Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

News on Youtube Dec 29 2018

Ingredients: Milk

Ingredients: Bread

Ingredients: Sugar

Add sugar into the milk

Ingredients: Cardamom

Add sufficient cardamom into the milk

Stirrer well until all these mixed.

Add Eggs

Stirrer well.

Heat the griddle

Dip the bread into the mix and place on the griddle

Bake until its become golden brown color

Take it from griddle

Now its ready to serve.

For more infomation >> Simple french toast recipe | French toast recipe | Easy French Toast Recipe - Duration: 5:48.


Health Is Simple (Disease Is Complicated) - Duration: 9:32.

Health is really simple, but how does it work? Coming right up

Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

everybody wants to be healthy everybody it's this big catch word everybody wants

to be healthy it's a good thing but very few people understand it and as a

society we think of health as the lack of disease we take better care of our

cars than we do ourselves we take our cars in for service before they break

but we wait until something happens then we have a symptom before we do something

about the body for the most part so we want to change our way of thinking about

what health is and health is when everything is working the way it's

supposed to when there is adequate function in the body and disease is the

lack of function disease cannot happen if everything is working the way it's

supposed to disease cannot develop the function in the body is everything that

the body does to maintain all of the systems and all the actions and the

digestion and the immune system and the movement and the thought and so forth

all of that is function there's something generated that results in that

function think of that as light light is something that we can see we can measure

it we can quantify it we know what what it is and function is the same way it's

something that's there it's something real but darkness doesn't exist darkness

it not is not measurable there is no source of darkness darkness is the lack

of light and disease works the same way just like darkness

it's disease is the lack of function so if you think of function as light and

the body then disease is simply the absence of that light or not enough

light okay so if we understand that then it makes no sense

to treat the disease that would be like going around to treat a shadow okay we

have a light source and we have something shading something creating a

shadow and then we wouldn't go in and try to treat the shadow do something

about the shadow we remove the thing that's shading it and that's how we have

to start thinking that the body has an infinite intelligence that manages and

balances things and if something isn't working there's something interfering

and we now have to get rid of the thing interfering we have to provide the

things that create function we have to remove the things that create

interference so think about a plant so here we have two flowers and we have the

sun shining on them but there's a fence that's shading one of them so the plants

in this case really like a lot of sunlight so the one in the Sun is very

healthy it's colorful it's strong it's very very resistant to wind and stress

but this one growing in the shade it doesn't get what it needs it's not

getting the Sun the water and the soil it might get water and soil but it's not

getting enough Sun because there's a fence shading it so it's very pale and

very weak so what would we do in this case it's really really obvious right we

just go in and we remove the fence or we remove the plant into the Sun where it

can get the things that it needs but if we think from a medical mindset of

treating symptoms with drugs by treating the problem rather than creating a

solution then we might go in and say oh that plants really really pale you got

some paint I think we need to paint it because it looks really pale yeah that

that's good so now for a little while if we do a really good job it will look a

little better but it won't be any healthier because there's a lack of

function it's not getting the things that it has to have and then we said

well it's it's kind of fragile it's almost

falling over by itself I think we need to go in and put some struts give it

some some crutches support it a little bit and again that's not gonna solve the

problem we couldn't even go one step further say oh let's give it some more

water let's give it some more some better nutrients let's plant it in

better soil but if it's not getting the Sun it has to have then it's not going

to be a healthy plant so the same thing works with humans that we don't

necessarily have those exact requirements they're similar but we have

chemical requirements because humans are we have a chemical aspect we have a

physical aspect we have an emotional aspect that can change physiology and

function so we have chemical physical and emotional requirements so these are

the things that create function these are the things that the body has to have

to produce the appropriate energy and signals and communication and so forth

nutrition from whole foods provides the resources the fuel and the building

blocks movement and signals create the signals that the brain and the body has

to have use it or lose it anything that you don't use is going to degenerate

it's going to atrophy if we don't have joy and purpose we're going to be in a

constant state of stress our body is going to start shutting down and we're

not going to function at optimum so these are the things that create the

appropriate function then and these are the ones we want to create more of we

want to put more of these into our lives then the other thing is the things that

are interfering and these we want to reduce such as toxins heavy metals and

medicine because these are all foreign to the body they are not things that fit

into in normal physiology that the body actually needs for fuel or building

blocks these are things that either interfere or treat symptoms medicine

work to reduce a symptom by blocking signals the body wants more signals it

wants function not less and so even though

medicine can treat a symptom which can be a good thing in an emergency it does

never produce more function physical if we're sedentary if we have physical

trauma if we have poor posture all of these interfere they reduce the amount

of motion that creates signals that is the juice if you will for the brain the

nutrient juice for the brain emotional if we have stress despair and overwhelm

constantly we put the body in a state of stress which will shut down it's very

destructive we can't get the body into a state of rebuilding as long as we have a

