Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

News on Youtube Sep 29 2018

What is the relationship between webhint and Microsoft?

Webhint started at Microsoft

but we gave it out to the open community

as an open-source project.

And we handed it over to the JS Foundation

because we want you to contribute to it

and we want you to actually use it for the things

that make up your Internet.

We did not want to build another tool that says like,

"Here's what Microsoft thinks the web is good for,"

or "This is a great Internet according to Microsoft,"

because we want everybody to find their own way

to make the Internet better.

That's why we released it as open source.

It lives on GitHub.

It has its own entity

and Microsoft is just there to help maintain it

and be with other partners there to fix things and add things to it.

But you're very much invited to be part of it

and it is not a Microsoft-owned product.

For more infomation >> One Dev Question with Chris Heilmann - What is the relationship between webhint and Microsoft? - Duration: 0:56.


Do Mother and Son Have a Good Relationship? - Duration: 3:57.

- Alright, let's hear what our Truth Team thinks.

Dr. Judy.

- Okay.

You guys are kinda cute.

- [Danielle] Thanks, we make a cute couple, don't we?

- [Judy] I don't think you're-- oh, no, Mom.

Don't step in that.

Listen. - Stop it!

- Ethan, I get that you're a little embarrassed.

I sympathize with that, but at the same time,

you guys look like you have a lovely relationship.

- Absolutely.

(cheering) Absolutely.

- [Judy] Why fight over the small stuff?

- We don't have-- we love each other,

that's full-on there.

- Ethan, you gotta listen.

Listen, very quick. (laughs)

- Yes, Ethan.

Listen when your elders talk to you.


I really do think that there is something

a little bit beneath the surface.

I think you miss maybe perhaps the type of quality time

you were spending with your mom.

The more that you're talking about these traditional views

of maybe your mom taking care of you,

cooking for you.

I think that as you see that she's got this interest

that you're not really a part of,

you're missing out on that.

So I encourage you guys to find that common ground again.

And Mom, you are still his mom.

Doesn't matter what you look like.

But it sounds like you have motherly instincts--

- Oh yeah.

- And I think he wants to enjoy that a little bit more,

so maybe split your time between the wrestling--

- Do you want to be nurtured? - [Judy] And the mothering--


I think it'll all work out better.

I think you're denying it, but he's saying,

"I want you to cook for me still,"

so maybe you guys just need to, you know,

sometimes vary it up.

You cook on the weekdays--

- [Danielle] He hasn't eaten my cooking in a long time.

- [Judy] And you cook on the weekends.

- Rosie.

- You know what?

I love your mom.

She's amazing.

(audience cheers)

Look, at the end of the day, we have to learn

to respect and honor our parents

and love them just the way they are.

And I think with your mom, just respect and love her

for who she is and, you know what,

take the time, spend quality time with her,

enjoy some of her passions.

And Mom, do the same thing with your son.

That's just gonna enrich your relationship,

something you guys already have--

- He should come to wrestling with me.

- I do go to wrestling with you.

- Once.

- [Ethan] Twice.

Like three or four times!

- Areva? - Ethan,

I want you to do a little homework,

because when you say you want mom to be

like Martha Stewart, I want you to find out

that Martha Stewart went to jail.



And your mom--

- It's not a show us your dog.

- And I want you to know that having a mom that's hot

like yours is a good thing, I tell my kids that every day.

- I know that's right.


- Judge Mary.

- I certainly get where you're coming from

and I agree with him and I'm gonna be the oddball here.

He obviously wants a mother that he can respect.

Someone that he can look up to,

somebody who's gonna act, so to speak, her age.

I understand what you're saying, Ethan.

But I think we're beyond that.

I think we're beyond repair.

And I think what you need to do--

(laughter) - Yeah.

- I think what you need to do though

is take a deep breath and respect that she has the courage

to be who she is!

- [Audience] Yeah. (clapping)

- Because that's what's important.

And give her the benefit of the doubt.

She is who she is and you can't change that

at this point in her life.

And God bless her.

- Ethan, do you know how hard it is to be a woman

and walk in your own authenticity and just own who you are

and not care what anybody says?

You should really, really be respectful of your mom

because what your mom is doing, in her own artistic way,

she is exactly who she is and she's comfortable

in her own skin and I think that is something to celebrate.

- And I want him to be the same.

I want him to feel the same way.

- I don't suppress that.

I just wish in public that people would stop seeing us

as a couple, 'cause I'm tired of getting yelled at,

at dinners, for not paying the whole bill

by waitstaff and I'm a horrible human being

because I won't pay for my girlfriend's meal.


