Hey how's it going it's Samuel from samuel'simreviews.com and welcome to my viral traffic builder review so I've actually had review access to
the software for the past week and now because of that I am in a position to give you a full and honest review of
This course and that's exactly what I'll be doing this video I'm gonna go through the actual
Members area the dashboard of viral traffic builder I'll be running a whole campaign
showing you how everything is set up and I'll be talking a bit about the sales page and then finally I've created a
Custom bonus bundle for the vile traffic builder which I believe to be the absolute best bonus
Bundle available for this course, okay?
so if you want to see what that is and get that as bonus in addition to this software you wanna stick until the end
Of this video so you can take a look at that as well okay so we're gonna jump into all that stuff
right after this video intro
Okay so quickly Before we jump in if you're watching this video on YouTube after watching this video you can click the link in the
Video, description right down below and you'll get taken to my blog review here, we will be able to see my custom bonuses
read my written version of my review if you want to but then finally
over to the sales page if you'd like so the sales page link is gonna be all throughout this page it's gonna say get viral
Traffic builder plus my must have bonuses you'll see them all throughout the page you can click on them and then you'll take you straight
to the offer okay so
With that said we're gonna jump into the sales page first and then I'll be doing a quick demo of the actual software
Okay, so now we're on the sales business you can see the sales page
Reads want more free while traffic on your offer pages or website
Breakthrough app sends, you free world traffic leads and sales from social media using other people's content
So that's the important mean aspect of what about traffic builder is and
as you can see there's tons of testimonials coming from the top marketers in the industry
very very credible people all talking where you have all good stuff to say about the course
Brand new page gets a one hundred and fifty six
Thousand seven hundred and forty two likes really quickly and that's just kind of an example how much traffic this
can bring you and you have tons and tons of other
similar types of you know post showing how much engagement they've been able to get through the wall traffic builder and
You're just seeing some of their actual posts as consist 6,000 people reached
10,000 and then you're looking at tons of tons of page lights and all that sorts of stuff
Okay, so that's a whole sales page once at the bottom they have their pricing options
There's two different options here there's the standard version and then there's the premium version and I think the standard version
just doesn't have the
functionality to create and scheduled multiple posts and the Google Trends in YouTube trends search so
if you actually want to do a bit of research
And you know just search but you key you can do that in the standard version
But that's available in the premium version I'm the difference between the two is only about a dollar fifty or something like that so I
mean it really makes no sense to go for the standard
Definitely over the premium one if you like my opinion but of course even if you'd like to save a couple bucks
maybe you cannot definitely go for the standard version as well there's not too much difference
another thing I although is that the number of facebook fan pages allowed is only five on the standard version as opposed to
500 on the premium version and then the number of total social accounts you can connect is
just ten on the standard as
in comparison to 30-plus on the premium version so in my opinion you should definitely go with the premium one
but that's the pricing options okay so I'm gonna let you go to I'll do the rest of the sales page at your own time
of course there's lots of good stuff
that you can read more information about on the sales page but I want to focus on the actual product and give you the best
Explanation I can for this product so you can make a really good informed decision
Okay, so first off we're gonna be jumping to the actual members area and as you can see
this is viral traffic builder after you make your purchase and
Before I jump in and give you a full demo I'm just gonna tell you what this is so viral traffic builder is its software
App, it's by three very credible marketers they're also good friends of mine
if the first ones have called rash rash win and then we have Abby and
finally, we have Gary so all three of these people are
They've been doing lots of lots of software launches in the past they have some great
Cutting-edge technology that they've already put into the marketplace and this is
Definitely a really good software in itself as well okay so what while traffic builder
Does is in a nutshell it first off connects you to your social accounts so if you have any type of Facebook pages
Groups or stuff like that that you liked did you
I think this is only four pages on Facebook but then on Twitter you can it can basically
Control your Twitter as well your tumblr and I think these are the three main social networks that it does and
basically it posts a viral content from all over the internet from top places and
Basically drives you unlimited organic traffic because of that and just to give you an example of this you've probably seen these two
Channels these pages on Facebook
The first one is called lad Bible and the second I know that it's called bored
Panda there's many more but these are the two problems at once that come to my mind and what they basically do their sole purpose
Is to just put out viral video so this can be videos on?