lot of these present humans have chemical physical emotional needs

plants have sun water and soil needs anything that's not there we could try

to raise a plant with water and soil but and not enough Sun but it's not going to

be a healthy plant in the long run if we try to just add physical and emotional

support but we're toxic and efficient we're not going to be healthy if we eat

right but we're worried we're not going to be healthy in the long run so optimal

health depends on addressing the body holistically addressing all the factors

that influence health so health is not the mere absence of disease disease is

the lack of enough function just like darkness is not enough light so how many

people have a dark switch at home I didn't think so

okay there is no source of darkness there is no source of disease there is

only lack of function and lack of light so we have to start understanding what

biology is and how the body works we have to stop thinking in terms of

symptoms even though emergency intervention can save a lot of lives the

emergency wants the emergency is over we have to start looking at rebuilding the

body by giving it what it needs that's the only way we can build optimum health

and long run so if you enjoy that please let me know

write down your questions your comments etc please share this with as many

people as possible because if they start understanding this then we can be a true

health instead of just treating symptoms and if you're new to the channel and you

enjoy learning more about this make sure that you subscribe and hit that

notification bell so that we can keep this content coming your way

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Health Is Simple (Disease Is Complicated) - Duration: 9:32.


simple maggam work designs for blouses,embroidery stitches,hand embroidery designs for beginners - Duration: 3:12.

simple maggam work

For more infomation >> simple maggam work designs for blouses,embroidery stitches,hand embroidery designs for beginners - Duration: 3:12.


Make Your Own LUTS FAST With this Simple Trick (Create your own LUTS FREE) - Duration: 2:45.

hey what's going on guys today I'm going to show you how to create LUTS for your

footage using DaVinci Resolve you could take these LUTS and use them in Adobe

Premiere Pro Final Cut Pro or right here in DaVinci Resolve really simple so

let's go ahead and dive right into it alright guys so after you have DaVinci

Resolve opened up go ahead and go to this tab right here take your clip that

you're trying to color grade go ahead and drag it down I already have mine

drugged down you're gonna go to this area right here make your clip drag it

down to the timeline select an area on the clip select your clip and then go to

the color wheel now right here you're gonna do all your color grading anything

that you would like in the color grade go ahead and add it here we're gonna do

absolutely everything for your LUT right in this area so let's just say that I

went ahead and did everything okay now let's just do something kind of dramatic

so you see that it works say that I like this crazy color grade right here for

this particular shot all you're gonna do to make the LUT is click timeline then you

see the clip right here right click that click generate 3d lut cube alright and

we are going to name this let's say test the test

and then just save.. that is it your LUT is officially saved and just to show you

that it does indeed work let's go ahead and go to nodes I'm going to reset

this node nothing is done down here I'm going to right-click the node

I'm going to go down to LUTS 3d LUTS and test there it is and there it is

now it works you can use this in DaVinci Resolve you can use this in Final Cut

Pro Adobe Premiere whatever you'd like just make sure that when you save the

LUT you save it into a folder that you could find and then that's it just open

up whatever program that you would like find the LUT apply it and bam there you

go if you guys liked this video if it did indeed help you out make sure that

you slap that like on it subscribe to the channel for more videos like these

comment down below and if you have any questions yeah leave it down in the

comments so this helped you guys out I'll see you guys in the next one peace

For more infomation >> Make Your Own LUTS FAST With this Simple Trick (Create your own LUTS FREE) - Duration: 2:45.


25 top pop False ceiling Gypsum simple designs for living room - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 25 top pop False ceiling Gypsum simple designs for living room - Duration: 2:12.


Рогалики из 3 ингредиентов (затраты 50 рублей). Бюджетный рецепт - Duration: 1:47.

250 grams of flour 125 grams of margarine

120 grams of sour cream

Bake at 200° C for about 20 minutes. Served with any topping.

Like and Subscribe

For more infomation >> Рогалики из 3 ингредиентов (затраты 50 рублей). Бюджетный рецепт - Duration: 1:47.


