It's not a secret that women constantly struggle to maintain a positive
self-esteem because we're constantly too tall too short too fat too thin too sexy
not sexy enough too emotional. Whatever! We're always something not enough or too much
We're never just right. Let's be honest
we all daily fight with our inner critics, that's why this video is
about how to maintain a positive self-esteem for a better relationship.
The battles against your inner self do not only affect yourself but also your
partner. That means self esteem influences your own satisfaction in a
relationship but also the satisfaction your partner feels with you in your
relationship. So if you feel really insecure and unsatisfied well, most
likely your partner's gonna feel that too and your partner won't be able to
make up for that and then all these insecurities creep into the way which we
interact with our partner. Hey ambitious entrepreneur
I'm Vivi welcome to Adventure Your World, my channel is all about creating
sustainable happiness and a deeper connection with your soulmate so you can
start living a happier life. Make sure you subscribe and Hit the little notification bell
to get notified whenever new videos are released. When you're trying to
address insecurities that creep into your relationship, then it's important
that you're honest with yourself and part of that is being really self aware.
Are you a person that tends to distance yourself from a partner or are you more
that needy kind of person? There's no right or wrong here. It's just really important
that you really tune in here and that you are honest with yourself and you share the honest
answer with your partner because your partner is your partner, he's your soul
mate, he's your teammate. There should be nothing that you should be afraid of or
scared or ashamed of. You should be there for each other, so there's no shame
in sharing your true inner self, then tell your partner what your biggest
insecurities are so he can help you watch out for them and catch you and lift
you up whenever you get caught up by them. Once you become self-aware and this
is an ongoing journey so you can always be more and
and more self-aware and ask your partner to help you with that. Just tell
them hey well you know whenever you see me getting insecure, tell me, let me know.
I need to improve that and whenever you let your insecurities shine through
practice love and compassion. We can't really control how we feel but we can always
control how we react to it. It's also really important that you separate your
self-worth from your performance because just because you've been performing
badly this time doesn't mean you are a failure, you are bad are you not good enough
because most of us really feel that our worth is based on our performance
today. So if you had a bad day, we feel that we're not good enough and we just
feel really shitty because well we're just not as good as all these other
amazing people out there right, I get you. But that's not true.
Because you are not your performance, you have good days and you have bad days and
you are amazing! Did you hear me? You're amazing!
And you're self worth should be way up there in the clouds. When you perform
poorly, that's most likely when your insecurities shine through and that's
exactly the moment when you need to practice self compassion.
and no matter how self-aware and self accepting you become there is always gonna
be things that make you insecure, so don't you worry. It's absolutely normal
and it's okay, but keep growing, keep working through them and life becomes
easier and better. Being in a relationship is a constant balance
between loving your partner the way he or she is and encouraging him or her to
grow constantly and as you are trying to get through your insecurities and battle
your way up and out of them. Really don't feel ashamed to ask your partner to help
you through it. That's why you are a team, that's why you're in a relationship. You
got this together. Please be nice to each other!
Avoid criticizing, shaming and blaming each other. It really doesn't get you
anywhere and don't believe that criticizing is
the same as communication because it really isn't. The most unhealthy
relationships are characterized by shouting, blaming and criticizing the
whole, whole time and how would you feel if your partner's constantly like you're
really bad at doing the bed right? I know like, the coffee you did this - really
didn't taste that good. I mean, can you never be at time for work?
Why do you always have to pick up the kids late? Is there any food you can
actually cook that tastes kind of good and acceptable? How would you feel? You
can't always criticize your partner. Both of you are not perfect. If there's something
that really bothers you, talk about it, at least give constructive feedback and
tell them how to improve because just blaming really doesn't get you anywhere
and it actually just makes the situation worse. Also it's really important to
distinguish shame from guilt and no they're really not the same. Shame means
I did something wrong, I did a mistake shame means there's something wrong with me
Do you get the difference? You can do something wrong
but that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you! Okay? So don't
mix these two things up, you can feel guilty but please don't be ashamed. It's
really common for couples that argue a lot, that they criticize each other a lot,
and this can be from of:" If you weren't so selfish you would help more with the
housework" or "If it weren't so irresponsible with money we would be
able to pay our bills at the end of the month" or worse "what is wrong with you?
Don't you know better than that?" These are two of the worst things that you can
say. I mean, what is wrong with you for saying what is wrong with you? Seriously?
and even if you get the result that you're actually seeking by these
comments for example your partner helping you of the house works or paying
the bills or whatever it is, it's actually more harmful than helpful for
your relationship and are just creating negative
feelings such as anger, resentment or rejection so it really does not get you
anywhere if you really need to criticize your partner, be constructive and tell
him "hey, I know you doing that, I think that there are some better ways to deal
with it, here is how we could do that. What do you think about it?" Offer your
partner solutions rather than just saying like this is shit what are you
doing, what's wrong with you, we can't keep doing like that, this is really not
the right way and you will not improve your relationship. If you want to learn
more about building a stronger relationship, controlling your emotions
or living a happier life, make sure you get my free four day video training
series on this topic in the comment below, also if you liked this video give
me a thumbs up let me know in the comments below what do you most
struggling with in your relationship and if you found this video valuable make
sure you share it with your friends and family so they can start living a
happier life and relationship as well. Thank you for watching and I see you soon!
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