Anything really that did they're quite diverse in what they choose but you can even go really particular with a specific niche or niche
the whole idea is that these types of viral videos get a lot of
viewers they get a lot of shares they go very very viral on Facebook especially
with lots of shares and stuff like that and what while traffic builder
Does is that it finds these posts these types of news these articles these images that are surely
going to go viral and it posts on your behalf on your Facebook pages on your social media so like Twitter and
Tumblr and basically allows you know your
Following to grow organically and stuff like that so I've actually been talking to ration on his page on I
Think it was about it was something to do with nutrition?
he's actually gone like tons and tons of page likes and
Overall you know followers after incorporating viral traffic builder and there's a lot of different functionality so it's not gonna be just a random
viral videos you can really
specifically go for a specific niche like
weight loss or
make money online
Or anything like that so I'm gonna jump in and do a quick demo for you and I'll just give you much more
Explanation as to what this is okay?
okay, so the first thing that you would want to do once you use you know get viral traffic builder the first thing is to
come over to the
authorization part here and basically connect your account so this is pretty straightforward I've connected my facebook my tumblr my Twitter and
all you have to do is just go over and hover over whichever network you want to integrate an account with and
Then from that point on you can just go ahead and get started so
we're gonna go onto the dashboard here and I'm gonna show you exactly you can do so this is the
automation process of the viral traffic builder
so basically let's say that I have Viral Traffic Builder
Fanpage on weight loss so it's called the weight loss
Monk let's just call that my fanpage and then there's a whole different options
That you have so you have if you want to put just news articles you can do that specifically if you want to do images
Videos or just viral content in general you can choose any of them I
Personally would go with one news and one viral maybe some images you can actually have more than one campaigns and I'll get into that
In a second but let's even go for news for now okay so then once we go to news you see all these different resources
that the software can pull
viral content from and you can spit
pickets or a
singular one or you can just go for all I just probably go with all of them and
Then finally after that you can choose whatever keyword you want so if you want to niche it down to a specific
Category something or if you want just viral content all over the place you can just leave it at that
But I'm just gonna do weight loss since my channel my page is
specific to weight loss and then you have an option for your post so how many posts did you want to make
there's a max of a hundred posts so I'm assuming let's just do 100 posts and
How what the frequency is if we wanted to do a daily hourly how frequent so I'm gonna do daily for the news articles and
How many per days I'm gonna do - pretty okay, so that's basically setup so we're looking at 50 days of content
With two posts every single day because that's a hot total of 100 posts and of course after the hundred posts you can just go
out and create another
no problem at all no additional cost okay and then you would choose which social media you'd want to connect with so just do Facebook
Tumblr and Twitter and
Then you can just pick whichever the channels are as you can see I just connected my Facebook so my Facebook is here and then
You can do the other ones if you want to it's particular
Facebook page that you want to post or not your actual profile then you would just go on and take this button here and choose
One of your Facebook pages so I'll just choose this one
It probably won't make sense for the weight loss stage but then you'd obviously create another Facebook page, okay?
