Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 2, 2019

News on Youtube Feb 22 2019

Known in history as one of the most well-known African-American of the 20th century helping

build the farming community.

Stay tuned for more as we share our top 10 fun facts about George Washington Carver celebrating

Black History Month.

With our first fact, the Life of George Washington Carver began circa 1864.

The exact date is not known because he was born into slavery in Diamond, Missouri, during

the Civil War

Next, as a child, George was kidnapped.

during this time in slavery, raiders would steal other slaves and George, his sister,

and mother were kidnapped from their farm.

This next fact is interesting with Moses Carver, George's owner letting George stay with him

after slavery ended.

That is where Moses' wife Susan taught George how to read and write because schools would

not allow blacks to go there.

Looking back in history with the next fact education wasn't always open to everyone.

That is where George was admitted to Highland College in Highland, Kansas, but Carver was

denied admittance the college found out his race.

Carver made history in the world of education.

That is where he work will another icon in black history Booker T Washington managing

the agricultural department at Tuskegee Institute.

Our next fact is about a nickname given to George Washington Carver.

When looking back at his life, because of his love for working with plants he was given

the nickname, "The Young plant doctor."

Checking out this fact many people associate George with peanuts although he worked with

many plants.

That was because after a presentation to Congress about his peanuts creations like flour, milk,

dyes, and cheese George became known as the peanut guy and it just stuck.

Moving on to fact number eight George have good advice.

That is where he helped President Theodore Roosevelt whenever he had questions about

agricultural and helping the United States.

Moving on to fact number 9 Carver spoke out against racism.


For example from 1923 to 1933, George toured white Southern colleges stupid about the importance

of people of different color working together.

With our tenth and final fact, George spent a large amount of his life saving money to

create a museum.

Carver used his savings to create the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy

Center in Austin, Texas.

and we have come to the end of our journey sharing our top 10 fun facts and if there

are fun facts you would like to share about George Washington Carver feel free to subscribe

to our YouTube channel or follow us on Facebook at Fresberg Cartoon to get notifications and

chat with us in the comments.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fun Facts about George Washington Carver | Black History Month Educational Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 3:01.


Dr Toni Bark, MD Speaking to the Washington State Legislature - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Dr Toni Bark, MD Speaking to the Washington State Legislature - Duration: 3:46.


George Washington's Long Lost Love Letter - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> George Washington's Long Lost Love Letter - Duration: 2:36.


Chicago police detail timeline of Jussie Smollett case - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Chicago police detail timeline of Jussie Smollett case - Duration: 3:44.


Washington drought warning outlook 630 PM - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Washington drought warning outlook 630 PM - Duration: 3:02.


Steve King: 'I have nothing to apologize for' - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Steve King: 'I have nothing to apologize for' - Duration: 1:05.


Try, try again: Meet some of history's most prolific presidential losers - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Try, try again: Meet some of history's most prolific presidential losers - Duration: 2:24.


Babiš předběhne Zemana. Trump ho i s Monikou pozval v březnu do Bílého domu, potvrdil Washington - Duration: 5:50.

Pozvání potvrdil i premiér Babiš: „Mohu potvrdit, že jsem dostal pozvání do Bílého domu na 7

března. Je to vyvrcholení našich vztahů se Spojenými státy. Tento rok si připomínáme 20 let vstupu do NATO

Naše vztahy byly poslední dobu velice intenzivní. Byl tady Paul Ryan, byl tady ministr energetiky, ministr obrany

" Babiš uvedl, že se do Bílého domu těší. „Musím se na to dobře připravit, protože je to pro Českou republiku velice důležitá schůzka

Bude tam určitě strašně moc témat, které bych chtěl s panem prezidentem probrat. Nejenom naše vztahy ekonomické nebo v rámci NATO, ale je to i o vztazích s Evropskou unií," řekl Babiš

Babiš uvedl, že se o jeho návštěvě v Bílém domě začalo mluvit loni v březnu, když Česko navštívil tehdejší předseda Sněmovny reprezentantů Paul Ryan

