Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

News on Youtube Aug 29 2018

We use computers, we use phones, we use the Internet,

we see these things,

and so we have some kind of tangible relationship to them.

But when you go to your doctor

and they take some fluid out of your body

and then come back and tell you about it,

we don't see all the biotechnology that's happening behind the scenes.

We don't see the whole market in fluids and data that's behind that.

It's totally invisible to us.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg, take one.

I studied visual art alongside computer science.

And so my work is really trying to ask deep questions

about technology and how it functions and its impact on society.

In Stranger Visions, the question was

how much can I learn about a stranger from a hair.

I collected genetic artifacts,

so things that strangers left in public, like

chewed-up gum and cigarette butts and fingernails.

I extracted DNA from them and analyzed it.

And then what came out of that were these 3D printed portraits

that represented one genomic interpretation

of what a stranger might look like

based on their genetic material.

One aspect, was the kind of genetic surveillance aspect,

that there was this vulnerability of the body.

And then the second thing was this new technology

was emerging of DNA phenotyping.

DNA phenotyping is the attempt to create

an actual picture of a person's face

from nothing more than their DNA.

Two years after I exhibited Stranger Visions,

a company called Parabon NanoLabs launched

a product called DNA Snapshot

that claims to do just this—

to take DNA from a crime scene

and make a picture of "the criminal."

And this I knew from my work and Stranger Visions

was just not possible; it was too subjective.

There were many possible interpretations

of one person's face based on their data.

It wasn't this reductionist process.

Actually, it was complex and nuanced and messy.

The biotechnological universe is growing all around us all the time.

DNA phenotyping, recreational genetics,

databases like 23andMe and,

GEDmatch, the criminal database.

We have to really radically think about

what it means to live in a time where there is no genetic privacy.

We have to be hackers.

We have to, like, DIY the whole thing.

I would really like to see more artists

and creative people working in

public interest technology,

making visible this kind of hidden world of biotechnology.

For more infomation >> What Can Your Genetic Portrait Tell the World? #PublicInterestTech - Duration: 2:47.


How To Increase Your Worth - Duration: 7:21.

Welcome to lesson 4 of the BeeFriend course!

In our previous lesson we learned about an extremely important rule that we have to keep

in mind to make sure that we're making friends and not enemies.

In today's lesson we're going to talk about a powerful concept that has the potential

to 2x , 3x, heck even 5x, the speed of which you make friends.

Let's imagine for a second that above every single person's head – is a number that

represents how much they are worth.

This is a concept that is often referred to as value.

And as shallow as it seems, as much as we'd like to think we don't do this, we are all

automatically assigning values to the people around us.

See our brain and also the brains of most other mammals have evolved to do this because

it allows us to create a hierarchy in our heads.

It allows us to figure out who the most powerful person in the room is.

Who we should try to gain the favor of and also who isn't so useful and can be ignored.

This was important because for millions of years we humans used to live in tight knit


If you couldn't identify and gain the approval of the people with the highest values in this

group, the people who were in charge, the ones with the most power, your life would

be at risk.

Now you're probably wondering.

Improvement Pill that's nice to know and all but how in the world does this relate to befriending


Well the higher your perceived value is in comparison to the people around you, the easier

it will be for you to befriend others.

People will want to be your friend before even meeting you.

They will want to win your favor.

However, if your value is too low – you will have a much harder time making friends.

In fact, people might even start ignoring you.

Now this brings up 2 questions.

Number one how exactly do we determine what our current value is?

And number 2 what can we do to increase it?

Well there are 3 categories of things that humans look at when determining how much someone

is worth.

We'll briefly go through each one and also talk about what you can do to improve each

of these areas.

The first category is Looks.

Someones physical appearance.

We look at hygiene.

Whether or not someone is well groomed.

If you look and smell like you haven't showered in weeks your perceived value will be much


Go take a shower, get a haircut, do your laundry, clip your nails, and take care of yourself.

