Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 1, 2018

News on Youtube Jan 29 2018

Hello my dears and welcome back to "Kazu guckt"

I'm Kazu and today I'm watching the 3rd episode of Violet Evergarden!

Before I start watching I've got a question for you:

Is one of you at the EpicCon in Münster next week?

I'll be there and it would be so great to meet someone

who watches my videos. We could talk or walk around a little

It would be so much fun!

You probably won't recognize me, I'm cosplaying

Katsuki Yuri of Yuri!!! on ICE! Casual version

If you see me just talk to me! I would be so happy!

But now I'm excited to watch Violet Evergarden because

last episode she didn't do well at her new job

But I'm sure she'll get better BECAUSE of this job

So let's start! Have fun with my reaction!

The city is so beautiful I wonder if it has a reference


Like a vocational school

Well she is

Did we ever hear the opening?

I think I don't know it

Wasn't there an opening before?

Or did I forget, which is possible

I feel like I'm having something in my face

Ignore it

the opening isn't even bad

very emotional

scenery, nature and colors are so beautiful in this anime

It's easy with her robot hands

it's a little unfair

good thing but the war is over

I'm happy she's nice to her even though she's different

There are only young girls

I think they like each other

It'll turn out bad

That's not a letter!

Of course

She's so cute

Like a report!


Of course it turned out wrong

It's so sweet how she's there for her

I don't think it'll be exhausting for her

I WOULD BE exhausted

How can she still breath normally?


really beautiful

the colours and everything

all the settings are so beautiful in this anime

You can do it!

I think it's because of the war

war destroyes people

Are the parents still alive?

Probably not

She did it

good question

She's so lovely to him even though his in this state

She's such a sweet girl

So lovely

Show him how it works

It is! Totally!

I knew it

Sorry I laughed, I'll explain later why

no way

yes sometimes it's good!

so dramatical

he showed her the place!


The animations are great!

Did she write a letter?

Oh I hope it's good!

Oh please let it be good


She did so well!!!

And such a beautiful letter!

Did she show her the letter?


Everyone is proud because of 2 wonderful sentences

She's visiting the place with him again!

so good

Did we see the ending before?

I think I don't know it

sooo beautiful

so calming

it's a little high but so calm

It makes me tired

Guys, it was such a beautiful episode

I like Luculia!

She's so cute I love her

That she was nice to violet even though she's different

that they helped each other

I'm so happy Violet wrote a real letter even though it was short, it was perfect!

I hope they'll become friends and that Luculia will take a big part in this anime

Maybe she can start to work at Violets working place!

The story with her brother was so emotional for me

Why I laughed was

the city I'm living in is called Herne as well! Such a coincidence

It's such a small city, crazy

I found the episode wonderful and I love Luculia

I think she can help Violet to understand feelings

She's such a nice and sweet character

This episode was great to me, the others were a little more boring

In this episode you could see progress

One half was positive, the other one dramatical

not much happened but it was a progress for me!

But first of all I love Luculia!

Do YOU hope Luculia will appear more often and become real friends with violet?

Do you like her as well or do you think they will part ways know?

Write your opinion down in the comments or contact me on social media

If you liked this reaction please like the video!

if you want to watch more reaction for example violet ever garden, koi wa ameagari no you ni and citrus

then feel free to subscribe!

I wish you a wonderful day or night

See you! Your Kazu

For more infomation >> Kazu guckt... Violet Evergarden | Episode 3 | Live Reaction & Review [ German | ENG SUBs ] - Duration: 29:35.


NEW!! NARS Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation (Oslo) First Impressions + Review | Raquel Mendes - Duration: 11:56.

hi friends were back again and today we're gonna be testing another

foundation and it's one of my most requested foundations lately and when I

put it to a vote on insta stories it actually got like a 90 almost 95% of yes

which is shocking because my yes is it are usually between 70 and 80 this is

the one it's the NARS my cat is going crazy

it's the NARS natural radiant long wear foundation so it's sort of new it has

been in the US for a little while it has just launched in the UK and I got the

lightest shade which is Oslo all the links to buy the product in the UK eu-us

are gonna be down below in the description box I've tried the NARS

sheer glow which I haven't reviewed it was before I started YouTube on YouTube

I have tried the NARS stick Velvet Matte Foundation which you can look up here

and the problem I usually have with nars light shades are is that they are too

too yellow and this time it came with a pinky first lightest shade I'm neutral

so you know but I'd say if I have to go either pink or yellow I'd probably go

pinky because I have acne my skin is sensitive so if it goes any other way

it's gonna be a little bit more rosy so this is what it looks like it's I like

the packaging is pretty slick it's kind of similar to another packaging of

another foundation they have but we're gonna shake well because it says to

shake well okay it is definitely definitely pinky it is light so you know

I'm only half complaining let's do the deal just gonna apply light layer before

first on this side I'm going to be using the bareminerals luxe performance

brush which is my favorite foundation brush if you haven't been if you're not

a regular and oh my god that's so cute by the way my skin is usually as you can

see it is acne prone I'm on accutane right now though so it is hella dry

and treat this as a sort of acne-prone with dry skin review it is very like a

second skin foundation so it does disappear quite well and it does like

the pinkie in it doesn't show off too much so it's not really off-putting I

think it blends well into the skin and this is just a first layer for the

it's like so fluid and at the same time a really tiny first layer of application

has really covered a lot of it up so this is just the first layer obviously

my neck is a little bit lighter than my face so you can see a little bit of

contrast here but that's you know the usual very few foundations do my neck

shade and I do love to wear my next shade but it's very rare the ones that

do are Fenty the huda beauty one and the bare minerals bare Pro also does one

I think makeup forever also does it but I've never tried them

so I can't be sure the three ones that I mentioned though I've tested them I'm

gonna link them in the description box we're gonna go into the rest on the

hand and just go over the most pigmented areas because honestly this first layer

kind of slayed me a little bit it is supposed to be long wear but again like

a naked effect naked skin effect which I can definitely attest to even with the

brush it just blends flawlessly into skin even with my dry skin and patches I

can see this being a really nice foundation to work with I'm gonna go

under here with this brush cuz honestly I'm just I'm lazy I don't want to get my

concealer brush I'm gonna get my concealer brush right away is this a

zoeva 117 and it's just perfect for the little under eye socket you can see

that it's dry underneath and you can see like patches but it's a foundation going