Návštěva se podle něj letos uskuteční díky tomu, že si Česko připomíná 30 let od sametové revoluce a 20 let od vstupu do NATO

Premiér Babiš se dnes vrací z návštěvy Izraele, do Bílého domu by se tak měl podívat dříve, než by se to mohlo stát v případě prezidenta Miloše Zemana, který dle svých slov dostal pozvání telefonicky již v minulosti, ale k oficiálnímu dojednání termínu dodnes nedošlo

Babiš se o pozvání nicméně údajně nesnažil. „Slovo ‚usilovat' bych nepoužíval, jedu tam jako zástupce České republiky, nebyla tady žádná soutěž mezi mnou a prezidentem

Myslím si, že to pozvání jsem dostal, protože prezident Trump má výkonnou moc – a v rámci našeho politického uspořádání je vkládána moc do rukou vlády

Takže tady nebyla žádná soutěž, ani se nedá říct, že bych o to usiloval. Byly rozhovory, dlouho se o tom spekulovalo, jsem rád, že se to potvrdilo, a myslím, že tam budu reprezentovat všechny naše občany

Není to moje osobní záležitost," řekl. I'm pleased to report that President Trump has extended an official invitation to Prime Minister @AndrejBabis to visit Washington on March 7 as a symbol of our strong bilateral relationship

A White House announcement is forthcoming soon. @strakovka — Ambassador King (@USAmbPrague) 20

února 2019 O pozvání Babiše do Bílého domu chtěl při své návštěvě USA usilovat ministr zahraničí Tomáš Petříček (ČSSD), který do Washingtonu odletěl ve středu

Petříček chtěl jednat i o možnosti pozvání pro Zemana. Že má otevřenější dveře do Bílého domu spíše Babiš než Zeman, na to upozorňoval Petříček v úterý

V USA se má sejít rovněž se svým protějškem Mikem Pompeem. „Já jsem přesvědčen, že je reálné, že se podaří domluvit schůzku na té nejvyšší úrovni

Mám signály, že tam ze strany amerických partnerů je zájem. Budu o tom hovořit s ministrem Pompeem tento týden v pátek," řekl Petříček

„Budu apelovat na americkou stranu, aby to byla schůzka na nejvyšší úrovni, je to na americké straně, koho pozvou do Bílého domu," doplnil

Zeman se v poslední době mj. zastával čínské společnosti Huawei, která se topí ve velkých problémech i v USA

Sám Petříček nechce řešit za Atlantikem pouze Huawei. „Budu s americkými protějšky řešit kybernetickou bezpečnost obecněji

Myslím, že to není jen o společnosti Huawei, je to o tom, jak chceme dlouhodobě zajistit ochranu naší kritické infrastruktury, našich komunikačních systémů

Pro nás je důležité, abychom hledali společné řešení, společnou strategii v rámci Evropské unie, potažmo i v NATO," uvedl ministr zahraničí před odletem do USA

For more infomation >> Babiš předběhne Zemana. Trump ho i s Monikou pozval v březnu do Bílého domu, potvrdil Washington - Duration: 5:50.


US teen who faced off with Native American sues Washington Post News Al Jazeera - Duration: 2:57.

US teen who faced off with Native American sues Washington Post News Al Jazeera

Lawyers of Nicholas Sandmann file dollar 250m lawsuit against the Washington Post, claiming he was wrongfully targeted.

A US high school student from Kentucky has sued the Washington Post for defamation, claiming the newspaper falsely accused him of racist acts and instigating a confrontation with a Native American activist at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

The lawyers for 16 year old Nicholas Sandmann, the Covington Catholic high school junior who faced off with Omaha Nation elder Nathan Phillips on the steps of the memorial last month, have filed a dollar 250m lawsuit against the newspaper.

"This is only the beginning," said the lawyers, Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry, on their firms website, noting that it was the "first lawsuit" on Sandmanns behalf.