Because if you look like you can't even take care of yourself you'll look like someone

who can't help take care of others.

We look at physical attractiveness which can be broken down into two parts.

The first are indicators of health.

If you're extremely overweight, if you look sick, if you look extremely tired - your perceived

value is lower.

This is because you look like someone that will drag down the group.

Hit the gym, fix your diet, and get proper sleep.

The second type of physical attractiveness that we look for are good genetics which means

you can produce healthy offspring.

This has value because the only way we can continue the human civilization is by producing

offspring that survive into adulthood.

So we instinctively look for things like symmetry of the face for both genders, height, wide

shoulders, and jaw line if your a guy, hip to waist ratio, breast size, and youthfulness

if your a girl.

This is a touchy subject because many of these things are impossible to change.

You can't really change things like your height or the symmetry of your face.

But the good news is that these factors are only part of the puzzle.

If you focus on everything else that can increase your value you can still become someone of

very very high value.

For example it's possible to get wider shoulders and increase muscle mass by going to the gym.

You can also use fashion to your advantage.

Which is the final thing that we look for in regards to Looks.

The objects and clothing that you wear can compliment the features of your body.

Someone who is short can look taller, Someone who is a chubby can look more muscular, someone

who has poor face symmetry can create the illusion of symmetry by using clothes and

accessories to their advantage.

The next category of things we look for in order to determine someones value is Status.

Essentially how much power they have.

We look for indicators of wealth.

Money is is literally a piece of paper that has an assigned value.

You can trade that paper for food.

You can trade that paper for a house.

This is why people like to talk about money as an indicator of success because the more

money you make the more valuable you technically are.

However, it's not like you can just pull out your bank statement and show that everyone

you meet.

Wealth is something that is best subtlety conveyed.

Fashion plays a big role, things like jewelry and watches, but also how generous you are

are all indicators of wealth.

But it's important to note that wealth is something that is valued much more in developing

countries as compared to modern ones.

For example in NYC you won't be impressing anyone by wearing a fancy watch and flashing

a couple hundreds.

In fact people will most likely roll their eyes at you.

But in a developing country that's a pretty big deal.

Either way it's still important to have your finances in tact because if you're dirt broke

you won't be able to bring anything to the table.

Instead you'd be force to become a taker of value, someone who needs the help of others

to survive.

People who can only take are immediately seen as low value.

Think about most homeless people.

They are virtually invisible because they are forced to beg for help.

The next thing we look for in regards to Status is someone's career.

We look for signs that tell us what sort of role this person plays in the setting that

we're in.

For example if you're in hospital the guy who is dressed like a surgeon is going to

have more value than the guy dressed like a nurse.

If you're in a night club the DJ is going to have more value than some random dude on

the dance floor.

And finally the last thing we look for is social proof.

Basically how many friends you already have and also how well known you are.

If somebody walks into the room and everyone says hi to them and they're all smiling you

wonder to yourself "wow who is that guy" - but if someone walks into the room and just

sits in the corner and plays with his phone you don't think anything of him.

Social proof is one of the 2 most powerful indicators of value.

If a lot of people know you - you're essentially a celebrity and it doesn't really matter what

you look like or how much money you have – people will automatically want to interact with you

because of your fame.

So if you're not the best looking guy you can still increase your value tremendously

by simply learning how to befriend everyone around you – which is essentially the purpose

of this course.

Before we get to the final area for determining someones value – I do want to mention something

very quickly.

Going through a video course like the BeeFriend Course of the Tamed Course is very powerful

but it's nothing compared to the results you'll get from a one-on-one coaching program.

If you're someone who really wants to change and you're willing to invest in yourself please

sign up for my mailing list using the link in the description box below to learn more

about my upcoming coaching services.

The final area we look at when determining someones value is their demeanor, how they


Your demeanor is equally as important as your social proof.

We look at body language.

Whether or not someone has open or closed body language.

Things like good posture, an open chest, and uncrossed arms are all indicators that you

are relaxed.