undereye right now my eyes are just not having it two layers gives an almost

full coverage which I didn't expect from the first texture it is pretty flawless I'd

say this would be good for dry skin just right off the bat it does however it's

it's weird cuz it's flawless but at the same time it does have as a bit of a

powdery kick so it is a bit self setting if you have really oily skin of course I

would advise you to set this but I'm thinking on my dry skin right now I'm

not gonna set this with a powder just gonna see how it goes I'm gonna set just

a little bit under eye and leave the rest as is because my skin has not been

has not been communicating with powders it's just really dry it does have a

powdering effect at the same time super flawless and blendable it's weird

as you can see the like pinky undertone isn't showing up too much which I like

let's go with the Beauty Blender side I usually tend to apply more into the

beautiful on their side because the beauty blender does soak up a little bit

more of the product by the way I have a monster pimple on my lip and I'm gonna

try to cover that up the lip ones are just the worst mainly because they scar

my lips line link no other but also because when you apply the lipstick you

can see even if you cover it there's like a bump in the lipstick and also

they really are like a it's very easy to uncover them because you

were but we applying lipstick you applying lip balm specially on accutane

always applying lip balm and it's just so very easy to uncover them oh my god

this is flawless where there's no shock before the Beauty Blender side is just

flawless and for the amount of flawlessness happening here I mean the

coverage is there it's just there this is the first layer and it's just is

working okay it's working I'd say this monster pimple would only be workable

with a concealer but I'm gonna try anyway and we're gonna just dig in and

pinpoint the hardest part and honestly I'd be glad with this coverage I'm gonna

go under eye just a little bit and

the Beautyblender side is so much better under eye is I've never gotten along

with the NARS foundation before and this is this is epic for me

here come the up close oh my god can you see the flawlessness I can't even stop

speaking so you can see can you see the flawlessness of those pores

it's just sits beautifully on them the under eye here on the Beautyblender side

is looking flawless as well this under eye is a little bit more and even a more

patchy I did prefer the Beauty Blender side but either way look at that

beautiful cover-up I wouldn't say you could do complete full coverage because

I did try to pinpoint over it a little bit here and I couldn't get that full

coverage maybe overpowering a little bit but it is very high coverage and you

don't need a lot of product to build it up and it looks really radiant and

beautiful it is what it says now that I'm realizing it it is the natural

radiant finish I'm gonna do the rest of my makeup and eyes are set nothing else

is set I feel like it did drag a little bit of the coverage here because it

wasn't set but honestly if I set this in 8 hours I'd be a cake face so I can deal

with that and the rest still looks pretty radiant anyway I will see you in a

couple of hours oh my god we'll do two check-ins so we'll see how this holds up

at the end of the day I haven't looked in the mirror but from the camera it looks

freaking amazing and glowy it looks really flawless it looks like

it hasn't moved at all sometimes this glow is highlighter-y

but the rest like the inner here or like around the chin I never apply a

highlighter to my chin so this here is the real deal it looks flawless it looks

amazing all the coverage that was there to be

in with is there now and it still looks super beautiful

it hasn't sunken into my pores it hasn't accentuated my dry flakes and it

hasn't really done anything it just looks perfect it looks beautiful

I wasn't expecting at all it's like this so under eyes where it's a little bit

patchy er which was to be expected because as I said I usually like more

hydrating things and that are less coverage under my eyes because I have

such dry eyes but look at that glow look at those pores that are almost untouched

the coverage here was never full coverage to begin with so it's pretty

much the same really and the texture is just really good

glowy but like pretty texture it just looks like a very healthy skin and it is

high coverage it is beautiful on dry skin goes over my patches like a champ

this lipstick is the same lipstick I applied eight hours ago

I've eaten with it I've eaten oily foods I ate salmon actually and it's still

here it looks a little crooked but it's still here if you wonder what it is it's

the Smashbox always on metallic matte in the shade carat stick it is always on

anyway that was not sponsored just so random

think it's a type I'm shocked from afar it still looks freaking amazing

and from a close point you can see a little bit of wear especially like and

like around the mouth as usual there is a little bit of wear but again it's very

very minimal and keep in mind that my skin is extremely dry and I haven't

misted it once throughout the day which is impressive I mean the the coverage is

all still there's it didn't tighten my super dry skin at all I didn't feel

uncomfortable I felt super comfortable and

really really digging this and that's where I'm gonna leave you today thank

you so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up I review

a lot of foundations especially newly released or cult status foundations and

I've made a specific playlist I'm gonna link it up here and also put it down

description box also don't forget to subscribe to channel and click the

little bell button because if you click the button you'll get a notification

every single time I upload and if you don't you might not always know that I

uploaded a video but also follow me on social media always ensures that you are

up to date on my videos but yeah I'm gonna stop talking now thank you so much

I love you and bye

For more infomation >> NEW!! NARS Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation (Oslo) First Impressions + Review | Raquel Mendes - Duration: 11:56.