That happens constantly.

- That has happened several times.

- And that is where some of this frustration stems from.

Or when being picked up from high school,

they check her ID to make sure she wasn't

my girlfriend in high school.

- Ethan!

It's a great thing, I'm telling you!

- For her, it is a great thing!


- Well listen, Ethan and Danielle,

we thank you guys so much for having the courage

to Face the Truth.

- Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> Do Mother and Son Have a Good Relationship? - Duration: 3:57.


APD hopes to strengthen relationship with Native American population - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> APD hopes to strengthen relationship with Native American population - Duration: 0:38.


Demet Özdemir: 'This is the life of our relationship' | Personal Life - Duration: 1:31.

Hello, Blinkers!

Welcome to Blink Now.

To get more amazing videos, don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Today we are going to talk about the secret relationship of Demet Özdemir.

Can Yaman who was observed to be quite stressed recently took a look at the meaning of journalists

who asked the love rumors about Demet Özdemir and his colleagues.

Yaman, who tried to draw attention with different clothing styles, made his way to his home

by a commercial taxiway passing by.

Demet Özdemir, a famous couple who erased all the memories of each other from social

media, was allegedly close to his partner in the Early Bird, Can Yaman.

Besides Demet Ozdemir denied the allegations of love and said:

'There is no love with Can.

We are just friends.

I didn't betray Seçkin.

We tried, but it didn't.

Our work was very intense, we could not see.

This is the life of our relationship!

There is no other love.'

Demet Özdemir and Seçkin Özdemir were together for about 4 months.

They look like super happy couple nowadays.

That's it for this video hope you enjoy it.

And if you did then please give it a thumbs up or leave a comment below.

Hope to see you back soon for more.

See you next time on Blink Now.

For more infomation >> Demet Özdemir: 'This is the life of our relationship' | Personal Life - Duration: 1:31.


Ending a peer support relationship - Duration: 3:26.

All good things come to an end.

Youth peer support relationships are no exception as peer support is meant to be time-limited

and provided only as long as your peer needs and wants support.

Peer support relationships can end for a variety of reasons.

For example, things might come up unexpectedly for you or your peer, such as a move

or new commitments that impact the time you have available.

Sometimes peer support relationships end

because you and your peer decide that support is no longer needed.

Regardless of the reason, it's important to make sure both of you feel comfortable

with how the relationship is ending and what comes next.

We asked peer supporters for their advice on steps you can take

to respectfully wrap up a peer support relationship.

Here are some of their suggestions:

Carve out time to meet one-on-one with your peer to discuss why the relationship is ending.

Take the opportunity to reflect on the good times, lessons learned

and milestones that took place during the relationship.

Talk about your peer's plans for the future, including supports that will be available

in case they need them.

Most importantly, be warm and kind, and don't rush this step.

Closure is so important as your peer support relationship comes to an end.

Just as youth peer support relationships come to an end,

this learning series must also come to an end.

Throughout these videos, we've explored some important considerations

about youth peer support.

To recap, here are some highlights:

Youth peer support is about listening, showing empathy and connecting with another person.

As a youth peer supporter, you have the power to support your peer's wellness journey

and help them find balance and a better quality of life.

Communication is at the heart of youth peer support.

Pay attention to the language you use, practice reflective listening and remember that there

are healthy ways to talk through tricky conversations.

A key ingredient of peer support is a sense of shared identity or experience

between you and your peer.

Sharing your story is a great way to create connections

and strengthen the bond between you and your peer.

Remember that it's important for you to accept differences

and value the person you're supporting.

It takes practice, reflection and an open mind to feel comfortable working in partnership

with people who are different from you.

Be mindful of triggers – both your own and those of your peer

– and the limits to the privacy between you and your peer.

If your peer expresses that they want to hurt themselves or someone else,

you must tell someone.

Don't forget to look out for yourself, too.

As a youth peer supporter, self-care and boundaries are crucial.

You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself.

It's also important to develop connections with others in your community,

both for yourself and for your peer.

These connections with supportive people and resources in your community

can play an important role in supporting you while you support your peer.

Finally, don't forget about the importance of closure.

Regardless of why a peer support relationship is ending,

you and your peer need to feel comfortable with how it's ending.

Remember: there's a lot to learn about peer support and these videos are just the beginning.

To support you on your journey, check out these resources for more information.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ending a peer support relationship - Duration: 3:26.


8- Waarior Workshop - Unresolved feelings for my ex. Are they blocking my new relationship? - Duration: 7:25.