The more relaxed you look the higher your perceived value will be.

Because people who are relaxed tend to be the people at the top.

We'll dive deeper into proper body language later on in the course.

Next up - we listen to someones voice and tonality.

If you have a high pitched voice it means that your body is tense.

You aren't relaxed.

And like we mentioned before if you don't seem relaxed your perceived value will be


There's also going to be an in-depth video on voice and tonality later on in the course.

And finally the last thing we look at is something called Frame.

This is a rather complicated concept but to sum it up it's basically how easily effected

you are by outside conditions.

For example if someone was to make fun of you, are you the type of person who would

easily get offended or are you someone who would just laugh because you don't care.

The stronger your frame is, the less you are effected by outside factors, the more confident

you seem in yourself.

Which will increase your value.

Think of value as a multiplier in front of our equation so far.

If you are someone who has an extremely high value such as a celebrity you can literally

befriend others 10x faster than normal people.

I'm not saying you have to become a celebrity, but you should definitely work on improving

your overall value in order to 2x or even 3x the speed of which you make friends.

This is a double edged sword because if you let yourself go and let your value drop you

will have to work twice or even 3 times as hard as the average joe in order to befriend


In our next video we're going start the next portion of the course.

Which is all about body language.

Body language is the most important factor you need to keep in mind when it comes to

initially making friends.

If you don't do it right you won't find any success.

So make sure you subscribe, hit that bell icon, and stay tuned.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Your Worth - Duration: 7:21.


How Much Money Did Logan Paul & KSI Make During The Boxing Match? - Duration: 3:59.

Hello Internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions - the place where we throw our inhibitions in a ring and let them duke

it out in all their glory.

As always - I'll be your vocal contender, Jack Finch - as we perplexingly purse our

lips, watch a fly buzz out of our wallet and ask the question - How Much Money Did Logan

Paul and KSI Make During The Fight?

Unless you live beneath a metaphorical rock, then you all know by now that on Saturday

25th of August, at the Manchester MEN Arena, two men stepped into a ring - and neither

were a victor.

Whether you think it rigged - a publicity stunt - or a strange incarnation of the two,

the fact of the matter is that the fight was declared a draw - with a two-thirds judges

majority being undecided on the technical outcome.

Dubbed the biggest fight in internet history - which, unashamedly, is actually true - this

particular money fight was only the first of two - with the second bout rumoured to

be taking place next year in the United States - but how much did these pair of young entrepreneurs

actually make in this colossal conflict?

If you're familiar with White Collar Boxing, you'll usually know that in essence - it's

a vanity fight.

Two competitors pay to get into the ring together, and they sell tickets to their friends and

family to watch them brawl - and everyone, generally, has a great night.

Well - the former isn't the same if you're KSI, Deji, or the Paul Brothers - because

this event was something that would set most professional boxers reeling.

The split their purse 50/50 - whichever way it went, both camps were set to make one hell

of a buck.

But - although neither party have revealed details about how much money was in it for

them - it's incredibly likely that both of them have walked away with millions after

the fight.

We do know one thing - fans wanting to watch the live stream had to pay 7.50 to tune into

the fight - with a staggering 800'000 people doing so across the globe.

We're no mathematicians - but that sounds like 6 million British pounds to us.

On top of that - KSI was stated to be taking 100% of the Manchester ticket sales - while

Logan will be taking all of the profits from their second bout in the United States.

It's been bounced around by several pundits and professionals that both camps could be

walking away with 30 to 40 million British pounds each.

We won't even take into account the insane amount of views that both KSI and Logan paul

have garnered during the run up to the fight - with the hype train at its terminal velocity,

SocialBlade indicates that either fighter has racked up anywhere between 10k to 60k

per video in the last two months alone.

Also - pile on top of that the merch sales, I know one particular fan at the LBQ office

who's sporting a fresh new KSI t-shirt - and those things aren't cheap.