Lena Menstrual Cup Sensitive Unboxing and Review - Duration: 5:32.

the cup is a bell shaped cup it is one of the shorter cups on the market but

not necessarily a low cervix cup specifically it will work for females

with a high or medium cervix as well it has a fairly long stem which can be

trimmed at many different notches if need be it is flexible but not too

stretchy how you insert the cup you can either do "C" or "U" fold where you can

fold it in half fold it in half again and then you would then insert and it

would pop open once it's inside of you or you can use the punch down fold which is

where you simply punch in a side and squish the cup just like this it's got a

very small insertion area about the size of a tampon you would then insert and

once it's inside of you would pop open and once again if it's inserted properly

it will suction to your vaginal walls and it should not move it should fit

very snug and how you go to remove it you find your stem you wiggle side to

side to work the cup down to where you can reach the base of the cup and while

it's inside of you you simply pinch the bottom of the cup to break the seal you

can then just pull out but if you have a sensitive urethral tract or perhaps the

pressure from this coming out just full size like this is uncomfortable for you

you can work your fingers in and fold it on itself some before it fully comes

out that way it comes out as smaller if the cup is inserted and for some reason

you can't find the stem don't freak out or tense your muscles because this will

actually make it harder to get the cup out simply squat and bare down with your

muscles when you squat you're going to shorten your vaginal canal it's gonna

force the cup to come lower and when you bear down with your muscles it's gonna

help push it even lower and you should then be able to reach your stem once you

have your stem you're gonna wiggle side to side to work your cup far enough down

to where you can just reach the bottom which you will then pinch the cup to

break the seal go ahead and fold it on itself while it's inserted to help

make it smaller as it comes out so it's less uncomfortable for you if it doesn't

bother you then just to break this seal and pull it out thankfully cleaning and

care for your lena cup is fairly simple this will last you up to 10 years

obviously depending on how good you are to it and what it goes through in that

time but that is fabulous because you don't have to worry about buying pads or

tampons or how many you have that is really good considering this is only 25

to 30 bucks that could last you up to 10 years but when you first receive this

you will simply sterilize it in a pot of boiling water and allow it to boil for

five to seven minutes and obviously allow it to come completely cool before

you end up touching it or try to insert it while you're on your period and you

are refreshing this or emptying it and you want to wash it you can wash it but

you need to use a mild soap I just personally suggest as the company

suggests you simply rinse this with water or don't even worry about it

just to take your cup out empty it into the toilet and to re-insert and once

you're off your cycle to simply boil it again once your cup after you've boiled

your cup and it's cooled down and it's all sterilized that's nice and clean

you will then keep it in your 100% cotton baggie this is breathable

material and you really want to make sure that your cup is 100% dry that way

no mildew or bacteria or anything is gonna end up living on the silicone I

really recommend you at least try the cup if you were considering trying a

menstrual cup I will leave a link in the description box below it's put a cup in

its website they actually do have a quiz with a couple of questions they will do

their best to pair you with the cup that they believe should work for you I

actually took that quiz and that is how I ended up deciding purchasing the lena

sensitive cup like I said I haven't had any leaks with it um the lena has

awesome customer service they've been really great and helpful and the last

reason that I really recommend this cup is that I believe the retail price of

this is around twenty five to thirty bucks and that is before shipping

however that's really great because a lot of menstrual cups can easily be

forty to sixty dollars if not even more expensive and it is made from 100%

medical grade silicone

For more infomation >> Lena Menstrual Cup Sensitive Unboxing and Review - Duration: 5:32.


KOF 2012 Ralf VS Benimaru by App Games Review - Duration: 2:09.

KOF 2012 RALF VS BENIMARU by app games review

For more infomation >> KOF 2012 Ralf VS Benimaru by App Games Review - Duration: 2:09.


Top Multimeters - Top 5 Best Multimeter Review - How to Choose Top Multimeters Jan 2018? - Duration: 3:17.

Top Multimeters

For more infomation >> Top Multimeters - Top 5 Best Multimeter Review - How to Choose Top Multimeters Jan 2018? - Duration: 3:17.


Huawei mate 10 lite unboxing | Full Review | Four Cameras in Phone - Duration: 5:09.

Huawei mate lite 10 unboxing | Full Review | Four Cameras in Phone!

thank for watching Huawei mate lite 10 unboxing video's

For more infomation >> Huawei mate 10 lite unboxing | Full Review | Four Cameras in Phone - Duration: 5:09.


Store Bought Slime Putty Review - Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Video! OSVchannel - Duration: 5:08.

Store Bought Slime Putty Review

Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Video by OSVchannel

For more infomation >> Store Bought Slime Putty Review - Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Video! OSVchannel - Duration: 5:08.


Land Rover Explore Review (NL) (ENG Subs) - Duration: 3:35.

Smartphones these days just aren't made for outdoor activities.

A shame, as smartphones are incredibly convenient tools

when spending quality time

biking, in the snow, in the woods or in the mountains.

Car brand Land Rover totally understands all the outdoorsy people

and has created a phone aimed at all hikers, bird spotters, mountain bikers, mountain climbers,

snowboarders and canoeists: The Land Rover Explore.

Today, I'm taking a look at everything this smartphone has to offer, and what better way to do so,

than from a Land Rover Defender?

This British brand is one of the oldest off-road vehicle brand names,

so they've got plenty of experience with living the outdoor life.

They've made a huge name for themselves with their combination of comfort, off-road capabilities

and premium looks.

All this considered, it's no surprise their smartphone perfectly fits in with their

Above-and-Beyond philosophy.

The Explore is the pinnacle of everything Land Rover represents.

For as far as a phone can look anything like a car, this phone looks much like it's huge,

four-wheeled family members

both on the in- and outside.

They're made with the same goal: offering comfort, luxury, reliability

and security, which are so hard to find in nature.

For starters, the Explore has a very precise GPS and GLONASS receiver

to make sure you'll never get lost again,

and a 4000 mAh battery,

allowing you to use the screen as a GPS for 7,5 hours, non-stop.

That is a long time!

Additionally, there's the Adventure Pack which is, as you can see, easy to attach to the phone.