The suit was filed in US District Court in Kentucky, Reuters news agency reported, and it states that the sum which is for "compensatory and punitive damages" is what founder and the worlds richest man Jeff Bezos paid to buy the newspaper.

The lawsuit claims that the newspaper "wrongfully targeted and bullied" the teen to advance its bias against President because Sandmann is a white Catholic who wore a Make America Great Again cap on a school field trip to the "March for Life" anti abortion rally in Washington on January 18.

The Washington Posts Vice President for Communications, Kristine Coratti Kelly, said: "We are reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and we plan to mount a vigorous defence."

In a photo from the incident that went viral, Sandmann is seen standing face to face with Native American activist Phillips. The teenager stares smiling at him, while Phillips sings and plays his drum.

The incident sparked outrage on social media.

A private investigation firm retained by Covington Diocese, the Catholic high school in Park Hills, Kentucky, attended by Sandmann, found in a report released last week no evidence the teenagers provoked a confrontation.

The students were met at the Lincoln Memorial by offensive statements from members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, the report said.

The investigation also determined that the students did not direct any racist or offensive comments towards Phillips although several performed a "tomahawk chop" to the beat of his drum.

The tomahawk chop is an arm movement most popularly used by fans of several baseball and football clubs.

The action, considered to be offensive to Native Americans, involves moving the forearm forwards and backwards repetitively with an open palm to simulate a tomahawk chopping, and is often accompanied by a distinctive cheer.

Phillips claimed in a separate video that he heard the students chanting "build that wall" during the encounter, a reference to Trumps pledge to build a barrier along the border with .

The investigators said they found no evidence of such a chant and that Phillips did not respond to multiple attempts to contact him.

For more infomation >> US teen who faced off with Native American sues Washington Post News Al Jazeera - Duration: 2:57.


While EU Dithers over Trade Strategy, German Auto Bosses Head to Washington - Duration: 4:14.

 Amid fears of what U.S. tariffs on European car imports could do to the auto industry, EU ministers are meeting Friday to come up with a plan for trade negotiations with President Donald Trump

 Germany, whose auto industry has been struggling and whose cars account for half of all its exports to the U

S., wants to start negotiations as soon as possible, Reuters reports, while France is reluctant to negotiate with Trump before the EU Parliament elections in May

The European Commission has asked member countries to approve two negotiating mandates so formal talks can begin

 Meanwhile, German auto executives will travel to Washington as soon as next week to meet with Trump, a meeting facilitated by the U

S. ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, Handelsblatt reports. This sidesteps EU protocol, where European officials negotiate deals, not German officials and certainly not business leaders

 Trump's threat of a 25% tariff on car imports is the biggest worry for Europe's carmakers in 2019, Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess told the Financial Times

Those tariffs could cost the world's biggest carmaker as much as €2.5 billion ($2

8 billion) — or 13% of its earnings — annually.  Diess said concerns over the tariffs had created political instability

"It's becoming tense once again," he said. "You know it's a pity because we can't solve it from the car industry [alone]

It's more of a tariffs negotiation between Europe and the United States."  London researchers Evercore ISI estimate the tariffs would cost the top three German automakers — Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW — upwards of €6

25 billion ($7 billion) per year. Diess confirmed that figure is in line with the worst-case scenario

Evercore ISI told CNBC Thursday analysts believe the risk of U.S.-EU tariffs remain high

 Last week Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross made his recommendations to Trump about whether foreign car imports constitute a national security risk to the U

S. It's not clear what's in the recommendations, as they haven't been made public, however, many expect the Commerce Department to back up the assertion that car and car-part imports constitute a threat

 That would allow the Trump administration to respond with new tariffs. The U.S

currently levies a 2.5% tariff on European car and car-part imports, but Trump has promised to introduce tariffs 10 times larger

 German car imports account for 7% of all auto sales in the U.S. (though the percentage increases in the premium market), while U