So anyway so that's the process and then you just hit save and it will automatically pull
really viral news articles in the weight loss niche and
it'll automatically post for you now if you'd like to know give it so much control over your page and you still want to
have the software do it for you but still kind of have like a moderator and order that looks through and
Approves each post you can also do that as well as functionality for that you would want to go to new post
Okay, and you want to click on create new post now
what this would do is basically you can choose exactly the same which type of
Category you like and use an image video of viral
actually I forgot to show one thing to you so if you go to the news you get a whole bunch of news outlets as
you can see here but then if you go to the images you get a bunch of
Image article image resources as you can see here and same thing goes with video I think there is YouTube and Vimeo here
perfect and then finally the viral content
That these are all the viral pages like I mentioned bored Panda
lat Bible is in here but there's a lot of other ones that are just strictly dedicated to just finding viral videos and
This option will just pick up these viral videos so if you want the cream of the crop
viral viral videos that's just what you want to just explode your pages you want to go with this option okay and
again, you can do it you can kind of change it up so you can do two posts per day on news and maybe one
post per day on images in one video or one viral one video and
two images you can do whatever you want with this you can create as many campaigns as you like okay but
We're gonna go with news if we're going to go with all I'm never gonna do weight loss
Okay we're gonna hit Search and
here's the software pulling the most latest and
- it's algorithm most viral good the most post that can go viral on Facebook as you can see short bursts of intense exercise
better for like weight loss someone who's interested in we lost their subscribe to a page about weight loss
This is something that's gonna pop on their newsfeed and the where you go up
Click it if they like it it's pure content of course they're gonna go ahead and share that as well right so
There you go that's actually really good so they're talking about high-intensity interval training being better for weight loss
That's something that that's very
Controversial as well as something that's people have been looking towards nowadays people are doing that more as opposed to standard
Cardio so that's something that definitely can go viral
So that's something I could you know schedule but now I'm just gonna move down show you some more options
This is what no one tells you about massive weight loss I've done all the work put in the effort and I still struggle
So this is something that I could definitely go viral it's definitely gonna get a lot of clicks, okay?
So that's a really good another article we have
pine nuts are the best superfoods for weight loss and then with pictures from CBS news credible source as you can see
We'll just keep going here
Three simple habits linked to weight loss and this is what no one is telling you about massive weight loss from the HuffPost
Huffington post and then we have Deborah Norville opens up about her
Remarkable remarkable thirty pound weight loss so as you can see these articles are pure quality
They're not gonna just find some random you know source and it's gonna look really really neat as well as you can see
Exactly how we wanted in our post so just by itself the soccer?
Is great if you don't want to do any work yourself, but let's say you want to still
Schedule, some content so we really like this first one here so we're gonna hit schedule post
Okay and you could post immediately as well but I'm gonna schedule it and
Then it. Gives you some more functionality here I'll show you
what it does then
So it gives you the option to change the headline if you want to make it a bit more catchy if you want to change
The image you don't like the one that BBC provided here you can change that as well
You can change the URL to go
somewhere else I think what the URL does is that it just changed the
Changes the you can't have your own website there but, when they click it goes to BBC or you can maybe
also just get it to go to your
own website I think I haven't actually tested that yet and then finally you can also change the
Description so it says two days ago burst of hi interval and high-intensity interval training
Be done more effectively for weight loss you can change that doesn't make that bit more catchy or if you like is wold and finally
you can schedule where you want it to go to
then you can go ahead and schedule the post
Whenever you want you can select a date in time as you can see there's so much functionality with this but London then let's say
You don't want this as well you want to create your own
post but you just want the Vow traffic builder to schedule it for you okay so
absolutely organic nothing you're doing yourself
I mean and there's nothing that is
pulling it being pull from this software you just go to new post and you would click on build post and this is as you
can see you can add your own
image here title URL
Everything so this is maybe something if you want to throw in from
Your own website so if you wanna have I have a blog post
that you just put in but you want to schedule that on Facebook Twitter and Tumblr
You can do that as well with leave our traffic builder so as you can see
you just fill out on the information hit schedule or you want to post it away you can do that as well okay so it
Also has that functionality as well so it covers
basically anything you would want to do in terms of automation on your social media accounts and the main highlighting factor here is that
Over time as you're putting out these engaging posts up your posts and people are sharing these posts
People are more and more people are going to go ahead and start liking your page as well and that's gonna increase their audience now
Let's say you have a course a you know blog or some type of thing on weight loss in this in this particular case
then you can obviously
Go ahead and start driving that traffic to that page
To that website from your actual page that has all these followers and weight loss and I think you're getting the key
this is how it's going to be driving traffic to
anything that you like to okay so the viol traffic builder is like a whole social media manager for you that's gonna find
Viral content for you and then finally after that you can use that all content to make money through
Sending the traffic to your pages affiliate offers and all that sort of stuff