This will double your battery life and up the GPS receiver's precision even more.

The Adventure Pack is not the only available attachment,

as Land Rover is also launching a battery pack and a bicycle mount.

Obviously this phone has to be fairly robust to make sure it survives in the outside world.

Of course the Land Rover Explore has been waterproofed with an IP68 rating, and actually

damaging its body requires a proper amount of effort.

The phone is both temperature and shock resistant, so you can use it in extreme temperatures all the same.

The user will likely break before this phone does; for example when taking an unfortunate tumble.

In this case, you'll be able to signal for help with the especially powerful flashlight,

which has a built-in SOS morse signal.

Of course, any basic navigation app simply won't suffice,

so you're getting a voucher for an extra detailed map of the Netherlands

within the ViewRanger app.

This map includes every little creek, far-off path, hill and country road.

For example, have you ever looked at a mountain top, and wondered exactly what mountain it was?

Thanks to Augmented Reality, the ViewRanger will help you find out!

Land Rover definitely didn't compromise when it comes to functionality.

This phone has about every little sensor you could think off.

And you can capture your adventures using the 16-megapixel camera on the back.

The Explore also has a 3.5mm jack and a USB Type-C port,

so you can charge the battery in no time.

Intense gaming sessions won't run all that smoothly due to

the economical hardware and the 5 inch HD screen.

The display is extra bright, so you can still clearly see what's on your screen

when you're out in the sun.

Clearly, the land Rover Explore is especially suited as a phone for people living the outdoor life.

Regardless of what you're doing outside,

this Land Rover phone will fit your needs.

Are you feeling an itch only the Land Rover Explore can scratch?

There's only one way to figure out whether this phone's for you:

The Belsimpel Method.

Download our app or check

For more infomation >> Land Rover Explore Review (NL) (ENG Subs) - Duration: 3:35.


Top Toys BEYBLADE BURST EVOLUTION STAR STORM BATTLE SET REVIEW Valtryek V3 vs Satomb S3 Gabe Tube TV - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Top Toys BEYBLADE BURST EVOLUTION STAR STORM BATTLE SET REVIEW Valtryek V3 vs Satomb S3 Gabe Tube TV - Duration: 10:49.


The Open House - 30 Second Movie Review - Duration: 0:42.

The Open House is a soulless, tensionless meagre attempt at a horror flick that's

only truly horrific element is the fact that it exists at all.

Armed with a dash of a concept, a truckload of cliches, and of course, a good ol' creepy

basement - the film takes you through a painfully incoherent journey filled with infuriating

jump scares, laughable dialogue, and insufferable, dull characters.

If you're looking for a scare, this film is for you; because once you've seen it,

the fear of accidentally playing it again as you scroll past it on Netflix, is more

terrifying than any movie the streaming service has to offer.

For more infomation >> The Open House - 30 Second Movie Review - Duration: 0:42.


Cyprinus Wide guy xl 8 Leg Carp Bed chair Review, (camping) - Duration: 9:08.

hi guys quite a busy week this week through the videos some went down better

than others so I'm trying to keep a quality tidy and the content what

everyone wants to see but I'll try my best but off topic today camp beds come

into camp in so this year the spring summer I'll do a few views on my tent

and something huh they've got a van Gogh a beam infinity 8 2012 model so into a

good everyone ah just the odd review then bit of stuff like on camping you

really start getting to a bad buy because they're no good on a big guy and

no good on double on a beds I was don't get along with them at all so I thought

I'd get a fish in bed so I thought I really could call these stuff so I like

that yeah really good quality stuff fish in stuff so I thought I'll try that beds

out so this upon us white guy especially for me like up 17 setting off storm

always well not wait there last but so it was this year Excel has a large eight

leg carp bad shape I give unto Lord pound I think 120 130 well they are this

had a few months I guess it is better big I'll do a good size of it now you

come with a bit of a memory foam pillow special offer so happy enough with our

nice pillow army green efficient style right it's okay don't know I'm sure it's

good or food quality like a craft aluminium so I actually see them only

under pollinated on the promenade so they bargain get out

this is my review on the syphilis white guy X a leak like cop veggie

shouldn't anything like

but windy today so yeah so as you can see it is well made bed

the boss iPad in inside yeah they pump you too much steel way really

I was thinking upon a memory foam mr. Thapa click atop a mattress single bed

top mattress smaller signal over the top take out any anything they said I can't

I give up on on a beds just no good but I'm a big guy so we try out Noah

they said it's totally off topic but just thought I'd do a review on it there

we go it says it takes about 20 odd story 25 storm


yeah so good quality hope the last call these adjustable legs yeah just push the

push um I'll just do then my simple I said floating floating feet just seems

really good could make like we will be reckoning made in the same factory is

local the better mix so so when by I looked at all the well it is all by and

it just looks looks good give you some sizes of it now will

actually lock up into a tree as well but windy today so please not too

perfect beautiful

compensate something


good quality anything fishing I'll just do some measurements and so it's 42 inch

of 41 inch white


I'm gonna go back for it when I find one late one fall

you see the quality

right I was a Bluebell for someone who's looking for a tidy camp bed

I really recommend I go fishing I live above a camping I really said he could

be good quality good things well let me said they've to keep the video was saw

him satisfy everyone bit of everything

not all that before they do they throw the odd thing you know and then all

right please like it subscribe thanks for watching guys

For more infomation >> Cyprinus Wide guy xl 8 Leg Carp Bed chair Review, (camping) - Duration: 9:08.


review doragoris toy das series de ultraman - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> review doragoris toy das series de ultraman - Duration: 2:56.


Alexis Sanchez earns rave review from new Man Utd teammate Michael Carrick after Yeovil debut - Duration: 2:51.

