Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

News on Youtube Dec 29 2018

hello to all and so welcome to this second episode of talking well and

today we will come back to what has scored this week in the top

trend is really really it's been marked by that is by the clash

booba kaaris so the booba kaaris clash everyone has talked about this

week everyone saw instagram posts

the spades sent on instagram the spades sent by video via youtube or it's really

buzz this week but I think that well beyond

clash it's really some commercial thing because the moment

the moment you can say what you want but it intervenes stack at

holiday season pile right when he is where people give themselves gifts

where people buy CDs or people acehtent movies where people people

consume in general is really not at random what! people

they are on vacation they are at home they will be connected on the networks

this and the rappers the two rapper the know very well and so there is what of

better as com that to do that to this moment there what! and then there is a

mechanism also in the clashes of booba every time he this

clash every time they carve someone he

is always always something in do not know then who was last? there was damso

There was the weasel then there were others too there are also kaaris there was Rohff

there is always! there are clashes all the time and I feel

that these are marketing means to booba because there is nothing better

because when you go to buy advertising when you are a

rapper for example when you go buy advertising to go

on stages or to go for intervene in advertisements or do

advertising for your records really cost you something then

that send it spades like booba done in kaaris or other rappers

it makes you talk about it that makes a lot talk about him and suddenly people

buy people will buy his discs

people will watch videos of him they will keep their music on youtube

they go there as soon as he is in loss as soon as he is out of hearing

he connects as soon as they want to sell a record as if by chance there is a record

soon from kaaris coming out and the last time in Orly it was for booba

there is always something is there by chance

it's like it's like at orly where they have literally returned the airport

but when I say returned it's really returned the airport

there is a shop there it is really made it turn

it was a thing of phew fighting Orly and so I'm sure yet

traders they had to be they had to be compensated already finally it had to be arranged

amicably but here we have a lot talk about them all the newspapers

without being seize they have finished on the front page of magazines

first page of newspapers they finished on the front page of 20h news

they finished at 1 pm they were there the

morning in the kiosks they were this is how it is

marketing method of booba it's really are trick the spades the clashes

that's where it always is been it always worked like that then

have others who do that to others who do that that too happen to do

talk about them like to advertise gratos I think a little dieudonné who is

banned everywhere but while they are forbidden all

the newspapers talk about its ban in such a show

Well, it's the same when there is a fight is negative

yeah but even negative comments with respect to them that makes them talk about them

and it sells now it's positive or whatever

negative somehow we do not care do not care, here it comes back on the

front of the stage is all that matter people and people they

hear him talking "oh how I will buy his record "

and then that's how it happens or I'll buy his title

for example booba feat maes madrina

they are always first right now in the hits and voila

this first crime every week it's booba every week it's booba

every month it's booba all year long it's booba and he can not

him in his head in my opinion he can not to be anything other than being first what

this is him he is first he is number 1, good besides the sales

for sales it's master gims but him in terms of view in terms of

popularity it's number one it's not it's not master gims it's not Kaaris

it's booba there is none else and even it's really good

what he does textually if there is the research

I mean what makes that what makes booba it could be

courses at school what! it's well done and I mean it's it

there are rhymes there is work is sought it is well done !

it's not just any badger more good he did not do big

studies but hey it's not serious it's look for what's doing that's

what we want from a rapper is this we want an artist now!

we always hear about him what is not the

artists they want to make a music they live

on for a year two years and then hop after they magically come back

like an ex in spring this is pitiful I think and I'm full

in the lead like that I rented then there are many other artists

like that artists in this moments that come back

there are plenty of them I have in mind but I do not have the names that tell me

come back but I have the name of their songs there is calogero we hear

never speak hop vitta alike we never hear about them

if we hear about them when they come out a single and then that's it

like that for everyone it's like the weasel we have not heard of

him for years while booba if he is number 1

it's because they deserve it

it's not like necessarily others who are not number 1

necessarily others they are not mediatized they are not

all that necessarily he does not bother

and then there are artists they have nothing to fuck

he earns well enough their lives they have investments and all this the

booba it's not the same it's an artist

it's a complete artist it has nothing to do with badgers

produce I think a lot of artists in this moment

there is plenty and not booba it's something!