How to Edit Photo Retouching By Photoshop CC | Simple Photo to Photo Retouching | color correction - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> How to Edit Photo Retouching By Photoshop CC | Simple Photo to Photo Retouching | color correction - Duration: 3:09.


Душевой гарнитур SIMPLE JET (стойка 600мм, шланг, лейка) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Душевой гарнитур SIMPLE JET (стойка 600мм, шланг, лейка) - Duration: 0:33.


Les dentistes nous cachent ceci. Ce simple mélange peut éliminer la plaque dentaire - Duration: 5:15.

Qui ne rêve pas d'avoir une dentition saine et éclatante de blancheur ?

Mais malheureusement, certains facteurs comme la mauvaise hygiène bucco-dentaire, la consommation d'aliments trop sucrés ou trop acides, ainsi que le tabagisme, favorisent l'accumulation de la plaque sur la surface des dents et provoque ainsi leur jaunissement.

Pour vous aider à en venir à bout, essayez ce mélange simple à préparer mais extrêmement efficace.

Qu'est-ce que la plaque dentaire ?

La plaque dentaire est une fine couche de débris alimentaire et de salive qui vient se déposer sur la surface des dents après chaque repas.

Quand elle n'est pas éliminée par un brossage correct, les bactéries naturellement présentes dans la bouche s'y logent pour se nourrir, produisant ainsi des excréments acides qui détruisent l'émail et favorisent l'inflammation des gencives.

De plus, quand plusieurs couches de plaque se superposent, elles peuvent durcir et se transformer en tarte, impossible alors à éliminer par un simple brossage.

Pour éviter tout cela et préserver votre santé bucco-dentaire ainsi que la blancheur naturelle de vos dents, voici un mélange très simple à préparer mais doté d'une efficacité redoutable contre la plaque dentaire.

Un mélange pour éliminer la plaque dentaire :

Pour préparer ce mélange, vous aurez besoin des ingrédients suivants :

1 cuillère à soupe de votre dentifrice ordinaire. 2 cuillères à soupe de bicarbonate de soude. 2 cuillères à soupe d'eau minérale.

Préparation :

Dans un bocal, mélangez soigneusement tous les ingrédients, puis appliquez un peu de ce mélange sur votre brosse-à-dents et utilisez-la pour vous brosser soigneusement les dents pendant 4 minutes. Rincez-vous à l'eau claire.

Répétez le même procédé, une fois par semaine pendant 1 mois pour éliminer complètement la plaque et redonner à vos dents leur éclat naturel.

Bienfaits du bicarbonate de soude :

Le bicarbonate de soude est une poudre blanche très connue pour ses multiples vertus et usages.

Dans le domaine de la santé bucco-dentaire, son efficacité a été maintes fois prouvée.

Grâce à ses cristaux, il nettoie efficacement les dents et en élimine les dépôts.

De plus ses propriétés antibactériennes neutralisent l'action des bactéries pathogènes dans la bouche, réduisant ainsi les risques de caries et d'inflammation des gencives.

Son effet désodorisant élimine les mauvaises odeurs et rafraîchit l'haleine, et son action blanchissante dissout les taches sur les dents, leur permettant ainsi de retrouver leur blancheur et leur éclat naturels.

Cependant, en raison de son caractère abrasif, il est conseillé de ne pas utiliser le bicarbonate de soude plus d'une fois par semaine.

Autres conseils pour une meilleure hygiène bucco-dentaire :

Adopter une alimentation riche en produits frais et naturels à forte teneur en nutriments et en antioxydants bénéfiques pour les dents, et la santé en général, et réduire au maximum la consommation d'aliments trop gras et trop sucrés qui favorisent la prolifération bactérienne dans la bouche ;

Réduire sa consommation de boissons astringentes telles que le café, le thé et l'alcool, qui augmentent les risques de caries et d'inflammation des gencives.

Utiliser une paille pour consommer les boissons acides, afin de limiter leur contact avec les dents et ainsi préserver leur émail de l'érosion ;

Se brosser les dents pendant 3 minutes après chaque repas, en utilisant une brosse à dents à poils souples pour nettoyer les dents sans les abîmer ou léser les gencives ;

Utiliser la soie dentaire pour éliminer les résidus d'aliments qui restent coincés entre les dents et qu'un brossage ordinaire n'arrive pas à déloger ;

Utiliser périodiquement un bain de bouche ;

Visiter régulièrement un dentiste pour bénéficier d'une révision générale de l'état de votre bouche et ainsi détecter d'éventuels problèmes bucco-dentaires à leurs débuts, ce qui facilitera leur traitement.