Alexis Sanchez earns rave review from new Manchester United teammate Michael Carrick after Yeovil debut

Alexis Sanchez earned a rave review from his new Manchester United teammate Michael Carrick after he played a starring role in last night's 4-0 win over Yeovil in the FA Cup.

Making his first appearance in a United shirt, the Chile international laid on two goals as Jose Mourinho's side overcame a difficult first half to ultimately brush aside their League One opponents with the minimum of fuss.

The 29-year-old only sealed his dream move to Old Trafford on Monday, but Carrick believes the former Arsenal star has already slotted in perfectly.

He said: 'He is not bad is he? Not bad for a little man.

He is going to be a terrific player, he is a proper Man United player, and it's great to have him here.

'He is so exciting and so dynamic.

He's always looking to create opportunities, to play forward and the fans are going to enjoy watching him, hopefully we will enjoy playing with him.'.

Veteran midfielder Carrick was making his first appearance since September due to injury but, wearing the captain's armband, produced a typically mature display.

On his comeback, he added: 'There were a few passes going astray but it was great to be back.

'It has been a long time, it's been very frustrating and it's not been a great season really up to now.

Considering where I was after the Burton game, to be back out there now was great.

'It was a little bit strange before the game, if I am honest, after being out for so long, but it's great to be out with the boys and more important to get the result and get us through.

'I'm fine now and have been training for a number of weeks.

Obviously, I'm not quite match fit – it probably takes a little bit longer as you get older to get match fit.

But I feel fine, I feel healthy and that felt good so there are no problems at all.'.

For more infomation >> Alexis Sanchez earns rave review from new Man Utd teammate Michael Carrick after Yeovil debut - Duration: 2:51.


DBS 125- Toppo -The God Of Destruction ! - Review - Duration: 7:07.

Good morning, today we will see together the 125 episode of dragon ball

Great. So an episode that was my faith rather nice, an episode really

very very very well done see very good at a certain we find

our acolytes during the tournament and there Friezer will fight toppo with the

support of C-17 so C-17 was fighting already topo and who was joined this

once by freezer, c-17 holds frankly the fight against Toppo same

if it was not thoroughly and that's what moment there that freezer will provoke him and

will push him into his entrenchments and well we provoke him and forcing him

to be at its best. Small precision in fact it's not necessarily

a transformation is not about the nervousness ... In fact it is explained rather vaguely it's his way to Toppo to say no

stop I do not want to be Pride Trooper anymore, I do not want to be a fighter like

could do it Jiren, him what he wants to accept from now on is to be a God of destruction

so he released are full powers of the blow in fact it's

not a transformation of "I will transform myself" no, I'm going to transform myself

because here I finally decided i will be god of the

destruction he said justice for him Well, it has neither tail nor head

now this tournament of power and I think that

did he say to himself in his head but fuck what's left 5 minutes

if I find nothing if I do not agree to be a god of destruction now and

well I would not have my full power and in fact I'm going to do

lose both my universe so I I will be eliminated and at the same

time I will not benefit of this status that I so coveted

even if there was the first justice. as for the fight have without

doubt and C-17 frankly holds the able to deal with Toppo temporarily

and thanks to the freezer support it's a rebalancing of things

now once Toppo has finally transformed

The imbalance is obvious. it's like you put Krillin

facing Jiren, there is nothing to see

Toppo at the moment is not stronger, for now, than Jiren.

I think that if there really was had a fight between Goku and Vegeta

against Toppo in god mode of destruction, there would be like

a difference, there would be when even always a difference, Toppo would have

surely the top on on Vegeta and Goku ...

remains to be seen because, we will talk about it but there was the preview of episode 126

and we see that Vegeta will fight against Toppo, in short the episode was

really not bad, really not bad at certain points, especially the fight of

last time between freezer is Toppo, at the design level it was really good, at

level of staging, the realization it was really good

and frankly it's nice to see freezer who gets his mouth full

because we know he's confident about this tournament, we know what he is waiting for.

we know he has a plan in mind. We know that he will use his

"acolytes" to be able to put his plan into action so that's it

we wait but it feels good when even to see Freezer take it full

mouth especially since it was not released so that

means something. If you do not go out freezer despite the fact that it is

gets fucked like never before Toppo is that there is something .. you

can not say Freezer is here and he will go out in the next episode.

by trying a little trick. here, no, I do not think so, I think Freezer is going

stay up late or at least go serve that in the end for maybe

to win Goku, maybe we do not know the spectrum of possibilities is really

wide there in this case so so to see but I think that a freezer at a pace

still playing he can still get excited and because his pride took a hit

he may get upset maybe get married with with Vegeta, moreover it would be

rather interesting to see a fight Toppo, Vegeta plus Freezer and c 17 which

would come to help Sangoku temporarily we can see this kind of

comatas. it can be interesting, by the way goku and C-17 that

can be interesting who are fighting each other together

I do not know .. frankly I speculate a little bit, it remains to be seen. So this is the episode, the episode pleased me rather, we saw a small

of the preview, the preview of episode 126 that looks

to be downright enticing because we sees Toppo who will fight against

Vegeta with its new form its shape of ultra instinct blue, even if it's

not really the ultra instinct, it's rather a "super sayan Blue"

mastered we'll say, or super, super Sayan Blue .. whatever but

yeah that can be interesting to see this fight I think the toppo can

really put Vegeta in trouble, if I have to bet, I think that Vegeta

could beat Toppo but by releasing precisely a force greater than

stage where it is already, I think it is not powerful enough we'll say face to face

Toppo, maybe faster than him it's about, but in terms of

power I think there is just one tiny evolution that must have Vegeta

to move to a higher level. The, I'm still going into speculation, but I think Vegeta will use this

fight against Toppo, for precisely to rise to "The Ultra Instinct" perhaps,

why not ? Finally I wish, I wish that Vegeta shines in this

tournament, he already shined in this tournament but I think he really needs to

show that he is also .. that he is the prince of saiyens! which really shows

are real power, its real potential as Goku showed it previously

in front of Jiren and I think he has really something to show on this

your so here is this review episode

this is my first time this review on dragon ball

great, I hope for those who watch this video, you can give me

little advice anyway if that you liked it do not hesitate to put a "like"

to mark in the comments, what did you like this episode

what are your speculations about the next episode are the on the whole

of the tournament and I tell you to the next

For more infomation >> DBS 125- Toppo -The God Of Destruction ! - Review - Duration: 7:07.