Both KSI and the Paul Brothers were incredibly vocal about the legality surrounding their

fight - and the lengths that their teams would go to prevent people from illegally viewing

their Manchester based bout.

But as we know - this is the internet, and you can't put the toothpaste back in the

tube - people are gonna pirate it, guys.

An estimated "millions" of people tuned in to Twitch hijacks of the site, making off

with even more revenue for the fight's YouTube pay-per-view stream, so who knows how much

more they potentially could have made.

I guess we won't know until we hear it from the horse's mouth - but there's one thing

we do know, they made a shed tonne of money, either way.

Well - do you think it's deserved, folks?

Do you emplore the pair for their shrewd marketing techniques?

Is it the biggest cash-grab of the century?

Speak your mind in the comment box down below.

If you're a fan of this video - give it a great big thumbs up - or a thumbs down,

respectively, I won't hold it against you.

If you'd like to continue your questioning binge, feel free to hit that playlist floating

shortly above.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, take it easy.

For more infomation >> How Much Money Did Logan Paul & KSI Make During The Boxing Match? - Duration: 3:59.


How Much Money can be made From Foreign Exchange trading | Tani Forex Urdu Hindi Tutorial - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> How Much Money can be made From Foreign Exchange trading | Tani Forex Urdu Hindi Tutorial - Duration: 11:12.


Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.


Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.


How to: Check data usage on Samsung - Duration: 0:55.

Hello, this video is going to show you how to check your data usage on the samsung

First, you want to go to your settings

Then, go to connections

Select data Usage

Click on Mobile Data Usage

This is where you can view how much data you have used with which apps

You can change the time period by selecting the drop down menu in the top left

Thank you for watching, drop us a like and check out our Video Guides at out YouTube channel.

Or call us on 01484 441 468

Also, follow us on social media, you can find the links in the description below

For more infomation >> How to: Check data usage on Samsung - Duration: 0:55.


Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Giving thanks for how far we've come since the levees broke - Duration: 4:07.


How to: Check data usage on the iPhone - Duration: 0:32.

Hello, this video is going to show you how to check your data usage on the iPhone

First, go to your settings

Then mobile data

Scroll down to view the mobile data used by the different apps

Thank you for watching, drop us a like and check out our other video guides at our YouTube Channel.

Or call us on 01484 441 468

Also, follow us on social media, you can find the links in the description below.

For more infomation >> How to: Check data usage on the iPhone - Duration: 0:32.


How much is the minimum capital to invest into Malaysian stock market? - Duration: 3:47.

How much is the minimum capital to invest into Malaysian Stock market?

Hi, i'm Guan Hor here. I was often asked of this question.

& my answer was: Well it's depends.

it's depends on which counter you want to invest into.

Let's say you want to invest into Airasia.

The share of Airasia now worth at RM 3.45,

& minimum shares you need to buy is 100 shares

which is also 1 board lot.

So, You will need to folk out RM345 to buy the shares.

Of course this amount is excluding brokerage fee.

But what if you want to buy invest into EDUSPEC?

EDUSPEC now worth 5 cent per share .

& the minimum share that you need to buy is also 100 unit

So, 100 times 5 cents is 5 Ringgits only.

Of course i won't do that. Because if there is any profit,

it won't able to cover the brokerage fee

99.999% sure loss.

Now what if you want to buy NESTLE?

NESTLE now worth RM 147.50 per share.

So the minimum you need to folk out 100 times RM 147.50?

which is RM14,750?


Well that's not the answer.

The minimum amount to invest into Nestle

is just RM147.50

Eh, why ar? i thought we need buy minimum 100 unit?

That's what's you think right?

Well, there is odd lot market for some counters.

& from the odd lot market u can buy minimum

only 1 shares.

But of course you will need ask your broker about this.

People may think investing need a lot of capital

But it's actually not.

So, why not start today?

Now, i want you to share this video to your friend

who still think invest in stock market

need a lot of capital.


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