For more infomation >> Les dentistes nous cachent ceci. Ce simple mélange peut éliminer la plaque dentaire - Duration: 5:15.


CookingWithMe Ep4: Kem chuối - Simple banana ice cream - Duration: 2:33.

Choose well ripe Manzano bananas

Ingredients: 15 bananas

1 fresh coconut (shredded)

1 cup crushed roasted peanuts.

1 can of coconut milk, 1 cup of milk, 5 table spoons sugar, a pinch of salt, cook for 3 minutes, let it sit in room temperature.

15 sandwich bags

Put bananas into sandwich bags, use a cutting board to flatten the bananas, one by one

spread shredded coconut onto both side of flat bananas.

coconut milk mixture (2-3 table spoons)

then roasted peanuts

Put them in the freezer for more than 8 hours


For more infomation >> CookingWithMe Ep4: Kem chuối - Simple banana ice cream - Duration: 2:33.


Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 3:11.

Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home

For more infomation >> Simple Beautifull Cimarron1840A Park Model from Champion Home Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 3:11.


2018.Dec 29 A Simple card magic シンプル・カード・マジック - Duration: 0:57.

First, tell your partner, saying like "Please choose a card you like without telling me the card" or something

For instance, the partner chose this card.

then ask the partner "Is there the card you chose in this line?" your partner say "No"

"then in this line?" "No"

"In this line?" your partner says "Yes"

how you detect the card is simple...

the card the partner chose is

inevitably among the three

So just line up the three cards like this this time.

then ask the same thing "Is there the card" or something.

when your partner say "yes, there is the card I chose in the line"

then the card is this one.

For more infomation >> 2018.Dec 29 A Simple card magic シンプル・カード・マジック - Duration: 0:57.


The only 3 Things You Need for a Simple Video Setup + Why You Don't Want Shaky Video. - Duration: 2:45.

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most common questions that we get

when we're helping our clients set up their system to transform their business

with video and that is what is the gear we know what's the tech what's the stuff

actually need and they get confused a little overwhelmed because there's lots

of information out there and they want their videos to look good and they

assume that that means complexity and it doesn't good news is it doesn't anymore

used to in the old days yes but now not so much so the first tip is just use

your smart phone camera it takes great video it'll simplify your life

tremendously second thing is a external microphone plugs right into the

headphone jack or that adapter if you don't have one of those headphone jacks

anymore and that raises the level of quality the professionalism of your

video immediately the third thing is you want to use some weight to stabilize

your shot most people use a tripod and that's the easy answer but what I want

to get to is the non-verbal aspect I want to get you guys thinking a little

bit outside the tech and the gear and thinking about the nonverbal

subconscious messaging around your videos so when you are in this kind of

video where you're presenting yourself as a trusted guide or a coach or your

teaching you want your shot to be really stable and why do you think that is at a

subconscious level if they're watching a video and it's all shaky or just kind of

off-kilter the impression of the host that they're

gonna get of the host is that maybe that is how that person is as well when your

shot is really stable and solid then they're subconsciously thinking mmm this

is a source of trusted information and stability so that's the other reason you

want to keep your shot really stable when you're doing these kind of videos

and then the last thing is of course you need a light source you may want to

purchase one supplemental light you don't need a whole three-point light

setup you just might want one supplemental light like a box light or

some people using those Brown ring lights but with good results that's fine

and it can help you and give you some flexibility as the Sun starts to change

in the room that you're taping in then you can use your supplemental light to

help feel and also bump up the professionalism of

the look of the shop just a tad awesome okay that's what we've got for you today

we have more tips on a YouTube channel so we'd love it if you'd hop over there

and subscribe and there's also a one-page list of all of these equipment

tips that will simplify your life as well because you could order all your

gear in about 10 minutes and be done with it okay thank you so much we'll see

you soon bye

For more infomation >> The only 3 Things You Need for a Simple Video Setup + Why You Don't Want Shaky Video. - Duration: 2:45.


Simple Beautifull 2018 Skyline Shore Park 1981CTE Park Model from Driftwood RV Center - Duration: 4:31.

Simple Beautifull 2018 Skyline Shore Park 1981CTE Park Model from Driftwood RV Center

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