And so that's the wild traffic builder in a nutshell there is some additional training as well you can go ahead and check that out
but it's pretty straightforward
And that's the whole demo aspect of it now finally of course
I do want to go a bit more Viral Traffic Builder review
Detail in the pricing structure and all that service and stuff so we're gonna get into that now
But if you've seen enough and you are ready just click on the link in the video description right down below on
YouTube and you can come over to this page here where you can click on any of the active links and head over to the
Sales page okay but anyways we're gonna jump into the pricing structure so
as mentioned the main software
The premium version is starting at
twenty six ninety eight ninety eight and that's a one-time fee so you're not paying a monthly on this as opposed to
most of the competitors which are doing you know
Between like I think fifty two hundred per month to a one-time fee that's just astronomical it's so high up there
And it's really not it does not have all the functionality
That the vowel traffic builder has okay the name is kind of high P
I would agree on that but overall if you look at
What the functionality is I think it's absolutely it's great now upgrade number one there are some upgrade options for the vowel traffic builder
And these upgrade options are basically going to add additional functionality or just give you a bit more
For the software if you were interested and they're also showing some other
Software's out there on a massive discount if you're interested you can pick these up if not you can skip them no problem
Okay, so upgrade number one
Is will get you the pro version of oil traffic builder and this basically includes unlimited
Facebook accounts unlimited twitter and tumblr accounts and you'll have access to fifty thousand images to use
over seven thousand videos to use and these videos that you can use as just in addition
You also get the commercial and agency license for love all traffic builder
you'll get some sort of virtual assistant account of not sure what that is
you'll get team members and sub users the council if you have team members that you want to log in as well and
use on their own type of dashboard space you can also
set that up with this and
You'll get social traffic generation training as well so additional training and you're looking at out searches and developers licenses as well so there's
a whole bunch of stuff you're getting I see you know the other apps just giving the commercial license for this price but they're giving
You all this stuff and that's for sixty seven dollars in addition so if you're interested in that you can
Pick that up if not you can simply skip it. No problems okay now upgrade number two is
amz news and this is one of what a completely different software that these guys came up with a couple of months ago and
this one was one of their best selling software products and basically what it does is that it allows you to
the app itself fully builds ready to go Amazon stores and
these can be in any niche that you want to it fully creates it for you and
with that
all you would basically have left to do after picking up Amazon News is just driving traffic and that of course you can do
Fantastically with the road traffic builder so they kind of go hand-in-hand
I think that's why they put that in here I think if you have no idea
What you can drive traffic to you should pick up up here number two and you have a lot of this whole?
Business model with these fantastic apps that will do most of the work for you, okay?
So that's up to number two Amazon Neos
That's gonna be going for forty seven dollars now upgrade number three is local leads news and this is for twenty seven dollars and this
Is another software app by the creators and this was just like the Amazon?
product up on up to number two this one was about local lead so it shows you how do
that it helps you find local clients contact them and sell them
Services for residual income if you're interested in that you can take a look at that well show you the offer it's a massively
Discounted if you're not into interested you can always go ahead and skip now upgrade number four is the video curator
FX to advance this is a Video Creator
Platform it's also heavily discounted for you and if it's something of interest you can take a look at it again
Otherwise you can skip it no problems okay so those are the four upgrade options
I think up your number one is really powerful and
If you're if you don't have any type of plan in place maybe upgrade number two but the rest is
totally up to you but I would you know personally I would not really benefit from up you know between for myself okay so
Those are the upgrade options now finally my overall thoughts on
The about traffic building you can go ahead and read this as well but it's basically that you know the vendors behind him are very
credible people they have they're always offer fantastic support, I've had the opportunity to check out their older products as well and
Apart from that this is as you can yes you probably saw the about traffic builder works really well it finds
articles that are really viral like had the viral nature and it could really help build up your
Facebook page likes your followers whatever you'd want it to do
you can definitely get that do going as well and
once you have this traffic traffic being siphoned through all your various social medias Twitter Facebook and Tumblr
you can of course just drive that street to any sort of website
Affiliate offer. Or whatever and you're definitely looking at making some nice sales from that okay
But of course as with everything I have added an exclusive bonus bundle for
Duvall traffic builder which I'll be going over right now I do wanna let you know that this is only limited to the first
twenty people because this does
some of my own
Premium products that are currently being sold in the marketplace right now so I just can't offer more than that because that's taking away from
People that you know Mia sometime purchased those products or these already being given as bonuses
But it's going to be strict for the first twenty people only okay so you want to come in early when the bow traffic builder
Goes live now the viral traffic builder actually goes live tomorrow so that's February 19th at I think
Nm est so you want to make sure you come in early so you can get a chance to pick up my bonus
Bundles as well if our bonus bundles are all sold out you'll see clearly on top of every call-to-action you'll see
No more bonus, bundles available at which point you can still. Pick up the software but not my bonuses, okay?