Red Bean Cookie "Review and Test Run" - Cookie Run: OvenBreak - IOS Android Indonesia - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Red Bean Cookie "Review and Test Run" - Cookie Run: OvenBreak - IOS Android Indonesia - Duration: 5:29.


Eberlestock V90 Battleship Pack 100L Loadout Review + (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 9:49.

Hey Guys

today I'm going to introduce you to a backpack again

but this time something bigger

here i have the Eberlestock V90 battleship with a volume of 100L

which is currently my backpack for larger or longer activities

and lets take a closer look now. Have fun.

The V90 battleship from Eberlestock is

with its size of 91x36x29cm

and a volume of 100 liters a real giant under the backpacks

and also the empty weight of 4 kilos is hefty.

However, it is also necessary to consider the robust processing with PU coated 420D ripstop nylon fabric

thick seams and the use of molle/pals and i think 4 kilos is not so bad.

Before we look at the pockets and compartments

we'll quickly check the complete molle webbing.

Here you have the newer lighter molle on the bottom,

front of the bottom compartment,

on the front flap

as well as on the lid, and on the waist belt, but here in the wide heavy version.

In the bottom area, the loops also serve to guide the compression straps

and to separate if you want to attach a base or similar.

Oh and if we are already looking at the ground,

there is also the integrated Raincover, which is attached via a ladder lock.

Unfortunately without quick release.

Now, let's go to the pockets

There are two slots on the sides below with drawstring for fixing.

Here there is enough space for each one Nalgene bottle and additionally a tripod

or the small pot per side to clamp.

The pockets fit in also snow shoes.

On each side you have large main compartments

for example to stow, food, moist clothing or the rain gear for quick access.

Again drawstrings for closing or fixing.

In addition, there are straps with quick release

on each side above the side compartments

where you can lashing tripods, fishing, rifles, trekking sticks or even longer camera lenses.

Well, I find here that the straps can be organized better by the vertically running loops.

If you want to attach several things sideways such as the camera plus tripod

and still take the trekking sticks with you

you can still use the extra loops over the strap and hook the sticks over the loops left and right of the bottom.

Behind the mesh pockets there is still room for drinking bladders or similar.

From the length you go up to the lower compression belt.

Here the usual drinking bladders fit in

and for fixing there is also a carabiner inside.

There is also a D-ring on each side for attaching further objects or for carrying out the drinking hose.

Further up a large lid zipper compartment, with neat storage space.

Here comes my water filter set in, electronics things like batteries and cables or other things I want to get quickly.

As a size idea, it fits easily 3 Nalgene bottles into it.

Inside, the top lid also has a flat large zipper compartment

for trash bags, maps or anything else.

On top of it there are again pack straps with quick release for fastening of equipment.

This sometimes annoys me that the buckles run over the zipper

but they takes also the load from the zipper when loading the lid compartment.

With the straps behind it you can adjust the cover compartment in the height

so low with normal loading and high if you need a little more space.

The lid compartment is not detachable by the way

and can therefore not be used as a small Daypack such as with the skycrane II

In the back you can also see the 3 Velcro for drinking bladders, solar panel cabling or antennas.

Carry handles are available at the top and left and right side of the back plate.

By the way, the handles are so robust that the back section can also be used as a small stretcher.

The carrying system is Eberlestock typically well padded and offers very good wearing comfort.

In the shoulder blade area two well padded pads

and in between a ventilation recess with rubberized mesh fabric.

The shoulder straps offer the same padding as always

a good padding without applying too thickly.

An elastic and adjustable chest strap

D-Rings left and right

as well as the Eberlestock loops are of course also included.

There are also thumb loops at the end of the strap.

Behind the head there are still the load control straps

with which the load can be pulled closer to the head especially at higher structures.

With the ladder lock underneath, the angle of the straps to the backpack can be adjusted slightly,

which should be especially noted when you have adjusted the height of the carrying system.

Apropos a ladder system with Velcro is used here again.

Note here, however, that it can not be adjusted quickly

but the two aluminum rods must be removed to be able to go up or down one level.

The waist belt is, in contrast to the smaller models

here of course slightly larger and more upholstered.

This way the backpack is still relatively comfortable on the hips even when it is fully loaded.

More in conclusion later on.

The waist belt is closed via quick release

and can be tightened either forward or backward.

The molle I use here for two Smock pockets

very handy for the water bottle If you are traveling without a drinking bladder or for other stuff.

On the sides there are still two control straps

which connect to the sides of the back plate and stabilize the loading.

Let's get to the bigger compartments now.

The bottom shelf is very large and takes up a lot of equipment.

The sleeping bag, the inflatable mat if you don't want to attach it outside and inlays are no problem.

Who wants to be able to connect the ground and main partition in which he opens the separation by cord.

Thanks to the double-way zipper, the compartment can be opened easily and quickly.

The elastic on the edge holds everything together, so that when opening it does not immediately falls out.

Continue with the main subject, here is really plenty of space to accommodate equipment for several days.

The whole can be reached either from the front or from above.

Here in the Loadout, a tipi

gas cartridges





an axe

a tent pole

alternating clothing

a folding stool

further food and snacks

further Woolpower

a cold-protection trousers

and a down jacket

The large snow catch at the upper entrance expands the main subject on demand

and with the two cords the whole thing is fixed and locked.