I guess I have another another question with like if you have let's say an ex

That you have unresolved feelings for

Is that something is that something that's blocking you from creating this new relationship?

Great question.

So the unresolved feelings Are you guys still spending time together

or how much interaction?

Okay, no time nothing like that.

But there's there's deep feelings for each other.

Yeah When did it when did it end?

Like is it was it how did it in like what?

Paint the picture for me and I'm gonna give you some good advice.

Well, about let me see.

Oh Yeah around my birthday so it was let's say

early October, I Ended it because it was his second chance

he Was supposed to he's like oh I'm going to

try to come to see you He didn't he doesn't live in the same city

as me.

I'm going to try to come see you but if not definitely give you call hope you're

having great early celebrations and you know, my birthday was coming up and

then my birthday he didn't call me and I didn't I

Just figured I have so many phone calls on your birthday

Like I would hear from him maybe another day and I just never heard from him.

Not the next day not the next day and then it was like maybe

a week and He messaged me and

I didn't answer him it was like a week.

And then finally I called him back and he's like I've been trying to reach you

I said no you haven't you only only now He said oh, yeah yeah.

Well, I've been going through this and that right..

No apologies no accountability and I say okay well I'm glad you're okay now,

but This is not going to work and I just had to

just let it go and I told him you know And he wasn't accepting it.

And I was like I'm sorry.

No, this is your second chance.

There's no excuse to disappear for like a week

no, be out of communication and So that was it and he was like no I still

love you I want to work things out and I was like no,

I'm just this doesn't work.

This is the second time, you know, and so, you know you just move on but

Definitely, he's someone that I still have you know feelings for yeah

and every now and then he sends me a message and he and I

Lately, I haven't responded, but he he would send me a message.

I love you.

I'm thinking of you.

Hope you're good And I just I can't respond to it because it

bothers me it's like what is that going to do?

You're not showing me you love me It's a word, you know, yeah

So like this definitely feelings for that person, of course because there's there's

positive Aspects to that person that you recognize

and you're really good at recognizing Positive aspects in people I can tell like

because you're a positive person you spend a lot of time

like you said up in that green and Because of that you're able to see the positives

from which is the whole reason you gave them a second chance in the first place

Because you're good at seeing those positive things

One thing that I will say, is that as human beings

We never ever have to settle at all Like we can have it all anything that we want

to be do and have like it's it's ours now not that you couldn't just focus on the positives

and You know knowing that all of us as human beings,

We're really easy to figure out guys are easy to figure out you guys are too though because

you got were always It's obvious what we're giving most of our

attention to what we're passion ate about at the time and if someone isn't

calling on a birthday or taking a week to call

It's because during that time they've been focusing on other things, who knows what those

things are but they're their attention is is somewhere

else because if You were a major priority in those in those

So, I would never suggest that someone, settle for someone that has their priority is going

in a different direction Someone could by focusing on those positive

aspects and if they were Really really a master at it they could still

live their life in the green and But we don't have to settle for that and the

interesting thing about us as humans by the time we get

To where we are in life by the time a human being is around, late 20s into the going into

the 30s That's the point where 95% of your thoughts

on a daily basis are our habitual the same thoughts similar

thoughts that you thought yesterday the day before because we lived all this life and

always periods where people

typically think that they stay in that chart in the Green Zone chart because there's people

that Their 95 percent is like worried or they're

anxious and that's how they live their life.

They're just used to that So there's some things that they have to do

to switch that out with new habits But for our purposes here

it just makes it makes the opposite sex so much easier to figure out what's going on

because it's not going to just change like someone

has to make a conscious decision to change and

literally having to re rewire the brain in order to start

Focusing differently, so that's why you can really go trust your gut and go with that

If it's not a hell yes and make those type of decisions like you know

what in the future you might not even have to give a second chance because

there's pretty much a 99.99% chance that that's gonna those same

things that stopped it the first time are gonna stop it

the second time because that Person would have to make a conscious decision

to change something.


Yeah, well both of you would really you'd have to decide regardless of what they're

doing I'm still gonna just feel good, but then you're kind of settling a little

bit and you just don't have to so Yeah, but the good news is that just gave

you more clarity as far as okay I like these things about him

but also definitely this is really important to me and then we'll just attract that the

next person that you meet may not be the The exact person maybe they have some additional

qualities that you love They're like, wow, I didn't even I didn't

even think about that Like I love that about this person and you'll

have a really good time.

Whatever that relationship looks like it might be it might be a day where it's just

a conversation.

It might be I mean, who knows?

But you you'll get everything that you want I mean in in one package like it's just you

never have to settle.

I love that Okay, yeah

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