it's not just any ball and then especially this

who did what made everyone laugh world also on instagram it's the

people who are merrily these genres cyril hanouna who was proposing

to send pascal the big brother and then there were others there was IbraTv

also who proposed to be a referee during the fight that offers the month

from april to uarena who proposes to Kaaris this is the booba kaaris clash that wants to be done on a

ring and then as by chance also there is a part handed over to

charities that was proposed there is a fifty-fifty party

here with kaaris as by chance amicably all that all as well as by

coincidence during the holidays when the people need to hear about

something see it's not innocent

and his grave anyway really good but even if I am

especially for that does booba finally me I prefer what

does booba after everyone has his argument everyone is going from his peak but that's it

ibratv who proposes to be referees he has redone our days

we had died laughing when we saw videos it was really excellent what did

it was cool xD

they had the art to do that booba and kaaris

it really is then it comes right at the right time

the people they say "nan it's really hate"

yeah but we must admit that it comes really well it's like the

moment in Orly, that corresponds to each time has single outputs out of discs

finally call it what you want

always at times when they need to be promoted to be in

article head, newspaper headers, magazine head and

then here is a successful move for them again it's really

well done at marketing level I think there is no better

there is no better than a good old clash, a good fight in a

airport there is no better! xD. But here I think

that they themselves know it themselves know that they are doing it on purpose and

I think he plays a game I know it's acting, it's like a lot of stuff

I think in the field of showbizz it's millimeter

really wanted after tell me what you think

in the comments but me here it is my opinion I think it has

marked the trends this week here everyone has talked about it

well ... everyone to surf on what finally they surfed on

and then correctly but that's what you say

think in the comments tell me what do you think of this format

this video format do not hesitate to like commented share say if you like

this is all I had to say but here is no hesitation

return to me ciao!



Bikini Photoshoot | Priscilla Morales Sometimes Simple Is Better - Duration: 6:36.

Bikini Photoshoot | Priscilla Morales Sometimes Simple Is Better All changes saved

For more infomation >> Bikini Photoshoot | Priscilla Morales Sometimes Simple Is Better - Duration: 6:36.


simple maggam work designs for blouses,embroidery stitches,hand embroidery designs for beginners - Duration: 3:12.

simple maggam work

For more infomation >> simple maggam work designs for blouses,embroidery stitches,hand embroidery designs for beginners - Duration: 3:12.


5 Simple Riddles to check the Power of your Common Sense in Urdu Hindi - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 5 Simple Riddles to check the Power of your Common Sense in Urdu Hindi - Duration: 3:56.


Simple Ways To Go Green In 2019 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Simple Ways To Go Green In 2019 - Duration: 3:32.


25 top pop False ceiling Gypsum simple designs for living room - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 25 top pop False ceiling Gypsum simple designs for living room - Duration: 2:12.


Simple Recipe of Baba Ghanoush | Recette de Baba Ganoush | بابا غنوج‎ - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Simple Recipe of Baba Ghanoush | Recette de Baba Ganoush | بابا غنوج‎ - Duration: 3:32.


Оладьи из овсяных хлопьев (затраты 40 рублей). Простой рецепт - Duration: 1:03.

100 grams of oatmeal 200 milliliters of kefir

1 egg 2 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of wheat flour

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

Fry on medium heat for 2 minutes on each side

Like and Subscribe

For more infomation >> Оладьи из овсяных хлопьев (затраты 40 рублей). Простой рецепт - Duration: 1:03.


An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 38:53.

For more infomation >> An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 38:53.


Les dentistes nous cachent ceci. Ce simple mélange peut éliminer la plaque dentaire - Duration: 5:15.

Qui ne rêve pas d'avoir une dentition saine et éclatante de blancheur ?

Mais malheureusement, certains facteurs comme la mauvaise hygiène bucco-dentaire, la consommation d'aliments trop sucrés ou trop acides, ainsi que le tabagisme, favorisent l'accumulation de la plaque sur la surface des dents et provoque ainsi leur jaunissement.