S. cars account for 14% of sales in the European market, Handelsblatt reports. If the U

S. imposes the car tariffs, the EU Commission will likely impose counter-tariffs on a list of products worth around €20 billion; the focus would be on hurting congressional districts that support Trump

 Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz met with Trump at the White House on Wednesday in hopes of paving the way for better trade relations, Bloomberg reports, but Kurz says the EU and U

S. positions remain far apart. "He really seems to have it in for Germany in particular," Kurz said an Austrian radio interview

"We tried to raise awareness that he wouldn't just hit Germany but also neighboring countries like Austria


For more infomation >> While EU Dithers over Trade Strategy, German Auto Bosses Head to Washington - Duration: 4:14.


U.S.-China resume trade talks in Washington, reportedly working on MoUs - Duration: 1:30.

now could an end finally be in sight the US and China have resumed high-level

trade talks aimed at easing a trade standoff there's cast a deep shadow over

the global economy for more on this and other news from around the world let's

turn to our Noah Ram so Adam walk us through the latest well Marv there are

reports that both sides are drawing up multiple mo use that would form the

basis of a final trade deal though we have to wait until Friday before any

official announcements is made late the latest reports suggest the two countries

are beginning to make some progress towards ending their near seven-month

trade war previous negotiations have all ended without an agreement as Beijing

resists most of the Trump administration's demands but as a march

deadline on fresh tariffs loom both sides seem to be picking up steam now US

media are reporting that negotiators are working on 6mo use that would cover

areas including agriculture non-tariff barriers services technology transfer

and intellectual property this would be just a broad outline however of what

could make up a deal but any major agreement will not likely come out after

this week's talks China's commerce ministry has also declined to comment

specifically on the mo use US Trade Representative Robert lines Iser and

Chinese Vice Premier Li her are also yet to give any details of their first day

of negotiations

For more infomation >> U.S.-China resume trade talks in Washington, reportedly working on MoUs - Duration: 1:30.


Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 8 Promo - Duration: 0:31.

This week on Washington Grown we're heading to wine country.

We'll pair wine and bites at Seven Hills Winery.

Super easy and simple with fresh ingredients and some great wine.

Then we'll visit Walla Walla Community College

to see how future wine makers are getting their start.

You go buy a bottle of Washington wine today

there's a 50/50 shot that a Walla Walla Community College

grad had a hand in either growing it or making it.

And I'll be blending my very own bottle of wine.

This is like my baby.

For more infomation >> Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 8 Promo - Duration: 0:31.


Climber killed in fall on Mt. Washington - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Climber killed in fall on Mt. Washington - Duration: 0:46.


The Division 2 Washington D.C. Aftermath Trailer Subtitle Indonesia - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> The Division 2 Washington D.C. Aftermath Trailer Subtitle Indonesia - Duration: 2:11.


U.S.-China resume trade talks in Washington, reportedly working on MoUs - Duration: 1:38.

so as promised during the stock market wrapup we're going to talk about the

huge trade talks happening in Washington the US and China have resumed high-level

talks aimed at easing their trade standoff that has really cast a huge

cloud over the global economy in recent months more on this and other news from

around the world let's turn to our no I am so Alan fill us in on the latest

Lamar there are reports that both signs are drawing up multiple mo use that

would form the basis of a final trade deal though we have to wait until Friday

before we get any official announcement the latest report suggests the two

countries are beginning to make some progress toward ending their near seven

months trade war previous negotiations have all ended without an agreement as

Beijing resists most of the Trump administration's demands but as a march

deadline on fresh tariffs loom both sides seem to be picking up steam US

media are reporting that negotiators are working on 6mo use that would cover

areas including agriculture non-tariff areas services technology transfer and

intellectual property this would be just a broad outline of what could make up

the deal but any major agreements will not likely come out after these week

this week's talks Chinese commerce China's commerce ministry has declined

to comment on the MOU s u.s. trade representative robert light Iser

and chinese vice premier Liu Herr who are at the meeting are also yet to give

any details of their first day of negotiations

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