The drawstrings have no eyelets, but run through the generous canal flawlessly without hooking.

In the main compartment we still find 2 side pockets with elastic to organize the equipment

or to store the drinking bottles inside.

In the middle a large rubberized mesh flap with the e.g. a laptop, the radio or a large Powerbank can be fixed.

The pack strap behind it fixes the whole thing.

Before we come to the conclusion, a bit more about the quality of the processing

The seams are all properly processed and reinforced at the stress points.

The materials are well-chosen, so the floor is equipped with strong and sturdy cordura fabric

and the rest in the relatively light yet robust 720D fabric.

The typical Eberestock zipper pulls and Duraflex buckles are of course also included.

Lets come to conclusion.

Yes, guys. This was the V90 from Eberlestock.

I really like this backpack.

For me a very good 100L backpack for the winter.

You have space without end and you can carry high weight for a few hours relatively pleasant.

Of course, the carrying system cannot conjure and at some point it will also be oppressive.

The processing quality is very good, the design is also very good

even if the adjustment of the carrying system is somewhat fiddly, you usually do it only 1-2x until it fits.

The slight molle is also OK, who doesn't use it for bags like me, who can tinker with shock cord small stowage possibilities.

Well, I also find that behind the head only cloth was processed,

so that in case of head movements or mountain presses nothing.

At the negative points I have the mesh fabric on the carrying system,

I find here you could use a less open pored material with light rubber,

so that dirt, snow or similar can not be so easily catch in it.

I would also like the lower side pockets to be even bigger.

Because with the current side pockets and the bottom compartment stole there room each other.

That's it so far, if I have forgotten something or you have questions, just write down in the comments below.

If you liked it, then liked the video, follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

Until next time. Take Care!

For more infomation >> Eberlestock V90 Battleship Pack 100L Loadout Review + (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 9:49.


PRODUCT REVIEW - ZEROTIE SHOES || Sitting Pretty - Duration: 5:32.

It's Sitting Pretty, baby

Hey y'all

So today is going to be a fun vlogging day

Because I am trying out these new shoes called zero

NoTie shoes, and so I am going to try them on and test them for accessibility now

I must preface to say that of course each person with a disability is completely different

They're where they're able in one way they may not be as able and others so for me. I'm just

testing it for myself as a

Person who has a limited hand strength because sometimes you know shoe laces can be a little difficult

So I'm really curious to see how no tie shoelaces really work

and if they you know keep the shoe on your foot really well watch me as I

put these shoes on and

In order to try them out. Do you guys miss my room? I know I miss my room too

Vlogging from my room. I do miss it I'm not gonna lie


Zero tie hands-free shoes

Inside the box of instructions

So we have the shoe

You know I think these are really cool for those who like to do a lot of maybe outdoor things

But I want it to at least try these shoes on

Before going outside and just see how they wear throughout the day

So they of course have those

Cardboard thing is to keep the shape of the shoe

Pretty tight I will say okay there we go

So I'm not gonna lie you

Limited hand strength like myself you may need to ask for some assistance

It says loose lace


Loosening up

the laces

Can't think I loosened them

Enough, what do you guys?

Guys think they should be pretty loose right loose lace, and then slip on okay. Let me show you guys

Let me get in the sunlight, so it's just

See how well I can slip these bad boys on

(music playing)

Could just be me

But let's see


Okay, I'm not gonna lie you guys this shoe is very difficult to get on. I think these are no for me

Ugh man that's unfortunate

That is unfortunate

So as you can see I

Tried the zero tie shoes as best as I could now. I have to preface this to say that

Just because they didn't work for me doesn't necessarily mean that they don't work for anybody else with the disability

I'm sure there is somebody that can find something like this very very useful, so I just want to encourage that

Although it didn't work for me. I'm not saying that it's not gonna work for anybody else, okay

So please please, please take that into consideration

I would just encourage you all to at least check out their website see the products that they have then if you're interested in

their shoes and why not try them out if you really think that you know these would be good for you put it on the

Shoes according to their instructions was difficult for me

it's very very highly highly possible that maybe I was just putting the shoes on completely wrong

I didn't loosen up the shoelaces enough, but I couldn't tell

Whether or not I was doing it wrong, so I don't know

Again that that's just me if you are a person who has tried this product out, and it's worked for you

Please leave a comment below. Let me know maybe I did something wrong. Maybe I wasn't you know

Untying it correctly. I don't know but please please please let me know and if you like the product then of course

Leave a comment and let me know as well if there aren't any other products that you think

Would be accessible that you would like me to try out and review leave a comment as always

Leave a comment like this video share this video and of course subscribe. It's Sitting Pretty, baby peace!

For more infomation >> PRODUCT REVIEW - ZEROTIE SHOES || Sitting Pretty - Duration: 5:32.


Aileendoll Plapico Review & Posing - Duration: 7:07.

Hello everybody! I'm Musume, and today I want to start a new series of videos.

I just got two lovely Aileendoll Plamodel Pico dragons, and I have big plans for them!

As a start, this video is an overall review, a posing analysis, and a comparison with my 16cm dolls.

These dolls are made from ABS plastic, and are actually scale models. Like Gunpla models.

These are model versions of the original resin Pico dragons, also sold by Aileendoll as limited dolls.

The big difference is the price: as these only cost around USD 12.

Here you can see how they come packaged.

There are three templates per doll, all of them in individual plastic bags,

and they also come with eye stickers and water decals, the required strings, and the assembly instructions.

Here you can see my assembled Pico dragon Ashes, and the unassembled Pico dragon Violet.

Let's check their poseability!

I will show the assembly process in a different video.

The only part that is actually ball jointed on these dolls, are the arms, composed of three parts each.

The knot goes in the chest, and how well they move depend on how tight or loose you set the elastic during assembly.

