Frenchman was already the only coach to have claimed back-to-back UEFA Champions League titles – as well as the first to have won consecutive editions of Europes top club competition since Arrigo Sacchi doubled up with AC Milan in 1989 and 1990.
Most UEFA Champions League final wins 3= Carlo Ancelotti (AC Milan 2003, 2007, Real Madrid 2014) 3= Zinédine Zidane (Real Madrid 2016, 2017, 2018) Bob Paisley also won three European Cups, in 1977, 1978 and 1981.
Most successive UEFA Champions League final wins 3= Zinédine Zidane (Real Madrid 2016, 2017, 2018) Most successive European Cup final wins 3= Zinédine Zidane (Real Madrid 2016, 2017, 2018) 2= Luis Carniglia (Real Madrid 1958, 1959) 2= Brian Clough (Nottingham Forest 1979, 1980) 2= Béla Guttman (Benfica 1961, 1962) 2= Helenio Herrera (Inter Milan 1964, 1965) 2= Ștefan Kovács (Ajax 1972, 1973) 2= Dettmar Kramer (Bayern München 1975, 1976) 2= Bob Paisley (Liverpool 1977, 1978) 2= Arrigo Sacchi (AC Milan 1989, 1990) 2= José Villalonga (Real Madrid 1956, 1957) European win ratio Of those coaches with a comparable level of European experience, only Jupp Heynckes, by the narrowest of margins, can better Zidanes 69% win ratio in European competition (Zizou registered 24 wins in 35 UEFA club competition games).
By comparison, Josep Guardiola – perhaps the most lauded coach of his generation – has won 60% of his 106 matches as boss of Barcelona, Bayern München and Manchester City.
Overall record at Madrid Played: 149 Wins: 104 Draws: 29 Defeats: 16 Win percentage: 69.79% Honours UEFA Champions League: 3 (2016, 2017, 2018) UEFA Super Cup: 2 (2016, 2017) Liga: 1 (2017) FIFA Club World Cup: 2 (2016, 2017) Spanish Super Cup: 1 (2017) Reporters view: Joe Walker, Madrid What a ride it has been.
When Zidane took over, Madrid were lacking direction.
If youd said to me the day he took charge in January 2016 that he would go on to win three consecutive UEFA Champions League crowns, I would not have believed you.
Yet, despite this being his first senior coaching job, the 45-year-old has had unprecedented success.
He has shown himself to be a canny operator and a wily tactician, possessing skills that many coaches need decades to acquire.
He has also shown he is flexible, able to maintain harmony and, above all, a winner.
Chapeau et bonne chance, Zizou.
Joe Walker has covered all three of Zidanes UEFA Champions League-winning campaigns for UEFA.com.
Zidanes parting words After three years its my decision and perhaps I can get it wrong, but I think that after such time it is the moment.
If I dont see that I think were going to carry on winning, if I dont see things as I want them to be, a moment arrives where you say its better to change. Best memory? Thatll be when the president brought me here, gave me the chance to play at this club.
Its a players dream.
Ive lived it, and Ive spoken to lots of players and its their dream to play here at Madrid.
The best thing was when the president brought me to play here.
As coach, well, there are a lot of things, like winning the Champions League.
If theres one as a coach it is winning the Liga; for me, winning the Liga was the max. This side should carry on winning and needs a change for this.
After three years it needs another voice, another method of work.
I love this club a lot. .
Re-defining What Success Is For Weight Loss - Duration: 0:45.One of the first things I say to patients who come to me for weight loss or obesity
treatment is you've got to lose that number in your head.
If you think there's a magic number that you've got to get your weight down to in order to
be healthy, I can tell you that you're wrong-- there is no such magic number.
It's not about how much weight you can lose- it's about how much weight can you lose and
keep off, and that's when we talk about this concept of best weight.
You have to find the balance between the amount of effort you can sustain and the amount of
weight loss that you need to improve your health because that's your only chance of
keeping the weight off.
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