Yeah, 20 points bundles available and here are my bonuses so bonus number one is a full viral traffic builder software walk-through
Okay, so it's gonna be similar to how this demo was but I'll be with you there forever
So I'm gonna be showing you a full walkthrough of how to set up a campaign with the BA traffic software
while traffic builder and then I'll be actually
Posting and showing you how it's doing its work so it's gonna be really cool to see that if you're interested else we'll give you
A nice quick head start and if you have any questions of course you can just take a look at this video it'll cover
Everything okay now bonus number two is the profit ascension this is one of my most recent and best selling
courses it's a proven way to make over
$200 every single day online it's the course being sold in the marketplace
Currently and to date it's been my best-selling course okay so you're gonna get it for free if you are one of the 20 people
When you pick up traffic builder from this page now bonus number three is vid ranked meals with resell rights
Reseller it's not this is one of the top software's of the creators and they've given me exclusive
you know permission to give this away to you guys as a bonus and
This is basically gonna help you get unlimited with page one rankings it'll analyze your videos it'll
track your results and it all automatically
spy on your competitors to see what they are doing to rank better than you and you can just use all that data all that
Information to start ranking your videos better it's a really good soccer you're gonna get that for free as well
Now bonus number four is print Lee this is one of my all-time favorite courses and I'll show you how to use digital
Printables in a host of different niches and turned them into a full-time
business online like the creator of this training uses 100% free tools and Harmsen free traffic
to pull in over six thousand dollars per month in just one obscure niche it's really cool and it's something that if you're interested in
Doing these really fun little methods that could really turn into a full-time business
You want to check out print
Li now bonus number five is affiliate domination blueprint this is one of my other one of my courses
on affiliate marketing so if you can struggle with affiliate marketing in the past you haven't been successful with it this is gonna show what
We do on a step-by-step day to day basis
And it's gonna show exactly how we make both of our money online and you'll be able to see that in bonus number five
now bonus number six my final, bonus is vidneos again another course another software from the vendors and
This will this is the videos takes hundreds of thousands of dollars with the real-life real
business insights from real videos and real sales and Paxil it all into a one-stop-shop
Software okay you can research create analyze optimize and back
Backlink to every video and niche that you want to our website that you want here and then you can do everything from one place
it's a whole all-in-one solution for you know getting an insights and analytics on where your websites your videos and
also Viral Traffic Builder review
let's see you back went to them as well as a three equal and you definitely don't get that for free in
Addition to all my in in addition to vote Rafic building all my other bonuses okay so those are my six
Exclusive bonuses you're not gonna find these anywhere else and you're gonna get them for free in addition
When you pick up the ball traffic builder or if you're one of the 20. People that are they pick this up. Early okay so
That is if my road traffic builder review I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that cleared some
Misconceptions or something that you had some additional questions you had on the software if you still have any questions
click the link it so you click the link in the video description right down below and YouTube and then at the bottom there's a
Where you can leave a comment you can leave a comment there I also check my youtube channel
so if you if you want to leave a comment rate under this video on YouTube you can also do that as well and
Definitely you know I usually reply within a couple of hours so if you have any questions I'll have those answer for you but apart
From that I highly recommend this software and I recommend you pick it up, okay?
So that is my viral traffic builder review I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next video review
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