Overall, they have a very good range of motion, and provide a lot of expressions.

They can touch their nose, say hi, and even put the paw on their hips.

The arms are really short, so even if you put them straight, they don't really have a lot of range.

This is also an issue on the resin version of the Pico dragons, but it also adds cuteness to their design.

This way, their can barely touch their hands if you put them on the front. Like this.

I think their design is really faithful to the original resin versions. Cheers to Aileendoll for the idea!

And Ashes, you are just too cute!!

Ashes is actually the second dragon released in this format, so it has some improvements.

One of them, is the jaw.

The resin version allows movement on the jaw, for more facial expressions.

On these Plamodel versions, Ashes comes with two jaws: one open and one closed.

The one in my hand, is the closed one.

You can simply take one off and put the other one, and I think it is possible to do it without removing the faceplate.

On the other hand, Violet has only one jaw, and you need to reposition it instead of replacing it.

The head can only move to the sides, because of how it is constructed.

Therefore, the dragon cannot look up or down.

Also, the shoulders limit the range of motion, as the head crashes with them.

The torso has only one joint, and as before, it can only move to the sides.

However, the range is very good, and if you combine it with the head, the dragon has a lot of versatility.

The wings are attached on the back and they cannot move.

However, they can be easility removed.

The legs can barely move up and down, but they cannot hold the position.

The same happens with the feet, that can barely move to the sides.

As far as I know, the resin versions do have more movement on the legs.

Now, let's check some features that are proper of the scale model construction.

The first visible difference with the resin versions is the hand.

They are open, while the resin dolls have grabby hands, and they also have this small hole on the inside.

The feet are hollow, like a cavity, and I think this is due to the scale model design.

However, they are very sturdy when standing.

The head is actually a faceplate, and this sort of whiskers or fins are separated from the head,

therefore generating this additional seamline that is not present on the resin version.

Since these are model scales, each piece is attached to the template through small knots.

When you cut them, they look like these.

The big horns are made of two parts, but the seamline is really small.

However, the white parts appear to be slightly translucent, specially on the big horns.

For now, I assembled my Ashes with the default eye stickers, but I'm planning a video about eye fitting.

I hope you'll like it!

The back has a lot more seamlines than the resin versions, but I personally think they are the minimum

required to make the model work. Specially the ones around the wings.

Now, let's make a size comparison with other dolls.

The pink-haired doll is Merry, my Withdoll Strawberry, of 16cm tall.

She is as tall as Ashes, but proportions-wise, they fit very nicely together.

When checking the heads without the wig, both Ashes and my tiny have very similar head sizes.

Compared to my Iplehouse Pet Doll, they are roughly the same height,

but the Pet Doll has a slightly smaller head.

If you are interested on these Plamodel dragons, please, check the playlist I created,

since I'll be adding many new videos soon!

And if you like my content, please consider buying me a coffee so I can do more projects and tutorials to share with you.

Thanks for watching! And don't forget to check out my blog! Bye bye~

For more infomation >> Aileendoll Plapico Review & Posing - Duration: 7:07.


Hot Wheels Review & Crackin The Orange Ford GT [CC] - Duration: 6:47.

Hey guys it's Luke With Storm Riders Wheels and first of all I just want to thank you

for dropping by and watching all my videos. And today we're gonna be cracking

open this 2016 Ford GT race. So a couple facts this GT race first came out

in 2017 and a blue color. Also in white in 2018 it was a dark red color right here

which this looks orange but I think they might have had a dark red too with pr5

wheels so let's go ahead and crack it open. It's also kind of funny how this

car is a 2016 GT race but it came out in 2017

here you go this is a really nice race car. Rolls really nice there is pretty

good shocks on the front and really good shocks on the back they did really

good detailing on the headlights and on the tail lights and check out that wing

it's a little bit bendy all around this is a really nice car it looks orange to

me it also says powered by EcoBoost if you could tell me what EcoBoost is that

in the comments I'd be awesome and also looks like it says like um it says hot

wheels 22 the casting is metal with a plastic base. The windows on this car are

really detailed in the back they have like little indents right here on both

sides. ..... the windows on the front are

a little bit scratched and the tint on the windows aren't totally black where

you can't see through them but they're a pretty nice tint. I really like the

ground effect so this car it goes all the way around

the car. Overall it has a lot of decals and Tampos on it really nice. A great

car to have in my collection as an open car probably a really fast car and I

would love to have this car in real life I would love to drive this around. Oh my gosh.

let's see what we can do with these two Porsches and the GT race ok GT race

okay now the Porsche pretty nice out of these cars which one do you think would

win I think the GT race would. Want to test it out

We need one more piece of lane. okay, but we need, one more piece of Lane for this car Oh

urban outlaw. Are we ready, yes, I think they were tying across the screen but

whenever it got passed, it passed. This was a little bit bent upwards do

you want to switch sides with this? Yep! right let's just give this one more shot let's see

what we got. You ready? Wow, we'll have to test it on the real track but I'm pretty sure

this urban outlaws the faster one it's got a little bit more weight to it. Yeah!

all right so overall what do you think about these which cars your favorite out of

these three cars this one first sure which one's yours

yeah I think I like the Ford for GT wins out of style yeah just the overall

appearance of this car I like it a lot better now you know if I had to choose

which one I was gonna drive on the road out of all these I would pick GT

more like it needs to be on a track I mean that's pretty pretty low

I'd I picked these one of these two yeah I think I like this one the best as

far as what I would drive on the road I like what you pointed out in your other video

the windows being down on that car pretty sweet yeah

yeah pretty sweet cars alright okay so that's it for this video hope you

enjoyed like subscribe and ring that bell so you don't miss any upcoming videos. See in

the next one thank you for watching please don't forget to Like subscribe

and ring that Bell

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