Pour vous aider à en venir à bout, essayez ce mélange simple à préparer mais extrêmement efficace.

Qu'est-ce que la plaque dentaire ?

La plaque dentaire est une fine couche de débris alimentaire et de salive qui vient se déposer sur la surface des dents après chaque repas.

Quand elle n'est pas éliminée par un brossage correct, les bactéries naturellement présentes dans la bouche s'y logent pour se nourrir, produisant ainsi des excréments acides qui détruisent l'émail et favorisent l'inflammation des gencives.

De plus, quand plusieurs couches de plaque se superposent, elles peuvent durcir et se transformer en tarte, impossible alors à éliminer par un simple brossage.

Pour éviter tout cela et préserver votre santé bucco-dentaire ainsi que la blancheur naturelle de vos dents, voici un mélange très simple à préparer mais doté d'une efficacité redoutable contre la plaque dentaire.

Un mélange pour éliminer la plaque dentaire :

Pour préparer ce mélange, vous aurez besoin des ingrédients suivants :

1 cuillère à soupe de votre dentifrice ordinaire. 2 cuillères à soupe de bicarbonate de soude. 2 cuillères à soupe d'eau minérale.

Préparation :

Dans un bocal, mélangez soigneusement tous les ingrédients, puis appliquez un peu de ce mélange sur votre brosse-à-dents et utilisez-la pour vous brosser soigneusement les dents pendant 4 minutes. Rincez-vous à l'eau claire.

Répétez le même procédé, une fois par semaine pendant 1 mois pour éliminer complètement la plaque et redonner à vos dents leur éclat naturel.

Bienfaits du bicarbonate de soude :

Le bicarbonate de soude est une poudre blanche très connue pour ses multiples vertus et usages.

Dans le domaine de la santé bucco-dentaire, son efficacité a été maintes fois prouvée.

Grâce à ses cristaux, il nettoie efficacement les dents et en élimine les dépôts.

De plus ses propriétés antibactériennes neutralisent l'action des bactéries pathogènes dans la bouche, réduisant ainsi les risques de caries et d'inflammation des gencives.

Son effet désodorisant élimine les mauvaises odeurs et rafraîchit l'haleine, et son action blanchissante dissout les taches sur les dents, leur permettant ainsi de retrouver leur blancheur et leur éclat naturels.

Cependant, en raison de son caractère abrasif, il est conseillé de ne pas utiliser le bicarbonate de soude plus d'une fois par semaine.

Autres conseils pour une meilleure hygiène bucco-dentaire :

Adopter une alimentation riche en produits frais et naturels à forte teneur en nutriments et en antioxydants bénéfiques pour les dents, et la santé en général, et réduire au maximum la consommation d'aliments trop gras et trop sucrés qui favorisent la prolifération bactérienne dans la bouche ;

Réduire sa consommation de boissons astringentes telles que le café, le thé et l'alcool, qui augmentent les risques de caries et d'inflammation des gencives.

Utiliser une paille pour consommer les boissons acides, afin de limiter leur contact avec les dents et ainsi préserver leur émail de l'érosion ;

Se brosser les dents pendant 3 minutes après chaque repas, en utilisant une brosse à dents à poils souples pour nettoyer les dents sans les abîmer ou léser les gencives ;

Utiliser la soie dentaire pour éliminer les résidus d'aliments qui restent coincés entre les dents et qu'un brossage ordinaire n'arrive pas à déloger ;

Utiliser périodiquement un bain de bouche ;

Visiter régulièrement un dentiste pour bénéficier d'une révision générale de l'état de votre bouche et ainsi détecter d'éventuels problèmes bucco-dentaires à leurs débuts, ce qui facilitera leur traitement.

For more infomation >> Les dentistes nous cachent ceci. Ce simple mélange peut éliminer la plaque dentaire - Duration: 5:15.


CookingWithMe Ep4: Kem chuối - Simple banana ice cream - Duration: 2:33.

