Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

News on Youtube May 30 2018

George Washington was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Without his efforts both on and off the battlefield, America would not be the country it is today.

Yet this was very nearly the case as Washington faced almost certain death at the Battle of


In July of 1755 at the beginning of the French and Indian war, British forces, led by General

Edward Braddock, were attacked ten miles east of the present day city of Pittsburgh.

The largely outnumbered French and Indian soldiers still managed to deal a crushing

defeat to the British in the favoured terrain of the wooded Indian hunting grounds.

Among the 1,300 British soldiers was a rear guard of Virginians led by a young Colonel

George Washington.

Washington helped co-ordinate a retreat of the surviving British soldiers.

Commissioned officers were the primary targets for gunfire and two of Washington's horses

were shot out from under him as he remained exposed to almost continuous gunfire.

Just over a week later Washington wrote a letter to his brother John where he recounted

that " the All-powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond

all human probability or expectation; for I had four Bullets through my Coat, and two

Horses shot under me; yet escaped unhurt, altho Death was leveling my Companions on

every side of me!"

Almost sixteen years later, in October 1770, Washington was travelling to the Ohio River


His personal physician Dr. James Craik was present and attested to an encounter between

Washington and a local Indian leader, Chief Red Hawk.

An interpreter stepped forward and informed Washington that "...the chief was a very great

man among the northwestern tribes, and the same who commanded the Indians on the fall

of Braddock, sixteen years before."

Through his interpreter Red Hawk went on to tell Washington how his warriors were ordered

to target him directly but upon witnessing that none of their shots had any effect and

believing that a great spirit was protecting him, they reportedly ceased fire.

Red Hawk himself claimed to have shot at Washington 11 times, without success.

He then said of Washington, that "he will become the chief of nations, and a people

yet unborn, will hail him as the father of a mighty empire!"

Was Washington miraculously protected?

Had he died that July day in 1755, would the world we live in today be a different place?

Would the United States of America still have risen to prominence without this founding


When General Edward Braddock died of his wounds a few days after the battle, he uttered some

of his last words in Washington's ear, rhetorically asking "Who would have thought?"

Indeed, who would have thought, that a young Colonel in the British forces would be miraculously

preserved during the defeat suffered at Monongahela, to then later lead the way in bringing about

the most powerful nation the world has ever seen?

I am Jonathan Riley for Tomorrow's World Viewpoint.

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At a time when national leaders around the world are plagued by scandals,

or claims of corruption, we can look back in history to find better examples

such as that of John A. MacDonald.

For more infomation >> George Washington: The Battle of Monongahela - Duration: 3:26.


Opinion | What's the hurry, Sarah Sanders? - Duration: 1:43.

We're gonna keep today pretty short.

Uh, so we'll keep this short today.

And with that, I'll get started.



"Sarah, really quickly."

Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're gonna be really short today.

Major, go ahead.

Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're running out of time.


Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're gonna get real tight on time here.


"Follow up on Gina Haspel --"

I'm gonna just keep moving 'cause I did it to your colleague.


I'm gonna pop around today since we're on short timeframe.


"Sarah, I said I had a second question."

Sorry, I'm, we're tight on time, so I'm gonna hop.


Sorry I'm gonna keep going 'cause we're really tight on time today.

Steve, go ahead.

We're gonna have to keep it quick and short today.

I'm just gonna keep going 'cause we're running light on time.

Sorry, Peter, I have got tight time, I'm gonna keep moving.


Sorry, I'm gonna do one question at a time today 'cause we got short on time.

John, go ahead.


Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving 'cause we're tight on time.


"Just one more question, Sarah."

Sorry, Jacqueline. I'm gonna keep moving.

Go ahead, Kristen.

Jacqueline, I'm gonna move onto Kristen.

Sorry, we are tight on time with the visit of the Alabama team coming up soon.

Go ahead.

"Um, can you follow up on that question?"

I think by my mere presence of standing up here and taking your questions unvetted is

a pretty good example of freedom of the press.

And I think it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.


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