Choose well ripe Manzano bananas

Ingredients: 15 bananas

1 fresh coconut (shredded)

1 cup crushed roasted peanuts.

1 can of coconut milk, 1 cup of milk, 5 table spoons sugar, a pinch of salt, cook for 3 minutes, let it sit in room temperature.

15 sandwich bags

Put bananas into sandwich bags, use a cutting board to flatten the bananas, one by one

spread shredded coconut onto both side of flat bananas.

coconut milk mixture (2-3 table spoons)

then roasted peanuts

Put them in the freezer for more than 8 hours


For more infomation >> CookingWithMe Ep4: Kem chuối - Simple banana ice cream - Duration: 2:33.


Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 3:11.

Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home

For more infomation >> Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 3:11.


2018.Dec 29 A Simple card magic シンプル・カード・マジック - Duration: 0:57.

First, tell your partner, saying like "Please choose a card you like without telling me the card" or something

For instance, the partner chose this card.

then ask the partner "Is there the card you chose in this line?" your partner say "No"

"then in this line?" "No"

"In this line?" your partner says "Yes"

how you detect the card is simple...

the card the partner chose is

inevitably among the three

So just line up the three cards like this this time.

then ask the same thing "Is there the card" or something.

when your partner say "yes, there is the card I chose in the line"

then the card is this one.

For more infomation >> 2018.Dec 29 A Simple card magic シンプル・カード・マジック - Duration: 0:57.


Simple Beautifull Fairfield CH3256A Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 2:02.

Simple Beautifull Fairfield CH3256A Park Model from Champion Home

For more infomation >> Simple Beautifull Fairfield CH3256A Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 2:02.


The only 3 Things You Need for a Simple Video Setup + Why You Don't Want Shaky Video. - Duration: 2:45.

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most common questions that we get

when we're helping our clients set up their system to transform their business

with video and that is what is the gear we know what's the tech what's the stuff

actually need and they get confused a little overwhelmed because there's lots

of information out there and they want their videos to look good and they

assume that that means complexity and it doesn't good news is it doesn't anymore

used to in the old days yes but now not so much so the first tip is just use

your smart phone camera it takes great video it'll simplify your life

tremendously second thing is a external microphone plugs right into the

headphone jack or that adapter if you don't have one of those headphone jacks

anymore and that raises the level of quality the professionalism of your

video immediately the third thing is you want to use some weight to stabilize

your shot most people use a tripod and that's the easy answer but what I want

to get to is the non-verbal aspect I want to get you guys thinking a little

bit outside the tech and the gear and thinking about the nonverbal

subconscious messaging around your videos so when you are in this kind of

video where you're presenting yourself as a trusted guide or a coach or your

teaching you want your shot to be really stable and why do you think that is at a

subconscious level if they're watching a video and it's all shaky or just kind of

off-kilter the impression of the host that they're

gonna get of the host is that maybe that is how that person is as well when your

shot is really stable and solid then they're subconsciously thinking mmm this

is a source of trusted information and stability so that's the other reason you

want to keep your shot really stable when you're doing these kind of videos

and then the last thing is of course you need a light source you may want to

purchase one supplemental light you don't need a whole three-point light

setup you just might want one supplemental light like a box light or

some people using those Brown ring lights but with good results that's fine

and it can help you and give you some flexibility as the Sun starts to change

in the room that you're taping in then you can use your supplemental light to

help feel and also bump up the professionalism of

the look of the shop just a tad awesome okay that's what we've got for you today

we have more tips on a YouTube channel so we'd love it if you'd hop over there

and subscribe and there's also a one-page list of all of these equipment

tips that will simplify your life as well because you could order all your

gear in about 10 minutes and be done with it okay thank you so much we'll see

you soon bye

For more infomation >> The only 3 Things You Need for a Simple Video Setup + Why You Don't Want Shaky Video. - Duration: 2:45.


Simple Beautifull 2018 Skyline Shore Park 1981CTE Park Model from Driftwood RV Center - Duration: 4:31.

Simple Beautifull 2018 Skyline Shore Park 1981CTE Park Model from Driftwood RV Center

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